Daily horoscope December 8th.

Cancer♋️ Although it is hardly possible to completely avoid difficulties today, the influence of positive trends will prevail. There may be obstacles along the way, but you will surely find a way to overcome them. The knowledge gained in the past will help. It is thanks to them that you will not make mistakes, will not fall into the traps set by ill-wishers. Leo♌️ Keeping calm today will be more difficult than usual: the emotional background will be unstable, others may behave strangely, it is possible that old agreements will be violated. Be prepared to change plans. The faster you do this, the better results you can achieve. Virgo♍️ The beginning of the day is suitable for business meetings, conversations about work, communication with people whom you would like to see as your allies. It will not be difficult to make a good impression, your ideas will be liked by many. People who have never helped anyone before will offer you support and do whatever is needed.


December 8, 2022

Daily horoscope December 8th.

Aries♈️ People around you will interfere in your affairs much more often than usual, and you will hardly like it. It will be difficult to avoid disagreements and disputes in the morning. It will take a lot of patience to calmly explain to others why you are doing this and not otherwise. Taurus♉️ It is worth hurrying: it is the first half of the day that will turn out especially well, suitable for complex and important matters, solving difficult issues. You will successfully complete what you have given a lot of effort to before, and you will be satisfied with the result. This period will also be favorable for communication. You will find new friends and allies, make useful contacts. Gemini♊️ The day will be rich and bright. It will surely bring a lot of useful information and inspiring news. Some Geminis will find themselves rethinking their plans, putting things aside and focusing on others. Listen to your intuition: it will tell you how to act.


December 8, 2022

The ultimate Cooler Master Orb X station for immersive work and play.

The chair is made of genuine leather, equipped with an adjustable headrest, lumbar support and footrest. You can install three 27-inch monitors in a semi-circle or one 34-inch monitor in the center, and hide the PC or console in the compartment at the back. There is wireless charging for a smartphone, a USB hub, built-in 60 W acoustics and RGB lighting. The weight of the installation is 343.5 kg. Pre-orders in the US will open this month. Price - $15.000.


December 7, 2022

Central Park New York

One of New York's top tourist attractions is Central Park. The tree-lined urban oasis stretches for about 2.5 miles and welcomes about 42 million visitors a year. New York's Central Park is twice the size of the Principality of Monaco and ten times the size of the Vatican. Although the park looks very natural, it is actually all man-made. The park consists of 25,000 trees; seven reservoirs; 136 acres of woodland; 250 acres of lawns; 100 kilometers of footpaths; and 36 bridges and arches.


December 7, 2022

The most expensive dome house in the world

Imagine a dollhouse that will cost more than an apartment in New York. You can say that this is impossible and such a non-childish toy simply does not exist, and we will answer that it does. And this miracle costs eight and a half million dollars! Palace Astolat Dollhouse can not be called an ordinary castle for Barbie. Firstly, the height of the "house" is almost 3 meters, there are twenty-nine bedrooms inside, the total weight of the castle is more than 350 kg. Each of the small rooms has interior items, the total number of which is 10,000 pieces. These include unusual furniture, fireplaces that function like real stained glass, tiny oil paintings, and volumes of books that are considered insanely expensive due to the fact that it is simply unrealistic to find such volumes.


December 7, 2022

Contraindications and side effects.

Royal jelly is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions: allergy to bee products; exacerbation of a chronic disease; Addison's disease; pregnancy; breast-feeding. Do not take the product before bedtime, as it can provoke an overexcitation of the nervous system and cause insomnia. An overdose of royal jelly should not be allowed. It leads to insomnia, euphoria and lack of appetite. Royal jelly can be used frozen, in combination with honey and in the form of capsules or granules. Before taking it is better to consult with a specialist.


December 7, 2022

Useful properties of royal jelly:

- activates and accelerates the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation of all cells in the body - has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial properties - strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with vitamins, acids and trace elements, helps with beriberi - restores hormonal levels - helps children in physical and mental development


December 7, 2022

What is in the composition of royal jelly:

-hormones: progesterone, estradiol and testosterone -vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B15, A, E, H, C, PP and D - mineral salts - trace elements: sodium, aluminum, zinc, manganese, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, potassium, etc. - lactic and pyruvic acids -carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, ribose, sucrose and maltose -special proteins of royal milk: in many respects similar to blood serum proteins -lipids -acetylcholine: the main conductor of nerve impulses, the content is 1000 times higher than in honey -sterols -fatty acids: stearic, succinic, decenoic and palmitic albumins and globulins


December 7, 2022

Royal jelly. What it is?

Royal jelly (apilactose) is a special food that honey bees use to feed queen larvae at all stages of development. The queen bee feeds on royal jelly throughout her life. On such a special diet, it acquires the ability to reproduce, grows 2 times larger than the rest of the bees and lives up to 6 years with an average bee life of 2 months. Royal jelly has a creamy color and creamy texture. It has a sweet and sour taste. The smell is pungent, characteristic. Royal jelly is produced by nurse bees. This milk is also called "royal jelly" because of its valuable properties and the laborious process of obtaining. In its composition, it is an analogue of mammalian milk, but in a more concentrated form.


December 7, 2022

Interesting gadget

Canadian frozen food brand McCain has come up with a device that helps avoid uncomfortable conversations at the table. The gadget prepares french fries and dispenses a portion when it hears phrases like: “when can we expect grandchildren?” or "when you're going to get a real job."


December 7, 2022

6 ways to hurt his male ego (on purpose or not)

1. Point out his physical defects. Even if he is not perfect and does not seek to change, he does not want to hear about his shortcomings. 2. Doubt his salary. They are offended when a woman boasts that she earns more than him. If you earn less, then he may be offended that he earns little. 3. Fix it in front of other people. Most men want to believe that they know everything better than anyone. 4. Talk about other men. Any compliment or words of encouragement addressed to another man hurt his ego. 5. Talk positively about your ex. Any compliment to the former is a blow to the ego of the current. 6. Show dissatisfaction with him in bed. If a woman is not happy, this is a big blow for him.


December 7, 2022

Gestures of a man when he likes a woman

• The body is turned towards the woman, his leg is put out in front of her - as a sign that he is taking a step towards the interlocutor. • A man watches his posture, straightens his shoulders, raises his chin. • The man is excited: straightens his tie, sleeves, rubs his palms, straightens his hair. • Spreads legs wide, means that he feels relaxed. • Looks into the eyes, holds the gaze and periodically switches it to the lips.


December 7, 2022

Ask Personal Questions

Use this trick if you need to get someone to like you immediately. It also works the other way around. Tell something personal about yourself to earn a person's trust. But don't spill your guts at once. Give it out gradually. Repeat your interlocutor's body language. If both repeat each other's movements and facial expressions, it means that the contact is established. That way you can even check how well the conversation is going. Try to sit a little differently and see if the person does the same.


December 7, 2022

Keep Your Emotions Under Control

An intense emotional reaction can be perceived by a toxic person as a manifestation of weakness and insecurity, which will trigger them to even more provocation: inappropriate jokes, manipulation and unfair criticism. Keeping an emotional distance requires awareness. Periodically, you will find that you are in a situation where you need to stop and choose the best course of action. Sometimes the best course of action is to smile and nod, and in the meantime, pause and plan your next steps.


December 7, 2022

How to achieve harmony in work with an egoist

Egoists think only about themselves. In worst cases, this is combined with toxic behavior and narcissism. Narcissists differ in that they do not know how to appreciate other people's good ideas and tend to exaggerate their own importance. If you are a boss, try to deal with this behavior rather sooner than later and directly. When you see an employee is taking advantage of others, let him know that this behavior is unacceptable. If the egoist is your colleague, use the same approach. It is better to immediately stop such an attitude and unequivocally make it clear that you will not tolerate it.


December 7, 2022

Elevated levels of formic acid in the urine have been shown to be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease.

The level of formic acid in the urine increases at the earliest stages of cognitive impairment and may be one of the first predictors of Alzheimer's disease. The scientists also found that knowledge of formic acid and formaldehyde levels, in addition to plasma biomarkers, improves the accuracy of disease staging, and suggest using urine testing for formic acid for mass population screening.


December 7, 2022

The Japanese postal service will start delivering parcels by drones.

The length of the drones of Japan Post's own design is 1.5 meters, and the payload capacity of the device reaches 5 kilograms. Drones can travel up to 32 km and will be used primarily in mountainous areas and on remote, sparsely populated islands.


December 7, 2022

How the signs of the zodiac part. Gemini.

Geminis do not know how to part quickly. They are so afraid of hurting the feelings of their beloved, even if the feelings have already faded away, that they will give out this information in a dosed manner, with small hints. This sign involuntarily inspires false hope in the partner: in the evening he can throw in his hearts “it's all over!”, And in the morning write him a romantic SMS. Starting an affair with another person before saying goodbye to a previous partner is also not uncommon for Gemini.


December 7, 2022

The 5 Most Selfish Zodiac Signs. Aries.

The sun shines on everyone equally. Although, this statement can be argued - some signs are sure that the sun shines exclusively for them. And the earth revolves around them too. Who are these incorrigible egoists? Aries. Well, what about without Aries? They are the first everywhere, and even more so they got to the top line in the list of egoists. We are the best! We are the only ones! We are unique! We, we, we…. like no other people exist. There are only pets of Mars in the world. And everyone else must serve. I do not like? Fiery egoists will find other slaves (who will gladly take over the duties of pleasing Aries).


December 7, 2022

3 zodiac signs for whom family will always come last. Sagittarius.

Family is sacred, but not for the entire zodiac circle. Representatives of these 3 signs of the zodiac more often than others prefer a career, the implementation of new ideas: everything, but not relatives. Sagittarius. The attitude towards the family of a Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman is different. Girls are more attached to their parents at a young age, and having created a family, they are devoted to their husband and children. "Archers" idolize relatives and are even ready to sacrifice self-realization. Sagittarius men are the exact opposite: they are desperately trying to create a strong family, but a career and tempting projects remain in the first place. They often marry several times, but rarely find someone who shares their views.


December 7, 2022