Emotional Health Rules by Liz Burbo

4. Find time for good sleep! It would be great if before bed you decide to dive into an inspiring read that raises your vibrations of love and self-respect. If you still find it difficult to fall asleep due to the increased activity of your mind, get up and write down everything that happens in your head. When you go to bed again, visualize only your desires, but in no case current problems.


November 29, 2022

Emotional Health Rules by Liz Burbo

3. Be mindful of your own thoughts! Remember, you can never control what other people say or believe. But you can decide to become the master of your own thoughts and therefore your words, which are always a reflection of your thinking.


November 29, 2022

Emotional Health Rules by Liz Burbo

2. Drink more water! We remind you that the different types of liquid you consume during the day are not included in the two liters of water that you should drink daily. It should be exactly pure natural water, which can help you cleanse yourself of the acid produced now by almost all food products.


November 29, 2022

Emotional Health Rules by Liz Burbo

Seven rules of emotional health from the new book of the incredible Canadian philosopher, psychologist and author of numerous bestsellers Lisa Burbo, which everyone should know 1. Wear colorful clothes! People who wear exclusively black clothes tend to suffer from the so-called "rejected" trauma. Thus, they seem to be trying to reduce the degree of suffering they experience, because the black color "cuts off" the ability to feel the world around them. But they forget one thing: other people cannot feel them either.


November 29, 2022

Most of all, people get tired of themselves.

From their experiences, fears, conjectures and anxieties. Feeling guilty and trying to control everything. From the impossibility for at least some time not to run ahead (simulating situations) and not look back (looking for analogues and clichés). Stop comparing, stop scaring yourself, don't have illusions, don't think for others, stop talking in your own head...


November 29, 2022

Keep anger and irritation under control

Anger and irritation are not the best advisors in negotiations. I would like to share a technique that will help you quickly bring yourself back to your senses. Do you feel like the conversation has reached an impasse and irritation is growing? Take a break, go to another room, and try to focus on your breathing at least for 5 minutes, imagining that you exhale RAGE with the air. Breathing should be slow and deep. After you've calmed down, you can go back to the dialogue.


November 29, 2022

Resist temptations

Do it before they grow into bad habits. Limiting access to your temptations is a great addition to your willpower that can be crucial to increasing self-discipline. If you tend to be distracted by Facebook, block yourself from being online during work hours. Are you addicted to weekend shopping and can't stop? Leave your credit card at home and take only a limited amount of cash.


November 29, 2022

I just want to help

There are people who are so confident in their own omnipotence and power that they strive to help everyone. Without any regard whatsoever! It doesn’t matter if you need their help at all! After all, the person on the receiving end may not know that he needs the help, whereas these people know exactly who requires some. Relatives and close friends of these people live difficult lives. The constant projection of kindness and forcing your good deeds onto people can cause more harm than good.


November 29, 2022

Unusual entertainment and health center

In the Swedish city of Helsingborg, they took care of the psychological and physical condition of gamers and opened an entertainment and health center for them. In the over 3,000 sqm center, gamers can interact with their “colleagues” live, play basketball and football, and even go to a cafe with healthy food. We also didn't forget about zones for video games.


November 29, 2022

Horoscope for December. Virgo.

In early December, it can be difficult to objectively evaluate the circumstances, the actions of other people, and your own actions. Try not to build illusions, pay attention to the comments of friends whose knowledge and experience you trust. It is important not to commit yourself to any serious obligations until you are absolutely sure that you can fulfill them. This time is well suited to do familiar work, complete things that have been started earlier, solve some organizational issues, and draw up documents. Mid-December will be especially bright and inspiring. This is the right time for creativity, starting new business, as well as communicating with people who willingly support new ideas, try to use all the interesting opportunities. Amazing meetings, unusual acquaintances are possible that will make a strong impression on you. It is not excluded the beginning of a romantic story. New relationships will develop rapidly, and this will please you. Try not to overwork in the last days of the month. It may seem that you need to act very quickly in order to do a lot, and there is not a minute to rest. However, it is worth taking a short pause to think things over, to reconsider priorities. Perhaps you will understand: something can be postponed until later, and the freed up time can be devoted to what helps to restore strength.


November 29, 2022

Horoscope for December. Leo.

Be especially persistent in early December: this is just what you need to achieve your long-standing goals. You will achieve noticeable progress in the cases that were started a few months ago, you will do a lot of useful things for the implementation of serious long-term projects. Small cash receipts, income growth are likely. Do not rush to spend the received amounts: they will be useful to you a little later for something important. Mid-December will bring many important meetings, unusual acquaintances. It will be favorable for communicating with people who are not at all like you. It is possible that it is from them that you will receive help, and exactly when it is most needed. However, it is important not to mix business and personal relationships, not to rely on your likes and dislikes when it comes to work. The last days of the month will be especially important for you. They will bring answers to questions that you have thought about a lot before, help you decide on plans for the future. It is possible that your goals will change, and you will decide to focus on what you previously paid too little attention to.


November 29, 2022

Horoscope for December. Cancer .

In early December, it will be difficult to maintain balance. This is the time when you will be prone to hasty decisions and rash actions. Some Cancers will also be characterized by a quick temper, which will unpleasantly surprise others, and prevent them from calmly discussing important issues. However, this situation will not be long, changes for the better will not take long. It will be useful to focus on those cases, the successful outcome of which depends only on you. Having achieved success in them, you will feel much calmer and more confident. Mid-December will be successful in many ways. You will successfully complete the cases that you did before, solve issues that have long required attention. New plans for the future may appear, soon you will be able to realize them. Whatever you do, try not to rush. It is possible that you will see the fruits of your labors a little later than you expected. The last days of the month will be especially bright and memorable. Intuition will tell you that it is time to take the initiative in business and personal relationships, and will not be mistaken. Unexpected offers are possible, which you immediately want to agree to, amazing meetings and successful coincidences. There will be an opportunity to correct the mistakes made before, and you will not miss it.


November 29, 2022

Five unfortunate boyfriends according to the horoscope. 2nd place - Capricorn.

Capricorn men, as a rule, have unreasonably high expectations and demands in everything, and personal life has also come under fire. If a woman decides to have a relationship with a representative of this sign, she needs to be prepared for constant pressure and attempts to “remake” her partner. Selfish Capricorn does not consult with his chosen one, making this or that decision. Capricorn has a chance to build a harmonious relationship only with a lady who is rather passive, who can be “bent” for herself. It is noteworthy that usually such a man has the most kind intentions, but his behavior and the tone with which commands are given often indicate the opposite. In general, representatives of this sign often behave arrogantly towards other people, and the closer this person is, the paradoxically higher the degree of arrogance becomes. All these qualities brought Capricorn a well-deserved second place in our ranking.


November 29, 2022

The secrets of the success of charismatic Sagittarius women in men. 2. Amorousness.

Not to be confused with promiscuity. Sagittarius girls can turn the heads of several men at once, but at the same time, each guy will be sure that he is the only one. And, of course, the element of competition plays a role - men fight for the main fiery prize and try in every possible way to please the coquettes.


November 29, 2022

6 reasons not to fall in love with a Gemini: 2.

Impulsiveness. Gemini Gemini often make decisions without considering all the pitfalls, which provoke problems in relationships. The impulsiveness of the representatives of this zodiac constellation spoils life for themselves. In their hearts, they can say nasty things to a dear person, which will significantly spoil the romantic relationship. It is worth noting that the representatives of this dual zodiac constellation have a special worldview of constant internal struggle, so many of their reactions to a partner are incomprehensible.


November 29, 2022

Daily horoscope November 29th.

Capricorn♑️ The day promises good coincidences and good news. It will be especially favorable from the point of view of work. Issues that have caused a lot of controversy lately will be resolved. People who previously disagreed with you will recognize that you are right. It is possible that rivals and ill-wishers will want to improve relations. Your intuition will tell you how to deal with them. Aquarius♒️ Try not to create difficulties for yourself or others. This day itself is not so bad, but your hasty decisions and rash actions can turn into trouble for everyone. First of all, this concerns work: do not be lazy to check everything once again, make sure that you have solved all the tasks that require attention. Pisces♓️ Auspicious day for communication. Getting along with those around you today will be much easier than usual. This will be especially noticeable in business relationships. Interesting offers are likely, the beginning of cooperation is not excluded, thanks to which new opportunities for career growth will open up before you.


November 29, 2022

Daily horoscope November 29th.

Libra♎️ The day will be very fruitful and successful, you will achieve even more than expected. You can take on something completely new: it will quickly become clear how to act. Possible useful acquaintances, meetings with people about whom you have heard a lot before. Scorpio♏️ From a business point of view, this day will be very successful. You will solve several complex problems, understand what seemed difficult before. Your ability to please others, to make a good impression even on those who usually notice only other people's shortcomings, will be very useful. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be bright and inspiring. Sagittarius, who have long wanted to take on something new, will surely like it, because today representatives of the sign will definitely have such an opportunity. Old acquaintances will be useful.


November 29, 2022

Daily horoscope November 29th.

Cancer♋️ Take your time. This day will go well if you do not commit rash acts, do not do anything important under the influence of emotions. Getting along with others can be more difficult than usual. It is possible that they will remind you of some unpleasant events of the past, mistakes made before. It will not be so easy to take such remarks calmly, but if you succeed, the relationship will soon improve. Leo♌️ Get serious. On this day, you should definitely not say and do what first comes to mind, go on about fleeting desires or emotions, the nature of which is not fully understood by yourself. Don't get carried away with improvisation. Virgo♍️ Some difficulties may arise today, but the influence of positive trends will still prevail. Thanks to your knowledge and experience, you will quickly cope with work tasks. Many Virgos will succeed in their studies.


November 29, 2022

Daily horoscope November 29th.

Aries♈️ Do not hurry. At the beginning of the day, it can be difficult to gather your thoughts, tune in to a serious mood. People around you will interfere in your affairs more often than usual, distracting and even annoying. Try not to give vent to negative emotions, keep calm and goodwill. Taurus♉️ The day can bring unexpected difficulties in work, delays in business, annoying misunderstandings. You should not worry about them: soon the influence of positive trends will increase, everything will work out. Changes for the better in the business sphere will be especially noticeable. Some Taurus will receive interesting offers of cooperation, others will find a way to significantly increase their income. Gemini♊️ Before taking on something important, try to objectively assess both your own strengths and the current situation. At the beginning of the day, it will be wise to rely only on yourself; it is unlikely that at this time someone will be able to come to your aid. Later, you will have reliable allies, you can entrust them with some important things.


November 29, 2022

Benefits of hot soups

The stomach is abundantly supplied with blood vessels. Therefore, when we eat moderately hot food, the heat from it quickly spreads throughout the body. And fats, due to the release of certain substances in the process of decay, provide light and imperceptible to us muscle trembling, which produces thermal energy. In this case, it is best to consume warm fatty foods in the composition of soups. Boiled in meat broth, with the addition of cereals and vegetables, soups are multicomponent dishes. The body spends a lot of time on their digestion, and in the process of splitting, thermal energy is released. The result is long-term heating. Warnings: in diabetes, excess fat is harmful - therefore, it is better to cook soups on the broth of low-fat chicken, turkey or rabbit meat.


November 28, 2022