Daily horoscope January 19th.

Aries♈️ It is worth focusing on solving financial issues. Here you will not be frivolous and will not rush, you will try to take into account all the details that can play an important role. Intuition will tell you what advice you should heed and what you can ignore. Taurus♉️ Today you will be more trusting than usual. Unfortunately, those who like to use others to their advantage will immediately notice this. Such people will probably try to seize the moment, so they will be especially careful and careful. Any unexpected offers should be carefully considered, even if they are very tempting. Gemini♊️ A lot can be planned for this day: you will be especially energetic and will not feel tired, even if there are much more things to do than usual. Trips will turn out well, meetings with people who have arrived from afar will be successful.


January 19, 2023

Why is it important to listen to your emotions?

The nature of emotions and feelings is very important to understand because of how different they work. There are no universal remedies to this. For example, if it's sadness, then it's enough to wrap yourself in a blanket, watch your favorite movie, think about why you’re feeling these emotions and what they signal – and everything will be better But if it's anger, rage, irritation - then, obviously, a cup of tea won't help here. The nature of emotions and their intensity are different. And the mechanisms of transformation, too. Aggressive emotions won’t go away by themselves - only through action. However, the methods can either be constructive – exercising or cleaning up, or vice versa, destructive - breaking dishes, tearing up papers, screaming. These emotions give a profound burst of energy, which is always followed by devastation. This energy must be transformed into something better.


January 18, 2023

Staying dedicated

▫Use these techniques to relax. These include meditation, yoga, stretching or breathing exercises; ▫Assign a day in the week just for taking care of yourself. Make time for yourself, listen to your favorite music, get inspired through ways that are familiar to you; ▫Write down your thoughts, keep a diary of your emotions. Take note which ones cause you tension; ▫Take breaks from work, put your phone away, abstract from the work environment; ▫Let yourself know why you work, what you get from your work, what causes the greatest discomfort and how to get rid of it.


January 18, 2023

How to get rid of exhausting relationships

Everyone has a friend or acquaintance like this. You have common emotions: you hurt each other again and again, and this process is endless. You are USED to such communication, you are comfortable in it. This is how emotional dependency happens — a vicious circle. How to deal with it? Do not hold on to brothers in misfortune. Gradually you will outgrow this relationship. Relationships with energy «vampires» and narcissists need to be thought of as poisoning: draw conclusions and no longer overlap. If this doesn't help, apply VISUALIZATION. Imagine that you and your partner are connected via a huge rope made of thin threads of light. Don't walk the tightrope of pain and negativity. Every time a loved one pours negative emotions on you, mentally cut the connection between you.


January 18, 2023

The Weeknd broke the record for monthly streams on Spotify.

Over the past month, the number of listeners has exceeded 94 million. In early January, the artist's hit "Blinding Lights" became the most popular on the streaming platform.


January 18, 2023

Ring introduced the Always Home Cam flying camera for home protection.

Its main feature is the continuous patrolling of a given area, interrupted only by a short recharging. If the alarm is triggered, the drone will automatically fly to look for the intruder, starting a video broadcast.


January 18, 2023

Scientists have figured out how to turn abandoned mines into gravitational batteries.

Such a system will allow you to accumulate excess energy for later use. According to the project, electric motors will raise and lower sand containers, generating electricity through regenerative braking on the way down and then using some of it on the way back. For maximum efficiency, elevators can take the load on the surface and drop it at the bottom of the shaft. In this case, they will be able to remove excess sand from below when there is an excess of energy in the network. According to scientists, one such station can store from 7 to 70 terawatt-hours of electricity.


January 18, 2023

In Madrid, vertical gardens will be planted along the entire ring road.

The mayor of Madrid spoke about the Calle 30 Natura project, which will cover the concrete walls along the city's ring road with vertical gardens. The total length of the route is over 32 kilometers. Pollution sensors will also be installed in vertical gardens, which will allow you to find out the level of hazardous substances in the air. The authorities also hope that the plants will improve the appearance of the city and help fight illegal graffiti.


January 18, 2023

In Switzerland, opened a storage of excrement to save humanity.

Scientists from the Institute of Medical Microbiology have created a repository of microbiota. One day it may save humanity from extinction. Bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in the human gut play a key role in the breakdown of food, help absorb nutrients, and also participate in other body systems. However, the diversity of the microbiota is gradually decreasing, so the scientists decided to create a repository of frozen stool samples. The microflora of them can be re-cultivated if it turns out to be useful for humans. To date, the team has collected about 3,000 stool samples. However, the researchers want to expand their collection, as the microbiome varies by region and lifestyle.


January 18, 2023

The rats will work for the government.

Scientists from India are creating cyborg rats for intelligence agencies. The rodents are equipped with cameras on their heads, and they themselves will be controlled through electronic commands in brain implants. Given a similar recent experiment by the Chinese, cyborg animals are becoming a trend.


January 18, 2023

American students have created a spoon that improves the taste of food.

A group of US students developed the Sugarware Spoon, which enhances the sweet taste without adding calories or chemicals. The cutlery has several convex parts on the underside that stimulate the taste buds that normally respond to sugar. They send signals to the brain that indicate the sensation of sweetness. It is not yet known whether the spoon will reach mass production. The creators believe that it will be especially useful for people with diabetes who are forced to diet.


January 18, 2023

Chinese scientists transplanted spinach particles into mice to teach them photosynthesis.

Biologists from Zhejiang University injected chloroplast particles from spinach into the cartilage of mice with osteoarthritis. This made it possible to restore the missing chemical compounds in the cells and cure the disease. They tested a fundamentally new way to treat joints and expect that this technology can be further optimized for the treatment of other diseases associated with changes in metabolism.


January 18, 2023

Engineers have created a glove for learning Braille.

The BrailleWear glove has a built-in electronic module with a small camera and a light. Light hits the printed braille dots at an oblique angle, causing each of them to cast a shadow. The software analyzes the received image and reads the text to the user using a synthetic voice system. The idea is that a person will eventually learn to recognize symbols by touch on their own. BrailleWear gloves should go on sale before the end of the year and will cost about $300.


January 18, 2023

The most accurate robotic arm has been created.

She can lift light or heavy objects by adjusting her limb. The manipulator has rigid petals that are able to lift bricks, 1.5 kg bags, boxes or melons. When the robot needs to pick up a grain of rice or a playing card, it pulls out additional soft grippers that can handle tiny objects with ease. Also, the robotic arm can bend its limbs, giving them such a shape that the object does not fall out. This technology is called multimodal actuation. Engineers note that such a robot can be used everywhere: from the food industry and cargo transportation to medicine.


January 18, 2023

The best husband according to the sign of the zodiac. 8th place - Cancer.

An exemplary husband, a standard from the Chamber of Weights and Measures: a handsome and charismatic good-natured man who is able to fall in love with himself at first sight the entire squad of grandmothers near the entrance; a responsible husband and father who knows for sure that he is obliged to support his family, but he is also obliged to raise children and take care of everyday life. He loves his wife, wears it in her arms and spoils her with gifts. True, only in public. At home, she falls on the sofa, opens a beer, turns on the TV and turns into a pumpkin. If for some reason there is no pumpkin on the sofa, then it has rolled off to the left. But, the truth is, the wife will never know about it - this cannot be taken away from Cancer.


January 18, 2023

What causes anxiety in each zodiac sign. Taurus.

Taurus strive for stability in all areas of life. As soon as they feel that they are losing control over something, anxiety immediately turns on in them. The stars pay attention to the fact that more often Taurus think up their problems. There is no real threat, or it is much less than it seems.


January 18, 2023

4 most gambling women of the zodiac. Scorpio.

Successful, influential, extraordinary - people think that the Scorpio girl was born under a lucky star. And the water lady is simply not afraid to take risks. Yes, she doesn’t know how to do it differently - the Scorpio lady sets a goal for herself and can risk both money and reputation. And the result is obvious - first place and a gold medal.


January 18, 2023

Ежедневный гороскоп 18 Января.

Рак♋️ Сегодня вам предстоит многое сделать. Понимая это, вы не станете откладывать дела, с самого утра возьметесь за решение важных задач. Такой подход позволит добиться заметных успехов, оставить позади соперников и недоброжелателей. Не всегда ваши союзники будут успевать за вами. Старайтесь не сердиться и не раздражаться из-за их медлительности. Лев♌️ Ладить с окружающими сегодня будет сложнее, чем обычно. Может показаться, что они совсем не понимают вас или специально выводят из равновесия. Но если вы не станете концентрироваться на мелочах, то увидите: все не так уж плохо, многие на вашей стороне, поддерживают и помогают. Дева♍️ День едва ли будет спокойным. Серьезных проблем он не принесет, а с мелкими трудностями вы справитесь. Но обстановка будет довольно напряженной, а вам придется иметь дело с людьми, на которых трудно положиться. Как бы ни складывались обстоятельства, не бросайте начатое.


January 18, 2023

Daily horoscope January 18th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be extremely hectic. If you need to do some serious business that requires focus and concentration, take on it in the morning. Later, it will become much more difficult to cope with such tasks, because you will often be distracted. Aquarius♒️ The day will be extremely hectic. If you need to do some serious business that requires focus and concentration, take on it in the morning. Later, it will become much more difficult to cope with such tasks, because you will often be distracted. Pisces♓️ Be patient, today it will come in handy. Delays in business are likely, as well as events due to which it will be necessary to postpone what has been started and switch to something else. If you made appointments with someone, be prepared for the fact that these people will be late or not come at all.


January 18, 2023

Daily horoscope January 18th.

Libra♎️ The start of the day is a good time to start something new. You will not face serious difficulties, you will quickly understand how to succeed. Many Libras will figure out what seemed difficult before, find information that will help them make the right decisions. Scorpio♏️ This day will be very favorable for study, work and useful deeds. You will cope with the solution of many difficult tasks, cope with what was beyond the power of others. It is important not to quit what you started, even if some difficulties arise. Be persistent. Surely there will be people who will help you, take on the solution of some problems. Sagittarius♐️ At the beginning of the day, there may be difficulties in business, some unexpected and unpleasant delays. There may also be tense moments in communication with people with whom you used to get along well. Take your time with decisions, especially if they are important not only for you, but also for others. Give yourself some time: once you've dealt with your emotions, you'll figure out how best to act.


January 18, 2023