4 inveterate perfectionists of the zodiac circle. Libra.

And why was the ideal Libra placed at the bottom of the list? - everyone who is familiar with air perfectionists will ask. Yes, everything is simple: the pets of Venus strive for harmony, but do not subordinate it all their lives. With Libra, everything works out by itself. At school - fives, at work - a board of honor, in an apartment - order, in relationships - harmony. Don't judge the perfect guys, because perfectionism is not a disease, but a pinnacle that we, unfortunately (or fortunately), will never reach.


December 6, 2022

3 male zodiac signs that do not like women's courtship. Scorpio.

You called a Scorpio man and asked how are you? Congratulations, now you won't get through to the water guy for a month. If you want to look after, water the flowers in his dacha: Scorpio's mother will definitely like it. And in general, forget about any initiatives - pretend that you are invisible. Maybe Scorpio will notice your absence and tame himself. But most likely, Pluto's ward will straighten his shoulders and say: "it's good that I was left alone."


December 6, 2022

Daily horoscope December 6th.

♑️Capricorn Remembering the mistakes you made in the past is unlikely to make you feel good, but perhaps they are sent to you so that you do not repeat them today. ♒️Aquarius The feeling of deja vu that may haunt you today will not cause the most pleasant feelings and emotions, but it is necessary in order to "close the gestalt" of relationships that were not completed in the past. ♓️Pisces Creativity, which you - with a high degree of probability - want to do today, may well become the second, and possibly the first - budget-forming - profession after some time.


December 6, 2022

Daily horoscope December 6th.

♎️Libra When answering the question of why everything in your life turned out this way and not otherwise, try to be extremely honest: if you admit that you yourself are largely to blame, it will be easier for you to correct the situation. ♏️Scorpio Today, when you watch other people, you can seem to see yourself from the side: it may not be a pleasant sight, but it is necessary, because it will help you take the necessary measures. ♐️Sagittarius It's time to open that very "long box" in which you constantly put off things that for some reason you don't want to do: today you will be able to quickly and practically cope with them without stress.


December 6, 2022

Daily horoscope December 6th.

♋️Cancer Despite the fact that the past will actively invade your life on this day, do not devote more time to it than it deserves: remember that it has already passed, and you need to pay attention to today. ♌️Lion Illnesses that began on this day can be prolonged and, which is especially unpleasant, cause serious complications - try to see a doctor without delay if you feel even a slight malaise. ♍️Virgo The emotions that you will experience today will require an outlet, however, try not to let those around you become an object for them: they are unlikely to be delighted with such a role - it’s better to win back on a cup.


December 6, 2022

Daily horoscope December 6th.

♈️Aries You should not stir up the past, remembering quarrels and grievances that have long been left in the past, especially when it comes to family people and friends: you will not get anything but new - unnecessary - conflicts. ♉️Taurus Take the signs from the past that you can receive today as food for thought: they will help you draw important conclusions that will allow you not to repeat the mistakes once made again. ♊️Gemini Think about the person to whom you probably owe a lot of your current - in all respects pleasant - position: it is quite possible that the time has come to thank him for everything - at least by phone.


December 6, 2022

3 situations when a bad relationship is your "merit"

1. Expect the worst from a man The monumental mistake of women at the beginning of a relationship is to expect a dirty trick from everywhere. 2. Thinking about a man is one thing, but talking about another The essence is similar to the first point: in a relationship with a man, it doesn’t matter at all what you declare if the opinion / expectation sitting inside you does not coincide with your words and actions. 3. "Coach" a man You went to see Tony Robbins, took courses in Neuro Linguistic Programming, gained the power of self-motivation. You understood what your problem was, understood how to solve it. And you really need to share this knowledge with your partner, teach him, and even worse - hope that he will change!


December 6, 2022

If a man destroys your personal space

How to act if you understand that your partner is simply “choking” you? Often we do not notice the line where care ends and total control begins. In fact, the neglect of personal space in a relationship is the psychology of an abuser. Numerous calls with questions: “When did you have lunch?”, “What time will you be back?”, “Don't forget to write when you get to the office” - this is not a concern, this is violence! If you feel like you're in a vice, don't take it! First of all, make your position clear. Let your husband know that you are a grown woman and do not need such overprotection. Alas, in most cases the abuser ignores such requests. In reality, he is not interested in anyone's boundaries. If all attempts to rectify the situation have failed, the only way out is separation. And in order to no longer fall for the hook of a toxic partner, create a strong alliance according to your own rules.


December 6, 2022

What is a healthy relationship?

You mutually love each other and this love grows stronger over time. And this means: • You didn't go into a relationship to attach a man like a plantain to your pain. You closed this pain first. • You feel that you are together, there is no feeling of loneliness. • There are no manipulations, the couple is sincere and open to each other. • Your partner does not forbid you anything, does not infringe, and you have no desire to control and forbid. • There are no insults in quarrels, no criticism and depreciation. • There are common goals and plans. There is support, a desire to help and care. And such relationships begin easily, and the dynamics of their development is quite fast and stable. There is no such thing that a man disappears, then appears. Healthy relationships give joy, a sense of security. Sometimes there are storms. But they endure and only get stronger.


December 6, 2022

Why do men like bitches?

Nice girls are not a challenge. Sometimes "easy" means "boring". Men are hunters by nature, it's in their nature. They want competition, and if they're told they can't have something, they won't back down until they get it. Good women seem boring because men don't have to make any effort to win their hearts. But bitches are hard to reach, and most men are gamblers and won't give up until they win a prize.


December 6, 2022


And that's okay. Yes, it's NORMAL to feel ANGRY sometimes. It is as natural as any other emotion. It is inseparable from our nature whether we want it or not. No matter how you slice it, emotions just don't have an ON button. Even if you succeed in switching off anger, all other feelings go away as well. If you don't accept anger, suppress and ignore this emotion, it can lead to two extremes. The first is uncontrollable outbursts of anger causing crashing furniture and fighting. The second is passive corrosion, toxic aggression and psychosomatic illness.


December 6, 2022

About setbacks

Setbacks are inevitable on the way to your goal. When you decide to live a new life for yourself (lose weight, run in the morning, quit drinking beer, get a second degree), and are determined to do your best, but after a week or two you suddenly snap. So here's the point: setbacks happen – it's not a problem. They are absolutely inevitable, since nobody can change at the drop of a hat. The whole point is whether you give up, or willfully pull yourself together to crush it again. That's the difference between those who succeed in changing their reality and those who only think they intend to change something. There are no quick results on the road to deep personal transformation.


December 6, 2022

It's time for a change

When should you change your life? At 20, 25, 30? Is a positive transformation possible later? Transformation is possible when you have made a decision, developed a plan, and are moving toward your goal point by point. The thing is that the earlier you start moving toward your goal, the better your chances of achieving it. The problem is that if a person does not change mindfully, his or her life changes for the worse over time. A person suffers more and more, becomes more and more frustrated, goes deeper and deeper into resentment and a sense of injustice, because he or she is more and more dissatisfied with the way he or she lives and what he or she gets.


December 6, 2022

Beginner Tips

6. Be consistent Don't try it on the first try. Especially if you are not completely sure about your desire to have anal sex. To get started, include your fingers and tongue in your standard menu: let the man first caress the rear entrance with his fingers (preferably lubricated) or give you oral pleasure. This will help you relax and learn to trust your partner.


December 5, 2022

Beginner Tips

5. Don't Forget Lube You don't have to go overboard with it either, but a little water-based or silicone-based lube applied to the anus will prevent tears, reduce pain, and increase pleasure. If you are afraid that it will hurt, use only special analgesic lubricants for anal sex. Lubricants reduce pain, and anesthetics reduce sensitivity.


December 5, 2022

Beginner Tips

4. The condom is a must Yes, pregnancy and anal sex are not related concepts. However, you will need condoms! Because they protect not only from pregnancy, but also from infections. In this situation, they are even more needed than with normal sex. First, the risk of infections is higher, and you need to protect yourself from them. Secondly, what if you want to switch to vaginal contact? It will be enough to change the condom to a new one - and you are ready to continue.


December 5, 2022

Beginner Tips

3. It must be planned Almost all "manuals" on sex agitate us to "turn off our heads" and indulge in unrestrained sex. All this, of course, is wonderful. Only one caveat: anal sex is the only one where you need to turn on your head! More precisely, in preparation for it, and then you will notice what pleasure that forbidden fruit that you were even afraid to think about can give!


December 5, 2022

Beginner Tips

2. It shouldn't hurt It only hurts if it's done wrong. Many women enjoy anal sex and have an orgasm while doing it. If you start slowly and carefully, with small objects like fingers and sex toys, gradually moving to slightly larger ones and using a special lubricant, and you are aroused and not afraid, embarrassed and cramped, then it will not hurt.


December 5, 2022

Beginner Tips

1. Anal sex is not for the silent Bonding with a partner is a key factor for those who decide to try anal sex for themselves. The only way to know that everything is going according to plan is to be absolutely honest with each other, as well as to warn when you feel uncomfortable or just changed your mind about doing “it” now. Yes, this also happens, so in no case do not be silent about your desires! After all, sex against your will is never fun.


December 5, 2022

Who needs sex more: men or women?

However, it is necessary to accept an important fact - human vision is a very sensitive organ. With its help, you can assess the appearance of another individual in a millisecond. In addition, there is peripheral vision, when a person is able to look in one direction, and at the same time observe what is happening at the edge of the field of view. Many girls and women often use these capabilities of the human body. The phenomenon of peripheral vision is widely used in those moments when a man is not looking in her direction. These moments may be equal to one second, but for human vision, such a period is enough to analyze a potential partner in detail.


December 5, 2022