6 reasons not to fall in love with a Gemini: 5. Instability.

Many Geminis cannot stay with one partner for long. If the relationship does not end for objective reasons, then in 90% of cases they simply get bored. Air comrades want lightness and fun in everything, and a long relationship a priori cannot always be cloudless. In the event of problems and "jamming" of routine everyday life, the Gemini often break off relations, not really explaining anything to the discouraged chosen one and leaving him alone with his feelings.


December 2, 2022

Daily horoscope December 2nd.

Capricorn♑️ Try not to overwork at the beginning of the day, watch your emotional and physical condition. Having rested in time, you will feel much more cheerful and energetic, tune in a positive way. Old friends will willingly help in the implementation of plans, take on some of your worries Aquarius♒️ Due to a tense emotional background, you can react sharply to any events, seriously worry about trifles. Try not to make serious decisions at this time, especially if they relate to your work, business, finances. It is easy to underestimate some factors, to make mistakes. Pisces♓️ The day is suitable for discussing difficult issues. Today you can openly talk about what worries and worries you, share ideas and plans. It will be easy to find allies. You will be supported by old acquaintances, and people with whom you first met recently.


December 2, 2022

Daily horoscope December 2nd.

Libra♎️ Take on new things, start implementing bold plans into reality. This day is well suited for solving complex problems. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will quickly overcome all difficulties, overcome obstacles that others have retreated from. Interesting offers are likely, and useful acquaintances are not excluded. Scorpio♏️ The day will be favorable for communication. You quickly get along with a wide variety of people. Long-time rivals, and ill-wishers, and those with whom you were in a difficult relationship will not be an exception. Changes for the better in the business sphere are likely. Your talents, which few people knew about before, will be in demand. It is possible that you will receive very tempting offers. Sagittarius♐️ Show persistence and determination. It is thanks to these qualities that you will be able to succeed today, to cope with what did not work before. There will be many great ideas. They will not be realized immediately, but you will definitely wait for a favorable moment.


December 2, 2022

Daily horoscope December 2nd.

Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day will be exceptionally favorable for communication. You yourself will be surprised at how easy it will be to get along with others, to negotiate even with those with whom you used to quarrel over any trifle. Possible proposals for cooperation, promising a quick increase in income. Leo♌️ There will be more worries at home than usual. It is possible that due to everyday problems you will have to be distracted from work, to postpone some business for later. But there will be no serious difficulties, you will quickly cope with everything, do not miss anything important. Therefore, try not to be nervous if something does not go according to plan. Virgo♍️ The start of the day will be hectic. You will have to be distracted from business more often than usual. There will be a lot of talking and arguing - often quite silly and nerve-wracking. You will try to maintain balance, make informed decisions. It is your self-control that will allow you to avoid serious conflicts.


December 2, 2022

Daily horoscope December 2nd.

Aries♈️ Although the day will bring some difficulties, you will keep a positive attitude and confidence in success. This is what will help not only overcome all obstacles and achieve goals, but also find new allies. People who previously did not notice anyone but themselves will pay attention to you, they will want to get to know you better. Intuition will tell you if it's worth dealing with them. Taurus♉️ It will be difficult to collect your thoughts and make the right decision at the beginning of the day. In addition, the incoming information will be contradictory - and this will make you nervous. It will be helpful to take a short pause to reflect on the current situation. Soon you will understand how best to act in order to succeed. Gemini♊️ The beginning of the day is hardly without misunderstandings. Even with old acquaintances it will be more difficult to get along than usual, disagreements can arise over any trifle. It is possible that due to misunderstandings, long-standing agreements will be violated, and a new plan of action will have to be invented on the go.


December 2, 2022

Persimmon mask: the secret of beauty comes from Japan

A homemade persimmon face mask perfectly tightens, tones and nourishes the skin, which in winter really needs it. For oily skin, the mask is prepared from the pulp of the fruit, which is mixed with a spoonful of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of yogurt. The mixture is applied to the skin for 15 minutes. For normal skin, a mask of persimmon pulp, egg yolk, a spoonful of cream and vegetable oil is used. All you need to mix, apply to the skin and hold for 15 minutes. For dry skin, persimmon pulp is mixed with honey and olive oil (a teaspoon each). The product is kept for 20 minutes, allowing the skin to absorb all the beneficial substances. For sensitive skin, you will need the pulp of the berry and a tablespoon of sour cream and cottage cheese. All components are mixed, applied in a thick layer and left for 20 minutes.


December 1, 2022

The QI HAI point is one of the most important points on the body.

It is called by different names in different traditions. Qi-Hai, Dantian, Hara, Center of the body - we are talking about the same point. When working through this point, a person comes to life, his vitality, vitality, vitality increase, sexual energy increases many times over. In Chinese medicine, this point is called the "pill for 108 diseases." The QI HAI point is located 2 fingers below the navel. Massage of this point helps with: - edema - chronic diseases of the pelvic organs - convulsions - intervertebral hernias - menstrual pain - colds, SARS, tonsillitis, when there is no longer a high temperature - constipation - urination disorders Perform self-massage of this point daily for 5 minutes. And your inner energy will quickly activate!


December 1, 2022

Protein dinner for weight loss

Ingredients : ♦️ 1 egg + 2 squirrels ♦️ Fresh salmon or trout fillet 100 g ♦️ Milk (I have lactose-free) 50 ml ♦️ Olives (or olives) 11 g ♦️ Bulgarian pepper 30 g ♦️ Tomato 60 g ♦️ Green Onion ♦️ Pinch of salt Cut the fish into cubes, add a little beaten eggs and proteins, milk, finely chopped pepper and tomato. Mix well. Pour into a mold, spread the chopped olives and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 25 minutes and at 200C for 10-15 minutes, focus on readiness. Top with green onions and enjoy.


December 1, 2022

​Exercise for perfect legs

Exercise 1 Running in place with high knees. Perform for 1 minute at the most energetic pace. Try to raise your legs as high as possible. Exercise 2 Jump squats. Your task is to do a deep squat and return to the starting position by jumping high. The main thing is to squat as quickly as possible, remembering to keep your back straight. The execution time is 1 minute. Exercise 3 Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide and begin to perform alternate inclinations to the right and left legs. Bend as low as possible, each time trying to touch the knee with your chest. The execution time is 1 minute. If you include these exercises in your daily workout, in a few months your legs will look perfect!


December 1, 2022

First aid for leg cramps

If you suffer from leg cramps, we recommend first aid rules to relieve unpleasant symptoms. How to remove the convulsive spasm of the muscle, which most often occurs in the calf area? To do this, follow the instructions. Sequence of actions: ⠀ - Try to grab your toes with your hand and, if possible, sharply pull the toe of your foot towards you. Regardless of the pain with cramps in the legs, try to keep the foot in this position. - With cramps in the legs, it is also necessary to massage the leg muscle at the same time. As a rule, after a couple of minutes the pain stops. ⠀ - Wrap your leg with a warm towel and apply a heating pad. ⠀ If the cramps in the legs are not very strong, it is enough to pull the toe of the foot towards you and hold it for a few minutes, the cramps will pass.


December 1, 2022

5 reasons to have sex every day

3. Sex promotes creativity. Another study examined the relationship between creativity and frequent sex. On average, artists have more sexual partners. And creative people are more likely to have sex that "means something," while people with an analytical mind often have casual sex that doesn't mean much to them. 4. The more sex, the better. The more often a person has sex, the better the process becomes. Sex has a kind of feedback effect on people. The more sex you have, the more you crave it and the better you do it. 5. Sperm acts as an antidepressant. Sperm contains many mood-enhancing compounds and hormones, such as endorphins, estrone, prolactin, oxytocin, and serotonin. Women who don't use condoms are generally happier than those who only have sex with rubber bands.


December 1, 2022

5 reasons to have sex every day

1. Sex creates a good mood. People who have sex daily report an improvement in mood, as well as an increase in self-esteem, satisfaction, and confidence in their appearance. 2. Sex is good for the body. According to a study, daily sex boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure and the risk of a heart attack, and helps relieve stress. Another study from Scotland supports these claims. Scientists have found that people who have sex every day look 7-10 years younger than they really are.


December 1, 2022

Woman and orgasm: everyone needs to know this.

Imagination is part of sex. Yes, during sex, not only the body, but also the mind should be fully involved. Good sex has a lot to do with mental cinema. If you think about something naughty during sex and indulge in erotic fantasies, you will notice how exciting it is. Also very important: talk and moan when you feel like it. Dirty talk, moaning and heavy breathing help to increase the degree of arousal. Sex is much more than just penetration. Use all your senses to experience sex.


December 1, 2022

Woman and orgasm: everyone needs to know this.

Ace up the sleeve: well trained pelvic floor. Another key to achieving orgasm in women is purposeful muscle tension: the pelvic floor. Strong pelvic floor muscles ensure that the vagina is tightly wrapped around the penis, so the stimulation is much more intense for both him and her. If you do not know where the pelvic floor muscle is, just pause while urinating - this is exactly the same muscle. The love muscle can be strengthened through targeted training.


December 1, 2022

Woman and orgasm: everyone needs to know this.

Use the G-spot to your advantage. If a woman's G-spot is stimulated through penetration or finger play, it is quite possible to get to a vaginal orgasm. So be sure to try it! The G-spot is located about 5 centimeters from the entrance to the vagina. If a man carefully penetrates with one or two fingers, and then feels the inner wall of the vagina towards the abdomen, he will feel a small rough bump there.


December 1, 2022

Woman and orgasm: everyone needs to know this.

Find out the sensitive areas of the female body. The body of a woman is actually fantastically equipped. Women have two routes to orgasm: vaginal and clitoral. The clitoris is extremely important for orgasm. After all, it has 2-3 times more nerve receptors than the head of the penis. Often, only the outer visible part of the clitoris is seen as a source of pleasure. And therein lies the mistake! Many nerve endings of the clitoris go into the vagina in the form of two long threads.


December 1, 2022

What keeps a man interested in you?

From time immemorial, any man was attracted by women who know how to be satisfied. Alas, not all ladies are in this state all the time. Some completely discourage male interest in their person from the very first minutes of their acquaintance. For example, they immediately dictate their requirements or sit with a “sour” face. So the main conclusion: Demonstrate a state of pleasure always. It doesn't matter if you are reading a book or riding in public transport. In your every phrase, in every action, you should read: "I live in abundance."


December 1, 2022

Myth: Men are polygamous

There is a category of people who are accustomed to justify the betrayal of the stronger sex. Like, nothing can be done - the male seeks to fertilize as many females as possible. In fact, any normal man wants to find his woman, wants to protect her, be faithful to her. And in general there is an immutable truth. If the partners are happy in marriage, passion and love reign in their couple, then no one will have a desire to go “left”. And even when problems arise, for example, female indifference to sex or frequent conflicts, then an affair on the side will definitely not help. So do not believe in widespread polygamy.


December 1, 2022

Types of mistresses

1. Holiday girl. She loves to party and is always on the lookout for someone who can pay the bill at the club and receive her in a "gift" package in return. 2. "Blind" mistress. Such women often become victims of deception, unwittingly becoming one of the sides of the love triangle. The man hid the fact that he already has a wife. 3. Gray mouse. She has low self-esteem and does not believe that someone will ever meet who will love her. On the offer of a married man to become a mistress, she responds willingly, wanting at least sometimes to be needed by someone. 4. A born lover. She knows that he is married, but this suits her, so she does not seek to insist on breaking up the marriage and moving into the status of a wife. 5. Huntress. The hunter aims at the wife's place. She starts a relationship exclusively with a promising man.


December 1, 2022

Minimize stress in a man's life.

Here he comes from work, where, perhaps, he quarreled with colleagues or received a reprimand from his boss - and at home you are waiting for him with new claims. Of course, thoughts about sex in such an environment will be one of the last. Turn the house into a place where a man will rest his body and soul.


December 1, 2022