What different zodiac signs are subconsciously afraid of in a relationship. Leo.

Leo is afraid of losing his "I" in a relationship, dissolving in a partner. This is a reasonable fear, but Lions and Lionesses understand by "dissolution" any adaptation to a lover. Secretly, they can envy the success of their soulmate, if she has somehow surpassed the King of Beasts himself.


January 9, 2023

What your man is afraid of in bed: 4 intimate fears of the zodiac signs. Aries, Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Men's sexual fears are the cause of problems in relationships, distrust in a couple. It is difficult for the stronger sex to admit their weaknesses, but their zodiac sign betrays the worst fear of its owner. Men are afraid of infertility, they worry about physiological characteristics and the inability to please their beloved. These are such intimate experiences that it is often easier for a man to part with his partner than to solve the problem together. Impotence - the main nightmare of Aries, Sagittarius and Scorpio Sex for these signs of the zodiac is not just a way to discharge or enjoy - it's a way of control and dominance, proof of their superiority. For the womanizer-Sagittarius, the evening failed if he failed to make another beauty happy with his frantic energy, and the Aries man will not accept defeat in any area of his life, especially in sexuality. In this group, Scorpio is different - intimate life is a defining part of it. If there are problems with potency, he will not just close up - he will take revenge on his partner for his experiences. Fear will destroy not only relationships, but also the life of a Scorpio man.


January 9, 2023

Daily horoscope January 9th.

Capricorn♑️ A great day for serious matters, solving important issues. You will not be at a loss if you need to act quickly, listen to the prompts of intuition and do the right thing. Even minor misunderstandings will not arise, you will not have to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal. A lot of things will turn out well without any of your efforts. Aquarius♒️ The day is unlikely to be particularly fruitful. Not everything will turn out the way we would like, and efforts will have to be made to achieve the desired result. But serious problems will not arise, but you will cope with minor difficulties. Try to rely on proven allies; they will be on your side in any circumstances. Pisces♓️ Not the best day for communication: it will be more difficult for you to get along with others today than usual, and besides, you will have to discuss some unpleasant issues. Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts; they can ruin relationships for a long time. If you manage to smooth out sharp corners, harmony will soon be restored.


January 9, 2023

Daily horoscope January 9th.

Libra♎️ You will not be as friendly and welcoming as usual. This will certainly unpleasantly surprise those around you, who are used to seeing you in a good mood. Conflicts still will not arise, however, some tense moments in communication are possible. Try not to upset or offend those who are dear to you. Scorpio♏️ The day will be favorable for business negotiations, discussion of issues related to work and business. He will delight the Scorpios with new opportunities, who have been thinking a lot about the development of their careers lately. Such representatives of the sign will certainly be pleased with the proposals received from old acquaintances. Sagittarius♐️ The day is suitable for meetings with people whose support you would like to enlist. You will tell about your ideas and plans in such a way that no one will remain indifferent to them. Useful acquaintances are not excluded. Some Sagittarians today will find allies, with the support of which they will defeat long-time opponents.


January 9, 2023

Daily horoscope January 9th.

Cancer♋️ Try to avoid controversy. It will be difficult for you to come out of them as a winner today, and it will take a lot of strength to prove your case. It is better to postpone the discussion of important issues altogether; there is hardly a better solution for them today. The day is suitable for cases that require concentration, high concentration of attention. Leo♌️ It will be difficult to remain calm, especially at the beginning of the day. The emotional background at this time will be especially tense, you can worry and worry about trifles. But the impact of positive trends will still be noticeable. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will achieve success in your work, cope with what you could not do before. Virgo♍️ You may be more irritable and impatient than usual; it will be difficult for others to find an approach to you. There may be some unusual incidents, unexpected events that will disrupt your plans. Try not to worry about them: there will still be no serious problems, and you will quickly cope with minor difficulties.


January 9, 2023

Daily horoscope January 9th.

Aries♈️ Auspicious day for communication. Today, many will understand you perfectly, and finding allies will be much easier than you expected. It pays to take the initiative at work. If you share your ideas with someone, they will surely support you. Possible offers of cooperation, from which you do not want to refuse. Taurus♉️ The day will bring great ideas. Perhaps you will understand how to quickly solve complex work issues or increase your income. There will be an opportunity to agree on cooperation with people who are capable of much. It is possible that a relationship that begins as a business relationship will eventually take on a romantic character. Gemini♊️ Today it will be more difficult than usual for you to maintain peace of mind. You can get angry over trifles, take things to heart that you would not pay attention to at another time. It will not always be clear to others the true reason for your experiences; because of this, unpleasant moments are possible.


January 9, 2023

France is phasing out paper checks in stores.

From April 1, French stores will no longer automatically issue paper checks to customers. But they can be requested if necessary. So it will be possible to reduce harm to the environment: to produce less paper and paints. In France, about 30 billion sheets of paper are spent annually on checks. 2.5 million trees are cut down to make them. However, most people throw away the receipt immediately after purchase.


January 9, 2023

For the first time, a robot lawyer will defend a client in court.

Artificial intelligence will help the defendant to challenge the ticket for violation of traffic rules. The virtual assistant will work on a smartphone and listen to the arguments of the court, after which it will analyze them and give hints to the defendant. The creators promise to cover any fines in case of loss. Company director Joshua Browder explained that he wants to completely replace some of the lawyers to save clients money.


January 9, 2023

The smell of chocolate helps to lose weight.

In the experiment, participants were asked to wear chocolate-scented T-shirts and imagine being served a bowl of ice cream. It turned out that those who felt the chocolate smell the longest wanted to eat sweets. This could probably be because the smell of something tasty unconsciously reminds people of their goal to eat less and makes them restrain themselves.


January 9, 2023

L'Oreal presented the printer for drawing eyebrows.

Using a special application on your smartphone, you can select the desired shape and print settings, then simply point L'Oreal Brow Magic to the desired area of ​​skin, a couple of minutes and your eyebrows are ready.


January 9, 2023

Cracked RSA encryption

Chinese scientists say they have cracked RSA encryption using a quantum computer using just 372 qubits - even fewer than IBM's quantum solutions on the market. They argue that even the current power of quantum computers is enough to easily crack the vast majority of the current encryption algorithms on the Internet.


January 9, 2023

In Italy, they created a car that runs on garbage.

The car can reach speeds up to 380 kilometers per hour. The new Bertone GB110 uses Select Fuel, a patented method for converting plastic waste into liquid fuel. Representatives of the company said that the new car is something of a work of art, which allows for a number of modifications in accordance with the unique tastes of the owner. For starters, Bertone plans to produce 33 of these cars. Buyers will receive these machines by spring 2024. Their price is still unknown.


January 9, 2023

Astronomers have found the perfect planet for all lovers of the New Year holidays.

TOI-778 b, 530 light-years from Earth, is slightly larger than Jupiter. And it rotates so close to its star that the year there lasts 4.6 days. The tree may not be removed.


January 9, 2023

Crypto satellite Crypto2

Elon Musk's SpaceX company, using a Falcon 9 rocket, launched the Crypto2 crypto satellite the size of a coffee mug into space - the device will protect blockchains and Web3 protocols from hacking. The satellite has 30 times more computing power than the previous one, Crypto1, which has been in space since May last year.


January 8, 2023

The longest flight

GoPro has posted on their YouTube channel a breathtaking 360-degree video of a wingsuit flight over Mont Blanc, which is 4809 meters high. Fred Fugen, Vincent Kotte and Nick Scalabrino made the longest wingsuit flight in history - the flight length was 7.5 km.


January 8, 2023

Project Leonardo

Sony has unveiled Project Leonardo, a PS5 controller for people with disabilities. The device can be customized to your needs thanks to a set of buttons of different shapes and sizes. There is no release date for Project Leonardo yet. It can be used both as a main controller and as an addition to DualSense.


January 8, 2023

LOL Verifier gadget

Programmer Brian Moore created the LOL Verifier gadget, which allows you to send a message "LOL" only if you really laughed. The device has a built-in microphone and a neural network trained to recognize human laughter. It checks if the sender of the acronym laughed out loud: if so, it adds an emotion verification mark to the text.


January 8, 2023

What will be the year 2023 for each sign on the Chinese calendar. For the Pig.

For the Pig (2031, 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947) a year of rapid development of events, movement, travel and roads, new business prospects or victories. If there was a situation of conflict, then this year a quick victory and joyful prospects in business are possible. It is possible to move to another place of residence, travel. The rapid development of events, dating outside the home, love on the road or away from home and habitual habitat. In a relationship, separation or a change in the life direction of lovers is possible, the desire to hide and control their feelings and experiences, and not surrender to love. Tip: Don't be afraid to change the situation.


January 8, 2023

What will be the year 2023 for each sign on the Chinese calendar. For the Dog.

For the Dog (2030, 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946) this will be the year when a life-changing choice will have to be made. It is important to do it with your heart. You will pay more attention to the sensual sphere, falling in love, intimate relationships or new love interests. There can be a love triangle in a relationship. Love will accompany you at work. Workers in non-creative professions will have a very difficult time, as their professional activities may be temporarily suspended. Creative people will be lucky. Good earnings are possible in the field of creativity. Tip: Open up your feelings.


January 8, 2023

What will be the year 2023 for each sign on the Chinese calendar. For the Rooster.

For the Rooster (2029, 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945), this year a spiritual beginning will be indicated in your life. An authoritative person will appear, whose advice is worth heeding. In love relationships, constant intervention of parents is possible. In the family, you will need outside advice. There may be difficulties in raising children. Tip: Heed the advice of an experienced person.


January 8, 2023