Who needs sex more: men or women?

Most guys say that it makes no sense to make any attempts to communicate with the opposite sex. Based on this, girls should consider their behavior and carefully analyze each of their actions, as well as the feelings that they cause in others. Why do many of the fair sex adhere to the strategy of contempt? Guys explain this by unwillingness to communicate.


December 5, 2022

Who needs sex more: men or women?

Let's observe the surrounding people, mostly female. To do this, we will visit some crowded place, for example, a park. You can find a curious thing: all the girls try to look unapproachable and aloof, they pretend to be completely passionate about their own affairs, not paying attention to anyone. Because of this, the guys may have a feeling of uselessness, because the representatives of the fair sex show with all their efforts that they do not need anyone. Some take it as an insult to them and take offense at ignoring, and then wonder if it is worth showing attention to girls at all?


December 5, 2022

Female orgasm: important facts

Yes, it is much more difficult for a woman to achieve an orgasm than for a man. For the stronger sex, everything is tied to biology and physiology, while for the ladies - on external influences and psychological factors. Most often, a woman needs much more time to “turn on”, because foreplay is important in sex. You need to prepare for sex not so much with foreplay, but with the environment and behavior long before you go to bed. You need to create a mood, relax as much as possible. And, of course, you can achieve orgasm in a variety of ways - by walking through the geography of the whole body. So experiment and you will be happy!


December 5, 2022

Female orgasm: important facts

But the achievement of orgasm can also be influenced by third-party methods, rather than blaming genetics for everything. Women are very mistaken, believing that they have not yet met a man who would satisfy them to the fullest. The point in this case is most often in some kind of psychological “failure”. Another myth is that women are “ripe” for orgasm only after 30 years, and that sex after childbirth will be many times better. There are no physiological prerequisites for this, except that there will be a psychological moment when a woman who has matured as a person becomes much more uncomplexed.


December 5, 2022

Female orgasm: important facts

Sexologists from around the world have conducted repeated studies to find out what actually affects the ability (and inability) to achieve orgasm. Geneticists have also joined sexologists, and the latest proven fact is that a woman's ability to achieve orgasm can be inherited. That is, how (and by) your grandmother achieved pleasure, you will achieve the same - in most cases. British researchers say that the dependence on genes will be estimated at about 35-45%, compared with other factors.


December 5, 2022

How the signs of the zodiac part. Aries.

Everyone breaks up differently. Some beat the dishes and stomp their feet, others silently leave, leaving behind only memories. It depends on the temperament, which, in turn, is often determined by the traits of the zodiac sign. We figure out what to expect from a partner at the end of a relationship. Aries are unlikely to think twice before reporting the ending of your romance. Not embarrassed in expressions and not trying to sweeten the pill, they will honestly and categorically express in your face everything that you do not suit them, and then they will leave your life forever.


December 5, 2022

4 inveterate perfectionists of the zodiac circle. Capricorn.

We have no right to make a mistake, we cannot make a mistake! - Capricorns repeat and demand the impossible from themselves. There are no small things in life! - exclaim the pets of Saturn and for the hundredth time double-check the work done (both their own and someone else's), correcting the shortcomings (which are not). The situation on the personal front is even worse: the search for an ideal (such as Capricorn) half becomes an obsession. But they will find true love without exchanging for a fake relationship.


December 5, 2022

3 male zodiac signs that do not like women's courtship. Libra.

These guys are used to freedom. And any care will be perceived as an encroachment on this very freedom. Well, why are you invading Libra's personal space and pestering them with stupid questions about their well-being? The air boys ate and even, sorry, went to the toilet. Calm down and slow down, because courtship should be invisible. For example, wash shirts for Venus's pets, but in such a way that Libra does not watch the boring process and simply rejoice at the result (or rather, take clean clothes for granted).


December 5, 2022

Daily horoscope December 5th.

Capricorn♑️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to bring any important events. But your mood will be good, and you will enthusiastically take on tasks that previously seemed boring or difficult. The afternoon is the right time to take on something completely new, take the initiative. Aquarius♒️ Try not to worry about trifles, do not be nervous if something does not go according to plan. This will be especially important in the morning. The ability to remain calm, make informed decisions will be very useful to you. Remember that the advice of others will not always be useful, but you can trust the tips of your own intuition. Pisces♓️ Try not to be offended or angry at those who will test your patience at the beginning of the day. This is a challenging time in terms of communication; it may seem that others are specifically trying to unbalance you. But soon the disagreements will remain in the past, and mutual understanding will be restored.


December 5, 2022

Daily horoscope December 5th.

Libra♎️ Pay attention to how the business relationship develops. If you behave correctly, you can turn recent rivals into allies, enlist the support of influential people. Some Libras will find people whose support will quickly implement the most daring plans. Scorpio♏️ One of those days when things work out well, you don't have to put in much effort to reach your goal. Thanks to the support of the stars, some Scorpios will achieve what they have been striving for for a long time. It will be possible to implement a long-standing plan that seemed doubtful to everyone except you. Sagittarius♐️ Tense moments are possible at the beginning of the day. It will be especially difficult at this time for Sagittarius, who will go to business meetings. You will have to make an effort to interest the interlocutors, to convince them that you are right. Your appearance can play a decisive role, so try to look perfect. The afternoon will be completely different: successful, fruitful and enjoyable.


December 5, 2022

Daily horoscope December 5th.

Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day will bring a lot of worries and excitement. You will have to deal with several things at once, correct other people's mistakes, solve problems that have arisen through no fault of yours. All this will be quite tiring, but you will do well. And soon the influence of positive trends will increase, and all difficulties will remain in the past. Leo♌️ Today it is better not to make important decisions, not to take actions that may interfere with the implementation of your plans. This time will require a particularly serious attitude to business. Do not rely on luck, try to pay attention to small details, do not lose sight of anything. Virgo♍️ The day is suitable for important meetings, discussion of serious issues. There will be a chance to chat with people that you have heard a lot about before, and even make friends with them. Offers of cooperation are not excluded. They will open up new opportunities for Virgos, who have long been thinking about changing jobs.


December 5, 2022

Daily horoscope December 5th.

Aries♈️ The morning will bring surprises. There may be some domestic misunderstandings, disagreements with loved ones. It will take some time to figure everything out. By the middle of the day, the influence of positive trends will increase. It will be possible to focus on business, successfully complete what was started a long time ago. Taurus♉️ The day will start with unexpected events. You will need to act quickly and you will most likely have very little time to think. Try not to be nervous. Experience and intuition will help you navigate the situation, find the shortest path to the goal, and not make mistakes. Gemini♊️ Do not rush to resolve financial issues. In the morning it will be easy to make mistakes that will lead to wasted expenses. Unfortunate purchases are not excluded at this time. Otherwise, this time will be favorable. It promises professional success, changes for the better in relationships with those closest to you.


December 5, 2022

If you take out the negative

Do you think that constant conflicts, quarrels and showdowns are a real passion? Even if a quarrel occurs, a healthy discussion of the problem will help resolve the conflict, and not slamming the door, throwing everything that comes to hand. Girls, learn to distinguish passion from toxicity! And these insults to you? "Shut up" "You are dumb?" "Fuck you!" Do you have to hear such words addressed to you when your husband is angry, and when everything is getting better, he asks for forgiveness? And then everything repeats over again? It's a red flag that something is wrong with the relationship.


December 4, 2022

How to deal with female egoism?

First of all, recognize the problem, because admitting it to yourself is hard. Further, it is important to constantly work on yourself - learn to track your selfish desires and respect the opinion of your partner. What else to do to eradicate selfishness in a relationship: • Eliminate manipulation and blackmail. If you ask for something, do it gently and be prepared to be rejected. • Realize that your partner has their own needs and desires, and they may not be the same as yours. • Learn to negotiate, compromise, control your ego. If you are not an egoist, but a loved one, often remind him that you have your own desires, needs and feelings. You also need care, attention.


December 4, 2022

How to deal with with toxic people?

Don't reveal your secrets. Toxic people are often the life of the party – they inspire trust, skillfully create communication space and use relationships to their advantage. Finding people's vulnerabilities, gossiping and making fun of mutual acquaintances are a constant practice of toxic people and the strongest tool of influence. That is why it is important to deprive them of such privileges, namely to limit information about yourself and your secrets, not to gossip and remain neutral. This approach is highly likely to disarm the toxic interlocutor.


December 4, 2022

How to deal with an irresponsible colleague

Adherence to deadlines and a responsible attitude toward tasks are not a priority for such employees. They are most often described as unreliable and unable to follow a plan. These are people who prefer to do things their own way instead of sticking to standards. This is not always a bad thing, but when an important deadline is looming, such behavior is just annoying. To work productively with such a colleague, you need to up the ante. He or she is unlikely to consider it important to respond to your request on time, but will probably quickly change his/her mind when they learn that the boss is overseeing the task.


December 4, 2022

How to boost your self-esteem easily

Seek support. It is very important to have someone to rely on. Friends have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves, on our level of happiness, and on our self-esteem. Surround yourself with people who make you feel better, help improve your mood and smile every day.


December 4, 2022

Scientists have taught a tiny bacterium to move.

The syn-3 bacterium is inherently immobile, but its DNA has been manipulated, and now the microorganism can move at will. For a second, this is the smallest living organism whose DNA experiments have been successful.


December 4, 2022

100 greatest films of all time

British publisher Sight and Sound has released a list of the 100 Greatest Films of All Time, which has been updated every 10 years since 1952. The top three included: "Jeanne Dielman, Quai Commerce 23, Brussels 1080" Chantal Ackerman, "Vertigo" by Alfred Hitchcock and "Citizen Kane" by Orson Welles. Movies of the last decade include Get Out by Jordan Peele, Portrait of a Girl on Fire by Celine Siamma, Moonlight by Barry Jenkins, and Parasite by Bong Joon-ho.


December 4, 2022

In the steppes of Mongolia, they found a dinosaur that swam like a dolphin.

Scientists have named the new species Natovenator polydontus, which means "swimming hunter with many teeth." The "Hunter" was small - half a meter with a tail, hardly more than 40 centimeters in height. Despite its "bird" size, it did not belong to birds: they do not have teeth, therefore, presumably, they survived the extinction of other dinosaurs that had teeth.


December 4, 2022