3 zodiac signs for whom family will always come last. Aries.

For Aries, there is only himself, his interests and everything else. Most often, the family is not paramount, and besides, Aries easily finds an excuse for such a position in the fact that his work and personal achievements provide for children and a spouse. Aries is used to relying only on himself: it is difficult for him to find a strong partner who can fully correspond to his status, follow similar life goals. It's not always about the sign of the zodiac: sometimes the family leaves no choice, and the person tries to fill the void from the pain and betrayal of loved ones in another area.


December 10, 2022

Stop comparing yourself to others

Neither in reality, nor on social media. On the Internet, everyone tries to create the appearance of an ideal life, which should not be trusted. There's absolutely no need to compare yourself to some illusive virtual image. Can't get rid of the feeling that everyone is better than you? Then do the following: instead of comparing yourself to people you're interested in, try to find out how they succeeded.


December 9, 2022

Be kinder to yourself

We make too heavy demands on ourselves and blame ourselves for faults we would forgive another person immediately. Don't do that. Stop putting yourself down, be kinder to yourself. Treat your own actions and thoughts with compassion and respect.


December 9, 2022

Bacteria in the gut play a role in the development of depression.

European doctors have found that the likelihood of developing depression depends on the composition of bacteria in the human intestine. Presumably, some microbes are involved in the production of glutamate, serotonin and other important signaling molecules of the nervous system. This explains why the gut microflora affects mental health.


December 9, 2022

Short men are daffodils.

Short men tend to be narcissistic in order to appear stronger, make a better impression on partners, and appear more formidable. Short women do not have this quality. These conclusions were reached by Polish scientists during a study involving 367 people. They filled out a questionnaire of psychologists and rated their satisfaction with their height.


December 9, 2022

Daily horoscope for December 9th.

Capricorn♑️ There will be an opportunity to establish business relationships with people whose successes have made a strong impression on you lately. Offers of cooperation are possible, some Capricorns will have the opportunity to join the work on some very promising project. Aquarius♒️ Be careful. This is not the best day to deal with serious issues. It can bring new challenges that will not be easy to cope with. Be prepared to act independently, to take responsibility. This way you will be successful faster. Pisces♓️ An excellent auspicious day, during which many of your undertakings will be lucky. A lot of opportunities will open up in the business sphere, there will be a chance to succeed in work, to solve problems that no one has been able to cope with before. You will disarm ill-wishers, leave rivals far behind.


December 9, 2022

Daily horoscope for December 9th.

Libra♎️ Today you will not be in a hurry. This will avoid mistakes. The day is suitable in order to complete the work started earlier, put things in order, get rid of unnecessary things. Many Libras will benefit from the experience gained earlier. Thanks to him, the representatives of the sign will achieve their goals even faster than expected. Scorpio♏️ You have a lot to do. It will hardly be possible to act according to plan: it is much more likely that it will be necessary to improvise, to quickly solve unexpected problems. Intuition will help you deal with it. Thanks to her tips, you will achieve even better results than you could expect. Sagittarius♐️ The day is hardly complete without worries and worries. But it will also bring interesting tasks and new plans, on the implementation of which it will be possible to focus immediately. So you will not have time for unpleasant thoughts. The sooner you cast aside doubts and get down to business, the sooner the situation will change for the better.


December 9, 2022

Daily horoscope for December 9th.

Cancer♋️ Getting along with others today will be more difficult than usual. Sometimes you yourself can provoke disputes. Try not to get excited: everything can be agreed calmly. New tasks will appear, which will not be able to cope immediately. But you will persevere and you will definitely achieve the desired result. Leo♌️ Today, more than usual, you will be in the spotlight. You will be noticed even by people who previously were not interested in anyone but themselves. Interesting job offers are possible. Your income can increase significantly. However, money will not fall from the sky: you will have to work hard to get it. Virgo♍️ It won't be easy to keep calm. There may be minor misunderstandings, some annoying support, because of which you will be seriously worried. It will not be easy to find allies. People who previously shared your ideas and plans will be busy with their own affairs today and will not be able to come to the rescue.


December 9, 2022

Daily horoscope for December 9th.

Aries♈️ Do not worry about trifles at the beginning of the day. Something at this time can really go wrong, but it does not necessarily lead to problems. You will quickly understand how to cope with the difficulties that have arisen, and immediately see new opportunities. The stars at this time will be especially favorable to Aries, who are busy solving professional issues, striving for professional growth. Taurus♉️ It will be difficult to remain calm at the beginning of the day. At this time, it is better not to plan business negotiations and important meetings: there is a danger that you will not be able to find the right words, make a good impression. You have to be careful with money. It is better not to rush into purchases and deals. Gemini♊️ The day will be favorable for communication. Business negotiations will be especially successful: you will be satisfied with their result, find new allies, enlist the support of influential people. New professional prospects may open up for Gemini, whose work involves travel and requires frequent changes of scenery.


December 9, 2022

The Comedy Wildlife Award

The Comedy Wildlife Awards, in which photographers compete for funny wildlife shots, have chosen their 2022 finalists. Among the best works: a karate squirrel, a dramatic monkey and a headless penguin.


December 8, 2022

The Artemis mission is complete.

The Artemis mission is officially a success - the man-carrying Orion has successfully completed the mission simulation. Man is officially ready to return to the moon. True, this will happen no earlier than in two years - now, the data will be rechecked and clarified.


December 8, 2022

A Chinese student has come up with clothes that protect against security cameras.

Special prints make a person invisible to infrared cameras. Due to strange signatures, the camera simply does not detect the signal, allowing the person to remain behind the scenes.


December 8, 2022

Finally, the construction of the SKA telescope began.

The idea of the radio telescope is to make it the largest by placing its parts on two different continents - in Australia and Africa. The accuracy of such a radio telescope would be enough to detect a smartphone in an astronaut's pocket on Mars. Money for the project still could not be found, but now it has finally begun to be built.


December 8, 2022

Eco-friendly Christmas tree installed by the authorities of Budapest.

You can light it with the help of a bicycle - you just need to turn the pedals. In such a simple way, the city hall decided to show tourists and local residents how much energy is required to create New Year's installations.


December 8, 2022

Chinese Xia Tong creates unique glowing eye prostheses.

The girl lost her eye at the age of 18, in a car accident and instead of despairing, she devoted her life to medicine and became a specialist in prosthetic eyes. And now he creates bionic eyes for himself and for other people. Her goal is to help people like her deal with self-confidence issues and enjoy their uniqueness.


December 8, 2022

How the signs of the zodiac part. Cancer.

Cancer rarely initiates a breakup, but if it does, he suffers even more than his ex. After all, in fact, Cancer hoped to the last that the broken cup of relationships could be glued together ...


December 8, 2022

The 5 Most Selfish Zodiac Signs. Second place is Taurus.

Taurus are great materialists and philanthropists at the same time. On the one hand, they are ready to give away the last shirt, and on the other hand, they scrupulously calculate how much and to whom they have distributed. This cognitive dissonance haunts them all their lives, but is resolved, as a rule, in the same way: Taurus decides that he deserves a threefold reward for his altruism.


December 8, 2022

3 zodiac signs for whom family will always come last. Aquarius.

It is difficult for Aquarius to meet certain criteria and follow the rules. If his soulmate is also a creative and freedom-loving person, then Aquarius will be able to stay in the family and actively participate in her life. Aquarius needs lightness, awareness of his importance and exclusivity: he is looking for this at home or elsewhere. It is often easier for him to achieve admiration at work, in a creative project, or with friends than at home.


December 8, 2022

Daily horoscope December 8th.

Capricorn♑️ Do not hurry. Today, the ability to remain calm, even when vanity and confusion reign around, will be very useful to you. If you do not rush, do not succumb to fleeting emotions, you will soon understand how you can achieve long-term goals. Aquarius♒️ The day will require intelligibility in communication. You should not have long conversations with those who usually unbalance you with critical remarks, make you worry and get nervous. If there are people around who understand and support you, you will immediately feel much better. Pisces♓️ You will succeed in many things thanks to the ability to get along with different people, to find an approach even to those who are completely different from you. Relationships that start as business today can become friendly or romantic over time, if you so choose.


December 8, 2022

Daily horoscope December 8th.

Libra♎️ Do not build illusions. Today you will be helped by the ability to really look at things, not to expect too much either from yourself or from others. Before starting to implement new ideas, consider whether it is worth doing it right now. It is worth listening to the advice given by old acquaintances. Scorpio♏️ A day of good fellowship. Getting along with others today will be surprisingly easy; you will find an approach even to those who were previously extremely reluctant to make contact. Proposals for new work or collaborations are likely. It is better not to rush to answer them. You will have enough time to think things through. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be bright and rich, you will like it. The time has come to start doing things that you have not dared to take on for a long time. Many bold undertakings will be accompanied by good luck. Some Sagittarius will make good deals or find a way to significantly increase their income.


December 8, 2022