In the sky of Turkey, there was a rare natural phenomenon recently - a lenticular cloud.

The shape of the cloud was discussed the most, many said that it looked like an eye, but there were also those who thought about the vulgar.


January 24, 2023

More than 250 fossilized titanosaur eggs have been found in India.

In the Indian Narmada Valley, paleontologists have discovered the largest nesting site for titanosaurs - a thousand-kilometer stretch. It was possible to find 256 fossilized eggs in 90 nests of pangolins that lived 67 million years ago. It turned out that titanosaurs made masonry, like crocodiles - in shallow pits. At the same time, the reproductive physiology of ancient pangolins was similar to modern birds. In addition, they nested in colonies.


January 24, 2023

What causes anxiety in each zodiac sign. Scorpio.

If Scorpio wants to spend time in peace and quiet, and someone interferes, the "spider" just explodes. The world cannot guarantee serenity whenever they want it, and the sooner Scorpios understand and accept this, the more pleasant their existence will become.


January 24, 2023

4 signs of the zodiac that will not get confused in an extreme situation. Aries.

The ardor attributed to Aries can sometimes turn into a source of problems for him. However, under force majeure circumstances, it will be very good if Aries is nearby. His quick reaction is what is needed in such situations. Aries is able to make decisions with lightning speed and not hesitate. He does not succumb to difficulties - on the contrary, they only give Aries strength and determination to act. By its nature, this sign is very active, if necessary, boldly enter into fire and water.


January 24, 2023

Daily horoscope January 24th.

Capricorn♑️ Try to stay calm. Today it will be quite difficult: you will have to face unexpected problems, deal with people because of whom you had a lot of difficulties before. Don't be led by emotions. Reasonable decisions will be correct. Aquarius♒️ The day will surely bring some unexpected events, news that will make you change plans. Amazing encounters are possible. Some Aquarians will meet and even make friends with those whom they have heard a lot about before. Pisces♓️ There will be more worries than you expected, but this will not scare you. You keep calm, emotions will not interfere with making the right decisions. Intuition will tell you how to quickly solve complex work issues. Thanks to a creative approach to business, you will disarm ill-wishers, leave competitors far behind.


January 24, 2023

Daily horoscope January 24th.

Libra♎️ Today you will be much sharper than usual, react to little things and take to heart what you would not have paid attention to at another time. The mood can be spoiled because of any trifle. Fortunately, there will be people nearby who will try to support you, will not let you completely lose heart. Scorpio♏️ Do not put off important things: the beginning of the day is best for them. Morning is the perfect time to try something new. You will quickly figure out how to act in order to achieve the goal. Successful coincidences, unexpected events are possible, thanks to which new opportunities will open up before you. Sagittarius♐️ The start of the day will be quite hectic. It is better not to rush into decisions: the probability of error at this time is high. Unfortunate financial losses are also not ruled out. But the influence of positive trends will increase rapidly, you will soon feel that everything is changing for the better.


January 24, 2023

Daily horoscope January 24th.

Cancer♋️ The ideas you have at the start of the day will definitely be worth considering. It is unlikely that you will be able to implement them right away, but later you will probably return to your plan. And this time will open up new opportunities in the professional field. You will have a chance to learn something that will soon help you make good money. Leo♌️ To agree with someone on joint actions today will be more difficult than usual. Therefore, in important matters it is better to rely on your own strength. Disagreements with management are not ruled out. You will be able to prove your case, but it will require patience and effort. Virgo♍️ At the beginning of the day, it will be difficult to avoid arguments. Even people who previously supported you in everything can criticize your ideas, refuse to help, try to convince you. Intuition will tell you which comments are worth heeding and which are best ignored. Not everyone will be able to maintain good relations, but serious conflicts still will not arise.


January 24, 2023

Daily horoscope January 24th.

Aries♈️ Be prepared to deal with several things at once, otherwise you are unlikely to have time to do everything that you have planned. It is possible that some domestic problems will arise that require immediate solutions. Therefore, it will be more difficult to focus on work than usual. But you can handle it. Taurus♉️ The start of the day is good. At this time, you will do a lot of things well. It will be possible to cope with complex tasks, to solve issues that first of all baffled. You will be offered help by people from whom you did not expect anything of the kind. Probably the beginning of a long-term cooperation, very beneficial for you. Gemini♊️ The day is hardly complete without minor misunderstandings. There will be a lot of them especially in the morning. Finding a common language with others at this time will become noticeably more difficult, it will be difficult to avoid disputes. However, you will behave correctly, do not succumb to provocations, try not to complicate anything. Therefore, it will be possible to maintain good relations with everyone. And soon the influence of positive trends will increase.


January 24, 2023

Briefly about manipulation from the book "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini

Scarcity Principle Explanation: Something that is rare or inaccessible has a value in our eyes, the more it is, the more scarce it is. People are also more likely to avoid losing what they already have than acquiring new ones. Example: "the number of new iphone ** is limited" - you can raise the price.


January 23, 2023

Briefly about manipulation from the book "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini

Оbedience to authorities. Explanation: in a person in the process of education, the habit of obedience to authorities is laid, and this habit is very persistent, and completely unconscious. Example: Dr. House advertising a drug or something related to medicine. Although the actor is not at all versed in medicine, many will stupidly follow his authoritative advice.


January 23, 2023

Briefly about manipulation from the book "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini

Favor. Explanation: We are most willing to comply with the demands of those we know or like. Example: the seller of some unnecessary garbage says: "Your friend John advised me to contact you." In advertising, only the beautiful and famous are specially used.


January 23, 2023

Briefly about manipulation from the book "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini

The principle of social proof. Explanation: According to this principle, we consider correct behavior that other people often demonstrate in a similar situation. Example: phrases in advertising: “millions of people have already tried product X”, “hundreds of reviews on our website”, etc.


January 23, 2023

Briefly about manipulation from the book "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini

Commitment and consistency. Explanation: You are encouraged to take an action, the logical continuation of which will be a subsequent action that is desirable for the manipulator. Example: filling out a questionnaire “I would buy such and such a product at such and such a price”, a test drive of a car involves its subsequent purchase, the issuance of “I vote for John” badges before the elections, etc.


January 23, 2023

Briefly about manipulation from the book "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini

Assignment agreement. Method of manipulation: the manipulator puts forward a clearly inflated demand, and then "agrees to a concession", while his goal is just the second demand. You feel the need to agree (based on the reciprocity rule) because you were given a favor and relented. Example: in expensive boutiques, first they set inflated prices, and then they announce discounts.


January 23, 2023

Briefly about manipulation from the book "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini

Reciprocity rule. Explanation: the manipulator offers you a "gift", after which he offers to buy something, or perform a certain action. The automatic reaction forces you to agree to his offer, even if the amount of your expenses is clearly inadequate for his gift. Example: Hare Krishnas on the street will not ask for donations directly - they first give you a flower or a book (absolutely unnecessary for you), and then they say that in return you can thank them by making a donation.


January 23, 2023

All at once" only happens in fairy tales and low-budget soap operas.

Some things take time. Many of them take months or even years. Just because something is failing right now doesn't mean you will never succeed. Just a little patience. This is the fundamental formula for success and a wise approach to life. It's worth realizing that everything you've conceived, and everything you dream of is bound to come true if you stay calm and keep working on it. All in good time.


January 23, 2023

How to organize your life

First, determine the reason for your lack of organization. Why is your life chaotic and messy? For some people, a busy schedule makes it difficult to get things organized. Others just lack motivation or don't know where to start. So, to start organizing your life, you must recognize the cause of your disorganization and make the decision to change it once and forever. Think about what exactly needs to be organized. It's easy to say "everything," but you're likely to have more problems in certain areas of your life than in others. What is the thing that makes your life falling apart? Maybe housecleaning, or making plans, or it refers to finances? Which of them causes the most stress? Also don't forget to consider the aspects of your life, such as work, relationships, friendships, vacation, and surely mindset. Pick one most painful issue and work on it, then move on to the next one.


January 23, 2023

The surgeons sewed the patient's completely severed scalp.

Danish doctors performed a microsurgical operation to reattach the severed scalp to a woman whose hair was caught in a core drill. The damage affected the entire scalp and the area of the forehead up to the eyebrows. With the help of vascular anastomoses, the surgeons managed to restore the nutrition of the sutured tissues, and after five months the sensitivity returned to the patient.


January 23, 2023

The British Museum has banned calling mummies mummies.

The London British Museum and the National Museums of Scotland have dropped the term "mummy". As an alternative, he is offered the phrase "mummified man" or "mummified remains". The word "mummy" is not a misnomer, but it dehumanizes the people who once lived. At the same time, the use of the term "mummified person" encourages visitors to treat them with respect.


January 23, 2023

In Australia, found the world's largest toad weighing 2.7 kg.

The park ranger who discovered the animal initially mistook it for a soccer ball.


January 23, 2023