That's it, I'm not doing it anymore ⠀

Yes, there are times when a person says this. He or she starts something and then suddenly gives up. For example, started learning a foreign language but quit. Wanted to go swimming, but didn't go further than one training. There are a lot of examples... Just like Sisyphus could not roll a stone up a hill, people stumble on the spot, being offended by the impossible task, circumstances and people around them, and then get disappointed in theirselves. The situation when a person doesn't get things done is one of the most common negative scenarios. It is called "Sisyphus" in psychology.


January 28, 2023

Not criticizing yourself is a skill

Supporting yourself is a skill. Saying "no" is a skill. Choosing yourself is a skill. Standing up for yourself is a skill. Taking care of yourself is a skill. Loving yourself is a skill set, So everyone can learn to love theirselves.


January 28, 2023

The declaration of self-value

I am ME. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like ME. There are people in some ways similar to me, but there is no one exactly like ME. Therefore, everything that comes from me is genuinely mine, because I am the one who chose it. I own everything about me: my body, including everything it does; my mind, including all thoughts and plans; my eyes; my feelings, whatever they may be; my mouth and all the words it utters; my voice, loud or quiet; all my actions directed toward myself or others. I own all my fantasies, dreams, hopes, and fears.


January 28, 2023

How to have a conversation and not be rejected

▫️ Speak directly, without innuendo and excuses; ▫️ Consider the other person's state of mind; ▫️ If the person is busy, call and come as arranged; ▫️ Don't lie; ▫️ Take responsibility for your own actions, don't shift it to anyone; ▫️ Don't write more than two to three messages if you do not get a response; ▫️ Don't pretend to be an expert when it comes to personal relationships. Communication is a dialogue. Under no circumstances correspondence be turned into harassment.


January 28, 2023

ChatGPT wrote a marketing article for a journalist, earning $600 for a guy in 30 seconds.

The freelancer himself, who regularly writes for The Guardian, spoke about the experiment: according to him, the article needed a little editing, because it lacked the author's point of view, but the content, presentation logic, grammar and syntax were impeccable. The guy himself is sure that artificial intelligence will soon deprive him of his work.


January 28, 2023

Truck from LEGO

A blogger from the Brick Technology channel assembled a radio-controlled LEGO truck with a pneumatic drive from plastic bottles. In the comments, users praise the work of the author and offer the constructor manufacturer to launch such a set for sale.


January 28, 2023

The Chinese have created and even started using the largest and most powerful wind turbine in the world.

The H260-18MW plant can develop peak power up to 18 megawatts, and each of the blades is 128 meters long - a football field and a third of another. With each rotation, such a "windmill" generates 44.8 kW / h of energy - enough to power one private house uninterruptedly for 1-2 days. And for the year it is able to generate up to 74 million kilowatt-hours of clean electricity.


January 28, 2023

10 Aquarius Celebrities Who Started Their Careers When They Were Young. Elizabeth Olsen. Paris Hilton.

Elizabeth Olsen. The actress was born on February 16th. The girl from childhood was engaged in singing and dancing. For the first time, Elizabeth was on the set at the age of 4 - from this age she began acting in videos and clips. The star's first major project was the comedy Fun Days in the Wild West, although after that she took a long break from her acting career. Critics noted Olsen's talent when the film "Martha, Marcy May and Marlene" was released. Paris Hilton. Hilton was born on February 17th. The girl was expelled from school several times because she skipped classes. Paris was a naughty child from a wealthy family. In her youth, she signed a contract with a modeling agency and began acting in shows. Later, Hilton decided to try her hand at cinema, but most often received only minor roles. Critics have repeatedly spoken negatively about the acting of the actress.


January 28, 2023

What causes anxiety in each zodiac sign. Pisces.

Just like Cancers, people who are born under the sign of Pisces do not like to be in the spotlight and in general often avoid noisy companies. The representatives of this zodiac constellation are made to feel tangible discomfort even by the manifestation of their own or others (in relation to him) feelings in public. Natural sensitivity Pisces sound the alarm when they are thrown into the real world with a turbulent environment. The stars advise them to go out more often and not be afraid to communicate with them.


January 28, 2023

Horoscope for February. Cancer.

Don't worry if things don't go according to plan in early February. This is indeed not the easiest time, but still the impact of positive trends will be quite noticeable. Old friends will help you deal with emerging problems, tell you how to act. Keep track of the state of financial affairs, try not to spend too much on optional purchases, entertainment. The second half of February, on the contrary, will delight you with pleasant surprises and new opportunities. It will be especially favorable for Cancers in love, as well as for those who have long dreamed of changes in their personal lives, but did not dare to take the initiative. Big business changes are likely. There will be a chance to find yourself with representatives of the sign who doubted that they had chosen the right profession.


January 28, 2023

Horoscope for February. Gemini.

February will be an important and auspicious month. There will come a suitable period for the implementation of the most daring plans. Be aware that you will most likely need support. Think about who you should contact for it. Intuition will help you find allies you can rely on. Be active in the business field if you want to climb the career ladder or increase income. Feel free to draw attention to yourself, attend professional events, make presentations, talk about what you know and can do. Don't be afraid to overdo it with self-promotion: suddenly a lot of people will be interested in what you do. It will not be easy for only representatives of the sign who are busy with their studies. The last days of February will be especially stressful for them, when a lot will need to be done, and it will not immediately become clear what needs to be taken on immediately and what can wait.


January 28, 2023

Daily horoscope January 28th.

Capricorn♑️ An eventful day awaits you. Morning will bring inspiring news, proposals that you want to agree to without much thought. And at this time, unexpected meetings are likely. They will make you happy. Friends will willingly support many of your undertakings, they will not refuse to participate in the implementation of new plans. Aquarius♒️ An eventful day awaits you. Morning will bring inspiring news, proposals that you want to agree to without much thought. And at this time, unexpected meetings are likely. They will make you happy. Friends will willingly support many of your undertakings, they will not refuse to participate in the implementation of new plans. Pisces♓️ The morning will please you with good news, and interesting offers at this time are very likely. Intuition will tell you how to act; you won't want to waste a single minute. Do not miss the opportunity to discuss important issues with loved ones. You can quickly find a solution that everyone will like.


January 28, 2023

Daily horoscope January 28th.

Libra♎️ You will have time to do a lot of useful things, not only for yourself, but also for others. Your experience will be useful to both new and old acquaintances; they will be grateful for advice and help. Changes for the better are likely in relations that were previously tense. You will understand your own feelings, and those who are nearby will understand much better. Scorpio♏️ The day will bring completely new things and tasks. Intuition will tell you that it is better to immediately change plans so as not to miss an interesting opportunity. Sometimes it will not be easy to get along with others, but you will still find a way to avoid serious conflicts, to maintain good relations with everyone. Sagittarius♐️ The day will go very well. You can take on new things: you will quickly understand how to succeed in them, and besides, there will be people nearby who are ready to help in everything. Previous experience will be helpful. It is thanks to him that you will quickly orient yourself in a new situation, do not make mistakes.


January 28, 2023

Daily horoscope January 28th.

Cancer♋️ Act decisively and you will succeed. This is a good day to take the initiative in business and personal relationships. You can take on something that you have not dared to start for a long time. The stars will be on your side and achieving the desired result will be easier than you expected. Leo♌️ The first half of the day will be quite restless. Most likely, at this time you will need to do several things at once, solve unexpected problems, help your loved ones. Perhaps the implementation of some of your own plans will have to be postponed for a while, but you will not worry about this. Virgo♍️ You will worry about the little things more than usual, but in general, the day will turn out quite well. It is suitable for completing cases started earlier, as well as for solving organizational issues. Difficulties can arise where you need to come up with something new. Listen to the advice of old acquaintances; You will surely be advised what to do.


January 28, 2023

Daily horoscope January 28th.

Aries♈️ The day will be easy, successful and fruitful. It’s worth starting with things that you have been putting off for a long time. You will be able to cope with them quickly, you will achieve what you were striving for. It is possible that new acquaintances will offer help. Do not refuse: a common cause will help you make friends. Taurus♉️ Today, more than usual, you will attract everyone's attention to yourself. And this will turn out to be very useful: it will allow you to find like-minded people, to make a good impression on those who have been sympathetic to you for a long time. Dating, which will receive the most romantic continuation, is not excluded. New relationships will develop rapidly. Gemini♊️ Much will need to be done, and today you will take on all the cases with interest and genuine enthusiasm. There will be people nearby ready to help. However, the most important questions you have to decide on your own. Intuition will help you avoid mistakes. You will achieve the most noticeable successes where fantasy, ingenuity, willingness to experiment and try new things are required.


January 28, 2023

10 Aquarius Celebrities Who Started Their Careers When They Were Young. Jennifer Aniston. Chloe Moretz.

Jennifer Aniston. The star was born on February 11th. When the girl told her parents that she wanted to become an actress, they began to dissuade her. The fact is that Jennifer's father himself tried to become famous, but he constantly received refusals on samples. He wanted to save his daughter from the same fate, but the stubborn little girl stood her ground. At first, Aniston was given only small roles. Success came to her after the release of the series "Friends". Chloe Moretz. The celebrity celebrates his birthday on February 10th. Already at the age of 5, Chloe firmly decided that she would become an actress. The girl was noticed after she played in the film "The Amityville Horror", she was repeatedly offered episodic roles in the series. The whole world learned about Moretz when the comedy "Kick-Ass" came out.


January 28, 2023

What causes anxiety in each zodiac sign. Aquarius.

Aquarians are used to the fact that each new day is similar to the previous one. Usually they are fine with this, they do not like to get out of their routine. These signs of the zodiac hate everything complicated - both in work and in leisure. All this makes them nervous or even panic.


January 28, 2023

Horoscope for February. Taurus.

The events of February can play an important role in your life. You will achieve a lot if you persevere. Remember the goals you set before, your wildest dreams; now you will have a chance to achieve what you have been striving for for a long time. But this will not happen by itself, you will have to work hard. Get ready to learn new things. You have to deal with complex issues, take responsibility. Leadership qualities will be useful; feel free to show them. Noticeable changes can occur in personal relationships. You will understand your feelings, leave doubts in the past, understand what is really valuable to you and what is not. By the end of February, many Taurus will feel much older and more mature than before, and age has nothing to do with it. The last days of February will be especially favorable for representatives of the sign who are engaged in creative activities or are looking for a use for their talents. It will become clear in which direction to move on.


January 27, 2023

Horoscope for February. Aries.

In early February, you should focus on work. You will have a chance to achieve noticeable professional growth, a real breakthrough in your career. Those of your knowledge and talents that could not be used before will be in demand. Some Aries will find a new source of income, make profitable deals. It will be useful to take the initiative in business, to remind yourself of the people with whom you once worked together. The sooner you start to act, the better results you will achieve. The first half of February will also be favorable for studying, collecting and analyzing information, attending professional events, and exchanging experiences. Many Aries will need to be in the public eye more than usual, and they will benefit from it. But later you want to go into the shadows, reduce business activity, relax. And you will have such an opportunity. The second half of February is a favorable period for a change of scenery, trips that you can go on with friends or a loved one. Many representatives of the sign at this time are waiting for unusual acquaintances, meetings with special, outstanding people.


January 27, 2023

Daily horoscope January 27th.

Capricorn♑️ Do not hurry. This is not a bad day, but if you rush into decisions, you can lose sight of something, make mistakes that you will soon regret. Useful will be the advice of old friends, proven allies. Aquarius♒️ You will act decisively and quickly, so you will achieve even better results than expected. Bold undertakings will be accompanied by good luck. Do not lose confidence in yourself, even if you do not succeed immediately. Everything will work out if you persist. Pisces♓️ Do not take on difficult tasks alone. You will succeed much faster if you find allies. People from whom you did not expect support at all can stand on your side. And all because you will tell about your plans and ideas in such a way that no one will remain indifferent to them.


January 27, 2023