Let's do "it" in English: what does it mean?

Arabic: before sex, he dips his penis in warm water or oil. This helps blood flow to him and her. In Chinese: she lies on her back, he kneels in front of her and raises her pelvis to the level of his groin. In German: reliable and proven - typical German virtues. If you want to do it the German way, you'll love the old-fashioned missionary position. English: If you are thinking about good manners, you are absolutely right. Sex in English is education through punishment. It includes sado-maso games: spanking with a hand, a whip or a cane. Finnish: Sauna sex is really hot. But be careful, people with weak blood vessels and hearts can quickly collapse after the climax.


January 14, 2023

The best husband according to the sign of the zodiac. 12th place - Gemini.

This is a husband who, as it were, is, but at the same time, he is, as it were, not there. Moreover, it is not there exactly when it is really needed, and when it is not needed - here it is all yours, dear. With all the accompanying joys such as card debt, a five-day binge and a pregnant mistress. He got bored and came to eat. By the way, can you lend me some money? In general, you can endure this nightmare as a husband for only three reasons: 1) he is the god of sex; 2) he is unusually smart and enchantingly witty; 3) he is the god of sex. Yes, he is twice a god!


January 14, 2023

What different zodiac signs are subconsciously afraid of in a relationship. Capricorn.

Capricorns hate to lie. At the same time, they often feel that they are deceiving their loved ones. Not in the sense of betrayal or concealment of the dark facts of the biography, Capricorn is just sure that the partner is looking at him through rose-colored glasses, and the moment will come when the glasses will drop, and Capricorn will appear “in all its glory” - not as successful and interesting as he was considered. Although the usually demanding Capricorn simply thinks worse of himself than he really is.


January 14, 2023

3 male zodiac signs that are polygamous by nature. Aries.

For Aries, conquering women often becomes a sporting event. Among the representatives of this sign there are many Don Juan, who disappear from the life of a girl as soon as they conquer and fall in love with themselves. At a young age, Aries care little about the feelings of others, and at a more mature age, even Aries married for love look at other women. Aries are cynical about feelings and lovers. A woman should be charming, strong and spectacular: such that the partner is afraid of losing her. In other cases, Aries is not against several parallel relationships.


January 14, 2023

Daily horoscope January 14th.

Capricorn♑️ There will be more worries at home than usual. There may be household problems that require immediate solutions. Expenses associated with unplanned purchases are not excluded. But the impact of positive trends will still be quite strong. The day will bring both pleasant events and good news. Aquarius♒️ A calm, auspicious day awaits you, well suited for completing the work that was started earlier. You will not miss a single detail that deserves attention, you will not rush to conclusions, you will not make even small mistakes. Many Aquarians will solve financial issues that previously caused a lot of anxiety among the representatives of the sign themselves and their loved ones. Pisces♓️ A good day to think about important issues, to focus on serious matters. You can do well when you haven't been able to before if you pay attention to the small details and take your time. The advice of others is unlikely to be useful, but it is worth listening to the prompts of intuition.


January 14, 2023

Daily horoscope January 14th.

Libra♎️ A good day to take the initiative in business, share ideas and plans with people who have supported you more than once. If you take on something new, you will surely achieve success quickly. The stars will be on your side, and there will be no serious obstacles on the way. Scorpio♏️ The day is suitable for taking on important matters and difficult tasks. Today you will do a lot of things well. You will not waste time on trifles, immediately focus on the main thing, which is why you will have time to do even more than was planned. Sagittarius♐️ There will be more worries at home than usual. There may be household problems that require immediate solutions. Expenses associated with unplanned purchases are not excluded. But the impact of positive trends will still be quite strong. The day will bring both pleasant events and good news.


January 14, 2023

Daily horoscope January 14th.

Cancer♋️ Avoid frivolity in dealing with any issues related to money. There will be many temptations today, but if you find the strength to resist them, then later praise yourself for it more than once. Spontaneous purchases are unlikely to be successful, and entertainment associated with significant expenses will not live up to your expectations. Leo♌️ Listen to your intuition: it is thanks to its tips that you will be able to succeed today, to do even more than you planned. The morning will be especially favorable for communication. You can easily get along with those with whom you could not agree before. Some Leos will make peace with people with whom they were in a quarrel. Virgo♍️ The day will be quite hectic, but still successful. It's perfect for taking on new things. You will quickly figure out how to act, and easily find assistants if they are required. Later, someone close to you will need your support, and will need to change plans to come to the rescue.


January 14, 2023

Daily horoscope January 14th.

Aries♈️ The day will hardly do without difficulties, but you will surely cope with them. Be prepared for unexpected events that will require you to change plans, postpone some things and focus on others. You don’t have to cope with everything alone: both old and new acquaintances will offer you help. Taurus♉️ It is better not to start the day with important conversations: most likely, they will not go the way you expected. There is a danger that you will be misunderstood. Wait a little, after noon the situation will change, the right words will be found, and they will listen to you more carefully. Gemini♊️ Don't rush anywhere. Most likely, today you have to deal with important matters, solve serious issues - and there will be absolutely no need to rush here. You will cope with difficult tasks if you take them seriously, do not count on luck or a favorable set of circumstances.


January 14, 2023

What girls are suitable for Capricorn men?

Capricorn men get along well with Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer girls. It is difficult for them to find a common language with Aries, Leo and Gemini. Capricorn men like hardworking and self-confident girls who appreciate their efforts. The ideal companion knows what she wants from life, and independently achieves her goals. The result is important for Capricorns, so the representatives of this sign will not beat around the bush for a long time, but will immediately offer to move on to a serious relationship. They are not prone to the manifestation of emotions, but they are very focused on the quality of communication with a partner. Behind the representative of this sign you will feel like behind a stone wall. Do not seek to take a leading role in relationships - give Capricorn the opportunity to prove themselves, show their leadership qualities. Do not rush to call first and do not write a lot of messages in messengers - enlist patience and let Capricorn conquer you with the thoroughness and seriousness that are characteristic of this sign.


January 13, 2023

What are Capricorn men in a relationship?

They do not like short-term intrigues and are always in search of a serious relationship. However, getting close to Capricorn is not easy, they look at the girl for a long time and take some action only when they are one hundred percent sure of her. As soon as Capricorn falls in love, he becomes a devoted and loyal partner, ready to spend his whole life with one person.


January 13, 2023

What different zodiac signs are subconsciously afraid of in a relationship. Sagittarius.

Well aware of the shortcomings of his personality, Sagittarius understands that life without "peppercorn" is not sweet to him. Falling in love for real, he is afraid that sooner or later the object of love will bore him, and the inspiring feeling will be replaced by dull reality. That is why Sagittarius hesitates for so long before tying himself in strong bonds with anyone.


January 13, 2023

3 male zodiac signs that are polygamous by nature. Sagittarius.

These men rarely have enough of one woman: they are attracted by everything new and unknown. Behind these 3 signs of the zodiac are often more than 2 marriages, dozens of broken hearts and children from different women. The thing is that they are by nature polygamous. Sagittarians are creative and freedom-loving individuals (read more about the sides of their character here). They cannot be overly controlled, but it is also impractical to allow everything. They are addicted to different projects, dreams and women. His chosen one should be as unusual as he is, so that a man does not have a desire to find support and inspiration elsewhere. You cannot keep a Sagittarius man with wealth or children: but at the same time, he will not leave the child and will spend time together. The polygamy of Sagittarius pushes him to rash acts and prevents him from living with one chosen one all his life.


January 13, 2023

Daily horoscope January 13th.

Capricorn♑️ Try to listen to your intuition: it is her tips that will help you achieve important goals today, cope with what has not worked out for a long time. New tasks and tasks will appear. They will not seem difficult to you. If you show ingenuity, you will achieve even better results than expected. Aquarius♒️ The day will hardly be easy and cloudless, but you will cope with all the difficulties that it will bring. An unfortunate set of circumstances will not force you to abandon your plan. You will persevere and achieve your goal. Many people will like your approach to business, and there will certainly be people who want to get to know you better. Pisces♓️ Surely you want to start the day with the most important things. This is exactly what you should do: the influence of positive trends will be strong, and you will do an excellent job even with the solution of very difficult tasks. You will be able to get useful information in time, and there will be no shortage of good advice.


January 13, 2023

Daily horoscope January 13th.

Libra♎️ Try not to worry about the little things at the beginning of the day and not think about problems that you can’t solve yet. This is a good time to focus on useful things that you can do on your own. You can make small purchases, they will be successful. Scorpio♏️ Without false modesty, talk about your successes and victories: today it will be useful for many people to learn about them. Very influential people will pay attention to your knowledge and talents. If you behave now, you will soon receive interesting offers regarding work or business. Sagittarius♐️ Do not rush to take on serious matters. At the beginning of the day, it will not be easy to gather your thoughts, tune in the right way. In addition, others may confuse you, give you unsolicited advice, or share some dubious information. Check everything before jumping to conclusions and making decisions.


January 13, 2023

Daily horoscope January 13th.

Cancer♋️ Do not hurry. The day will turn out very well, only at the very beginning there may be several unpleasant moments. Do not worry about small difficulties: they will soon be a thing of the past. Business negotiations will go well. Some Cancers will receive interesting offers of cooperation, make deals that will bring them significant income. Leo♌️ The day is perfect for looking for allies and like-minded people. You will make a good impression on many people. Very influential people will want to help in the implementation of your ideas. Thanks to their support, you will be able to disarm ill-wishers, leave rivals far behind. Virgo♍️ Start your day with important things. The sooner you take them on, the easier it will be to succeed. The stars will be especially favorable to Virgos, who will deal with financial or property issues. And this time is also suitable for starting repairs and buying everything that is needed for it.


January 13, 2023

Daily horoscope January 13th.

Aries♈️ There will be so many new tasks that you will not immediately understand what to take on first. Listen to your intuition: it will tell you where to start and what to postpone until later. It is better to act on your own, not expecting from others either help or any particularly useful advice. Taurus♉️ It is hardly possible to avoid unrest, because you will take everything especially close to your heart, you can react sharply to any trifles. Intelligibility in communication is important: try to stay away from those who like to unbalance you. Gemini♊️ There will be especially many worries at the beginning of the day. Most likely, you will have to deal with several things at once, to solve some urgent issues. Try to keep your composure. The less nervous and anxious you are, the faster you will achieve the desired results.


January 13, 2023

What do women desire

Security. We are insanely vulnerable and sensitive. Even if outwardly we build thick walls and shells, inside we always have a little fragile girl. And we really want to be taken care of. Sometimes from the outside we look like armored tanks, and you think that we don't care about you. But without it, we lose our femininity and beauty. More than anything, we want to be taken care of. It seems to us that it is not difficult to give a hand when getting off the bus, to hold the doors, to help with heavy bags, to meet us late at night from work, to listen to us in difficult times ... Perhaps this is really difficult for you - especially the last one. But we love it. For such care, we are ready to inspire you, idolize and take care of you. Even more, we want to stop working from dawn to dusk and start creating at home. Create harmony, love, atmosphere in it. We want to be close to our children, cook amazing meals for you, buy new curtains for your home. This is our nature - we want to create and be women. And perhaps it seems to you that not every woman wants this. But look into her eyes and deep inside you will see this little girl who loves to create the world around her.


January 12, 2023

What do women desire

Gratitude. We, like you, want to feel valued and needed. It is important for us to understand that you accept every prepared dinner with gratitude. That you value every clean shirt in your closet. That our beauty and grooming is important to you. We love compliments. Crazy. After all, with the help of them we feel that you love us. That you are grateful to us and close. At the same time, it is very important for us that your compliments are varied, aimed at our qualities and are sincere.


January 12, 2023

What do women desire

Proximity. Women are very social and dependent on communication. We don't understand why you're going underground. Because it's more natural for us to get together as girlfriends and chat. Everything we do in life ultimately has one purpose - to feel intimacy with other people. We really like intimate conversations with girlfriends, films about intimacy and love. And we really want to feel you, to know what's in your heart. We call you and ask: "Where are you?" several times a day. Not to control. Just to hear what you think of us. At least sometimes. We live negative emotions by talking about them. Therefore, when we see you in a serious condition, we want to talk to you so much (although at this time you want to be alone). And we want, when it is not easy for us, that you talk to us. It's not easy, especially for you. After all, we have everything together - feelings, thoughts, and events. But if you remember that we just need to speak out and cry into your shoulder - perhaps it will be easier for you. We do not want advice, recipes, summaries. We just want you to listen to us, hug us and say: “My little one, it’s probably very difficult for you right now. But I'm with you. And I love you". Yes, we want to hear all the time that you love us. For you it is stupid, but for us it is necessary as air. We want to understand that today we are as close to you as we were yesterday. That you still love us.


January 12, 2023

What do women desire

Every woman has only three needs. If you think that this is an apartment, a car and a fur coat, then you are mistaken. Everything is much easier and more accessible. These are the needs: 1. Proximity 2. Gratitude 3. Security


January 12, 2023