Sony in Japan has released a kit that captures a 3D model of a person.

If another person points their smartphone camera at you, they will also see the generated 3D avatar. So far, the novelty is exclusive to Japan, but they promise to release it in the rest of the world.


November 30, 2022

"72 Seasons"

Metallica have announced their first album in 7 years "72 Seasons" and released a video for the song "Lux Æterna". The name of the upcoming record, according to vocalist James Hetfield, means the first 18 years of a person's life, which form his true or false self. A collection of 12 songs will be released on April 14.


November 30, 2022

Unique collection

McDonald's in Finland has partnered with local clothing brand Vain to release a unique collection of workwear that is made from old, used Mac uniforms. The collection includes 27 items of clothing. The items were raffled off among McDonald's Finland employees, and the rest were sold.


November 30, 2022

The world's largest active volcano erupted in Hawaii.

On Sunday at 23:30 local time, the Mauna Loa volcano woke up in Hawaii. He slept for almost 40 years, the last time the eruption was recorded in 1984. In addition to its size, it is also considered the most active - since 1843 it has erupted 33 times. Currently, lava flows are located in the area of ​​​​the summit and do not threaten settlements. However, the wind can already carry volcanic gas and fine ash, and lava flows tend to change, so local residents are advised to remain vigilant.


November 30, 2022

Scientists from Australia said that some spiders have become more social.

This species has always been thought to be solitary, but recent observations show that some individuals have begun to gather in one place for meals and share with each other. Also, family ties are traced - spider brothers are more sociable with each other than with others. We only lacked the evolution of spiders for complete happiness.


November 30, 2022

WHO has renamed monkeypox.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has renamed monkeypox to mpox. This is an abbreviation for the name of the disease in English - monkeypox. Both terms will be used simultaneously for a year, then the old one will fall into disuse. This will avoid confusion due to renaming in the midst of a global outbreak.


November 30, 2022

Horoscope for December. Sagittarius.

The beginning of December will be fruitful. Thanks to determination and perseverance, you will succeed in difficult cases, you will succeed in what has not worked before. This time promises important discoveries and pleasant surprises for Sagittarians who strive for professional success and are ready to work hard to achieve it. Communication with others will require patience and delicacy. Try not to succumb to provocations, not to say anything and do it in the heat of the moment. Disagreements and disputes are not ruled out, but everything can be agreed upon if you do not follow the fleeting desires. The second half of December will be much calmer. At this time, many things will turn out well for you, and you will be able to cope even with very complex matters much faster than expected. Both old and new acquaintances will be willing to help you. Some Sagittarians will acquire useful business connections, meet people who will help them more than once in their work. This time will be favorable for those who are going to go on trips, for example, to visit relatives living far away. It will be possible to strengthen family ties, establish relationships with those who are dear to you.


November 30, 2022

Horoscope for December. Scorpio.

Horoscope for December. Zodiac sign Scorpio. At the beginning of the month, the ability to get along with people and find an approach to them will be especially important. Listen to your intuition: it will tell you who will appreciate new ideas and laid-back behavior, and who will prefer healthy conservatism and compliance with all formalities. There will be a chance to restore old business ties. People with whom you once worked together may again offer something interesting. It is worth being more careful when dealing with any issues related to finances. Here it is better to avoid unjustified risk, to give preference to the most reliable options. Try to stay away from those who have previously resorted to illegal methods of enrichment. Communication with such people will only bring problems. The second half of December is the time of independent actions. Any business at this time will require a particularly serious approach. Try not to rely on luck, but rely on your knowledge and skills. Communication with others will require more patience than usual. It concerns even the closest ones: they can sometimes misunderstand you, make harsh and offensive remarks. However, serious problems in communication will not arise. You will find a way to improve relationships, restore harmony and mutual understanding.


November 30, 2022

Horoscope for December. Libra.

In early December, the influence of positive trends will prevail. The entire first half of the month is the time when you should especially carefully listen to your intuition. Her tips will help you achieve long-term goals, and quickly navigate in a new situation, and make the right decisions regarding work and personal relationships. Communication with others will be easy and pleasant. You will quickly guess about other people's desires, expectations and plans - it is unlikely that someone will be able to hide something important from you. Thanks to your powers of observation, you can guess the secrets and mysteries, but behave as delicately as possible, try to protect other people from worries and worries. The second half of the month will be somewhat more difficult. At this time, financial issues will come to the fore. Unexpected expenses may apply. It is possible that you will have to postpone the purchases that you expected to make, because the money will be needed for something else. There will be many worries at work. It turns out that you urgently need to solve problems that you prefer to return to later. The most important thing at this time is to try to remain calm, not to take decisive action under the influence of emotions. The more independent you are in your actions and decisions, the easier it will be to avoid stressful moments.


November 30, 2022

Five unfortunate boyfriends according to the horoscope. 1st place - Pisces.

Most astrologers boldly give primacy in the anti-rating of boyfriends to Pisces men. Indecisive and unambitious people born under this sign tend to choose ladies who represent their complete opposite as a partner. Of course, conflict situations arise in such a pair every now and then, from which the woman suffers first of all, on which the whole load of the boyfriend’s emotionality periodically pours out. His girlfriend will have to solve most of the real problems on her own and at the same time worry about how not to offend her chosen one inadvertently. Most of the time, the water man arrives in the world of his own dreams and illusions. According to statistics, this sign is more prone to destructive addictions like alcoholism and drug addiction than others.


November 30, 2022

The secrets of the success of charismatic Sagittarius women in men. 3. Restlessness.

There are very few solid and boring women among Sagittarius. Jupiter's wards are sort of jumping fireballs - they never sit still and are always in a hurry somewhere. Well, the men run after them - to find out what the Sagittarians came up with so interesting, and where they will be drawn into once again.


November 30, 2022

6 reasons not to fall in love with Gemini: 3. Superficiality.

Wards of Mercury are used to reacting to the external side of a given situation. Often they draw conclusions without delving into the essence of the event and succumbing to impulsiveness. Because of this, by the way, there are so many unsuccessful novels on account of the representatives of this zodiac constellation: they are often carried away by an “empty” person of attractive appearance, and are soon disappointed. In addition, in order to make the desired impression, they themselves “make” out of themselves who they are not. Thanks to the natural acting talent and slyness of Gemini, this is easy to achieve. As astrologers note, it’s not just to build relationships, it’s difficult and easy to communicate with such people. After all, it is almost impossible to quickly understand the essence of a person born under this sign.


November 30, 2022

Daily horoscope November 30th.

Capricorn♑️ Auspicious day for communication. You can restore old ties, make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel. Remind people with whom you once collaborated about yourself: it is possible that they will offer something interesting. The ability to quickly find an approach to new acquaintances will come in handy in business. Aquarius♒️ The day is perfect for doing things on your own. But getting along with others at this time can be more difficult than usual. Most likely, only a few will be able to correctly evaluate your ideas right away. Therefore, it is better to start implementing the plan alone, without waiting for help. Pisces♓️ The day will go well. With almost no effort, you will deal with the problems that have accumulated lately, cope with what you could not do before. Unexpected, but very tempting job offers are likely. Some Pisces will find an opportunity to significantly increase their income.


November 30, 2022

Daily horoscope November 30th.

Libra♎️ The day is perfect for work and other useful things. There will be no difficulties that you could not cope with, even the most complex tasks can be solved quickly. Successful coincidences are likely, unexpected events that will give you interesting ideas or tell you how to get some complex and important project off the ground. Scorpio♏️ You will do a lot of things well. Take advantage of the situation to cope with some difficult cases, to resolve issues that have recently made everyone worry. Business meetings will go well. It is possible that you will be offered a new job or cooperation on especially favorable terms. Sagittarius♐️ Thanks to perseverance and perseverance, you will achieve what you have been striving for for a long time. The day promises success in the work of the representatives of the sign, who are ready to take responsibility, make important decisions on their own. It will be successful to apply to state organizations, there will be no problems with paperwork.


November 30, 2022

Daily horoscope November 30th.

Cancer♋️ Try to avoid long arguments at work. This is one of those days when it will be easier to prove one's case by deed than to find words that will convince doubters. And you should also be more careful in everything related to money: unjustified expenses, unsuccessful transactions are possible. Leo♌️ Try to be serious about everything you undertake. Frivolity today is unacceptable even in small things. Tasks that you would have done quickly on another day will require more time and attention today. Be patient and try to rely only on your own strength. Unfortunately, even proven allies are unlikely to be able to come to your aid. Virgo♍️ The day will be quite tiring, but you can’t call it bad or difficult. It's just that you will have more cases than usual, and new tasks may appear that need to be solved immediately. But nothing supernatural is required of you. Knowledge and experience will help you cope with everything, perseverance will help you not to quit what you started halfway


November 30, 2022

Daily horoscope November 30th.

Aries♈️ You will do a lot of useful things, not only for yourself, but also for others. You do not want to waste time in vain, you will immediately start with the most important. And this approach will be correct: it is thanks to him that you will solve several difficult tasks at the beginning of the day. Taurus♉️ There will be more to do than usual. There may be complex tasks that require immediate solutions. But you'll be fine with everything. It will help the ability to maintain composure and act calmly and consistently, even when vanity and confusion reign around. Gemini♊️ Proceed with caution. This primarily concerns work: today it is especially important to pay attention to small details, make informed decisions, and not be led by emotions. Getting along with others can be more difficult than usual. Sometimes it will seem that they are specifically trying to unbalance you. However, serious conflicts can be avoided.


November 30, 2022


Magnesium is perhaps the only nutrient that can be taken even without a doctor's prescription (if self-administered, do not take large doses!) And drink almost all year round. But few people know how incredibly beneficial magnesium baths are for relaxation. This is one of the best ways to rejuvenate. They are prescribed even for children, they are completely safe. For 1 bath, it is ideal to add about 500 grams of magnesium salt ("epsom salt" or "epsom"). The water should not be too hot. Duration - 15-20 minutes. Such baths are especially indicated for stress, anxiety, sleep problems or overexertion.


November 29, 2022

Emotional Health Rules by Liz Burbo

7. Never give up! Remember, if your wish is not fulfilled, then something better is waiting for you. So tell yourself that in life there are no failures or mistakes, there are only experiences that help you know yourself.


November 29, 2022

Emotional Health Rules by Liz Burbo

6. Don't take life too seriously! It means learning to let go, laugh more and not be so serious. To be able to let go means to continue to feel good, even if the results obtained do not meet your expectations. It is impossible to control everything!


November 29, 2022

Emotional Health Rules by Liz Burbo

5. Notice the beautiful! To surround yourself with beauty, you do not need to spend a fortune. Walk around the house and appreciate what you find beautiful in each item. I think you will quickly see that "beautiful" does not always mean "expensive". To see beauty, one must be receptive to beauty. Develop this quality in yourself!


November 29, 2022