Erogenous zones of men that you did not know about

Breast Do you think that only women have so sensitive nipples and the breast itself? Wrong - men do too. Yes, of course, our sensations are “ruled”, rather, by the mammary gland, but men also have a lot of nerve endings in this area. Only here it is better to manage with your hands to a minimum. Going down after a neck massage, you can make a few light massaging movements, then give free rein to your lips and tongue.


December 6, 2022

Erogenous zones of men that you did not know about

Ears The ears are also considered one of the most powerful erogenous zones, especially when you caress them with your tongue. The auricle is a very sensitive area, so you need to be careful here, but you can still afford some courage. The main thing is not to “fill” the ear of your beloved with saliva, move your tongue very carefully and with light touches, and not make loud sounds so as not to injure your hearing.


December 6, 2022

Erogenous zones of men that you did not know about

Nape and neck This is one of the areas of the male body, the massage of which can give a powerful impetus to arousal. Unless, of course, the man is too tired. Otherwise, he will simply relax, tension will subside, problems will recede, and he risks falling asleep right in your capable hands. However, massage of the back of the head from the crown and below, ending with the neck and shoulders, can give an unprecedented pleasure. Massage the back of the head, working out the neck muscles, you can even lightly pull your loved one by the hair. Go down, work the neck and shoulders, and then you can move forward - the neck area below the Adam's apple (approximately where the collarbone and thyroid gland) is directly related to the sexual function of a man.


December 6, 2022

More about healthy relationships

The ability to show and feel empathy for each other. In fact, it is obvious that you should always be there for each other, especially when emotions overwhelm you. Most couples take their relationship status for granted and forget how important the person next to them is until things start to fall apart. Being constantly aware of your partner's emotions and expressing that awareness in a sincere and caring way is paramount in any relationship.


December 6, 2022

How to restore virginity in 15 minutes?

In modern medicine, there is an operation to restore the hymen - hymenoplasty. The operation lasts only 5-15 minutes, and the body recovers after 5-6 hours. During the operation, the girl does not experience pain or discomfort. The operation is relevant in the following cases: - before the wedding; - to restore the severity of sexual life in a long marriage; - in accordance with ethical and religious considerations; - The grounds for intervention are also the loss of virginity through negligence and the need to restore the hymen after a sports injury. To achieve a long-term effect, long-term hymenoplasty is performed. The gynecologist takes into account the individual characteristics of the woman, her wishes and state of health.


December 6, 2022

Is cheating allowed in a couple?

It seems that a loved one should not lie in any case, because this undermines trust and the foundation on which a joint happy future is based. But some are sure that lying in a family between a husband and wife is a completely normal phenomenon, and there is nothing wrong with that if the spouses do not cross the permissible boundaries.


December 6, 2022

Is it important to be officially married if you love each other?

“Why do we need an official marriage, we already love each other” “It is not necessary to sign if you trust your partner” “Paper papers do not matter, the main thing is feelings!” Familiar? I'm sure yes. For each of us, family and relationships mean something different. Everyone chooses how to live. And what is the significance of formalization for your relationship? Is the stamp in your passport important to you or are you for cohabitation?


December 6, 2022

Set boundaries in your relationships

Picture a situation where a large family gathered for a festive dinner, everyone is lively discussing something, and suddenly your aunt asks you a question: "Are you going to get married?" Silence hung in the air, and now all attention is focused on you. At this moment, it is important not to get lost and say, for example, the following: "This has nothing to do with the family feast. Let's discuss the upcoming vacation together instead”. Such a firm, but clear and polite answer will make it clear to the interlocutors that you know how to define your personal boundaries — in the future it will help avoid such awkward conversations.


December 6, 2022

Fighting Fear

Firstly, it is impossible to fight fear. All you can do is recognize it, but most people will never do it. Why? That’s because the desire to change yourself or to change something that inspires fear is weaker than the fear itself. Whether it's ending a relationship or moving to another city, quitting a hated job or starting a business, you'll never do it unless your motives for doing it are stronger than your fear of the unknown.


December 6, 2022

The Oxford Dictionary named the word of the year.

The Oxford English Dictionary has named "goblin mode" its word of the year. This slang phrase means "a type of behavior characterized by laziness, slovenliness, and greed, as well as a rejection of social norms." The second place according to the voting results was taken by the word “metaverse” (metaverse). They call it "a virtual reality environment in which users interact with each other's avatars." Third place was taken by the phrase #IStandWith (“#ITogetherWith” / “#ISupport”), used in social networks to support a person or group of people.


December 6, 2022

Face Re-aging Network

Disney has unveiled the Face Re-aging Network (FRAN), a neural network that can age or rejuvenate actors in real time. At the heart of AI is a database that consists of several thousand randomly generated faces ranging from 18 to 85 years old. The neural network takes these casts and, based on a real person, predicts which parts of the face and how aging will affect them. However, the commercial application of the technology has not yet been found. In addition, AI still has a couple of unresolved limitations: the neural network works well only with adults, and the age change step is about 10 years.


December 6, 2022

"Mickey 17"

The first teaser trailer for "Mickey 17" from "Parasite" director Bong Joon Ho, starring Robbert Pattinson, has been released. The sci-fi thriller is based on the book Mickey 7 by Edward Ashton. In the center of the plot is a robot that is sent on deadly expeditions as part of the colonization of a new planet. At the same time, after death, his consciousness is constantly restored in a new body. The premiere is scheduled for March 2024.


December 6, 2022

Morning sports turned out to be more useful than afternoon and evening sports.

After studying the data of 87,000 athletes over 6 years of training, PubMed stated that those who exercised in the morning were much less likely to complain of health problems. And almost did not encounter cardiovascular diseases, unlike the other two groups.


December 6, 2022

In Iceland, a service has appeared that allows horses to respond to letters from people.

OutHorse Your Email helps people answer work emails while on vacation so they can relax and stay focused on their vacation. The main feature of this Icelandic service is that it is not people who answer letters, but horses. They walk and run on a huge pad-like keyboard and send all sorts of gag from a person’s work mail.


December 6, 2022

Tesla began delivering the first Semi electric trucks to customers.

Tesla's new generation truck was first introduced in 2017. Five years later, the company reported on the first deliveries. The official start was given by the head of the company Elon Musk. He introduced a new car, calling it "the future of trucking." Semi prices start at $150,000. The first batch (100 cars) will be received by Pepsi, which placed an order back in 2017.


December 6, 2022

Application for fans of the World Cup

Fans of the World Cup using the application can scan the playing field in real time and see the statistics of any player by clicking on it. You can even see the speed of the players and heat maps showing how the teams move across the field.


December 6, 2022

Frequent eating of sweets atrophies the human brain.

Five researchers, all of whom worked at prestigious universities in Australia, have come to a conclusion that has made headlines around the world: people who eat a lot of sugar and bad fats tend to have atrophied brains, a condition referred to as "candied brain" . The opposite trend was also found: People who ate nutrient-dense foods that didn't spike blood sugar levels, along with foods rich in omega-3 fats and protein, tended to have more developed brains.


December 6, 2022

World record not broken

Spanish freediver Miguel Lozano tried to break the world record for diving without scuba gear, on one breath hold. But he lost consciousness at a depth of 125 meters and was urgently raised to the surface by rescuers from his team. Only two meters were missing from the record.


December 6, 2022

The SOS feature on the iPhone 14 saved a human life for the first time.

The incident happened on the night of November 30 to December 1. A man used his iPhone 14 to send an SOS to a rescue team via satellite after he got stuck in Alaska on a hike. Search teams were sent to the GPS coordinates that were in the message - the man was saved. It is noted that the rescuers were very surprised how accurately the smartphone transmitted the coordinates.


December 6, 2022

In Japan, they found the first flower that changes color many times.

The chameleon flower is the Japanese Causonis (Causonis japonica). Usually plants can change shade as they grow. Often a new color signals to insects that it is ready to pollinate. Causonis was the first flower described that could repeatedly change color and return to the old one. The scientists called this ability bidirectional color change. It turned out that the color change is associated with the peculiarities of the reproductive system. What is the evolutionary benefit, scientists do not yet know. In the male stage, causonis is orange. When the stamen ages and falls off, the flower turns pink. After a few hours, the pistil grows and the causonis turns orange again.


December 6, 2022