Roller massager

To enhance the effect of serum and / or cream, purchase a roller massager on any marketplace. After applying the cream, walk along the massage lines with a little effort for a couple of minutes. Care will work harder and penetrate deeper. Repeat daily - after a couple of weeks you will begin to notice a significant difference.


December 20, 2022

Not everyone needs love.

Some live without it at all. And some homeopathic doses give out love. Or are able to learn only grains and grams. Because of this, so much suffering is caused by people to each other. Due to different energy consumption. And then somehow they interact all the same, if they stay together. But this is not a very happy relationship. Happy love - when the ability to give and the need to receive coincide, when the energy intensity is the same. Ηo this rarely happens. And some yearn for love, others choke on it. Some fountain with tenderness and love, others lightly drizzle and drip drop by drop. Oh, it's still love. Oh what ect. Because for many, the barometer shows "great land" initially. And the thermometer is absolute zero. They give nothing and cannot contain anything. They are completely lifeless, like a herbarium. And the worst thing is to love such a person; he doesn't need anything. And there is nothing to give you to him ...


December 20, 2022

Man will take as much love as he can contain.

And give as much love as he has. No more and no less. And some people give a stream of love, an inexhaustible waterfall, while others take a sip and can no longer. Their soul capacity is so small. For a sip. Then they begin to choke and drown. For them, an excess of love is like torture with water ... Or one craves love, absorbs it like dry sand in the desert. And the second one drizzled a little, like mushroom rain, poured water from the nursery and that's it. The energy of love has run out. He gave everything he had. He has nothing more to give. So honestly, he says: “I can’t give you anything else.” It's true. And this is the great drama of love, in this capacity of the soul. One overflows, and the other chokes and drowns in this stream of feelings. He flounders and pushes away already ... And the other quenches his thirst with meager drops of dew and cannot quench it in any way. This is how energy exchange manifests itself in love; sad picture.


December 20, 2022

Who is a male provocateur?

His favorite game is to provoke you to emotions, and unpleasant ones, those that will make you feel uncomfortable. There are several types of them: • Amateur provocateur The person for whom the only correct opinion is his own does not tolerate dissent. • Provocateur-strategist Most often, they do something behind their backs to achieve their own success or to put themselves in the best light. • Ruler-ruler Plays with those who are psychologically weaker, looking for a victim, and then asserts himself through manipulation.


December 20, 2022

“I found my husband’s love correspondence with another: what should I do?”

Don't shut yourself off from your emotions, admit them to yourself. Yes, you are hurt, hurt, you feel betrayed, angry. Then proceed according to the following scheme: ▫️Choose a convenient time to talk. Ask what your husband's love correspondence means, how you should react to it. Most men begin to make excuses, to confess their boundless love. Make sure your partner is not lying to you. ▫️ Speak out your feelings. Say that you are offended, you are hurt and feel bad. But do not shout, do not scandal: oddly enough, men are frightened by such behavior, they "close". ▫️Ask your husband how he sees the future life of your family. After that, say that you need time to think and make a decision. It is advisable to spend this time separately: ask him to temporarily move out or change the situation yourself. Take this time to figure out what you want from the relationship. Are you ready to forgive cheating?


December 20, 2022

Give up one-size-fits-all approach

Personal growth coaches are often billionaires, celebrities, and politicians. They have come a long way to achieve success, and their accomplishments are extremely impressive. But everyone has his own path, so that would be just unwise to think and act like Gates, Zuckerberg, Oprah, Martin Luther, or anyone else. Living another person's life, imitating someone, is a huge mistake. Repeating someone else's way is unlikely, because copying is always doomed to failure. In order to grow as a self-sufficient person, express your individuality instead of using templates, and think in your own way, not like billionaires.


December 20, 2022

How to set goals for the year in order to accomplish them?

For many people, setting goals has long been an annual December tradition. But how to plan for the future so that you don’t shed tears over unrealized goals at the end of the year? Choose 12 major goals for the year. The first and most important thing is to allocate 12 tasks for the year, one for each month. You might think that’s too much. Definitely no! We are, unfortunately, prone to apathy and procrastination. However, if you looked at your goal in detail, you'd be surprised at how quickly it can be achieved. Make a to do list with 12 tasks on a sheet of paper and pin it on the wall, so that all year long this list will be before your eyes and will not let you retreat. Two simple rules for choosing a goal: ▫️ Set goals that are easy to measure (for example, to write 10 articles, so you'll know the exact deadline). ▫️ Imagine that the task has already been accomplished and think about whether it would make you happy.


December 20, 2022

The Wednesday hand is now real.

The Raptor House Effects team took inspiration from popular TV shows and made a robotic version of The Thing. Inside are 50 unique components that the effects team had to 3D print or machine.


December 20, 2022

In Switzerland, 230 liters of gin were stolen from the bottom of a lake.

Ginial produces Lake Constance gin using a special technology - it is poured into a metal sphere and immersed in the bottom of Lake Constance. The sphere is infused at the bottom for 100 days, after which the gin acquires a unique aroma, taste and naturally skyrockets in price. This time, things didn't go according to plan: someone managed to steal the underwater treasure. Divers, together with the police, searched for a sphere at the bottom for several days, but to no avail. But the loss of a batch of alcohol is only half the trouble for the company. About four hundred bottles of strong drink were infused in the ball, 395 of which the company's loyal fans bought in advance. Now the waiting period for gin will increase, as well as the dissatisfaction of customers.


December 20, 2022

Nauseous odors trigger the immune system.

As it turned out, unpleasant odors affect not only behavior - even after contact with them, immune cells in the mouth are activated. They are preparing to neutralize the threat. These conclusions were reached by Swedish scientists during a study involving 36 healthy people. They were given to smell 16 aromas: pleasant, neutral and disgusting. Among the latter are the smell of surströmming and rotten yeast. After evaluating the scents, the scientists collected saliva samples from the volunteers. It turned out that due to contact with disgusting odors, the tumor necrosis factor TNF-α increased. This means that the body has prepared to defend itself against potential danger. The factor also enhances sensitivity to bitter taste - this is a way to recognize a toxic threat in time.


December 20, 2022

Enceladus found all the chemical ingredients necessary for life.

At a meeting of the American Geophysical Society in Chicago, scientists announced that signatures of phosphorus have been found on Saturn's moon. This element was the last in the list of hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, carbon and nitrogen. This whole cocktail is traditionally considered the primordial soup for the emergence of life.


December 20, 2022

Forecast for 2023. Virgo.

Pay attention to the ideas and plans that you have at the beginning of the year. They may seem completely unrealistic, even fantastic. But later you will return to them more than once, you will find practical value in them. Until the beginning of spring, it is better not to change anything drastically in life. This is primarily about work. It may be tempting to give up everything you did before, start from scratch, open a new page in your career. It's not the best thing you can do. It is better to wait until the emotions subside and some real proposals arrive. April and May will open up new opportunities. It is possible that at this time those knowledge and talents that you previously considered completely useless will be in demand. In addition, people whose support is worth a lot will pay attention to you. If you behave correctly, you will acquire very influential allies, reliable business partners, investors. Summer will be hectic. This is a time of work - most likely, there will be a lot of work, and a significant part of household chores will fall on your shoulders. Monitor your emotional state. It is very important not to follow the lead of irritation, not to allow discontent and anger to accumulate. From September, a comfortable favorable period will begin, which will last until the end of the year. You will still need to do a lot, but you won't have to push yourself too hard. Relations with loved ones will be especially harmonious and warm. No matter how the circumstances develop, you will know for sure that there are people nearby who you can rely on.


December 20, 2022

Forecast for 2023. Leo.

The beginning of the year will be very auspicious. This is a time of change for the better in many areas of life. It is important not to try to take control of the situation, but to use all the opportunities that open up before you. With this approach, such a development of events that you could not even count on before will become probable. Many Leos at this time will become more prominent figures, will attract more attention to themselves than before. If you want to focus on social or political activities, take care of your reputation, try to avoid any dubious connections. Your work may arouse the interest of inspection organizations: keep your documents in order, be prepared for unexpected visits and difficult questions. The difficult period will begin in April and last until July. You will feel the tension rise. People around you will expect a lot from you, you will not want to disappoint them. The requirements for your job may become more serious, it is possible that you will have to learn quickly in order to keep up with your rivals. Rough decisions can lead to financial losses. From August to November you will find a fruitful period. This is a time of creation in the broadest sense of the word. Whatever you do, take your time. Remember: you create your own well-being, and the rush is completely inappropriate here. You can start some long-term projects, make large purchases. December can be busy. You will need to correct the mistakes made before (not just yours), do something completely new, try to show your best side. You can do it, even though it won't be easy.


December 20, 2022

Zodiac signs that believe in love at first sight. Pisces.

While some people deny the existence of love in principle and try to reduce this wonderful feeling to banal biochemistry, others believe that you can even fall in love at first sight. Which of the star wards believes in a bright and sudden love feeling that he himself cannot resist, we suggest you find out in a romantic selection. Most of the children of Water fall in love instantly and are so passionate about the object of their adoration that they will gladly fulfill all the whims of the latter, even if they do not receive even a tenth of what they give in return. Pisces love feelings inspire, give meaning to everything else, make them unusually active and inspired. The person with whom Pisces fell in love is lucky: the passion will surround him with attention and care. Unfortunately, because of the haste, Pisces often get burned. This especially affects women: Dreamy Pisces blindly swim into the maelstrom of new relationships, starting to imagine the perfect wedding and the names of future kids literally after the first date. Alas, reality is not always so rosy, and the psyche of Pisces is not strong.


December 20, 2022

What does a Sagittarius woman want?

Dream 3: Money Normal dream of any woman. And do not believe the ladies who say that they are not selfish - everyone wants to live beautifully and richly. The Sagittarius girl does not hide her commercialism: I want this, I want that, and that's it. And that there was nothing for it. And having received her millions, the fiery lady shouts: It will not be enough!


December 20, 2022

Daily horoscope December 20th.

Capricorn♑️ Your usual composure today will be replaced by short temper, impulsiveness and irritability. Oddly enough, in some cases this will be useful. Confused by your pressure, others will make concessions, agree to conditions that previously seemed not very favorable. Aquarius♒️ Today, the ability to remain calm and not succumb to provocations will be very useful to you. It is thanks to these qualities that it will be possible not only to avoid conflicts, but also to establish relations that were previously tense. Pisces♓️ It will be difficult to focus on business. And those around you will distract you more often than usual, and it will not be possible to just tune in to a serious mood right away. Therefore, it is better not to take on something serious in the morning, but to wait a bit. Good news from afar is not ruled out; most often they will relate to finances and property.


December 20, 2022

Daily horoscope December 20th.

Libra♎️ Try to solve the most important questions on your own. To entrust others today is only insignificant things, little things that you simply don’t get your hands on. In everything related to finances and property, you should trust your intuition. Advice from friends is more likely to confuse you than help. Scorpio♏️ The day will be favorable for communication. Unusual meetings, interesting acquaintances are waiting for you. It will be surprisingly easy to get along with people to whom it was not possible to find an approach before. Many will pay attention to those of your talents and virtues that they did not notice before. It is possible that soon you will receive some interesting offers. Sagittarius♐️ An eventful day awaits you. There will be more cases than expected, and they will all be different. Some Sagittarius will have to learn new things on the go, others will need to remember what they once knew. But all representatives of the sign will perfectly cope with the tests.


December 20, 2022

Daily horoscope December 20th.

Cancer♋️ Be prepared for surprises: the day will bring them a lot. Something will certainly not go according to plan, but you will not be at a loss and find a way to make the most of the current situation. Experiments and improvisations will be successful, thanks to the ability to creatively approach any business, you will cope with what others did not succeed. Leo♌️ The day will hardly pass without misunderstandings. Especially a lot of them will be at work. This, however, will not prevent you from coping with things in time and successfully completing what you started. Do not rush to resolve financial issues: there is a risk of losing sight of some important detail. But negotiations on future cooperation will be successful, you will receive interesting proposals. Virgo♍️ Try not to draw too much attention to yourself. This is one of those days when you can achieve significant success by staying in the shadows. Before turning to someone for advice, make sure that the experience and knowledge of this person can really be trusted.


December 20, 2022

Daily horoscope December 20th.

Aries♈️ The day is good for taking on new things. You will quickly get all the information you need to deal with them, and helpers will be easy to find. Many Aries will receive support that they did not count on before. Some representatives of the sign will acquire useful business connections. Taurus♉️ The day will be favorable for meetings and negotiations. You will easily find a common language with very different people, make a good impression on those who usually almost do not like anyone. Possible job offers. Some Taurus will find unexpected uses for their talents, which will cause the admiration of others. Gemini♊️ The day will be bright and unusual. You will feel that you are ready to take on something new and will perfectly cope with what you previously had only a distant idea of. Intuition will help many Gemini to find a common language with people with whom the representatives of the sign did not get along before. It is possible to restore old ties, reconciliation after a quarrel.


December 20, 2022

"Metamorphoses" and their causes

"Aunt" is always squeezing yourself for the sake of others, life by other people's interests. Conquer the "Aunt" in yourself - shout glamorous magazines. Sleep well, eat marbled beef five times a day, go to strength training three times a week, and go to the pool three times. Go to the hairdresser's, buy new clothes. They are unaware that, perhaps, this woman really wants to do strength training, and in the SPA, and in the pool. She has two schoolchildren around her neck, a paralyzed mother-in-law, parents who need help. For some reason, it is customary in society to treat "Aunts" with disdain, to shame with an absurd appearance, to accuse them of laziness. Although, frankly, some "Aunts" husbands, children and society would have to bow at the feet for their feat. On them, in part, this world rests.


December 19, 2022