Daily horoscope December 16th.

Aries♈️ Today, a lot will depend on the people who are close to you. You will be more than usual influenced by others, you can trust the opinions of others, and not your own experience. That is why intelligibility in communication today will be especially important. Try to stay away from those who have let you down before. Taurus♉️ You will react especially sharply to any events today. Even a minor incident can unsettle. Some Taurus will be prone to sentimentality. There is a danger that it will prevent them from making the right decisions, calmly assessing the pros and cons. Gemini♊️ The day starts off not uncommonly restless. In the first half of it, a lot of things will require attention. It suddenly turns out that you need to return to issues that you considered resolved long ago. You will have to correct old mistakes, and not only your own, and the mood will hardly improve from this. However, it will take a little time, and you will have the opportunity to focus on something really interesting.


December 16, 2022

The alleged form of sexual disorder is pornophilia.

Pornophilia - addiction to pornography, excessive craving for pornography. Why is this supposed disorder? Pornophilia is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). ICD-11 introduced sex addiction, which means that pornophilia is still partially recognized. Where is the line beyond which a habit becomes an addiction? The main “red light” is the loss of self-control. If you experience withdrawal without porn and are ready to watch it in completely inappropriate conditions (for example, in a taxi, and you are a taxi driver who carries passengers), addiction is almost certain. Among the negative consequences are: a person needs more and more porn in order to get excited; a drop in self-esteem and a growing dissatisfaction with real sex; the need to copy what you see on the screen (including violence); general psychological stress (viewing does not give relaxation, but, on the contrary, makes a person even more nervous), bouts of anxiety and self-isolation. Don't sit down. Forewarned = armed!


December 15, 2022

Simultaneous orgasm - should I strive for it?

Synchronized orgasm, of course, is very pleasant. But to make them the goal of making love is a mistake. They are more likely if the partners have been in a relationship for a long time and they have had biorhythm synchronization. It should also be taken into account that a woman usually needs about 4 times more time to achieve orgastic discharge than a man. Moreover, the male brain is physiologically more prepared to receive an orgasm: their sexual intercourse ends with an orgasm in 95% of cases, for the stronger sex, these figures are significantly lower. And yet, in intimacy, the most important thing is not duration or synchronicity at all. A loving couple should rather strive for mutual psycho-emotional and physiological satisfaction. What do you think?


December 15, 2022

Sexual problems and their solutions.

Little experience. Representatives of the stronger sex with inexperienced girls are sometimes, on the contrary, more comfortable: they can be kings, happily dominate. But in terms of untrained boys in society, there is a different opinion: for some reason, a guy should already a priori be able to do everything, otherwise he would not take place in life. That is why young men begin to copy the macho style, learn techniques from porn and other people's advice, and as a result, “crap” at crucial moments. And all because they act according to patterns, and do not surrender to mutual passion. Genuine touches and kisses are much more pleasant for ladies than “memorized” ones. They will do everything themselves if you really cause an influx of feelings and desires. The same, in principle, applies to young, insecure girls.


December 15, 2022

Sexual problems and their solutions.

It is not known how to do cunnilingus. Guys can get confused, refuse to do it at all, or try to review a bunch of videos and courses, and then come to the conclusion that they didn’t understand anything. A woman, on the other hand, will not receive additional pleasure and will acquire imaginary complexes. What to do? Understand that theory often has little to do with practice. You just have to try if there is a mutual desire.


December 15, 2022

Sexual problems and their solutions.

Boring. The representatives of the stronger sex were inspired by the scenario: there should be beautiful courtship, a nice interior with snow-white sheets, a certain foreplay, safe and confident sex, hugs at the end. Everything is done, but in the end the lady is unhappy. Why? Yes, because she is not a robot with a program of pleasure pre-installed in her. A woman appreciates sincerity, an unpredictable change of emotions, sensations, caresses and postures. Memorized phrases and crown kisses on the neck, the nipple are “rolled” only in forced relationships. Want to really enjoy? Open up and help your partner do it. It is quite possible that he is only "for". Watch erotic films together, experiment with places, clothes. If you trust each other, everything will work out.


December 15, 2022

Sexual problems and their solutions.

Sperm with an unpleasant aftertaste. This is what can repel a girl from licking and generally active contact with your “life-giving liquid”. A slightly salty taste is normal. But bitterness, acid, and so on already indicate a deviation. Perhaps the man drinks alcohol too often, overdoes garlic / onions, spices, takes antibiotics, or constantly eats steak for dinner, drinks too much coffee. Many girls are simply initially against the white “rain” pouring on their chest, stomach, or even more so on their faces. And if they agreed once, and then they refuse, then it really can be a matter of taste. It is worth hinting to the chosen one about the need to change your lifestyle and go on a diet in order to try again.


December 15, 2022

12 ways to get EVERYTHING you want.

6. Twenty years will pass, and you will regret more about what you did not do than about what you did wrong. So put aside hesitation. Set sail and run away from safe harbor. Catch a fair wind. Explore. Dream. Make discoveries. 7. It is much better to burn out in flight and crash down, pursuing a high goal, than to spend the best days of your life in front of the TV somewhere in the back of life. (Actual for 95% of the population). 8. Everything that exists in the world was once just a dream... 9. He who does expects success. The one who “tryes” expects something to interfere with him. 10. Take it and do it. If you don't know what to do, take a step forward. 11. Having a goal is more important than having an opportunity. 12. Bold and brightly drawn dreams come true at least 110%. You will always receive + 10% in the form of additional bonuses from Life at the exit of your dreams.


December 15, 2022

12 ways to get EVERYTHING you want.

These are not just words! Think... 1. Those who succeed in life are those who are not afraid to dream big and then take risks to fulfill their visions. 2. When you are ready to give up, you are closer to the goal than you think. 3. Why put off your greatness until later? Why wait for a better time to fulfill your dreams and those wonderful opportunities that life opens up for you? Why not take the first step today? 4. Everything you think about comes true. 5. Follow your dreams and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls...


December 15, 2022

Despondency. Continuation.

And in a negative sense, a person begins to endure what happens to him. Even if he doesn't like it. And it starts to seem like the whole world is against me. And such a situation can lead to discouragement. This happens when we forget that we are not separate beings. And we are inextricably linked with the entire universe. And that means that everything that happens is the will of the whole. When we remember this, we begin to feel trust in the world. And we can say to ourselves: “Everything that is happening now is for the good. Even if I don’t understand why this is all happening, I trust the world.”


December 15, 2022

Despondency. Continuation.

When one event after another happens and we feel that we are unable to resist these events and our desired future is further and further away. There is no hope that we can realize our desired future. At this moment, it may seem to us that we can only accept and endure. But this is not true humility. Because true humility gives rise to an inner feeling of peace, acceptance, grace. When we feel that yes, we are not able to change everything in the outside world, but at the same time we trust everything that happens and feel that we are being led as if by the hand by something greater that exists in this world than ourselves.


December 15, 2022


First of all, you need to understand who is in despondency. And because of what. Answering the question WHO, we must understand that it is not we who are discouraged, this is our false self. False Ego. We ourselves are not really discouraged. And the false self shows its displeasure and feels despondent and sad because of the false self-perception. That is, the reason for staying in despondency is a false sense of self. This feeling means that we feel cut off from the whole, cut off from the world. We feel like separate beings. And when some event occurs that does not fit into our plans, does not meet our expectations, it is very easy for our desires to collapse, give up, succumb to the influence of circumstances so that we feel defeated. And it can become an overwhelming burden.


December 15, 2022

Couples tend to become targets for gossip

The more often we see someone, the more attractive they seem to us. That's why at some point you find yourself encouraged by the colleague you haven't noticed before. At an office party or wherever, you suddenly begin to see a lot in common and realize that it's a good match. After that, your relationship evolves rapidly, and some time later you become a couple. It's not that it's bad, but it can easily lead to trouble. Couples often feel like "there's us and there's everyone else," and it can ruin your work environment. You'll become the subject of gossip, and it will likely prevent you from moving up the career ladder. So it's worth setting boundaries to separate your work and personal life.


December 15, 2022

Some employees are treated differently

In every company, there is one reliable person who brings most results. Naturally, he or she is treated differently. And naturally, some people are jealous and think it is wrong. So you can moan about injustice as much as you want, but it won't help neither you nor your employer. The truth is that some employees are irreplaceable and others are not. Your aim is to join the first group.


December 15, 2022

An enthusiast launched a game on a Christmas tree toy.

He 3D-printed the case, integrated components, including a Bluetooth chip, and the smallest display he could find. So you can play on BT-keyboard or joystick.


December 15, 2022

New Zealand criminalized the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.

The local parliament passed a historic law banning the sale of tobacco to all citizens born on or after January 1, 2009. Thus, it is planned to protect future generations of New Zealanders from addiction.


December 15, 2022

Pavel Durov became the richest man in the UAE.

Forbes has shared new data, according to which Pavel Durov is the richest person in the United Arab Emirates. In 2022, Durov became poorer, but this did not stop him from leading the rating. At the moment, Pavel's fortune is estimated at $15.1 billion. In 2021, the creator of Telegram was also the richest person in the UAE. Then Forbes estimated his holdings at $17 billion.


December 15, 2022

Biologists have found the clitoris in female snakes.

Before that, it was believed that they did not have this organ. Now it turned out that it is double - like the penis in males. A double clitoris is called a hemiclitorus. It is located in the lower part of the reptile's tail and consists of sensory nerves and tissue similar in properties to erectile tissue. It does not have spikes that help during mating - they are on the genitals of males. Biologists believe that the snake hemiclitor performs a standard function - it is stimulated during courtship, enhances sexual behavior and increases the chances of successful fertilization.


December 15, 2022

Backdrop Remix

Runway has a new AI tool for working with videos and images - Backdrop Remix can create backgrounds for any photo based on a simple text prompt. This is an excellent replacement for background removal services and another useful neural network for Runway.


December 15, 2022

In Tokyo, they created the smallest metal coil to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

It looks like hair because of the thickness of 0.027 millimeters (this is three times thinner than hair).


December 15, 2022