How to change your character for the better?

The first thing you need to do is take a piece of paper, a pen and make a list: first, list the traits that you think are preventing you from living, and then write down the ones that you would like to acquire. To more accurately determine what is negative about you, ask your loved ones. Let them tell you what annoys them about you. So you can look at yourself from the outside. Otherwise, we often do not see any shortcomings behind ourselves, and in this case we can identify a couple more character traits in ourselves that we can correct at the same time.


January 22, 2023

12 tips to increase productivity.

11. Choose an inspirational quote of the day in the morning and keep it in your mind throughout the day. As soon as you need additional motivation, remember it. That way, you will always have at least something to cheer you up. And stop thinking bad about yourself. You are a unique individual. 12. Help someone. Here is one of the most powerful incentives that increase self-esteem and allow you to believe in yourself again. And their problems after solving strangers seem less frightening. And - most importantly: do not forget why you are doing all this. Do not forget to live - simply and in joy. The simpler your life, the more happiness you get from it. Even the Dalai Lama said: “If the problem can be solved, do not worry about it. If the problem is unsolvable, there is no point in worrying about it.”


January 22, 2023

12 tips to increase productivity.

8. Be proactive. Do not react, but determine for yourself what to do and what not. Ignore the unimportant. You have no idea how much extra time you will free yourself by simply ignoring everything that can and should be ignored. 9. Save files right where they belong. To do this, you will, of course, need to consider a file storage system for each type. But this will greatly facilitate the search and processing of information in the future. 10. Change activities. The longer you do the same thing, the lower your productivity. If you can’t do this as part of your work, then at least think about different options for free time. This will help maintain a fresh look and high creativity.


January 22, 2023

12 tips to increase productivity.

6. Go in for sports or at least exercise. This will help keep the body in the right shape, and the mind and spirit will work more efficiently. And yes, you will feel much better. Charging does not require any simulators, except for one, the most important thing - willpower. 7. Eliminate "not to-do" from your to-do list. Let your plan include only what you can take and do without grabbing your heart, nervously counting drops of valerian and indulging in thoughts about the meaning of the Universe. For example, “starting a new project” is not a good idea. Actions are concrete actions.


January 22, 2023

12 tips to increase productivity.

3. Make a plan for the day in the evening. Don't put off planning until the morning or "of course." Very simple advice, but it really helps not to get bogged down in unimportant matters and to set priorities correctly. 4. Strive for single-tasking. Don't try to do everything at once. Choose a task, remove distractions (TV, phone, Internet, tea-coffee-smoke every 5 minutes) and just do it. 5. Get up early. As ancient as the world, advice that allows millions of people around the world to do a lot every day. Accordingly, with a large amount of work - go to bed not on the same day when you need to wake up.


January 22, 2023

12 tips to increase productivity.

1. Write down everything you do. Don't try to keep everything in your head. Pour them onto paper or into a planner program. The less thoughts about unfinished business in our minds, the more we are able to focus on the current task, and the better we can complete it. 2. Do the most important things first. It seems to be simple. But in practice, it turns out that we are often busy with not the most important things, postponing important things “for later”. Make it a rule: first the main thing, and then everything else.


January 22, 2023

NASA has approved the concept of the spacecraft.

He is able to get to Mars in just 45 days. The reactor of such a ship will be nuclear. The combination of a peaceful atom and electricity has long looked like a sweet pie for astronautics. And now, they took it seriously.


January 22, 2023

In China, the tactic of limiting playtime in children was recognized as successful.

A report from China's Game Industry Group stated that 75% of children have actually succumbed to the law and play for about three hours a week. Parents, according to the organization, like it very much. And since the vast majority of adults are happy with the ban, it will be extended.


January 22, 2023

The Swiss placed solar panels between the rails to save space.

High population density motivates to search for non-standard solutions. The country already has floating and high-altitude power plants. Now the railways will also help to produce energy: solar panels were laid between the rails using a special wagon. The 10 km long experimental section will generate 2 MW of energy. This is enough for an ordinary family for about six months.


January 22, 2023

Boston Dynamics boasted of their achievements.

In a new video, Atlas' bipedal robot helps a man at a construction site. What a piece of iron can do: carry boards, jump on scaffolding with a tool bag and do epic somersaults.


January 22, 2023

Japan pays families 1 million yen to move to the countryside.

The government will pay 1 million yen (about $8,000) for every child in families who move from Tokyo to the countryside. The main goal of this scheme is to reduce overcrowding in the capital and revitalize outlying areas of Japan by attracting youth and promoting entrepreneurship. At the new location, at least one family member must open a business or take a job in a small or medium-sized enterprise. If they decide to leave after spending less than five years in the village, they will have to return the entire amount.


January 22, 2023

An underwater garage for 7,000 bicycles has been built in Amsterdam.

An underwater garage for 7,000 bicycles has been built near Amsterdam Central Station. It is located directly under the famous city canals. The garage will make it possible to remove thousands of bicycles from the embankments, which are regularly left by passengers. You can park your vehicle in it for free for a day, and then for 1.35 euros per day. According to the latest data, 835,000 Amsterdam residents make an average of 665,000 bike rides per day - that's 36% of the city's total travel (compared to 24% by car).


January 22, 2023

The best husband according to the sign of the zodiac. 4th place - Libra.

Mister Romance. It doesn’t matter how many years he has been married, at least five, at least twenty-five, he will still confess his love to his sweetheart every day, give her scarlet roses, serve coffee in bed and present surprises for no reason. Marital duty performs better than specially trained Gemini, while remaining faithful to his wife until death do them part. He sees through the mysterious female soul, so he does not need to explain anything, he understands everything himself. A super husband who can turn his wife's life into a romantic fairy tale. But to wash the plate behind him, which is typical, he will never learn.


January 22, 2023

Лучший муж по знаку зодиака. 4 место — Весы.

Мистер Романтика. Неважно, сколько лет он женат, хоть пять, хоть двадцать пять, - он все равно будет ежедневно признаваться своей милой в любви, дарить ей алые розы, подавать кофе в постель и преподносить сюрпризы без повода. Супружеский долг выполняет лучше, чем специально обученные Близнецы, при этом остается верен жене, пока смерть не разлучит их. Загадочную женскую душу видит насквозь, так что ему не надо ничего объяснять, он все сам понимает. Супермуж, способный превратить жизнь жены в романтическую сказку. Но вот мыть за собой тарелку, что характерно, так никогда и не научится.


January 22, 2023

What causes anxiety in each zodiac sign. Virgo.

The main problem of people who are born under the sign of Virgo, like that of Taurus, is far-fetched problems. They also try to think about everyone and also want to control everything. If something doesn't go according to plan - "hello, panic!" In addition to the fact that these habits get on the nerves of the Virgos themselves, they offend the people around them.


January 22, 2023

Why these 3 women of the zodiac are more likely to come across aggressive men. Pisces Woman.

The sweet Pisces Woman plays the role of the victim. "Ah, save, ah, help, a dragon stole me." And the knight rides to save the princess. Yes, but instead of chain mail, the daredevil has a T-shirt with the inscription "I knock out my teeth for free." The dragon is defeated, the water princess is saved, it's time to go to bed - the Pisces Woman gets a club on the head, and she is carried away to the cave. And every new male water lady is trying to outdo the former guys in aggression. And deep down, Neptune's ward likes this role - after all, there is no demand from the victim. Those who like to knock on the table with their fist (and not only on the table) can meet any woman. But the girls from this star trinity have a running line written on their foreheads: “We will endure everything!”.


January 22, 2023

Daily horoscope 22 January.

Capricorn♑️ Try to listen especially carefully to advice, especially if they are given by your old acquaintances. They will tell you how best to act, what to do first and what to postpone. Other people's experience will also come in handy: after analyzing the mistakes made by others, you will understand how to avoid your own. Aquarius♒️ Take a rest; it definitely won't bother you. If circumstances allow you to postpone all serious matters and just have a good time, you should do just that. Meeting with friends will please many Aquarius, will help the representatives of the sign to tune in a positive way. Pisces♓️ Do not demand the impossible from yourself. This day may not be as successful as we would like, but it will still be good. Focus on what depends on you, take care of current affairs, and do not be upset if the achievement of some important life goals has to be postponed.


January 22, 2023

Daily horoscope 22 January.

Libra♎️ If there are any important things or meetings planned for this day, do not postpone them. The morning will be especially favorable for communication, and for useful activities, and for solving serious issues. Trips will turn out well, many Libras will be inspired by a change of scenery. Scorpio♏️ Do not worry if something goes wrong at the beginning of the day. This is not the easiest time, but it will be good for those who are ready to improvise, make decisions quickly and learn from others. Minor disagreements are unlikely to be avoided, but if you are attentive to others, relations will quickly improve. Sagittarius♐️ The day is perfect for complex and responsible cases, solving serious issues. It is unlikely that someone will come to your aid, so be prepared to act on your own. Listen to your intuition: its clues will help you find your way to your goal faster. Try to pay attention to any information you receive today. It will surely come in handy later.


January 22, 2023

Daily horoscope 22 January.

Cancer♋️ You're in for a pretty hectic day. Its first half will be especially intense: new cases will appear that require attention, you will have to solve several problems at once. It is important to maintain balance, even if vanity and confusion reign around, and those around you behave quite strangely. Leo♌️ The start of the day is hardly without excitement. It's all about a tense emotional background: because of it, you will react especially sharply to everything that happens. And getting along with others will sometimes be more difficult than usual: you may be annoyed by someone else's slowness or sluggishness. Virgo♍️ Be careful with money: there is a risk of spending a lot on trifles, making unsuccessful purchases. When it comes to finances, you will be surprisingly frivolous today. But in all other areas, the influence of positive trends will prevail. You will perfectly cope with complex cases, solving difficult problems.


January 22, 2023

Daily horoscope 22 January.

Aries♈️ The beginning of the day is suitable for important conversations and serious business. You will quickly tune in to the right mood, understand the new situation, understand how to act and who you can turn to for help. However, it is important not to overdo it. Try not to waste too much energy on small things. Taurus♉️ At the beginning of the day, it will be difficult to remain calm. This will be especially difficult for Taurus, who are used to always acting according to plan. Most likely, you will have to improvise, come up with something new. It is important not to lose confidence in yourself, no matter what happens. It's good to have people around to support you. Gemini♊️ The beginning of the day will be especially favorable for communication. Any important meetings and conversations should be planned for this time. You will be able to negotiate even with those to whom no one could find an approach before. Dating that will receive a romantic continuation is not excluded. The youngest Geminis are at risk of losing their heads.


January 22, 2023