Positive thoughts to be repeated:

▫️I matter, whatever happens; ▫️I've overcome all the difficulties, and I know that what comes next is better; ▫️It hurts, so I have to be kinder to myself than ever before; ▫️It's hard, but I'm not easy either; ▫️Nothing will adjust to my way, I have to be flexible; ▫️Yes, things are not easy right now, but it's not the end of the world; ▫️Sooner or later things will get better; ▫️If I am strong, I will get over it. I was going to address this message to ladies, however, these tips may be helpful to everyone, so, dear men, appreciate yourselves too!


January 21, 2023

How to restore the balance of your inner strengths

✔Find out what your energy is spent on, find out what it’s channeled into. ✔Remove “power leaks” or causes for destructive behavior. If you can't do it yourself, come to trainings, learn new techniques. ✔Find ways to fill yourself with positive and harmonious emotions. (To clarify, without the first two steps, without liberation from destructive inner states, roadblocks and shutting off the channels through which your energy is drained, it will be short-term even with the help of practitioners). ✔Monitor both the quantity and quality of the energy you take in. Refill it regularly, increasing the influx of new forces, while always maintaining your balance in the black. And then, having learned to be always full, having energy in abundance, you are going to share it with the world!


January 21, 2023

Do you know when we begin to lose strength and feel anxiety?

When we are: • Trying to control others. • Doing what we don't want to do. • Listening to others, not ourselves. • Watching the news. • Communicating with anxious people. • Unsure how to say "no". • Discussing doctors, politics, education, gas prices. • Comparing ourselves with others • Envious of someone else's success. • Waiting for someone to change. • Waiting to be rescued. • Barely resting. • Not solving our problems.


January 21, 2023

The choice is yours

There comes a time when you get a distinguished feeling as if everyone needs something from you. Oftener remind yourself that you are the only one who can decide how much and to whom you can dedicate your energy. You always have a choice.


January 21, 2023

Simple rules to allow yourself to live the life you want

Ask yourself: • Who knows you better than you do? • Who can take care of you if not you? • Who can truly love you if you don't love yourself? • How can others respect you if you don't respect yourself?⠀ A psychologically mature person is one who can take care of himself or herself. About his or her physical and mental state, as well as safety.


January 21, 2023

Benefits of walking.

Finnish scientists have proven that walking in the park reduces the need for medication by 3-4 times: for a visible effect, it is enough to walk through the greenery once a week for several hours. The result will be especially noticeable to people with asthma, mental disorders and diseases of the circulatory system.


January 21, 2023

Trans women regained spermatogenesis after hormone therapy was discontinued.

Their partners were able to get pregnant. After hormone replacement therapy was discontinued, trans women (those who were identified as male at birth) regained the production of normal spermatozoa capable of fertilization. It was previously believed that hormone therapy leads to a lifelong decrease in the activity of spermatogenesis and infertility.


January 21, 2023

Experts named the smartest cat breeds.

The researchers conducted a series of experiments and studied how the adaptability and level of curiosity of domestic cats correlated with their mental abilities. The most intelligent were Abyssinian, Bengal and Burmese cats, as well as Cornish Rex and Scottish Fold. Good abilities were also shown by Singaporean, Siamese cats, Turkish Angora and Japanese Bobtail. However, experts note that there is as yet no standardized test to measure intelligence in cats. From a scientific point of view, there is no universal measure of "reason" in animals.


January 21, 2023

Unmanned drone ship.

The Chinese have commissioned the world's first unmanned drone ship Zhu Hai Yun, which is controlled by AI or remote operators. The vessel, 88.5 meters long, has a speed of up to 18 knots, and on board it carries dozens of all kinds of air, surface and underwater drones. They will be engaged in geodetic work, sampling and analysis, mapping and more. Primarily designed for scientific research, Zhu Hai Yun can also be used for patrolling and anti-poachers.


January 21, 2023

Archaeologists have found a mysterious burial of a child and 142 dogs in Egypt.

They discovered the burial of an eight-year-old child and 142 dogs during excavations in the necropolis of the Fayum oasis. Scientists came to the conclusion that they all died at the same time. On the remains of dogs were found traces of blue clay, which is often found in ancient Egyptian reservoirs. This suggests that they may have drowned during the flood. However, it remains a mystery why a child ended up in the same grave. He may have cared for animals, but it is even more confusing that his body was found with a linen sack over its head.


January 21, 2023

In the next 40 years, the ozone layer will recover over the entire planet.

Thanks to the phased out of circulation of 99% of banned ozone-depleting substances, the protective layer in the upper stratosphere will recover to the thickness of 1980 in 40 years. The ozone layer will return to normal in all regions of the world, including Antarctica.


January 21, 2023

The fastest internet on the planet, all of a sudden, was in Chile.

Ookla, the most popular internet speed aggregator on the planet, said that in 2022, the average speed on the planet was 74.54 Mbps. This is 28% higher than 58 Mbps a year earlier. The fastest Internet was surprisingly found in Chile - 216.46 Mbps. China, with 214.58, is in second place.


January 21, 2023

Scientists have learned to control lightning with lasers.

For the first time, they were able to control lightning using lasers during an experiment conducted in the Swiss mountains. This technology will help protect airports and high-rise buildings from electrical discharges. The experimental facility was placed next to a 124-meter telecommunications tower, which is struck by lightning about 100 times a year. The scientists fired fast laser pulses at thunderclouds and deflected lightning strikes, creating an easier path for the electrical discharge.


January 21, 2023

China recorded a population decline for the first time in 60 years.

The number of inhabitants in 2022 decreased by 850 thousand people compared to the previous year. The birth rate was only 6.77 newborns per 1,000 people, the lowest in decades.


January 21, 2023

Zoologists have found that dolphins underwater are trying to drown out extraneous noises.

Scientists from the University of Bristol have found that dolphins, when underwater noise increases, try to shout over it. They use sound signals to communicate with each other and perform joint tasks.


January 21, 2023

Scientists have found a protein that helps repair and build muscle.

They found that the protein, which in humans is encoded by the PDGF-B gene, is constantly produced by skeletal muscle cells and helps repair muscle. The researchers hope that their discovery will help develop effective treatments for muscle wasting and injury, as well as improve training plans.


January 21, 2023

The world's largest aircraft stayed in the air for a record 6 hours.

The world's largest aircraft Stratolaunch Roc, whose wingspan exceeds a football field, made another test flight. The aircraft rose to its maximum height (6860 meters) and spent a record 6 hours in the air. The Roc design consists of two side-by-side fuselages, six Boeing engines and unique triple wings with a span of 117 meters. Maximum takeoff weight - 590 tons. They have been working on the ship for more than 12 years. Initially, it was supposed to work to deliver rockets and satellites into the stratosphere, but now it is a carrier aircraft for hypersonic research vehicles.


January 21, 2023

Nova introduced the Nova H1 ear-ears.

The speakers are directed towards the ears, while allowing you to hear what is happening around. Working time - 3.5 hours, and with a case - all 14 hours. The cost of the "gold" version is 695 euros, and for the silver version 595 euros. In addition, natural pearls are embedded in each of the versions.


January 21, 2023

In Italy, the head of the mafia (criminal organization) Cosa Nostra Matteo Messina Denaro was arrested.

Denaro was the last mafia boss of the first magnitude remaining at large. He has been a fugitive since 1993.


January 21, 2023

Trials of an implant for the treatment of depression.

The first implant to treat depression, Inner Cosmos, entered the second stage of human clinical trials. Once every 15 minutes, the device measures the levels of activity in the required part of the brain and stimulates them if necessary.


January 21, 2023