4 zodiac signs that are suitable for long-term relationships. Cancer.

4 zodiac signs that are suitable for long-term relationships. Crayfish. Cancer think and sway for a long time, take one step forward and a hundred steps back. But if they are already ripe for creating a family, then you can be sure of their reliability. Relationships will be strong, and life together will be happy. Especially if Cancer shoves his touchiness away and acts like an adult. So if someone in a couple was born under the constellation Cancer, then this union has every chance for a long and rosy continuation.


December 11, 2022

Daily horoscope December 11th.

Capricorn♑️ The day may bring some unexpected events, amazing incidents that will affect your plans. It is possible that you will need to put aside all the familiar things and focus on something completely new. You will quickly figure out how to act in order to succeed. Aquarius♒️ There will be many good ideas. Proceed to your plans without much thought: this way you will have a chance to quickly achieve the desired result. The stars will support Aquarius, who today will begin to learn something or take on a new business. The first successes will not keep you waiting. Pisces♓️ It's good to talk business. Today, acquaintances can tell you how to succeed, to cope with a difficult task. For sure, what you learned a long time ago will come in handy. There will also be a use for your talents, which few people knew about before.


December 11, 2022

Daily horoscope December 11th.

Libra♎️ We'll have to hurry, because there will be unexpectedly many cases and tasks that require attention. You will have time for everything, if you act consistently, you can avoid unnecessary fuss. It is possible that it will be necessary to deal with the solution of some old domestic problems. This may result in unexpected costs, but is unlikely to be significant. Scorpio♏️ It will be difficult to get along with others. Even the feelings of the closest people will not always be clear to you, and the actions and words of those around you will more than once confuse you. However, there will be no reasons for serious conflicts. Only some minor grievances, silent discontent are possible. Try to be especially patient with those who are especially dear to you. Sagittarius♐️ Be careful with money: today you are prone to some frivolity and you can spend a significant amount on trifles. Do not rush to buy, do not invest in projects that you have only recently learned about. Otherwise, the day will turn out well. It will be favorable for communication.


December 11, 2022

Daily horoscope December 11th.

Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day will please with successful coincidences. There will be an opportunity to realize what you have long planned, and you will not miss it. Help people from whom you did not expect anything like this. Many people will like your ideas, and new acquaintances will certainly want to participate in their implementation. Leo♌️ The beginning of the day is good for meeting a person you would like to like. At this time, it will be easy for you to get along with a variety of people, including those with whom you did not find a common language at all before. Possible unplanned trips; they will turn out very well, will give a lot of vivid emotions. Virgo♍️ Difficult day in terms of communication. Sometimes it will be difficult to get along even with those whom you previously understood perfectly. Conflicts over trifles, heated debates are not excluded. You will find a way to end them, but it will take effort.


December 11, 2022

Daily horoscope December 11th.

Aries♈️ Do not build illusions and try not to wishful thinking. Today, it will be especially important to be able to set realistic goals, to deal with practical problems, without heading into the clouds. It is better not to rush with purchases; you risk spending money on things you don't need. Taurus♉️ Feel free to take on new things: most likely, you will quickly achieve success in them. However, there will be an opportunity to cope with what has not worked for a long time. But here you need help. Ask for it from those whom you have known for a long time. These people will definitely not let you down today. Gemini♊️ The start of the day will be busy. This is the time to take on something new. Friends or old acquaintances will surely offer something interesting, you will gladly respond and will not regret it. Gifts and signs of attention, pleasant surprises are likely.


December 11, 2022

Best erotic books

Henry Miller Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Cancer tells the story of one man in the form of a diary with a touch of autobiography. A book about the love of life, throwing off social shackles from any point of view, including sexual. The work is more vulgar than sensual. Sex in Tropic of Cancer looks raw and animalistic. The main character has casual dirty sex with prostitutes. Henry Miller portrayed him very accurately. Admittedly, passages from the novel are no longer as exciting today, but they made a lot of noise in their day.


December 10, 2022

​Best erotic books

Anais Nin "Delta of Venus" 15 short erotic stories are not about love, but about desire and passion. "Delta of Venus" describes the sexual experience of women from their point of view. Anais Nin described these stories very frankly, but at the same time sensually. Sexual intercourse is depicted very accurately, and the words "penis" and "pussy" are quite common.


December 10, 2022

​Best erotic books

Jonathan Franzen "Freedom" Walter and Patty are the average married couple of the 1980s. Patty discovers personal sexual freedom while cheating on her husband. Walter and common son Joey also face temptation. Complicated, tangled relationships threaten to destroy family life.


December 10, 2022

Best erotic books

Benoit Gru "Salt on our skin" A student loves a fisherman: Gavin and Georgie are a very unusual couple. However, for more than passion, Georgie is not ready. She does not want to marry Gavin - social differences are too great. But over the course of their lives, they meet again and again and secretly make love.


December 10, 2022

Best erotic books

Haruki Murakami "Norwegian Forest" Reading this book, you will get acquainted with the complex love story of the almost 40-year-old Tooru Watanabe. In the 1960s, as a student, he couldn't decide between Naoko and Midori. He created a love triangle with completely different girls, but also had sex with others - only to finally find out who he really loves.


December 10, 2022

Crew of a private lunar mission

The crew of Elon Musk's private lunar mission has been announced - bloggers, artists and other celebrities will fly to the moon on the Starship ship. The composition of the lunar crew, in addition to the most Japanese businessman Yusaku Maezawa, included: Steve Aoki - DJ and music producer Tim Dodd - blogger, popularizer of astronautics, known as Everyday Astronaut Yemi A.D. - artist, choreographer, performer Karim Iliya - photographer Rhiannon Adam - photo-artist Brendan Hall - director Dev D. Joshi - actor T.O.P. (Choi Seung-hyun) - Musician


December 10, 2022

Harvard has created an artificial vagina.

Using cells from two female donors, silicone, and the magic of science, Dr. Don Ingber has recreated a cybernetic vagina that behaves exactly like a natural one. With its help, various drugs and methods of treating diseases will be tested.


December 10, 2022

Canadian artist creates stained glass windows from cow placenta.

Artist Emily Mattson decided to use cow placentas to create art while working on her ranch in British Columbia. Preserved in a special brine, the placenta dries like parchment, retaining "dramatic colors," she says. Ranch neighbors were initially skeptical of Mattson's idea, but eventually began saving their animals' placentas and "bringing them in buckets." Thanks to them, Mattson's art now appears in many exhibitions. One of Mattson's works, Treasure Chest, is featured in a cannabis dispensary 20 minutes from her ranch. It simultaneously looks like a coffin and a luminous stained glass box. Viewers say that this work reminds them of the eternal movement of life and death.


December 10, 2022

How to take the initiative

It can come from anyone, the main thing is that it is properly packaged. For example, in the form of questions: "Don't you think it's worth thinking about this?" "What do you think of this idea?" “And what do you think, how to do it?” “I have an idea and your opinion is important to me” Women are naturally more proactive than men. But in a partner family, a woman usually has enough wisdom to make the initiative look unobtrusive.


December 10, 2022

Casino effect in relationships

The casino effect is when a person spends his resources, but there is no result. But he still continues to throw a lot of energy into it. Someone wants to be married for a long time, but this does not happen. Someone is trying to fall in love with a cold partner. What to do if you understand that you are subject to this effect? You need to realize that if a person really takes you seriously and is ready to take some steps, then he will take these steps. And he would have gone forward a long time ago.


December 10, 2022

Your colleagues are not your friends

HR managers tell us that their company has a friendly environment, and that teamwork and honesty are appreciated. So you get the impression that everyone is your best friend. Don't believe it. We all tend to compete with each other, and it would be just naive to pretend otherwise. There's nothing wrong with that. Just don't treat your coworkers like friends, don't expect too much from them. People actually work to get money for their job. It would be a mistake to think that they can sacrifice their salary for the sake of friendship. Base your relationship on a different model. Be friendly, have fun with your colleagues, but above all remain professional.


December 10, 2022

Learn to deal with your enemies

Everyone who has achieved something or strives for a meaningful goal has enemies. The best tools against them are equanimity, composure, composure, a sense of humor, ignoring and banning. Equanimity, composure, and calmness help avoid irritation when dealing with them. A sense of humor smooths communication, no matter personal or online (emoji are what you need 🙂) Crazy haters, if at all possible, should be banned immediately. If you can't ban them, ignore them. The easiest way to defeat the enemy is not to communicate with him or her. The less you know about him or her, the happier you are.


December 10, 2022

Make friends with deadlines

Deadlines can discipline, focus, and mobilize. As well as drive you into prostration, panic, and even paralysis. To avoid becoming a victim of a deadline, it's better: ▫️ not to try to meet very tight deadlines and take time to spare (you can say like, "I don't work well under deadlines. Please give me one more day"); ▫️ to plan everything and start doing things ahead of time without any distractions, keep focused; ▫️ to split the project into sprints; ▫️ and, of course, not to put everything off until the last days/hours.


December 10, 2022

Why doesn't he do anything for you?

Women have a special memory: where the keys go, she does not remember. But when and how her husband offended her and did not give her enough, he recalls in detail every quarrel. Where he is right, he will never hear. But where it's wrong, it's in the details! Why he is bad, what was missing, what else is needed, where he screwed up, what didn’t work out - everything flies into his brain. Such men get sad, burn out, they have failures at work, their libido drops, their escape from reality into gadgets and a bottle progresses. And such husbands need a mistress to save the marriage. They go to her in order to regain everything that their spouse bit off at home.


December 10, 2022

Why work on relationships?

Why bother with the family? In addition to the fact that the family is a place where you can become very happy, it is also a tool for your growth. It is in the family that you can realize yourself in every sense. The family can be a source of pleasure, joy and intimacy, it helps and protects. But she is also a constant source of irritation, because we are forced to find a common language and build relationships with a partner. And no matter how much you love each other, there will always be a reason for discontent and conflict. And this is a testing ground for constant work on yourself, if you want it, of course.


December 10, 2022