The secret of magic words is that they must be spoken

Let's keep it simple - say "thank you" more often. Calling each other by their first names is also magic words. Look at each other, even if we see each other every day. Celebrating something good and new is called a “compliment”, and these are also magic words ... The main thing is not to fool yourself with all sorts of nonsense: “what if they don’t understand it like that?”, “What am I going to climb”, “but is it clear am I saying?”… So thank you for reading all of this!


January 11, 2023

The secret of magic words is that they must be spoken

Everything, absolutely everything that I have is thanks to someone. Thanks to my parents, I generally live. Thanks to the teachers I know something. Thanks to a friend, I feel confident in the most uncomfortable situation. Thanks to some complete strangers, I can use a computer and write these words. And then - more. Thanks to the Sun, I exist - in autumn it is felt more acutely. Thanks to my dog, I gain new strength and joy in the evening. Thanks to a tree outside the window, a cloud, a squirrel in the park, the inventor of garbage bags, a polite minibus driver, a funny kid in the yard... Thanks to a loved one... Thanks to a Teacher... Thanks to your child... "Thanks"... It's a beautiful word!


January 11, 2023

The secret of magic words is that they must be spoken

Yesterday, flying out of the entrance, I said “thank you” to the janitor holding the door - an immigrant girl. She froze in surprise, and then smiled so perplexedly ... And I felt a little ashamed. Why do I say it so rarely? "Thank you!" It's not about routine formulas of politeness. It's about the magic words. Remember as a child? "What is the magic word you know?" - "Please!" - and, like a cherished key, all the doors open, including the grandmother's cabinet with jam, the wrinkles on my mother's forehead are smoothed out ... The most important secret of magic words is that they must be pronounced. Not implied. Do not swallow. Don't take it for granted. And be sincere.


January 11, 2023

Expect the worst, hope for the best

Imagine a person working in a company whose management does not appreciate him. He has to work overtime. He is sure that if he does not do this, he will be fired. "If I don't work overtime, I will be fired. I have a young wife, I will not be able to support her and pay the housing bills, and we will lose the roof over our heads." Let's assume that this is exactly how it will be. But so what? Can’t a person ever find another job? Of course he can! Even if it takes time, even if it isn’t his dream job. The solution: ▫️Before you seal yourself in the "prison" of worries about some life situation, determine the most terrible scenario. ▫️Realize that there are no hopeless situations. ▫️Come up with an action plan to improve the current state of affairs, and move on.


January 11, 2023

From suppressing your emotions to benefiting from them

It is believed that a successful person is positive and happy at any given time, but this is a delusion and deception. By creating an enthusiastic atmosphere of joy at trainings and courses, the illusion is formed that it will accompany you in everyday life. But there is a wider range of emotions, and negative experience is integral. You need to live it and accept it without suppressing it, otherwise it's easy to become a regular client of a psychologist. Negativity can be beneficial from the point of view of personal growth, if you analyze your condition correctly and draw the right conclusions. Plus, it increases the value of positivity, which does not get boring and works even more effectively on an emotional background.


January 11, 2023

Realize your responsibility

What happens in your life depends overwhelmingly you yourself. You must take responsibility for every action you take, and not shift it to others. At the same time, you need to remember about some boundaries and limits. There are circumstances that cannot be influenced, and there are always other people around with their own interests and goals. To be responsible for everything that happens is impossible and even destructive. The most telling example: a child feeling guilty about his parents' divorce. By taking responsibility for our own deeds, we gain a resource for personal growth. By trying to take responsibility for circumstances beyond our control, we hinder the development of others and usually begin to doubt our own abilities. That's why it's so important to strike that balance.


January 11, 2023

Remember that your comfort zone makes you mentally stronger

The idea of getting out of the comfort zone has long been the butt of jokes. This idea is familiar even to children. It makes sense that a person from a small town would find it strange to hear about stepping out of the comfort zone from a coach living in Manhattan. Yes, uncomfortable life events can bring some progress in your career or personal life, but this kind of thing will only work if you are absolutely used to your current situation and have fenced yourself off from any challenges. In other cases, the comfort zone is the normal state in which you feel mentally safe. If you leave it too often or never come back to it, it is more likely to get mental health problems instead of achieving goals of personal growth.


January 11, 2023

How to protect yourself from toxic people

▫️ Don't argue Oh yes, toxic people are masters at stirring up arguments and scandals. Don't be fooled, try to control your emotions. If you engage in an argument, your opponent will not shy away from even the dirtiest methods and will eventually come out the winner. In addition, this way you will make nothing in order to get out of a toxic relationship, but rather you will get stuck in it even more. ▫️ Change your tactics If you foresee a difficult conversation with a toxic person, think about what you're going to talk about and how you're going to talk. Take the lead, dominate the situation, ask as many questions as you wish, bring that person back to reality, tell them something that matters to you.


January 11, 2023

Withings U-Scan smart urine analyzer introduced.

He assesses the condition of the body and gives advice on improving health. The device is attached to the rim of the toilet bowl and, due to a special radar, is able to determine who is going to urinate. The results are transferred to a proprietary application. One cartridge is designed for 100 tests. In women, it even determines the menstrual cycle and the ovulation window.


January 11, 2023

Cars can now move sideways.

Hyundai introduced the e-Corner system, which allows you to ride in the style of a "crab". The main goal of the technology is to simplify parallel parking in tight spaces. In the system, each wheel has its own motor, allowing them to move and accelerate independently of each other.


January 11, 2023

Scientists managed to grow retinal cells that fuse with natural ones.

This is an insanely important study - they learned how to grow a retina from stem cells plus or minus ten years ago. However, until that time, scientists had problems with its implantation in specific people and the ability to turn from dummies into really working mechanisms. The day before yesterday, a study was published where scientists reported on the successful connection of the grown cells with all the inhabitants of the eyes. This is great news for people with some types of blindness.


January 11, 2023

Transparent shielding film is now possible.

At the technology exhibition CES 2023, its action was demonstrated on the example of a microwave. The film can be applied to any glass or plastic surface. For example, to prevent signals from entering a building.


January 11, 2023

Lack of interest in sex in men may indicate a risk of early death.

Scientists analyzed data on 20,969 people (8,558 men and 12,411 women) over 40 years old. For six years, they underwent regular medical examinations, and also assessed the level of their sexual interest. During the study, 503 subjects died. An analysis of the data obtained showed that mortality from cancer and other causes was significantly higher in men who were less interested in sex. This association persisted even when the researchers controlled for factors such as age, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, alcohol use, body mass index, education, marital status, and psychological stress levels.


January 11, 2023

Chinese scientists are working on turning mosquitoes into flying vaccines.

Genetically modified insects bite animals and vaccinate them against the development of dangerous infections. For example, the Zika virus. It has been experimentally proven that after a bite, a strong and long-term immune response is formed in an animal. Thus, it is possible to spud those species that are difficult for zoologists to reach in wildlife, as well as endangered ones.


January 11, 2023

Scientists have reported that cats and dogs help keep the human brain healthy.

Older people who have had cats or dogs older than 5 years perform better on cognitive tests than others. They also have better short-term and long-term memory. Now scientists are trying to prove what exactly causes such an effect on the human brain.


January 11, 2023

Synthesys X extension.

Synthesys introduced the Synthesys X extension, which uses neural networks to create an analogue of the desired image right in the browser. So, for example, you can bypass watermarks and not violate copyrights by simply creating a similar image.


January 11, 2023

Korean startup Motion Pillow has unveiled a pillow that helps fight snoring.

The device automatically adjusts the position of the snorer's head until the unpleasant noise subsides. Price - $400, expensive, but what you wouldn't give for a quiet sleep.


January 11, 2023

In Belgium, ecological rugs are made from human hair.

In Belgium, the Hair Recycle project was launched, in which human hair is processed into rugs that absorb oil and other dangerous substances. Hairdressers across the country collect clients' strands and give them to be recycled. Project co-founder Patrick Janssen explains that 1 kilogram of hair can absorb up to 8 liters of oil and hydrocarbons. Ready-made mats can be placed, for example, in the sewer, so that harmful substances do not pollute the water.


January 11, 2023

What different zodiac signs are subconsciously afraid of in a relationship. Libra.

Libra can meet with another person without removing the mask: say smart things, smile, but not tell the ins and outs. However, when the relationship flows into a serious phase, it becomes difficult to wear a mask. Libra is scared to show his real self - suddenly unpleasant character traits will come out.


January 11, 2023

What your man is afraid of in bed: 4 intimate fears of the zodiac signs. Gemini, Leo and Virgo.

Physical disability is a horror for Gemini, Leo and Virgo. For these signs of the zodiac, all physical imperfections become the cause of low sexual activity. They are so worried about the imperfection of any part of the body that they bring themselves with their doubts to impotence and psychological disorders. Leo has high demands on himself: he sincerely suffers from excess weight or lack of muscles, while his partner may like his forms, but this will not bring peace to Leo. Gemini men create tragedy because of their muscles and constantly discuss it with their beloved, spoiling the romantic mood. Virgo guys do not recognize imperfections: if any part of their body is even a few centimeters smaller than that of the average person, then they will take all measures, even surgical ones, to correct the mistake of nature.


January 11, 2023