3 male zodiac signs that are polygamous by nature. Aquarius.

Aquarius loves every time, like for the first time (by the way, he is one of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac). He believes in the purity of his feelings and sincerity, so he does not feel remorse when he suddenly forgets about his partner and is carried away by a new girl. There is enough selfishness in Aquarius to put his feelings first, so he does not consider it necessary to worry about the fact that for girls his attachment to several at once is not allowed. The polygamy of these 3 signs often plays a cruel joke with them: they enjoy different women, fall in love and leave, and at the age of 50 they realize that they are left alone and no one needs them. However, in some love unions, even strong ones, an affair on the side is almost inevitable.


January 16, 2023

Daily horoscope January 16th.

Capricorn♑️ It is worth starting the day with some difficult and not particularly pleasant things. You will quickly cope with them and your mood will immediately improve. There will be an opportunity to resolve some issues related to documents. If you contact government organizations, you will soon receive a response from them. Aquarius♒️ The day is not without difficulties; something may not turn out the way you would like. However, this is not a reason to quit what you started and abandon your plans. On the contrary: it is worth persevering, because you have a chance to achieve some very important goal. You can turn to trusted allies: thanks to their support, it will be easier for you to cope with problems. Pisces♓️ This is one of those days when you need to do several things at the same time, and it’s far from immediately possible to understand what is really important and urgent, and what could be calmly postponed. In addition, others can often distract weight, seek advice or help, just need your attention.


January 16, 2023

Daily horoscope January 16th.

Libra♎️ This is a very favorable day for participating in some joint projects, joining efforts, creating a team of people whose interests and goals are similar. It's time to show leadership qualities: today you will inspire and lead many. In addition, it will be possible to make the most favorable impression on people on whom much depends. Scorpio♏️ You will need the ability to quickly navigate the situation and make decisions on the go. The day will be quite hectic, full of strange coincidences and unexpected events. Someone will be confused, and you will not lose confidence in yourself and in the success of your undertakings for a minute. Sagittarius♐️ Start the day with those things that you are most interested in - it is in them that you will achieve the greatest success. It will be possible to solve issues that first baffled everyone. It is possible that you will receive some extremely valuable information before others and quickly find a use for it.


January 16, 2023

Daily horoscope January 16th.

Cancer♋️ Keeping calm today will be quite difficult. The emotional background will be quite tense, which means that your mood will change due to any trifle, and you will react to minor incidents much more sharply than usual. Fortunately, you can rely on loved ones: they will be there, support in a difficult moment. Leo♌️ Think about what would make you happy, and be sure to make time for those activities that can lift your spirits. This is not the most favorable day in terms of emotional background, so you can worry and get upset much more often than usual, but you will be less happy, although there will be many reasons for this. Virgo♍️ The day will be quite tiring - keep this in mind when you make plans. You will definitely need time to rest. Perhaps, for the sake of this, it will even be necessary to postpone some business. It is better to start with the most important questions. And the meetings from which you expect a lot should not be postponed until the second half of the day.


January 16, 2023

Daily horoscope January 16th.

Aries♈️ Try not to be nervous or worried. Probably, not everything will go according to plan today, you will have to face difficulties or solve unexpected problems. However, the impact of positive trends will still be quite strong. You will quickly understand how to act, find the shortest path to the goal. Taurus♉️ You will quickly understand complex and ambiguous situations, resolve issues that have baffled many before. This day is suitable for focusing on important work tasks: you will surely cope with them. The knowledge gained earlier will certainly come in handy, and colleagues will appreciate your experience and professionalism. Gemini♊️ Try not to take risks where it can be avoided. This day requires caution in matters, especially those that are important not only for you, but also for your loved ones. There will be no insurmountable obstacles on the way. It is better to act with proven methods, take into account the experience of others and not rely on luck, on a favorable set of circumstances.


January 16, 2023

Daily horoscope January 15th

Capricorn♑️ The day will be quite hectic, but still bring more reasons for joy than reasons for worry and excitement. People around you will interfere in your affairs more often than usual, sometimes doing things that are not at all what you would like. But this will not lead to serious problems; you will be able to maintain good relations with everyone. Aquarius♒️ Whatever happens today, you will not worry, but keep calm and common sense. This is what will allow you to cope with cases that someone more impressionable would not be able to do. Probable success in studies, as well as in any activities related to the collection and analysis of information. Pisces♓️ Whatever happens today, you will not worry, but keep calm and common sense. This is what will allow you to cope with cases that someone more impressionable would not be able to do. Probable success in studies, as well as in any activities related to the collection and analysis of information.


January 15, 2023

Daily horoscope January 15th

Libra♎️ Try not to talk too much about matters, albeit important, but boring: because of such conversations, both you and those around you can spoil your mood. Today you definitely want something more fun. You can plan trips, some recreational activities, interesting activities, especially pleasant meetings: all this will inspire you and help you tune in a positive way. Scorpio♏️ What you definitely shouldn't do today is worry. Yes, this is not the most calm and predictable day. New cases may suddenly appear, it is possible that you will have to change plans on the go. So what? You also know how to improvise and quickly make the right decisions. This will be very helpful for you today! Sagittarius♐️ It is unlikely that a day will go completely without disagreements and disputes. Even people who have always supported you before will not always understand why you are now acting this way and not otherwise. But you will not exacerbate the emerging problems. It will be possible to smooth out all sharp corners and take control of the situation quickly.


January 15, 2023

Daily horoscope January 15th

Cancer♋️ The day will please both pleasant events and great news. You will be in high spirits from the very morning, and it will not spoil at all, even if some difficulties arise. People around you will like your optimism, many will want to get to know you better, make friends. Leo♌️ There will be a chance to calmly discuss difficult issues, without unnecessary emotions to talk about what, until recently, there were a lot of worries and disputes. If you focus on household chores at the start of the day, you'll get through them quickly. There will be no problems for the Lions, who will deal with work issues. Virgo♍️ A day when it is in your power to achieve the almost impossible. Start with the most important, do not be distracted by trifles, be guided by your own common sense, and not other people's advice. Reasonable caution will not be superfluous, but there will be several situations during the day when it will be necessary to improvise and take risks.


January 15, 2023

Daily horoscope January 15th

Aries♈️ Take on tasks that should have been dealt with a long time ago: today they will not require effort. You can solve organizational issues, put things in order, get rid of unnecessary things. There may be more worries at home than usual, but you can handle everyday tasks quickly. Taurus♉️ A good day to talk about important matters. You will be able to find a common language even with those who previously did not understand you at all and argued for any reason. Many Taurus, thanks to their charm, will win the sympathy of people who have long liked them. It is not excluded the beginning of a romantic story. However, new relationships will develop more slowly than you would like. Don't rush things! Gemini♊️ Try not to get upset or worry about the little things at the beginning of the day. The emotional background at this time will be quite tense, it will be more difficult to remain calm than usual. At the same time, the situation as a whole will not be bad, and you will find a lot of reasons to rejoice if you want.


January 15, 2023

Caviar, again caviar and zucchini. What is the sexiest food?

The world's culinary gurus have shared dishes they find erotic. Japanese chef and Masaharu Morimoto thinks caviar looks sexy. A delicacy, by the way, consumed with vodka, increases sexual desire by 90%. American culinary specialist and restaurateur Tony Moz finds mashed potatoes with laguiole cheese erotic. French chef and owner of restaurants around the world, Daniel Bulud, says that the caviar omelette and buttered toast look very tempting.


January 14, 2023

If there is no morning erection?

If in the morning you do not observe an erection for a long time - this is the first signal to pay special attention to health, but this does not give a reason to write yourself down as impotent. Even if the morning erection is not observed for a long time, it is strictly forbidden to independently make attempts to restore the previous state. It is necessary to go for an examination to a urologist or andrologist and constraint in this case is not appropriate. Remember, a morning erection is a sign of excellent health in a man.


January 14, 2023

Morning erection

The male member tends to swell and increase in size 2-5 times a night, regardless of age, and this lasts for 10-30 minutes. While you sleep - it works with might and main. Why there is a morning erection: 1. Full bladder. 2. Physical relaxation. According to some scientists, when the body fully rests, the process of blood circulation in the genitals increases, which causes an erection. 3. Erotic dream. 4. Testosterone surge. During REM sleep, due to the increased activity of the brain, in the body of a man there is an increased production of testosterone. The maximum emission is observed from 6 to 8-9 o'clock in the morning. It is this surge of the male hormone that causes an active process of involuntary excitation of the penis. 5. Taking drugs that stimulate an erection.


January 14, 2023

What do you need to quickly not finish? Continuation.

Finally, you can turn to a variety of positions where you can delay the "sweet" moment by withdrawing the penis for a little pause or control over the partner's body. In conclusion, we can say that the feeling of being a sex leader does not come from the duration of sexual intercourse and not even from the size of manhood. The box always opens simply, and if you are in harmony with yourself and your partner, then you can always take the impregnable fortress of her orgasm, if not by quality, then by the number of assault attempts.


January 14, 2023

What do you need to quickly not finish? Continuation.

The first and most effective way to not come quickly is to use special condoms (with the so-called freezing / cooling effect) and anesthetic lubricant. Sex can become really long and the problem will be on the other side: how not to rub your partner, turning languor into sadism. Masturbation, which is known to be practiced by teenagers and can be one of the causes of premature ejaculation in adulthood, can also do a good job. Firstly, you can try to learn how to control the sensations of the penis, delaying ejaculation as long as possible, and, secondly, in the most banal way, resort to masturbation a few hours before sexual intercourse. According to the laws of the same nature: the lack of male seed will inevitably lead to a lengthening of the time of sexual intercourse.


January 14, 2023

What do you need to quickly not finish? Continuation.

The stimulus instilled by Hollywood masterpieces of an erotic-adventure character to believe that sexual intercourse is LONG, no matter how sorry, is just a myth. The fact is that a person must constantly improve himself by overcoming natural instincts. People constantly should not do something, and they are ready to look for ways to solve the problem, overcoming what was once laid down in the subconscious by nature. For example, not to sleep after dinner, so as not to be fired from work (natural instinct says: eat - sleep). Or not eating too much so as not to get better (natural instinct says: eat as much as possible to be ready for starvation). And finally, do not finish during sex for as long as possible to please your partner (natural instinct says: have sexual intercourse as soon as possible, until something prevents you from conceiving an heir).


January 14, 2023

What do you need to quickly not finish?

Many men who are sexually active are concerned about premature ejaculation. This problem worries not only teenagers, and therefore it can be considered quite relevant at any age. The causes of premature ejaculation can be various factors, ranging from overexcitation to the consequences of youthful onanism. And yet, premature ejaculation worries a much larger number of males than it might seem. Let's try to understand the causes and solutions.


January 14, 2023

Female orgasm lasts longer - and 5 more surprising facts about sex.

5. Americans dream of Beyoncé and Brad Pitt. An American sex toy manufacturer polled more than 13,000 people aged 18 to 74 about which celebrity they represent while masturbating. Among the dream men were Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Cruise and Chris Pratt. Beyonce leads the women, followed by Jennifer Lawrence, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift and Kylie Jenner. 6. The clitoris is like a small penis. In the embryo, these organs are formed from the same tissue, and further development depends on hormones. With the help of testosterone, the penis is formed, without it, the clitoris. The heads of both organs are very sensitive, and they themselves are similar in that they enlarge and become filled with blood when excited.


January 14, 2023

Female orgasm lasts longer - and 5 more surprising facts about sex.

3. Orgasm can be obtained in a dream. This usually happens in women who dreamed of something frank. Even without stimulation, it is possible for blood to rush to the genitals and the sensations become similar to sex. In addition, in a dream, stress or distracting thoughts do not interfere with you! Orgasm partly occurs in the brain, so sometimes this is quite enough. 4. The female orgasm lasts three times longer than the male. On average, about 20 seconds versus only six for men. And women are lucky to get multiple orgasms. The only pity is that the statistics of orgasms play against them.


January 14, 2023

Female orgasm lasts longer - and 5 more surprising facts about sex.

Many people think they know a lot about sex, if not everything. In fact, there are many interesting facts that you probably did not suspect. Test yourself! 1. Average sexual intercourse requires 100 - 500 movements. During sex, there are usually no calculations, but scientists conducted a series of experiments and found that the active part of sex requires an average of 100 to 500 movements. And not at all tens or thousands, as one might think. 2. Smell helps orgasm. Studies have shown that women with increased sensitivity to scents have stronger and more pleasurable orgasms. than those whose nose is normal.


January 14, 2023

Let's do "it" in English: what does it mean? Continuation.

French: Just as good as speaking French, doing it in French is caressing each other with your mouth. In Indian: such sex should include complex positions of the Kama Sutra. Only suitable for people with good physical fitness. Portuguese: Reverse cowgirl sex, meaning the woman mounts the man and turns her back on him. Reminds me of a latrine figure on a ship. English: there is no penetration, but there is pleasure! The one who does "it" in Russian, intensively massages the partner with a large amount of oil. And also inserts the penis between the partner's thighs. Spanish: Men's favorite playground is between their breasts. Rubbing the penis against the bust makes them feel incredible sensations. And visual impressions only spur excitement.


January 14, 2023