Infantile or naive?

At first glance, these qualities are very similar. Such a cute, almost childlike spontaneity. And yet, these are fundamentally different characteristics. NAIVETY is "I can do anything": "I don't want to know anything about the imperfection of the world and I will behave as if it doesn't exist." INFANTILISM is "I don't want to, even if I can": "I am afraid of the imperfection of the world, and I prefer to hide from it behind someone's back." All infantile people are similar in their behavior. They do not know what to do, and often do not want to make their own decisions. They take care of their own comfort and refer to "tired", "it's hard for me", "I wasn't taught", "why should I", "I'm sick". Infantile people are skilled manipulators. They live for their own pleasure, without straining themselves, feeling sorry for themselves, without learning lessons from their own mistakes. They do not analyze what is happening, do not consider necessary to develop or change something in their lives.


January 12, 2023

Tomorrow is a new day

Wake up as early as possible, exercise, have a good breakfast. The earlier you get out of your bed, the more things you can do throughout your day. If you are full of enthusiasm, ready to make your life full of positive events and things, create a rule for yourself to get up earlier than usual. A good and plentiful breakfast charges your battery for the whole day. Plentiful start allow you the opportunity to feel over the moon with happiness, because when you just woke up, your body is weakened, make it recharge. Jogging or push-ups from the floor will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.


January 12, 2023

The craftsmen have released the ChatBGG service, in which, with the help of AI, you can make presentations in one click.

The service works with any topic and independently writes the text, structures the blocks and fills them with content from open sources and draws images. You just have to choose a design and save the finished work in PDF.


January 12, 2023

Neuralink has launched a patient registry.

To learn more about specific diseases to improve brain implantation. People with medical conditions such as tetraplegia or tetraparesis, paraplegia, visual loss, deafness, and aphasia can apply. This application may enable future clinical trials with Neuralink. The company expects to start conducting human trials in the first half of 2023, but it all depends on the FDA approval process.


January 12, 2023

Re:memory service for communicating with deceased relatives.

South Korean startup DeepBrain AI introduced the Re:memory service for communicating with deceased relatives - it will be possible to contact via video link at any time. True, to create a high-quality digital copy, you will have to sit in front of the camera for up to seven hours so that the AI ​​can learn your habits while the interviewer asks personal questions about your life. The cost of the service is from 12,000 to 24,000 dollars, depending on the quality of the avatar.


January 12, 2023

Additional screens

If you find it difficult to work on a small laptop screen, Xebec has released a detachable device with two additional screens. Connection is via two Type-C ports, which is the main limiter: for example, some MacBook models with additional screens will simply remain without charging. The price of the device is $449.


January 12, 2023

LG introduced a TV-window: OLED T in the off state becomes completely transparent.

In addition, if you are tired of the gray reality, various visual effects can be added to the “window”, whether it be raindrops, flickering or fish floating in the air. The TV shouldn't be on sale anytime soon, but that's the direction LG plans to go in the future. A small step for the TV manufacturer and a big leap for the window revolution.


January 12, 2023

In Japan, they have invented a device that allows you to smell from movies and video games.

Its cost is about $600, but you also need to buy extra cartridges with aromas. With it, you can truly immerse yourself in the atmosphere of cinema.


January 12, 2023

Swiss engineers have created a drill drone that can drill holes in walls at any height.

After aiming, the drone "sticks" to the surface with vacuum suction cups, and then rotates the main part of the frame, providing strong pressure. According to the developers, you can screw not only a hammer drill, but any power tool to perform dangerous work in hard-to-reach places.


January 12, 2023

The nature of the Capricorn man

Negative qualities It seems to many that Capricorn men are cold and unemotional - they will never show their feelings. In fact, these individuals are simply afraid of being hurt, so they hardly open up. They need time to make sure the person doesn't hurt them. They rarely have fun at parties because they keep their emotions in check. Such people prefer to spend their free time at home in a narrow circle of close people. Capricorns are demanding and critical of themselves and others. They do not like idlers who do not care about tomorrow. Such individuals are vindictive, they rarely forgive traitors, and sometimes they can take revenge. These men are too frugal because they are worried about their financial security. Not all girls like it.


January 12, 2023

The nature of the Capricorn man

Positive traits. Capricorn men always make clear action plans that help them achieve their goals. They are able to find a way out of any situation. Such individuals are disciplined, ambitious, hardworking and patient, thanks to these qualities they often achieve success. At the same time, men do not like to show off and attract attention to themselves. Capricorns keep everything under control and strive for stability and security in all areas of life. They take every task seriously and always see things through to the end.


January 12, 2023

Capricorn Man

Men who were born between December 22 and January 20 rarely let strangers near them. You will have to be patient to fall in love with a representative of this zodiac sign. Not everyone will be able to find a common language with such people, but those who manage to enter the close circle of Capricorns will stay there for a long time. Capricorn men never break the rules and rarely take risks, which is why some girls find them boring. However, these individuals have many advantages.


January 12, 2023

What different zodiac signs are subconsciously afraid of in a relationship. Scorpio.

Scorpions, people who are very vulnerable deep in their souls, are acutely experiencing betrayal. And when they finally find a safe haven in the form of a happy relationship, they cannot believe it, implicitly expecting a dirty trick. Scorpio thinks that all this is too good to be true. This thought can plague him even after several years of marriage.


January 12, 2023

What your man is afraid of in bed: 4 intimate fears of the zodiac signs. Cancer, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Fertility is the weak point of Cancer, Capricorn and Aquarius. The opportunity to leave behind a legacy in the form of their children is paramount for representatives of these signs. They will not be upset because of the rare proximity, sighing heavily, they will drink the necessary pills for impotence and will not be particularly upset if the partner was not as good as he was. Cancers are more unpredictable in their fears: they are afraid of almost everything. In youth, they can sort out all phobias, but by adulthood they will still think about children. Capricorn is busy with work and home, he needs to provide for children, and for this he must first conceive them. Aquarius has little interest in physical intimacy - he is more attracted to the spiritual side, he considers it his duty to pass on secret knowledge to children. Fears are not always obvious, sometimes they are the result of failures in adolescence or arise as a result of the drama experienced in childhood. Regardless of the man's horoscope, show patience and perseverance, fighting along with his phobias. After all, the victory will be beneficial to both!


January 12, 2023

Daily horoscope January 12th.

Capricorn♑️ You need to be patient: it is unlikely that you will quickly cope with things, you will immediately achieve the results you are striving for. Good news related to work or study is likely. Some Capricorns will have ideas worthy of immediate implementation. Here it is important not to get confused and start acting as soon as possible. Aquarius♒️ A productive and interesting day awaits you. He will bring new things that you will take on with enthusiasm. Meetings with old acquaintances are possible, there will be a chance to restore ties that previously played an important role in your life. Academic success is likely, many Aquarians will grasp useful information on the fly. Pisces♓️ The day will be great. Already in the first half of it, you will cope with problems that just recently seemed almost insoluble. It is possible that people who previously brought you only difficulties will help in this. Now is the time to forget about the past and start building new relationships, they can give a lot of positive emotions.


January 12, 2023

Daily horoscope January 12th.

Libra♎️ Some difficulties may arise, but the day will turn out well. There will be interesting tasks that require a creative approach. You will enthusiastically take on tasks that others have found too difficult. Successful coincidences that will open up new opportunities for you are not ruled out. Scorpio♏️ The day will please you with pleasant events and good news, it will be much more interesting than you might expect. You will be confident in yourself and never for a moment doubt that you are able to cope with any difficulties. So everything will be: even the most difficult things you will complete successfully. Sagittarius♐️ The day is sure to start well. You will have many good ideas, some you can implement immediately. Friends and old acquaintances are willing to help in everything. And they can give advice that is worth listening to. Many Sagittarians will have a chance to correct the mistakes made earlier, and representatives of the sign will not miss it.


January 12, 2023

Daily horoscope January 12th.

Cancer♋️ It is worth devoting a day to useful things. You will do great even with what was difficult before. Unexpected visits, meetings, which you will be very happy about, are possible. Some Cancers will be able to restore business or personal relationships that used to play an important role in their lives. Leo♌️ The day will be bright and eventful, will bring a lot of interesting things. You will enthusiastically take on many cases, including those that could not be handled before. This time everything will work out as it should, and you will achieve excellent results. Job offers are not excluded, you will be very happy with them. Virgo♍️ Some difficulties may arise, but the day will turn out well. There will be interesting tasks that require a creative approach. You will enthusiastically take on tasks that others have found too difficult. Successful coincidences that will open up new opportunities for you are not ruled out.


January 12, 2023

Daily horoscope January 12th.

Aries♈️ It will be difficult for you to remain calm in the morning. At this time, you will be more emotional than usual, so you run the risk of succumbing to provocations or being led by emotions. Aries, who have enough life experience, will quickly cope with the situation, such representatives of the sign will try not to repeat their mistakes. Taurus♉️ This day will be especially favorable for communication. Both business and personal meetings will go well. You will quickly find a common language with very different people, agree with those with whom you did not get along before. You can discuss plans for the future. Such conversations will help you understand how to achieve your goals easier and faster. Gemini♊️ The start of the day will be inspiring and interesting. This is a good time to take on a new business or start solving a difficult task. You will quickly figure out how to succeed, avoid mistakes and surely achieve your goals. Many bold undertakings will be accompanied by good luck. Longtime allies and those with whom you barely know each other will be willing to help you.


January 12, 2023

"Geographic way" of fighting depression and disease.

So the "geographic method" should be applied as far as finances and time allow. Sometimes two days is enough to improve your condition. But it's better for a little longer. A week or two. And by the way, short trips are even more beneficial for us than a long vacation, so we still have to go. The hardships of the journey will be forgotten, and the impressions will remain for a lifetime. “Wanderlust” is not a simple whim, and you don’t scatter money, but invest in your health, mental and physical. The "geographical method" is used in the treatment of severe depression, neurosis, various kinds of addictions - it even helps with alcoholism ... And it's nice to use this method! Antidepressants are much more expensive than a small pleasant trip ... So it's worth the trip.


January 11, 2023

"Geographic way" of fighting depression and disease.

Drive. Definitely. Even if there is little money, even if there is no time, it is still better to go on a trip. This is the so-called "geographic way" of dealing with depression and disease. And it helps perfectly - after two days of being in "another place", the symptoms of depression began to disappear, even after a bereavement. After two days of being in another place, 89 percent of people felt much better - both mentally and physically. And a 20 percent reduction in the risk of a heart attack - even thanks to a very short trip. During trips and travels, updates occur in the neurons of the brain, bad things are forgotten, new impressions are loaded. So the saying “you can’t run away from yourself” is about something else. And it is quite possible to escape from diseases and premature death. And a trip with loved ones is doubly healing - scientists have measured and calculated everything.


January 11, 2023