Horoscope for February. Virgo.

Act decisively and quickly. You can’t waste time in vain, it’s time to implement what was planned before. It will hardly be easy, but do not give up on what you have planned. You will achieve your goals through perseverance, and others will like it very much. People who previously underestimated you, understand what you are capable of, will begin to treat you with more respect. Recent rivals will take your side, try to make friends. Intuition will tell you that changes await you in February, and will not be mistaken. You will consciously give up something, focus on new opportunities, adjust your plans, start behaving differently. It is important to listen to yourself, not to follow anyone's lead. Even the advice given from the heart by the people closest to you is unlikely to be useful.


January 29, 2023

Horoscope for February. Leo.

Try to pay attention to the little things in early February. At this time, you will have a chance to find out exactly what you could only guess about before, to put an end to a series of omissions. People who have kept them for a very long time will reveal their secrets to you. The information obtained will help you make the right decisions. Changes for the better in business and personal relationships are likely. They will happen thanks to your efforts: you will be attentive to others, even in difficult moments you will not offend anyone with either a harsh word or an unpleasant remark. The second half of February will surely delight you. This is a time when many things turn out better than you might expect. It is good to take the initiative in both business and personal relationships. Any ideas? Share them with both old and new friends. Even if you are not supported, it will be much easier to implement plans when everyone knows about them.


January 29, 2023

Daily horoscope January 29th.

Capricorn♑️ Try not to get excited. Circumstances can be quite unfortunate, especially at the beginning of the day, and others will not behave quite the way you might like. However, if you stay calm and use common sense, you will quickly find a way to make a difference. Aquarius♒️ In the morning, many things will turn out well. You can take on the most difficult tasks: you will cope with them perfectly, you don’t have to try very hard to get the desired result. Some Aquarians will also have a chance to correct the mistakes made earlier, and representatives of the sign will take advantage of it. Pisces♓️ A great day for communication, including with people who usually do not listen to anyone and are not interested in other people's opinions. Today you will be able to interest everyone with your ideas and convince you that you are right. Those who previously underestimated you will understand how much they were mistaken, they will become interested and want to make friends.


January 29, 2023

Daily horoscope January 29th.

Libra♎️ The day will be favorable for important conversations and meetings. They will go even better than you expected. It is surprisingly easy for you to get along with those who were previously not disposed to communication, tried to evade it. Unusual acquaintances are likely. It is possible that someone will fall in love with you at first sight. Scorpio♏️ The day is suitable for family affairs, communication with relatives and other close people. If before there were disagreements between you, today you will be able to put an end to them and calmly agree on everything. New acquaintances are not excluded. One of them can start a romantic relationship that will soon become important to you. Intuition will tell you how best to behave. Sagittarius♐️ The day is suitable for dealing with cases that have not reached the hands for a long time. It will be possible to solve organizational issues that have long required attention, to successfully complete what was started earlier. Today you will be especially energetic, you will not waste time in vain, so you will have time for a lot.


January 29, 2023

Daily horoscope January 29th.

Cancer♋️ Whatever happens, don't lose hope. Although the day will hardly be without difficulties and tense moments, the influence of positive trends will still prevail. You will understand some difficult situations of the past and thanks to this you will understand how best to act now. Leo♌️ You will spend this day fruitfully and with pleasure. Take care of what interests you; it is for such matters that the time will be most appropriate. True, the Lions, who have big plans, will need patience. Not everything will turn out right away, and you will have to make efforts to achieve the desired result. Virgo♍️ Small annoyances are possible at the beginning of the day. However, intuition will tell you that you should not worry about them, and will not be mistaken. You will quickly feel that the situation is changing for the better and everything is getting better. As the evening approaches, you will have more and more opportunities to realize long-term plans, to bring to life what was conceived before.


January 29, 2023

Daily horoscope January 29th.

Aries♈️ If you have something important planned for this day, listen to your intuition especially carefully. It is thanks to her tips that you will perfectly cope even with the most difficult cases. You will achieve excellent results where knowledge and experience, the ability to compare and analyze facts are important. Taurus♉️ The start of the day can be difficult, especially for those who have a lot planned for this time. Unfortunate incidents, misunderstandings are likely, something may not turn out the way you expected. In addition, getting along with others will be more difficult than usual: sometimes they will seem to deliberately unbalance you. Gemini♊️ Get some rest, it definitely won't hurt you. At the beginning of the day, it is better not to take on something particularly difficult and tiring, not to try to solve all the problems that have accumulated lately. First you need to restore strength, tune in the right way. This will help communication with those who know you well, understand and support.


January 29, 2023

Turtle drug dealer.

In the USA, a courier turtle was caught - the animal was transporting cocaine worth 53 million dollars. Such sea bookmarks are made by members of the Mexican drug cartels: they drop the “goods” in neutral waters with buoys and a GPS beacon, where the turtle is waiting for the buyer. But this time everything went wrong - the animal got tangled in the ropes and fell into the hands of the coast guard. In total, over 816 kilograms of white powder were found in the packages. And yes, the turtle was released, we hope it will no longer fall into the hands of unclean businessmen.


January 29, 2023

M&Ms promotional characters

The M&Ms maker will temporarily stop using fictional talking characters in ads due to criticism of their appearance changes. Last January, the candy maker revamped the look of some of its commercial characters, mostly female, in an attempt to make them more modern. They were heavily criticized by Internet users and conservative media.


January 29, 2023

The most expensive aquarium fish in the world.

Perhaps the most expensive aquarium fish in the world is the rare platinum arowana. This 40-centimeter graceful creature belongs to the Singaporean breeder Aro Dynasty. But why does this fish have such an incredible value? It's all about her flawless coloring of the body of the fish, which does not have a single speck. Namely, the rarest coloring makes the platinum aravan the most expensive aquarium fish in the world: $ 200 thousand.


January 28, 2023

AI App for Pet

A South Korean startup has unveiled an AI for Pet app that lets you assess your pet's health. It works simply: we go into the application, take photos according to the instructions and get an approximate assessment of the health of the animal and recommendations to contact the veterinarian if something is wrong. There are not so many breeds and species yet, but the developers are actively working on the application.


January 28, 2023

ColaPhone is coming.

The famous manufacturer of carbonated drinks decided to hit the creation of smartphones. It is not yet known for certain whether Coca-Cola will build its capacity or use the services of existing manufacturers, but the render strongly resembles the smartphones of one Chinese brand.


January 28, 2023

India creates its own operating system.

The government announced the development of the IndOS mobile operating system, which should become a competitor to iOS and Android. At what stage of development the OS is now, is unknown.


January 28, 2023

Huge iceberg

A huge iceberg (1,550 sq km) the size of Greater London broke off the 150 m thick Brant Ice Shelf after natural cracks spread throughout the glacier. The split happened on Sunday evening during an intense tide. This is the second huge piece that has broken away from the Brant Glacier in the past two years. So, in February 2021, an iceberg with an area of 1270 square meters separated from it. km.


January 28, 2023

The number of burgers that negatively affect the liver has been determined.

The Keck School of Medicine in Southern California concluded that 20% of daily calories from fast food lead to a real risk of getting health problems. To be more precise, we are talking about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease - to get it, it is enough to have a fast food snack at least once during the day.


January 28, 2023

Illusion of understanding. What are the reasons for people's misunderstanding?

There are the following ways in which we make sense of our experience and all information. Knowing them helps us understand how we communicate with each other and with the world. 1. Crossing out information. When crossing out, we "omit" some of the information. Such a filter is important, especially now, when the information flow is huge. We learn only what at the moment seems useful and necessary to us, and we do not pay attention to all the "superfluous". 2. Generalization or generalization. Quite often, we use larger categories that include multiple subcategories. In different contexts, we can disaggregate and generalize information. In life, we do this all the time when we give things or events a more general meaning. 3. Distortion. Examples of distortion are our "yellow press", various gossip and gossip. Remember the children's game "Broken Phone". The essence is the same. We are constantly in the "illusion of understanding" of each other. We pass words through our own perceptual filter, we get information that corresponds to our experience, and we try to give it meaning.


January 28, 2023

Illusion of understanding. What are the reasons for people's misunderstanding?

Human thinking is already arranged in such a way that we process information in a special way. We can omit some details, or distort what we heard, and sometimes generalize something. In some situations, this is useful, but quite often the “missing links” do not give us the full picture, and make us draw the wrong conclusions. It is precisely because of this that the causes of misunderstanding often arise.


January 28, 2023

Illusion of understanding. What are the reasons for people's misunderstanding?

For example, you come to a furniture store. A manager comes up to you and asks: - What interests you? "I'm looking for a kitchen" - you say. The "green" seller will first clarify the price range and your style preferences. Experienced will not begin with the price. First he knows: What is the kitchen in your understanding? What is the main thing for you? What can you not imagine a kitchen without? Which table in your concept is comfortable or original? And so on. How many buyers there will be, the same number of completely different answers. Often, the opportunity to gather with the whole family in a comfortable environment is much more important than the price.


January 28, 2023

Illusion of understanding. What are the reasons for people's misunderstanding?

We do not just communicate with each other and say something. The main thing is the meaning that we put into them. With our words and non-verbal manifestations, we all the time encourage a person to take some step: approval, reflection, response, action or inaction, and so on. But it happens that we do not get what we want, because the other one puts into our words the meaning that is closer to his perception of reality. Hence the reasons for the misunderstanding of people. And, conversely, the closer a person perceives this meaning, the more effective communication. Good communicators understand this, and prefer to speak in a "language of meaning". Because in reality we can want one thing, but say something completely different.


January 28, 2023

Illusion of understanding. What are the reasons for people's misunderstanding?

This is a simple example. And try to describe the words "freedom", "love", "happiness". These concepts are much broader and deeper, and there will be much more differences. We bring our own meaning to each word and hope that another person, coming from his reality, will understand it the way we understand it. But this is not possible. The reasons for misunderstanding each other lie in the fact that everyone has their own individual way of processing information. And if for your child a good walk is a game of “war” with friends, an automatic machine, a fence, bushes, shooting, loud screams, wallowing on the ground. Then, in your understanding, a good walk can be completely different, and not at all anxiety, broken knees, soiled clothes and extra laundry. Although for someone the happy eyes of their child are more important than such trifles.


January 28, 2023

Illusion of understanding. What are the reasons for people's misunderstanding?

We communicate through words. But everyone puts their own meaning into the word, and as a result builds their own picture of the world. Take the word "dog". And ask 10 people to say what this word means in their understanding. It is possible that you will find a lot in common in these descriptions, but there will be many differences. Everyone will have their own image in their head. For one, it will be a ferocious bull terrier, for another, an affectionate chihuahua in a collar with rhinestones.


January 28, 2023