How to use your 5 senses during sex

3. Smell There are smells that, for one reason or another, seem pleasant and exciting to us. Therefore, try whenever possible to use scented oils, perfumes, creams, the smell of food, and so on during lovemaking. But don't forget that the sexiest scent is the scent of your partner's skin.


December 2, 2022

How to use your 5 senses during sex

2. Taste So, for example, you can massage with various water-based oils (they do not knit the tongue and have a pleasant taste), which can then be licked off. Also, a great game during sex will be to blindfold a partner and feed him with various sweets, which he must identify and name according to his taste. Before sex, have dinner in a restaurant, order food at home. A great option would be if you just cook food together in the kitchen, where you can then enjoy delicious sex. No matter what you come up with, it should be fun and erotic, and most importantly, delicious in every sense of the word.


December 2, 2022

How to use your 5 senses during sex

Sex should be an amazing adventure for our whole body. And this is possible, because we have 5 senses - hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste. Therefore, below are some tips on how these feelings can be useful during sex. 1. Vision It is known that men love with their eyes. Men perceive everything better if they are shown. Perhaps this is the reason why they love porn movies so much?! But you can make a porn movie yourself with a partner, and then watch it together. Also, an erotic performance-striptease will not be superfluous. Tip: to enjoy the picture of sex more, try to wear sexy lingerie (this applies to both partners), epilate, and also move sexually.


December 2, 2022

Intramammary sex

The “rider” position for sex between the breasts: the man lies on his back, the woman sits on his stomach or legs, turning her face or back to him. Then he leans forward, holds his chest and caresses his penis with it. Most likely, you will need the support of a partner. Position "69" for intramammary sex: not only a man can enjoy, but both at the same time. In position "69", caress your man with your breasts, and let him satisfy you with his hands or cunnilingus.


December 2, 2022

Intramammary sex

Intramammary sex is when a man moves his penis between a woman's breasts. But the process is not only focused on the chest: it is complemented by stimulation of the penis with the mouth or hands. What to pay attention to. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the breasts and penis are wet. Especially if your partner's penis is circumcised: intramammary sex can be very painful for him. The best solution is a sufficient amount of lubricant. You can limit yourself to natural moisture: a combination of sex between breasts and blowjob is especially popular. Moisturizing with saliva is effective, but for a short time, so it is necessary to alternate between rubbing on the breast and blowjob frequently.


December 2, 2022

Reasons why women avoid oral sex

5. You should not show your partner that you do not trust her extremely and are afraid of sexually transmitted diseases. Do not require certificates and other medical certificates, of course, there is a risk, which is why it is better to get to know each other better before having sex without barrier contraception. 6. In no case should you show a woman your "disgust" for her after a blowjob, do not turn away from kisses, but, on the contrary, thank your partner with a hot kiss on the lips.


December 2, 2022

Reasons why women avoid oral sex

3. In the case when the time for oral sex has come, a man should not control the woman's head too openly, all the more impudently pushing her, creating the rhythm necessary for himself, this may offend some women. In case of complete dissatisfaction, it is better to show the film to your partner, with those scenes that you really enjoy. 4. Do not rush to "end" the scene, do not be cold-blooded, say kind words, give free rein to your hands, massage your partner's breasts, gently sort out your hair, making the woman pleasant.


December 2, 2022

Reasons why women avoid oral sex

1. The most “stunning effect”, not in the best sense of the word, is caused by men on a first date when they ask a woman to do it. Here the woman has only two options: he is either “out of his mind”, or he just joked unsuccessfully. Therefore, it is better not to talk about oral sex on first dates, even if it came to bed. 2. Men should be careful what they say. The best way is not to speak, but to act first. It is rare that a woman will restrain herself from giving a blowjob if a man gave her oral caresses first.


December 2, 2022

Fall in love with yourself!

Girls, forward for a new life! • to a beauty salon: a new hairstyle, manicure, pedicure. • to the gym, to a cafe with a friend, to yoga. Do not be afraid to linger for an hour or two, let the darling get jealous. • to the supermarket for unusual products and good wine. • to a lingerie store. Stockings, garters, transparent negligee - your uniform for the evening. • to a sex shop for intimate devices that will take you and your man into space! Experiment, give free rein to emotions and desires.


December 2, 2022

What is the difference between sacrifice and sacrifice

Sacrificing in the name of love is very bad! For all! Even in the name of love for children. A feat is when you need to do the right thing and according to your conscience and there are no other options. For example, raising a sick child to his feet is a feat! But to feed a healthy adult son from your pension is a sacrifice. Because you feel bad about it and your son feels bad. Raising a child is a feat! This is correct and cannot be otherwise. And to turn away from one’s own interests in order to put everything ready in the child’s mouth is only to spoil it.


December 2, 2022

The ability to be silent

It is not enough to learn how to speak correctly, you must also learn how to be silent correctly! Forever FORGET phrases that begin with the words: "Actually..." "You again..." "What is this..." "If you are now..." "I told you..." "Here you are again..." Criticism must be stopped. She kills a man. What you are extinguishing him for, he has already done. And that won't change. One thing will change - his attitude towards you. You will achieve that from your voice alone he will be covered with hatred and irritation. Of course you can't be silent. So get yourself a diary. Write everything that has accumulated there. If it’s more important for you to speak out than to get help, support or results from your husband, then don’t be surprised when something or someone turns out to be more important to him than you.


December 2, 2022

Classical music can help improve concentration skills.

The attention level increase while listening to music is caused by the the fact that classical melodies and harmonies stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain. To perform such a music therapy you should relax and get rid of extraneous thoughts. I suggest listening to the music of Haydn, Mendelssohn and Mozart.


December 2, 2022

ONENESS is an important step to managing your reality

Oneness of thoughts, feelings, desires. Only YOUR own, true ones, not those imposed from outside, emulated under the influence of society, including stereotypes, standards, patterns of thinking, actions, feelings, aspirations... When the energy of your thoughts, feelings, desires come together, the action is born with no effort. You just don't have to do anything to bring it about. In this case the energy is far ahead of you; it is at the highest level of its potential. It is the key to happy relationships, wealth and abundance, as well as self-fulfillment...


December 2, 2022

Trash Me experiment.

Eco-activist Rob Greenfield completed the Trash Me experiment, in which he put his garbage in bags on himself for 30 days - by the end, all the waste weighed as much as the man himself. In such a suit, Greenfield walked the streets of the city every day, attracting the attention of people and the media - which he did. In doing so, he inspired everyone to positive change.


December 2, 2022

Useful game.

The University of San Francisco tested a game that improves short-term memory in older people. Rhythmicity, when played 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 2 months, really improves the cognitive abilities of people aged 60 to 79.


December 2, 2022

The Large Hadron Collider was shut down to save energy.

Earlier, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) reported that the technical shutdown for the end of 2022 will begin on November 28, that is, two weeks earlier than originally planned, and in 2023 the operation of the accelerator complex will be reduced by 20 percent.


December 2, 2022

Elon Musk showed a chipped monkey that controls the computer with the power of thought.

Neuralink plans to implant a chip for the first time in a person to use a computer and phone without the help of hands. According to the businessman, during the study, all the necessary precautions that were used in previous animal experiments will be taken. So, he showed a monkey that had a chip implanted in its brain, thanks to which it was able to write a phrase with its brain. The footage shows the monkey typing "Can I have some treats, please?"


December 2, 2022

The French baguette has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The culture of French baguette making and the way of life it symbolizes have been added to the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List. In total, it contains 600 traditions from 130 countries. The baguette became popular in the 1960s and 1970s when it took over the countryside. According to some reports, such loaves were commonplace already in the 18th century. Now France produces about 16 million baguettes a day - that's almost six billion a year. At the same time, in recent decades, people began to eat less of such bread.


December 2, 2022

The most difficult zodiac signs to forget after a breakup. Pisces.

Dreamy, naive and easy to communicate Pisces quickly win the love and sympathy of the people around them. This also applies to love relationships. Pisces know how to create a real fairy tale for their partner, they gently look after, make surprises. This sign is always sensitive to everyone around. They are kind and romantic people. But often problems in relationships begin precisely because of the dreaminess of Pisces, since “building castles in the air” and life “in rose-colored glasses” distinguishes this sign. When the illusion dissolves, Pisces is acutely aware of the collapse of their hopes. However, even after the breakup, pleasant nostalgia for the departed partner remains, because only Pisces is distinguished by increased attentiveness and care towards other people.


December 2, 2022

The secrets of the success of charismatic Sagittarius women in men. 5. Unpredictability.

Yesterday, Sagittarians were modest governesses, today they turned into vulgar waitresses, and tomorrow they suddenly became impregnable queens. They are so different and they themselves do not know whose role they will play in a minute. Guys love variety. And fiery ladies give men a daily holiday. Sagittarius women have a lot of secret weapons in their arsenal. But the main secret of success lies in the sincerity and spontaneity of the lovely wards of Jupiter. Fiery beauties simply enjoy life and communicate with men.


December 2, 2022