Feminine and masculine energy.

Male and female energy in a relationship balance each other. And if someone takes on other people's functions, then the second one does not automatically perform them. For example, if the wife performs male functions by 70%, then the husband is left with 30%. And that's exactly what he will do. When we build a family, it's better for everyone to do their own thing, and not climb into someone else's. This does not mean that the woman is not involved in the process. Believe me, our role is very important. It is we who give the spouse most of the energy for accomplishments, create conditions for relaxation, and inspire new feats.


November 28, 2022

How to know in 5 minutes that you will break up?

Watch your fight! Breaking up couples fight each other. They fight among themselves and the subject of the conflict serves only as a pretext for starting a showdown. The scandal quickly becomes personal. Saved couples quarrel over the subject of the dispute. Without getting personal and without putting all relationships into question because of the subject of the conflict. Conclusion: behavior in a quarrel is just an indicator of the deep relationship of people to each other.


November 28, 2022

The relationship problem

This is the problem of balancing autonomy and attachment (or autonomy and connection). On the one hand, one must learn to be in a relationship with another without giving in to the desire to avoid isolation by becoming attached to that other. But he or she must also learn, while in a relationship with the other, not to treat his or her partner like a means of avoiding isolation. Past love is the source of your strength, while present love is the result of your strength.


November 28, 2022

In our consumer society, novelty has become the key to everything.

The mechanism of obsolescence is built into products from the beginning and it's supposed to make us buy something new. Relationships are subject to the same tendencies. We live in a culture that constantly promises us something better, newer, more interesting. So now people divorce not because they feel unhappy, but because they believe they can be happier.


November 28, 2022

Have you ever noticed how after the words "you can't," our brain starts to want it desperately?

Just when we decide to give up alcohol, our body urgently needs a dose of alcohol. Just when we swear not to bless out, dirty words slip out immediately. It happens because of the prohibition, which you want to get around. To overcome this problem, it is important not to stop your forbidden thoughts, but to relax and accept them as a given. Try to understand that there are no restrictions at all, you can break any promise even now, YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE! Instead of hiding from the forbidden fruit, it's better to think about the result of your efforts. It will inspire you to stick to your chosen path.


November 28, 2022

Do you know the difference between a master and a common man?

It lies in the fact that a master has mastered a particular skill. That is, the person once learned or tried something and realized what benefits he or she gets in doing it. So the person tried it again and again. As soon as he or she find their weaknesses, fears or shortcomings, they eliminate them. The more challenges he or she overcomes, the stronger they become. There's one more important element of this process – self-observation. Endless self-awareness. It's an evaluation of one's own effectiveness and the quality of results.


November 28, 2022

Sleep Affirmations

We are used to the fact that repeating affirmations are a morning practice. However, bedtime affirmations are also very effective. Your brain is just as active in the evening with hundreds of thoughts running through it. Negative attitudes slip through as well. Let's try to analyze and transform them into positive ones. For example: "I am sluggish, and I didn't manage to take my time again". "I am really good, I did a lot of pleasant things today". Positive affirmations before going to sleep help calm down, refocus our energy and attention on the positive, review the day and keep our mind off mundane matters.


November 28, 2022

The Power of Gratitude

Inner gratitude for everything that surrounds a person is a sign of a high level of awareness. It is even more than just awareness. It's our POWER. Thanks to this power, we reveal our potential, as well as increase energy and motivation, and the meaning of life becomes clearer and more vivid. Furthermore, you can get to the next level if you express your gratitude through actions, deeds and behavior.


November 28, 2022

It could have all been different

So it begins... Biting your elbows and lips, brating yourself up over the fact that you should have done everything differently, say it differently, slam the door louder and leave earlier. Quit it! It is important to learn to experience the consequences of wrong choices without self-destruction, self-torture and sleepless nights. There is no point in tormenting yourself with what you can no longer change.


November 28, 2022

Horoscope for December. Gemini.

The beginning of December is hardly complete without worries and excitement. Most often they will be associated with the actions of others. The less you rely on others, the easier it will be to keep calm and achieve your goals. It is better not to rush into important decisions regarding work. You can make some unusual and tempting offers. However, before accepting them, you need to collect more useful information and think about everything properly. The middle of the month will be completely different: rich, productive and inspiring. It will be easy for you to learn new things, you will learn a lot of useful things, you will understand how to get along with people who could become your allies. You will need the ability to get along with others, to make a good impression. Relationships that start as business at this time may later become friendly or even romantic if you take the initiative. The last days of December will hardly do without fuss, but on the whole they will pass very pleasantly. It is important to prioritize correctly, not to try to do everything that was planned before. Think about what you can put off until later. Free time should be spent with people who are especially dear to you - this will allow you to avoid resentment and other relationship problems.


November 28, 2022

Horoscope for December. Taurus.

In early December, you will need to work hard, but your efforts will definitely not be in vain. On the contrary, you will achieve even more than you expected. From a professional point of view, this time will be especially successful for Taurus, whose work requires communication with different people, the ability to find an approach to them. Your leadership qualities will be especially pronounced: if you need to lead other people, there will be no problems with this. This time will be successful in terms of personal relationships. If before there were disagreements, now they will be replaced by mutual understanding. People with whom you often argued before will begin to understand you much better, willingly make concessions if necessary. The second half of the month will be especially favorable for work. Many of your professional endeavors will be successful. There will be a chance to enlist the support of influential people, to find allies whose support will come in handy more than once. Your knowledge and experience will be useful to others, and your authority will increase. It is unlikely that at this time you will be able to completely avoid worries and worries, but in general the emotional background will be favorable. Surely there will be reasons for joy, and there will be people nearby who know how to cheer you up.


November 28, 2022

Horoscope for December. Aries.

If you behave correctly in early December, you will soon receive interesting business offers, you can climb the career ladder or significantly increase your income. Professional opportunities may open up that you never expected before. The entire first half of the month is a time when it is useful to take initiative in all areas of life, share your ideas and support others, take on something new. You will have to attend crowded meetings more often than usual, to be in sight. Meetings are possible that will make a strong impression on you, interesting acquaintances. The only area that will require caution in early December is finances. Not everything will go smoothly here, your rash actions can lead to unnecessary expenses. However, in the second half of the month the situation will change dramatically: at this time, successful transactions and cash receipts are likely. The second half of December will also be successful for work, but only if you take it seriously. However, this applies to all spheres of life: frivolity will not lead to anything good. The end of the month promises to please you with some changes for the better in personal relationships, with pleasant events that you have long dreamed of.


November 28, 2022

Five unfortunate boyfriends according to the horoscope. 3rd place - Taurus.

For most Taurus, career growth and personal development always come first. Then come material well-being and meetings with friends. Therefore, a girl who dares to get involved (this is the word, yes) in a relationship with Taurus will have to come to terms with the role of "second violin". Even if the matter ends in a wedding, you will always doubt the reciprocity of feelings, because in this world everything and everything is important for Taurus, except for their soulmate and her interests. It is worth noting that it is generally not easy for Taurus to start a relationship and openly call someone “his girlfriend”. These freedom-loving people are in no hurry to share their personal space. Men of this sign are sensitive to the concept of property and do not get tired of reminding about it.


November 28, 2022

The secrets of the success of charismatic Sagittarius women in men. 1. Optimism.

The charming and charming pets of Jupiter have a lot of fans. Fiery ladies are never alone and are constantly bathed in compliments. What is the secret of the success of Sagittarius women, and how do they attract men? Secret 1. Optimism. The heel broke, the stockings were torn, the mascara flowed, and the Sagittarius women laugh and do not lose heart. Why be sad? Now the suitors will come running and fix everything. Fire creatures are able to find pluses in any situation. Cheerful beauties can cheer up even an incorrigible beech ... so that he joins the ranks of admirers.


November 28, 2022

6 reasons not to fall in love with a Gemini: 1. Sarcasm.

They say about Gemini that they have two faces: it is this zodiac sign that is most often accused of duplicity and inconstancy. However, such changeability often attracts the opposite sex, because a person understands that it will not be boring. However, Gemini has other qualities that are dangerous for relationships, which are better known on the shore, and uznayvse.ru will tell you more about them. The positive qualities of people born under the sign of Gemini include a sense of humor. They have a great ability to notice interesting details and a suspended tongue, thanks to which they sparkle with jokes. But often humor takes on dark shades, turning into sarcasm. If cute "shots" from the side of the Gemini of the chosen one can even provoke, then evil ridicule can offend. The airy persons themselves do not see anything shameful in their behavior. They do not understand why such small, in their opinion, “remarks” are unpleasant for passions. Moreover, with a calm mind, Gemini can start teasing a loved one in the company of friends, which will put him in an even more awkward situation.


November 28, 2022

Daily horoscope November 28th.

Capricorn♑️ It is unlikely to do without minor misunderstandings. However, serious problems will not arise at this time. Therefore, do not lose heart and do not abandon your plans. A lot of things will turn out much better than you expected. With the support of the stars, you will be able to succeed in difficult matters. Aquarius♒️ Be persistent. This day will hardly be very simple, but you will be able to succeed in many things. New opportunities will open up and you won't want to miss any of them. Many Aquarians today will solve complex issues that were beyond the power of others. Pisces♓️ A good day to take the initiative in business, share your ideas, try to interest others in them. There will be a chance to get both sensible advice and real help from people whose goals are similar to yours. Relationships that were previously purely professional may become less formal, almost friendly.


November 28, 2022

Daily horoscope November 28th.

Libra♎️ Be careful with money. Definitely don't rush into decisions regarding transactions and purchases today. The rest of the day will be favorable. You will achieve noticeable success in your work, cope with things that were beyond the power of others. Scorpio♏️ You can hardly avoid tense moments. Delays in business are possible, and a violation of the agreements on which you had high hopes is not excluded. But there will be no insurmountable obstacles on the way, you will cope with all the difficulties. Many Scorpios will benefit from the experience gained earlier. Sagittarius♐️ There will be a lot to do, so most likely you will not want to waste time in vain. However, there is no need to rush too much: rash acts can only bring difficulties. It will be useful to consult with people who have helped you more than once and supported many of your undertakings.


November 28, 2022

Daily horoscope November 28th.

Cancer♋️ Today it will not be so easy to avoid disputes, and you may not want to. The perseverance and perseverance that you show today will surprise others, as will your unwillingness to make concessions even in small things. Leo♌️ It is better not to plan anything particularly serious at the beginning of the day. Wait a bit; the right time for decisive action and important meetings will come a little later. The morning can be devoted to the completion of the affairs started earlier. You will be able to cope with the usual tasks quickly. The second half of the day will open up a lot of interesting opportunities. Virgo♍️ Any important meetings and serious conversations should be planned for the first half of the day. It is this time that will be especially favorable for communication. Getting along with others will not be difficult: you will find an approach even to those who previously did not understand you at all.


November 28, 2022

Daily horoscope November 28th.

Aries♈️ The day will be bright and inspiring. It is suitable for returning to things that could not be dealt with before. Now the stars will be on your side, and there is a chance that everything will work out well. The day is also suitable for planning and solving organizational issues. You will be especially attentive and serious, do not lose sight of anything. Taurus♉️ Whatever plans you make for this day, try not to rush to implement them. Think things through, make sure you have all the information you need, decide what to focus on first and what to put off until later. All this will allow you to avoid unnecessary worries and worries if something does not go as you expected. Gemini♊️ It is unlikely to bring any significant events or major changes. This is the perfect time to finish things you started earlier. Here it is better not to rush, so as not to lose sight of anything. The influence of positive trends will noticeably increase in the middle of the day. Some lucky coincidences are waiting for you.


November 28, 2022

Daily horoscope November 27th.

Capricorn♑️ Today you will do a lot of things well, you will be able to cope even with difficult things. It is worth listening to intuition: it is thanks to its prompts that you will quickly orient yourself in an ambiguous situation, understand how to act. The day is suitable for bringing some unusual ideas to life. Aquarius♒️ The day will go well if you do not worry about minor difficulties, some unfortunate coincidences, unexpected events that force you to adjust your plans. The stars will be on your side and everything will turn out well, you can benefit from many ambiguous situations. Pisces♓️ The beginning of the day is hardly without worries, and often your own mistakes will cause them. Try to be more careful, not to take risks where you can do without it. It is better to rely on your own strength, and not expect support from others. Over time, the influence of positive trends will increase. You will feel more confident, you will understand that you are ready to take on something new.


November 27, 2022