"Metamorphoses" and their causes

Where do they even come from - these "Aunts"? And I'll tell you where. "Aunts" become women who do not live for themselves. Women who are forced to act daily and hourly against their wishes. What makes them do it? Probably debt. Are stocks in mass markets interested in a good life? No. They are interested in women who are trying to stretch their pay for a month, misunderstood called a salary. To have enough for food, and for my husband's pants, and for the child for tutors. Again, did a woman come up with tutors and a boring test of lessons? She just took on the responsibility, and tries to meet the high modern standards of child support. About which (both about standards and about children) a husband often has only a speculative idea. Why does "Aunt" eat cake? Probably, it makes up for energy losses that cannot be replenished otherwise - by walking, sleeping. Because she had no time to sleep, the child's teeth were cut / her stomach ached / her temperature rose.


December 19, 2022

"Metamorphoses" and their causes

Often men are indignant when they see that from a thin and sonorous girl who was once their beloved, it was suddenly hatched out incomprehensibly - some kind of shapeless "Aunt". They think they have been deceived. They slipped, it seems, a low-quality product. There was a student in a white cap, dancing at a disco, reading Haruki by Murakami, dreaming of going to Paris, and suddenly - on you, in all its glory, this terrifying sight. The classic "Aunt" with a reduced outlook, limited to the purchase of stew "by stock" and hiring tutors for the child. With a short haircut, in stretched shorts of an incomprehensible color, with a cake during a break at work, in strange hooded clothes of non-marking colors, more reminiscent of a parachute.


December 19, 2022

Questions for the analysis of family relationships

It is enough to dive into these questions to understand how close you are with your spouse at the moment. The sooner you can see, the more opportunities for improving relations. Or, at worst, realize that you have wasted a lot of time living in an empty relationship. • Am I satisfied in this relationship? • How long ago did I share my feelings with my man? • Do I know what he likes? • When was the last time I did something nice for him on my own? • When was the last time he shared his feelings with me? • When was the last time he did something nice for me of his own accord? • Is my man satisfied with his relationship with me? • Do we live together because we both want it, or because we are used to and should live like this?


December 19, 2022

Retribution for insults

Did you know that the other side of resentment is a woman's health? In fact, resentment is clots of bad energy, memories and experiences. And they are stored nowhere else but in our body. Resentment is nonsense for a woman's body and the cause of her blues on the physical level. And so we, girls, should forever say goodbye to insults, simultaneously forgiving and releasing the offenders.


December 19, 2022

Leave the habit of throwing sharp phrases

Today I propose to analyze the errors on specific examples. Instead of the first option, use the second. It will help to find mutual understanding and strengthen relationships: ▫️Do what you want! / It is important for me that we decide together what to do. ▫️Who needs you but me? / You are the best! ▫️It doesn’t work out well with you. / It hurts me when you do this to me. ▫️I don't want to talk to you./Let's come back to this conversation later. ▫️ I told you that it would be so! / Next time we will do it differently. ▫️You did it on purpose to hurt me./It's an accident, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. ▫️You never do anything around the house. / Without you, I can't cope with household chores. Remember phrases that harm relationships, and which strengthen!


December 19, 2022

Do you have room for a husband?

It is very important for a woman to leave space inside herself for her husband, and at all levels: • on the physical - give the opportunity to protect, help, take care of yourself. • socially - to accept the husband's status and his social influence, without trying to change him, without comparing him with others. • on the intellectual level - to be able to listen and accept his point of view (without giving up his own), accept his world and beliefs. • on the spiritual - to accept unconditionally the path that a man leads, without control and condemnation. If you give your husband space on all these levels, you will see how your feelings about yourself will change and how your spouse will begin to grow, progress, rise higher.


December 19, 2022

Do not suppress the negative emotions but use them to draw conclusions

It is believed that a successful person is positive and happy at any given time, but this is a delusion and deception. Creating an enthusiastic atmosphere of joy at trainings and courses, an illusion is formed that it will follow you into everyday life. But there the range of emotions is wider, and negative experience is integral. You need to live it and accept it without suppressing yourself, otherwise it's easy to become a regular client of a psychologist. Negativity can be beneficial from the point of view of personal growth, if you analyze your condition correctly and draw the right conclusions. Plus, it increases the value of positivity, which does not get boring and works even more effectively on emotional contrast.


December 19, 2022

Am I in control of my life or am I going with the flow?

Very few of us are in full control of our lives, fewer make informed decisions and play by our own rules. We often do what other people want us to do. Sometimes we blame the circumstances and do not believe that we can change anything. And more often we just perform the usual ritual naturally, without even noticing how our everyday days fly by. It's time to wake up and take control!


December 19, 2022

When on vacation - have a rest

Vacation is sacred. It doesn't matter who you are - a manager, a top manager or an entrepreneur — it's unreasonable to accumulate weeks of rest: you only multiply fatigue which leads to burnout. Therefore, the main tasks of a vacation are to give the brain a rest, reduce stress, experience new emotions and acquaintances, recharge energy and strengthen family relationships.


December 19, 2022

US scientists have developed a living smart watch.

In order for them to work, they will have to be fed regularly. Inside is the slime mold Physarum polycephalum, which conducts electricity perfectly, but is too small to complete the circuit - in order for the device to perform its functions, the slime mold will have to be regularly fed and watered. In this way, scientists want to instill sympathy for smart watches so that users do not throw them away when they get bored with them.


December 19, 2022

The Perseverance rover began laying out samples of Martian soil for subsequent delivery to Earth.

Plan A is to get the soil tubes home using the rover itself. But in case Perseverance fails by the time the rocket arrives (2032-2033), there is also a plan B. The rover is now laying out samples right on the surface of Mars. And then, they will be picked up by small drone helicopters.


December 19, 2022

Golden turmeric is recognized as a "superfood"

The spice has long been used in China to treat depression, skin problems, and other ailments. A study published in the Journal of Classical Immunology confirms the observations of ancient doctors. Curcumin really improves brain function, suppresses inflammation and regulates the immune system.


December 19, 2022

Investment in Synchron

Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have invested in Synchron, which is developing an implantable brain chip. Synchron announced that it has raised $75 million in investments, including from Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. The company is building a Switch computer that can be implanted in the human brain. This should help in the treatment of paralyzed patients. Synchron is a direct competitor to Elon Musk's Neuralink. Some experts note that Synchron has moved further than Neuralink. The company has already implanted the chip in two patients and will conduct tests during the year under the supervision of doctors.


December 19, 2022

McMurtry Spéirling electric hypercar

In the UK, the McMurtry Spéirling electric hypercar traveled 400 meters in a record-breaking 7.97 seconds - faster than the Tesla Model S at 9.2 seconds. The car in the back of a carbon fiber monocoque received a 1000+ hp engine. and a cost of $ 2.5 million. According to the manufacturer, up to 97 km / h Spéirling is able to accelerate in 1.5 seconds.


December 19, 2022

With care for football fans

Beer brand Petra took care of the fans who had to watch the World Cup in the morning because of the time difference. They made Petra Milk plant-based milk using the same barley as in beer and bottled it in beer bottles. You can add it to coffee, and just drink it.


December 19, 2022

Scientists have made a major breakthrough in thermonuclear energy.

For the first time, they were able to get more energy than was spent on starting the reaction. As part of the experiment, the world's most powerful laser machine was sent to a tiny capsule with deuterium-tritium fuel, heating it in a split second to a temperature several times higher than the temperature of the center of the Sun. As a result, thermonuclear fusion began in the superheated plasma, similar to what happens inside stars. 2.05 MJ was spent on launching the lasers, and 3.15 MJ of energy was received - this is considered an excellent result. In the future, the technology may become a "green" alternative to nuclear energy and hydrocarbon fuels. But this will not happen soon: under the forecasts of scientists, thermonuclear installations will be able to sustainably generate electricity in sufficient volumes only after several decades.


December 19, 2022

Typewriter with artificial intelligence.

Engineer Arvind Sanjeev integrated the ChatGPT artificial intelligence chatbot into an old typewriter. So, a vintage gadget can independently print text on paper and carry on a conversation with a writer.


December 19, 2022

The neural network has learned to create compromising information on users of social networks.

Arstechnica researchers conducted an experiment. They created a fictional user named John, an elementary school teacher. And on the basis of his usual photo content, a real compromising evidence was generated. Here John is sitting half-naked in the classroom, taking pictures with a naked porn actress, walking in a clown costume, participating in an extremist group and serving time in prison. Experts used the Stable Diffusion neural network and the Dreambooth learning method, trained AI in just 1 hour and absolutely free.


December 19, 2022

Walking in nature is officially a working remedy for depression.

Psychiatrists at McGill University conducted a large-scale study of people with depression, dividing them into three groups. One sat at home, the second walked around the city, and the third - in nature. It was the team of naturalists who showed the most serious positive changes.


December 19, 2022

Forecast for 2023. Cancer.

You're in for a pretty good year. Difficult periods, of course, will be, but they are unlikely to drag on for a long time. You will do everything possible to change the situation for the better as quickly as possible. Intuition will help here - it is thanks to its prompts that you will make the right decisions, start acting in time. Until the beginning of March, try to pay special attention to your emotional state. It is important to avoid gloomy thoughts and unpleasant memories, if possible, maintain cheerfulness and optimism. It will be useful for many Cancers to change the situation, go on vacation. If circumstances do not allow this, just try not to overwork, not to go into business with your head. Spring will be especially favorable for business communication. Try to show your best side - you will have a chance to find very influential allies, it would be a shame to miss it. It is important to separate business and personal relationships, not to rely on your likes and dislikes when it comes to work. Summer is going well. This time is suitable for work and study, but you will not forget about rest, pleasant communication, and family affairs. The period will be very harmonious, so many Cancers will be able to regain strength and feel much more confident. In the last months of the year, it will be important to be patient. During this period, you will create the foundation for future success. It can be difficult to work without getting immediate results, but you will have the wisdom and experience to overcome this challenge as well.


December 19, 2022