The most loving countries in the world have been identified.

The experiment involved 9474 people from 45 countries. The study took into account the attitude towards a partner, the ability to support, the level of tolerance in society, gender equality and fidelity. The high level of progressiveness of the society produced a high "love score", according to the results. The USA, Italy, Portugal and Hungary made the top of the list of open to romance. Germany, China, Turkey and Pakistan rounded out the list.


January 25, 2023

White card.

In Portugal, for the first time in the history of football, the referee showed not a yellow or red card, but a white one. According to the rules, it encourages the noble behavior of the players. So the referee of the women's match thanked the doctors who helped the football player.


January 25, 2023

Refueling test at Starbase.

The other day, Starship passed the first full-fledged refueling test at Starbase in conditions close to real flight preparation. For the first time, the ship and the first stage were fully refueled with more than 4,500 tons of fuel. This test will help verify the full sequence of operations during the pre-launch countdown, as well as the performance of the Starship and the launch pad in preparation for the actual flight.


January 25, 2023

The best thermal grease is ketchup, it turned out during an unusual experiment.

A user of a computer forum decided to check what improvised materials can be used instead of thermal paste. Heinz sauce (71°C), beloved by many, showed itself best of all, Sensodyne toothpaste had a slightly worse result (from 63°C to 90°C), but cheese, potatoes and baby cream, all of a sudden, are not suitable for replacing thermal paste .


January 25, 2023

In France, they created a backpack with an airbag.

At the same time, it can be used in everyday life, including a laptop. The backpack is paired with a smartphone app. It can call rescuers in the event of an airbag deployment and send them the GPS coordinates of the incident.


January 25, 2023

Unusual cafe "Capi Neko Cafe" in Japan

Visitors order drinks and sit with a baldezhny rodent - a capybara. The capybara is the world's largest living rodent, and although they are native to South America, they are so beloved in Japan that they even have an anime character dedicated to them. Usually capybaras are kept in zoos, but Tawashi is a friendly capybara who loves to hang out with visitors and sleep on the couch, and seems happy to be around cats and people. More and more cat cafes, including Capi Neko Café, are rescuing cats from the street and looking for a new home for them. The staff hopes that by spending time with the cats at the cafe, customers will be able to form a bond with one or more animals and take them for themselves.


January 25, 2023

A meeting of sunsets and dawn improves mental health.

Observation of sunset or dawn improves mood and social behavior. All due to the fact that, meeting and escorting the sun, people experience reverentwe and delight. Usually these emotions are difficult to cause. The contemplation of the rainbow and other natural phenomena has a similar effect. Scientists believe: a wow effect from observing sunsets and dawn can become part of the therapy of some mental disorders. The contemplation of the morning and evening nature causes a short -term but very significant surge in positive emotions.


January 25, 2023

The best husband according to the sign of the zodiac. 1st place - Virgo.

Get out your handkerchiefs, dear fellow women: the Virgo husband is Mr. Darcy incarnate. Smart, good-looking and well educated. He makes good money, cooks great, does not shy away from the vacuum cleaner and raises babies best of all. The Virgo husband is a reliable partner who will never betray, an attentive and gentle lover and best friend who does not need to explain anything. And now - the terrible truth: due to the boundless inner nobility, the Virgin always marries the most hopeless case, because: "This fool will be lost without me." So your chances are about zero, unless, of course, you are the incarnation of Bridget Jones.


January 25, 2023

The best husband according to the sign of the zodiac. 2nd place - Leo.

Husband is patron. Such a dad. Lions marry exclusively rare beauties - or women who manage to convince Leo that they are rare beauties (this is not difficult). He takes care of his wife like a child, spoils her with gifts, carries her in her arms and leads her by the hand to where for some reason she does not want to go. Marrying a Leo is like adopting a daughter, only with all the perks of a legal wife, and without the punishments of a naughty daughter. True, for this you will have to tirelessly admire Leo. If the Lion is not praised in time, he withers like a flower without water: everything falls off for him, and the Organ of Valor - in the first place. However, is this family happiness, right?


January 25, 2023

What causes anxiety in each zodiac sign. Sagittarius.

Sagittarius wants to live by his own rules and the conditions he has set. Moreover, Sagittarius often requires the same from others. And when they do not obey him, calmness immediately leaves the representative of this zodiacal constellation. Sagittarius should dictate their rules to people less, and they will immediately become more attractive to them.


January 25, 2023

4 signs of the zodiac that will not get confused in an extreme situation. Capricorn.

Unlike Aries and Scorpio, who literally "ignite" in an extreme situation, Capricorn is able to maintain true composure. He can be unbending - a rock that external circumstances simply cannot crush. In a crisis situation, Capricorn is saved by a sober mind, wisdom and firmness of character. He does not waste energy on experiencing acute emotions, but directs it to find a smart and right solution. Capricorn is able to be an excellent organizer, he can take control of the "panic mass" and bring it to safety.


January 25, 2023

Daily horoscope January 25th.

Capricorn♑️ No matter how the day unfolds, you will not doubt for a minute that you will succeed. And make no mistake: victory will be yours. Your approach to business will make a good impression on others, many will want to help you, participate in the implementation of your ideas. Aquarius♒️ A good day to take on something new and unusual. Choose tasks that require creativity and imagination - no one can do them better than you. Pay attention to the ideas that come up in the middle of the day. Pisces♓️ The day has come for solving the most difficult tasks and those questions that have long baffled everyone. You will be especially attentive, do not miss a single important detail. Yes, and the experience gained earlier, you will certainly come in handy.


January 25, 2023

Daily horoscope January 25th.

Libra♎️ The day is good for work and other useful things. It doesn't matter if you prefer to work on your own or join a team of like-minded people; The stars will be on your side anyway. Negotiations will be successfully completed, from which you did not expect anything special. It is possible that you will be offered a new job or cooperation on favorable terms. Scorpio♏️ In all important matters, try to rely only on yourself. Even reaching an agreement with old acquaintances today will be more difficult than usual, to say nothing of those with whom you recently met for the first time. Young Scorpios today will be especially quick-tempered and impatient. It will be difficult for them to maintain their composure, not to succumb to provocations. It is good if there is an experienced person nearby who will help to avoid mistakes. Sagittarius♐️ The day will bring many surprises, but you will not lose your composure for a minute. Balanced decisions will turn out to be correct, thanks to them you will cope with all the difficulties that arise. The problems that have been bothering you lately will suddenly be easily solved.


January 25, 2023

Daily horoscope January 25th.

Cancer♋️ Listen to your intuition carefully: today its tips will be especially useful to you. It is thanks to them that you will not make serious mistakes, will not fall into the traps set by ill-wishers, and will cope with difficult tasks. And they will also help you build relationships with the people you are about to meet. Leo♌️ Although the day may not turn out the way you expected, try to remain calm. It is hardly possible to adhere to the plan drawn up before; be ready to improvise, come up with something new. Many Lions today will benefit from the experience they received a few weeks ago. Thanks to him, representatives of the sign will not make serious mistakes. Virgo♍️ The day will go very well if you show perseverance and determination in its first half. Do not waste time on trifles, immediately take on the most important. You will quickly find allies and helpers. Support can be offered by people on whom a lot depends - in such cases it is better not to refuse.


January 25, 2023

Daily horoscope January 25th.

Aries♈️ The morning is the perfect time to start something new. True, some difficulties are not excluded. But will they force you to give up your plan? Of course not! You will be even more persistent than usual, so you will overcome all obstacles and achieve excellent results. And this will not go unnoticed. On the contrary, your success will make a strong impression on others. Taurus♉️ Be especially attentive to others at the beginning of the day. This is not the easiest period in terms of communication. Disagreements and disputes that will make you nervous, other tense moments are not excluded. But the situation will quickly change for the better. The discussion of any important conversations should be postponed until the afternoon: at this time it will be easier for you to find a common language with everyone. Gemini♊️ It's time to take on something difficult: today the stars will be on your side, and this is worth taking advantage of. You will do well where others have failed, successfully complete what was started a long time ago. Long-standing business connections will come in handy. Feel free to remind people with whom you have collaborated before.


January 25, 2023

A neural network for creating a 3D human avatar.

Microsoft introduced a neural network capable of creating a 3D human avatar from a single photo and a small text description. The final model can be edited - change the hair color and hairstyle, add vegetation, glasses and other notable features. So far, only a demo is available, but they promise to make the tool publicly available soon.


January 24, 2023

Looking for a job - ChatGPT will help you.

The founder of the company decided to check whether it is possible to deceive his HRs using a neural network and he succeeded - recruiters liked the resume written by ChatGPT more than 80% of other applicants.


January 24, 2023

Antidepressants cause emotional dullness.

SSRI antidepressants cause emotional blunting. This is a state in which emotions and reactions are poorly expressed, feelings lose their brightness, understanding of the intricacies of communication with people disappears, and the expressiveness of facial expressions decreases. These conclusions were reached by scientists from Cambridge during a study involving 66 people who took a placebo or the drug escitalopram for three weeks, and then underwent cognitive tests. Scientists used to think it was one of the symptoms of depression, but now they've figured it's a side effect of the drugs.


January 24, 2023

Belief in paranormal phenomena can impair sleep.

This was found out with the help of an experiment in which 8,853 people took part. All of them answered a series of questions regarding their sleep and their relationship to supernatural forces. They noted that such subjects had low sleep duration and increased symptoms of insomnia. In addition, some people have experienced sleep paralysis, in which the person is self-aware and awake but unable to move. Researchers suggest that belief in the paranormal causes anxiety that interferes with sleep. Fear of encountering ghosts can interfere with a night's rest, and this does not only apply to children.


January 24, 2023

Carnivorous plants evolved and began to eat the feces of animals.

Nepenthes - carnivorous plants - began to change their diet. They evolved and began to collect droppings of small mammals. It is more nutritious than insect excrement and provides plants with more nitrogen. To eat in a new way, the plants had to secrete more nectar with a natural laxative in the composition. These costs paid off: the tissues of the fecal-eating Nepenthes turned out to have almost twice as much nitrogen as in plants that eat traditional prey.


January 24, 2023