How to diversify the prelude?

Without sex. This option, of course, is slightly extreme, but it also has the right to exist. Limit yourself to foreplay and petting, and that's it. Do not reach the actual sexual intercourse. Believe me, you can get an orgasm without penetration. Turn on your imagination, and this practice will become a part of your regular intimate relationships.


November 30, 2022

How to diversify the prelude?

Correspondence. You can prepare your loved one for a passionate evening even during the day. If he is at work, send him an intimate text or email. Mention in a few details what exactly awaits him in the evening, and what exactly you would like to do with him. You can be sure that it will not come to dinner - sex will overtake you right on the doorstep.


November 30, 2022

How to diversify the prelude?

Kisses. As a rule, any foreplay begins with kisses. It is enough just to surrender to a passionate kiss, and you will already feel the excitement. But kisses may not be limited to lips - explore all parts of your partner's body, and he will definitely not remain indifferent.


November 30, 2022

How to diversify the prelude?

Role-playing games. Would you say trite? And you try! Put on a nurse costume, play sick and doctor. It doesn't have to be that way - there are many options. Wild woman, nun, football fan, secretary or teacher, student, mistress - try on any image and try to bring it to life. At least it will be fun and interesting.


November 30, 2022

How to diversify the prelude?

Eyes wide shut During foreplay, blindfold. You can only partner, but you can both. Believe me, you are provided with incomparable sensations. The whole point of this technique is that it will be necessary to focus here on tactile sensations, on touch, on sounds and smells, and not on visual perception. Having reached the actual sexual intercourse, the bandages can be removed. Although, why? With them, sex itself will be enchanting!


November 30, 2022

The Amazing Benefits of Oatmeal

Possessing healing properties, oatmeal is excellent in the treatment of: gastrointestinal diseases, colds, as well as problems with cardiovascular disease. The greatest value is not oatmeal, but oatmeal, or it is also called jelly, which is prepared very simply: over low heat, 1 part of oatmeal is boiled in 5 parts of water, after which it is filtered. Such a decoction perfectly helps to cope with poisoning, and during the period of a cold, it gives the body strength, strengthening the immune system. To prevent osteoporosis and strengthen teeth, soaked oatmeal is chewed slowly, and oatmeal can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Porridge cooked from oatmeal with systematic use perfectly helps in the fight against excess weight, simultaneously improving mood due to the high content of B vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the central nervous system.


November 30, 2022

Lifting eye patches with bamboo charcoal

Promises of the manufacturer: relieve puffiness, reduce the severity of wrinkles and dark circles, sos-remedy to restore freshness to the look. Active ingredients: caffeine, Sigesbesia orientalis extract, hyaluronic acid. First, they are wildly stylish. The jet black patches really look very catchy and non-trivial. Secondly, in addition to the cool appearance, they have really excellent technical characteristics. The patches are tenaciously fixed, do not slip during the time of wearing, even when moving around the apartment and drinking coffee, and remain in place until you take them off. Usually wear them for 20-25 minutes. After removal, the skin under the eyes is fresh, nourished, elastic and looks rested as if after a good sleep in the fresh air. The patches level out traces of fatigue, slight swelling and smooth out the network of mimic wrinkles caused by dehydration. The effect is visible throughout the day, especially pronounced in its first half and slightly less in the second.


November 30, 2022

A good habit is to keep your legs elevated.

Scientists recommend making a habit of keeping your legs up for 20 minutes a day. Why is this useful? 1. The blood circulation of the heart improves. Thanks to the raised legs, blood flow to the myocardium improves, which improves the condition of the heart muscle. 2. Veins relax. This is especially important for those who have to stand a lot during the day. Raised legs relax the veins, reduce pain, heaviness and discomfort in the legs. 3. Stimulates digestion. Raised legs have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach, train the muscles responsible for digestion.


November 30, 2022

Never say "I don't care"

No need to try to advertise your indifference. This is not an indicator of your independence. Indifference is paralysis of the soul. How do you feel when someone says "I don't care"? It becomes empty and cold inside. You cringe and protest. Most often, to myself ... After all, the interlocutor ... "doesn't care" ... Just some two words, but how deeply they penetrate into the soul, dig into the heart like a splinter and remain to rot, sometimes reminding of themselves. A person cannot live without the certainty that someone needs him, that he is loved. He languishes, worries, withdraws into himself, dies. The worst crime we can commit towards people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference; this is the essence of inhumanity.


November 30, 2022

Life Lessons Many of Us Haven't Learned

14. Talking nonsense from time to time or lying a little bit sometimes is normal. 15. Who does not take risks does not drink champagne! If you realize that your job has got you, just quit. Unleash your inner self! 16. Don't pump alcohol on an empty stomach. If you don't want to look mega-stupid, of course... 17. There is no such thing as enjoying guilt. Many, without suspecting it, like to torture themselves and suffer once again. It's unhealthy. 18. Sometimes it's better to do something first, you always have time to apologize. 19. You must be able to stop in time. For example, leaving a party on time. Because usually nothing good happens after 4 am. Everyone knows the feeling when you want to continue to have fun more and more. Know how to leave at the peak. If you hesitate, all the fun will go down the drain.


November 30, 2022

Life Lessons Many of Us Haven't Learned

9. Self-esteem is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. But getting it is much more difficult. 10. If you have caught yourself thinking that you are constantly losing your job, friends, important relationships and connections, perhaps it's time to admit that you are the root of all the problems yourself?! 11. You don't owe anything to anyone. If you think otherwise, you will be constantly unhappy and dissatisfied with life. 12. To achieve something in this life, you need to work hard and even work hard. If you want to know the answer to the question, "Why don't I have what I want," you should examine your work habits and work style. 13. Moving to another city does not save you from all misfortunes. At least in most cases.


November 30, 2022

Life Lessons Many of Us Haven't Learned

5. You don't have to be close to all of your family members. If any communication with your family poisons your life, it is in your best interest to establish certain boundaries for such communication as soon as possible. 6. If you buy a piece of clothing that does not fit you, but you are going to use it as an incentive to lose weight, you will never wear it. 7. Constant remorse and guilt about doing bad deeds only proves once again that you will do them again and again. 8. Stop being jealous of people who are more successful than you at your age. Direct this energy to achieve your own goals.


November 30, 2022

Life Lessons Many of Us Haven't Learned

3. You must be able to stand up for yourself. The world is full of villains who strive to seize superiority over you. Nobody can afford to be defenseless. You will have to learn to be stubborn and pushy (in moderation, of course) to get what you want. 4. Today you are adored, and tomorrow you are no longer. Man is a fickle being. We go to bed in love and wake up betrayed. Sometimes the end of a relationship can mean nothing to you. And sometimes it's a tragedy. In any case, after a breakup, getting depressed about your unattractiveness and looking for flaws in yourself is a waste of time. You will have many more chances to fall in love! The only obstacle in your way is your own fear of a new relationship.


November 30, 2022

Life Lessons Many of Us Haven't Learned

1. You need to accept people as they are, or not at all. Because it is almost impossible to change them. Seriously. If you are trying to remake them and make them the way you want them to be, you can only wish good luck. Since this idea is doomed to failure. 2. Your definition of happiness is different from other people's. What works for you doesn't necessarily have to work for them. You are not a justice of the peace to judge life decisions made by friends. As one famous biblical postulate says: "Judge not, lest you be judged."


November 30, 2022

Why do you need the approval of others?

I mean, if you know for sure that this is your path, and everything you do is exactly what you want to do and what you dream about, why should you expect your relatives' or friends' approval? No, that's not bad when people who love you express their support and approval patting you on the shoulder. It's cool when your family shares your interests and supports you in every little thing. But it shouldn't and can't be your MAIN motivation. Because you are the only one who is RESPONSIBLE for your life and every action. You have the sole right to decide WITH WHOM, WHERE, and HOW...


November 30, 2022

The desire to be liked by everyone

This is an extreme degree of insecurity, as well as an example of deep neuroticism, partly even perfectionism. In addition, the more you express yourself as an individual, the more haters you'll attract. After all, great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Only underwhelming people have no enemies. And therein lies the paradox: if you don't care about others' opinion, more and more people who ACTUALLY like you come to your life along with the people who hate you.


November 30, 2022

Horoscope for December. Pisces.

In early December, the ability to concentrate on the important, pay attention to those details that can play a serious role, will be very useful to you. Most likely, it will not be possible to act according to the plan, it will be necessary to improvise, make decisions on the go. You will cope well with this, although at times you will worry, doubt the correctness of the chosen path. There will always be people nearby with whom you can consult, discuss the current situation, share your experiences. A lot of bright emotions will be given by meetings with old friends. You will surely have a good time on small trips. The second half of the month is the right time to focus on some particularly ambitious plans and long-term projects. Here you can noticeably move forward, even if there were obstacles in the way before and you doubted that you would finish what you started. You can conduct business negotiations, discuss issues related to future cooperation. You will correctly assess your strengths, do not make promises that you cannot fulfill. Those close to you will share good ideas, and you will gladly support them.


November 30, 2022

Horoscope for December. Aquarius.

The mood in early December will be especially changeable, and the emotional background will be unstable. You will need to do several things at once. Try not to get hung up on trifles, look for reasons for joy, pay attention to new opportunities that will open up before you. The impact of positive trends will increase every day. Mid-December will surely delight you with some pleasant events, interesting offers, and meetings that you will surely remember for a long time. It is not excluded the beginning of friendships or romantic relationships. They will develop rapidly and will soon become important to you. This time will be especially good for Aquarians who work together with friends or relatives, as well as for those who are just planning to open a family business. The last days of December will please in terms of finances. For many Aquarius, this time promises profitable deals, cash receipts. The period is also suitable for purchases, including large ones. You will unmistakably choose things that will delight you and your loved ones for a long time. There may be slight delays in work, but you are unlikely to worry about them. Intuition will tell you that you will achieve your most important goals on time.


November 30, 2022

Horoscope for December. Capricorn.

In early December, you will be able to achieve noticeable success in business. The ability to take the initiative in time, to pick up a good idea on the fly, will come in handy. There will be an opportunity to make new professional connections, and you will not miss it. It will be possible to make a good impression on influential people, enlist their support. However, keep in mind that not all solutions that first come to your mind at this time will be good. Before you do something important, think it over carefully. Try to avoid competition, open confrontations with strong opponents. The ability to remain in the shadows, not to attract too much attention to yourself will be very useful to you. Later, personal relationships will come to the fore. You will spend more time with the people you care about. There will be an opportunity to make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel, to restore ties that were once very important to you. This is the right time to take the initiative, to take a step towards the person you care about. It will be easy to leave disagreements and resentments in the past. Relations with loved ones will become much more harmonious if you do not mentally return to some old problems.


November 30, 2022

Developers from the British startup Joipaw have made a game console for dogs.

Your dog is required to play simple sensory games with his paw or nose. The first studies have already shown that such games have a positive effect on the cognitive abilities of pets, as well as unload the owner and even stop smashing the house.


November 30, 2022