Aeroponics is gaining popularity among farmers.

This is the process of growing plants without the use of soil, in which nutrients are delivered to the roots in the form of an aerosol. In the video, a whole lettuce greenhouse built thanks to a similar approach.


December 27, 2022

Danish physicists have created the smallest record in the world.

Its diameter is 40 micrometers. It features 25 seconds of the classic Christmas song Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. The audio track was applied using the new Nanofrazor nanostructured machine. It allows you to engrave 3D patterns at nano resolution on tiny surfaces. The technology allows researchers to create new quantum devices, magnetic sensors and electronic optics. They can be used, among other things, to detect currents in brain research.


December 27, 2022

Salty food increases stress levels.

These conclusions were reached by Scottish scientists in the course of experiments on mice. One group of rodents was fed salty food for 2-8 weeks - the dose was about the same as in human food. The second - sat on a normal diet. A blood test showed that the mice in the first group had elevated levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone.” Also, after euthanasia, brain tissue samples were taken from rodents. They found increased activity of genes that produce proteins responsible for the response to stress. This effect appeared after only two weeks of the high-salt diet. Probably people are affected too.


December 27, 2022

Chinese scientists have found in the brain of rats an addiction switch to cocaine.

Researchers have found a center in the brain of rats that influences the compulsive addiction to cocaine. The impact on it made it possible to reduce the dependence of animals on the drug. According to the authors of the study, the neurophysiological mechanism they discovered may help in finding an effective method of treating addiction for people.


December 27, 2022

Narcissism combined with high testosterone makes men more generous.

The experiment involved 151 men from Poland. They took psychological tests to assess narcissistic personality traits, passed testosterone levels and participated in an economic game that determined their ability to share with others. The most generous were men who were not in love with themselves and had a normal level of the hormone. However, testosterone-boosted daffodils were just as generous. The most greedy were men with narcissistic traits and low testosterone levels, as well as men without a narcissistic complex with high levels of the hormone.


December 27, 2022

By the end of the century, 97% of animal and plant species may die in Antarctica.

Due to the warming of the planet by the year 2100 in Antarctica, in the worst case, 97% of animal and plant species may disappear. Under the most favorable scenario - 37%, under the most probable scenario - 65%. Australian biologists came to such conclusions. Antarctica is home to two flowering plants, mosses, lichens, numerous microorganisms and invertebrates such as roundworms, and hundreds of thousands of seabirds, including emperor and Adélie penguins. The latter are in the most vulnerable position.


December 27, 2022

Try to find joy in the simplest things:

I am grateful to be alive. I have relatives and friends (beloved person, children - continue this list yourself ...). I have friends (at least one close friend or girlfriend for sure!). I enjoy meeting interesting people. (Again - if they are not yet on the horizon, look for them, and they will be found). I have a roof over my head (it doesn't matter if it's my own or rented, a big house or a modest odnushka). I have a desire for success and prosperity (or maybe you are already successful and rich! But even if you are just on your way to this, that's great too!). I have a favorite job (if it doesn’t exist yet, then there is at least a job that feeds you, and also, you probably have a hobby for the soul). I know how to enjoy the sun, the singing of birds and the smiles of passers-by. I thank fate and God for every day I live, because it brings me so many discoveries!


December 27, 2022

Just be

No matter how many times in life we say "I love", no matter how many people we confess our feelings, no matter how many our body desires, but with only one of them you can experience what I dare to call the "orgasm of the soul." When even touches are not needed in order to be imbued with an extraordinary feeling of euphoria from the mere thought that there is an extraordinary, special person on Earth, capable of giving great happiness. And he does not need to be some kind of super-gifted, super-talented, famous or unthinkably beautiful for this. He just needs to be...


December 27, 2022

What takes away feminine energy?

Man and woman are two different evolutionary branches, and the difference between them is not limited to "pistils and stamens." Something that does not affect a man at all can bring a woman to a complete breakdown and depression. One of the most exhausting things in the world for a woman is a mess in the house or workplace. We are collectors. Our eye captures any mess, even one that a man will not pay attention to. A woman is an emotional being. Our emotions are so strong, uncontrollable and mobile that they can exhaust us, exhaust us even on vacation. The most basic scourge of all women on the planet, starting with Eve, is guilt. Have you ever wondered why it was Eva who plucked that apple? Yes, precisely because it is easier to blame everything on a woman! To avoid wasting money, remember the rule of three NOTs: don't yell over a mess, don't gossip too much, and don't take the blame.


December 27, 2022

What do you do when you are scared and anxious?

There's only bad news everywhere, and now you can't even go out? Here are some steps for your rescue: ▫️Distract yourself with completely different types of activities. This is necessary for psychological rest of the brain. ▫️Start a routine and strictly perform it daily. For example, morning stretch, 20 new foreign words, sort out your old things, etc. A clear daily to-do list is needed! ▫️Minimize the news about the coronavirus, as they become addictive, like adrenaline. ▫️If you can, meditate and be creative. ▫️Quit alcohol, sad songs and sad movies. ▫️ Go out at least for groceries or on the balcony. Fresh air and vitamin D are necessary to protect immune system, as well as to relieve stress. ▫️Learn something new, use this time to grow.


December 27, 2022

Stop dreaming your dream and start taking little steps

Daydreaming and imagining your achievements is a big mistake. You need to constantly think about what you want and visualize the result in detail. Because, this way, a person not only ceases to be present and self-aware, but also plunges into a fantasy world, when he could have begun to act on bringing his dream to life. Let's say that in order to find a dream job, you first need to at least post a resume. In this sense, its potential power is greater than that of visualizing a comfortable personal account and faith in being hired.


December 27, 2022

Zoologists first met pink iguana cubs.

On the island of Isabela in the Galapagos archipelago, scientists for the first time discovered nesting sites for pink conolophos, rare iguanas officially discovered only in 2009. In the same area, zoologists first met the cubs of these reptiles. It turned out that their coloring is different from adults. Baby pink conolophos are yellow or lime with black spots and stripes. This camouflage makes them invisible among plants. But despite this, iguanas rarely survive to sexual maturity due to feral cats and invasive rats.


December 27, 2022

10 Stubborn Capricorn Celebs Who Can't Be Stopped Gerard Leto. Timothy Chalamet.

Capricorn men. Representatives of this zodiac sign are ambitious and hardworking. They often become professionals in their field, but never brag about it. Jared was born on December 26th. Celebrities managed to achieve success in several areas at once - in music and cinema. He is both the lead singer of the popular rock band 30 Seconds to Mars and a well-known actor, whose films receive positive reviews from critics. Summer sometimes finds time also to participate in fashion shows. Timothy Chalamet. The actor was born on December 27. He starred in commercials since childhood, and later began to receive minor roles in films. Now Timothy has a crowd of female fans who are crazy about his talent and appearance. Chalamet is known for Dune, Call Me by Your Name, Handsome Boy and The French Messenger. Supplement to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Evening Sun".


December 27, 2022

How do zodiac signs get divorced? Cancer.

Cancer until the last does not believe that the second half is divorcing him. Cancers themselves usually never initiate breakups. Divorce for them means a personal insult. After it, Cancers recover for a very long time, hiding under a shell of coldness.


December 27, 2022

6 pairs of zodiac signs that scold - only amuse. Libra and Gemini.

Relations in this union of air signs are built on a strong intellectual connection. The "cement" that holds these relationships together, horoscopes call joint hobbies: spiritual practices, creative discussions. If Libra and Gemini will argue, then only in order to find the truth.


December 27, 2022

Daily horoscope for December 27th.

Capricorn♑️ The beginning of the day will be favorable in terms of finances. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources, successful purchases and transactions. There may be good news regarding important work projects for you. Some Capricorns will receive very tempting offers of cooperation. Aquarius♒️ Auspicious day for useful things, solving difficult problems. You will cope well with what did not work before, you will be able to complete things that you put a lot of effort into. Unusual meetings, acquaintances are likely. It is possible that an unusual job offer will start a new stage in your career. Pisces♓️ It will be difficult to focus on business at the beginning of the day. People around you may need your help, you will need to come to the rescue of those who find themselves in a difficult situation. Minor misunderstandings that you will take especially close to your heart are not ruled out. But the influence of positive trends will quickly gain strength, and changes for the better will not take long.


December 27, 2022

Daily horoscope for December 27th.

Libra♎️ The day will be favorable for communication. You will be surprised at how easy it will be to find a common language with both old and new acquaintances. Romantic hobbies are not excluded, it will become clear almost immediately that your sympathy is mutual. Scorpio♏️ The day will go well. You will have time to do even more than planned, because you will not waste time on trifles. Many Scorpions will have to interfere in other people's affairs; at the same time, the representatives of the sign will manage not to offend anyone, to hurt the feelings of the most vulnerable people. Sagittarius♐️ A great day for conversations and meetings, discussing serious issues. You will be able to establish relationships with those with whom you did not find a common language before and quarreled for any reason. Intuition will tell you what others expect from you, help you guess about their secret desires. You will please those who are especially dear to you.


December 27, 2022

Daily horoscope for December 27th.

Cancer♋️ A good day to take the initiative in business. You will perfectly cope with the solution of work tasks, success is also possible in your studies. It will become noticeably easier to get along with people with whom you have not found a common language until recently. Some Cancers will even make friends with recent rivals. Leo♌️ It will be difficult to collect your thoughts at the beginning of the day. There will be more cases than you expected, and you will need to deal with everything at once. You will find a way to take control of the situation, although it will take effort. The middle of the day promises interesting offers regarding work or business. Virgo♍️ Try not to overwork and avoid stressful situations. The day will turn out well if you don’t get nervous because of the little things, if you don’t try to do everything. There will be no need to cope with everything on your own: both old and new acquaintances will be willing to help you.


December 27, 2022

Daily horoscope for December 27th.

Aries♈️ Whatever you plan to do today, try not to rush. The day may bring difficulties, delays in business, but there is no doubt that you will cope with everything. You will be able to get the support of influential people, find allies on whom you can rely in any circumstances. Taurus♉️ The beginning of the day will be restless. Be prepared to do several things at once: this is the only way you can manage everything that you have planned. Someone close to you may need your help. It will take some time to understand the situation, to understand how best to proceed. You will definitely overcome all the difficulties. Gemini♊️ at the beginning of the day, you can be especially acutely worried about trifles, worrying about things that at other times would not be taken to heart. It will be difficult to focus on useful things, others can distract you much more often than usual.


December 27, 2022

How can you quickly reduce the pressure.

1. First of all, you need to relax and try to hold your breath on the exhale for 7-10 seconds for 2-3 minutes. This simple trick can drop up to 30 units of blood pressure. After the first self-help measures, try other ways to reduce blood pressure. 2. It is recommended to use cold water to quickly reduce the pressure. You can hold your hands under a stream of cold water up to your forearms, splash in your face, moisten cotton napkins and apply them to the thyroid gland and solar plexus. 3. If you apply cotton napkins to your feet for 10 minutes, which are abundantly soaked in apple cider vinegar, you can reduce blood pressure by 30-40 units.


December 26, 2022