Don't be afraid

It usually seems that a person is afraid of something bad: judgment, failure, shame. And it is very surprising to discover the fear of "what if I succeed" in yourself. Fear of success, of big money, of rank, of fame... As long as a person is afraid of all this and does not recognize this process in herself/himself, she/he will never move onto better things. Neither in income growth, nor in in any activity, love, relationships...


January 30, 2023

Let me tell you a secret

You will never be perfect. You will never be the most successful, the most beautiful, and certainly you will never be the youngest. You will never make all the money in the world, you will never be the "best version of yourself," at least not in terms of eternity. You can pursue the endless chase of self-improvement. But if the goal of these efforts is to have a dumb audience give you grades, then, alas, those grades have long been embedded in your brain, so other people's opinions don't matter at all.


January 30, 2023

Alone with myself

Make sure you feel comfortable with yourself, your thoughts and feelings, in your own home. And only after that, you can do something for this world as well. As long as you skip this first step, any good intentions and steps you take in the outside world will reflect your inner chaos and disorder.


January 30, 2023

10 Aquarius Celebrities Who Started Their Careers When They Were Young. Ed Sheeran. Elijah Wood.

Ed Sheeran was born on February 17th. The boy sang in the church choir. In his youth, he got a job as a guitar technician for the Nizlopi band, and also performed at their concerts as an opening act. Ed delighted the audience in bars and clubs with his compositions. He released mini-albums that were popular on the Web, and later signed a contract with Asylum Records. Elijah Wood. The actor celebrates his birthday on January 28th. Since childhood, he sang in the choir and played in theatrical productions. Later, the boy began acting in commercials and playing minor roles in films. The whole world learned about Elijah after the release of The Lord of the Rings, where he played Frodo Baggins.


January 30, 2023

How different zodiac signs winter. Taurus.

Taurus love winter, because in the cold season, without a twinge of conscience, they can stay at home, lie under a cozy blanket, watch movies and do wonderful things. Being extremely thrifty by nature, representatives of this sign bought clothes suitable for severe colds at summer sales, so frosts will definitely not take them by surprise. Their refrigerator is full of jams and preparations, so Taurus is not afraid of hunger either. Winter for Taurus is a favorite time, because they spend their days in sweet bliss, enjoying the comfort of home, although some of them prefer wintering in warm regions to frost.


January 30, 2023

Horoscope for February. Scorpio.

In early February, you will have to work hard. Whatever you do, be prepared for the fact that there will be obstacles along the way that will need to be overcome. Most likely, it will not work according to the plan, and you will have little time to think. So be ready to try new things, experiment, learn from others. Do not cling to the old, do not be upset by unfortunate misunderstandings and unfortunate coincidences. Cheerfulness and optimism will help you achieve your goal. In all endeavors you will be supported by friends and trusted allies. The influence of positive trends will become stronger every day. The second half of February will bring success in work and business. You will successfully complete what you started before and be satisfied with the result. Your success will be noticed by people on whom a lot depends. Although the work will take a lot of time, for the sake of it you will not have to sacrifice communication with loved ones, give up what you like.


January 30, 2023

Horoscope for February. Libra.

Try not to waste time in early February. In just a few days you will achieve a lot. But you need to focus on the main thing, not get hung up on the little things. The sooner you decide on priorities, the faster you can move forward, the less time and your own energy you will waste in vain. Chances are there will be changes at work. You will have a chance to strengthen your professional position. Successful business negotiations are taking place, some Libras will be offered a job that has long seemed interesting to them. The second half of February will not be so rich in events and opportunities, but it will also please. You will return to some situations of the past, correct old mistakes, complete what you started earlier. Try to spend more time with loved ones. Your help and support, understanding and participation in common affairs will be especially important for them.


January 30, 2023

Daily horoscope January 30th.

Capricorn♑️ Probably good news. Most likely, they will be brought by people who have repeatedly pleased you with good news. Tempting business offers are not excluded. Here it is better not to rush to an answer, but first to collect all available information, talk with knowledgeable people, consult with acquaintances whose experience you trust. Aquarius♒️ A good day to discuss plans with business partners, colleagues and management. You can do this in an informal setting, you will quickly agree on everything. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources. Some Aquarians will make good deals. Pisces♓️ It will be more difficult for you to keep your peace of mind today than usual. You can worry about minor incidents, get angry or upset when at least something does not go your way. Do not make important decisions based on emotions. Better to wait for a calmer moment. Yes, and consult with people you trust will be useful.


January 30, 2023

Daily horoscope January 30th.

Libra♎️ Auspicious day for important business meetings, serious negotiations at the highest level. You will quickly understand how to find new allies, enlist the support of influential people. Difficult situations may arise. You will not be at a loss, show your best side, find a way out of a situation that will seem almost hopeless to others. Scorpio♏️ The day will be hectic and rather tiring. Most likely, you will not have the opportunity to focus on one thing. You will have to deal with several things at once, correct the mistakes made by other people, find out what can be done to quickly deal with the problems that have arisen. Sagittarius♐️ The day is suitable for taking the initiative in business. Even if you take on something very difficult, you will be able to achieve the first successes quickly, and in the future the circumstances will develop successfully - there will be no obstacles in your way. Successful deals, successful negotiations are likely.


January 30, 2023

Daily horoscope January 30th.

Cancer♋️ Even if you decide to do only the most simple and well-known things today, do not count on the fact that you will be able to cope with them easily and quickly. Difficulties may arise where you did not expect them. True, there will be no insurmountable obstacles in your way. Leo♌️ Today you will be more quick-tempered and impulsive than usual. Because of this, awkward situations can arise if you do not listen to the voice of common sense in time. It is better not to rush into decisions, especially in the morning. The fact is that it will bring a lot of events that will not immediately be able to be assessed correctly. Virgo♍️ The day will go very well. It doesn't matter if you prefer to work on your own or work in a team, in any case there will be a chance to achieve great success. Progress in the professional sphere is likely, offers for a new job or long-term cooperation are not ruled out. There will be a chance to make profitable deals.


January 30, 2023

Daily horoscope January 30th.

Aries♈️ There will be more to do than you expected. There may be issues that require urgent resolution, and in order to focus on them, everything else will have to be postponed. It won't be easy to keep calm. However, if you succeed, you will surely find an opportunity to cope with the situation, to achieve the desired result. Taurus♉️ Today you will be especially charming and attractive. Therefore, it will not be difficult to win the sympathy of new acquaintances and win them over. You will be willingly helped by those who have not rushed to the rescue of others before. Some Taurus will have business connections that will be very useful to them in the near future. Gemini♊️ Today you will need perseverance and self-confidence. It is thanks to these qualities that you will not fall under bad influence, remain faithful to your principles, and will not forget for a minute about those important goals that you set before. Self-control will not be superfluous: you will not give vent to emotions, you will not follow anyone's lead.


January 30, 2023

McDonald's shot ads using a neural network.

The video uses NeRF technology. NeRF uses neural networks to reconstruct a scene from images, predicting the shade of light emitted in any direction to make a 3D image from a 2D image, in other words, frames are made up of many photographs taken around the actors.


January 30, 2023

China has developed an advanced automatic parking system.

On the on-board computer, we place the icon at the desired point, and the car itself will park on it with an accuracy of a millimeter.


January 30, 2023

ATV The Ark

SHERP develops The Ark line of all-terrain vehicles that are capable of moving on literally any surface - even on water. This transport easily overcomes thin cracking ice, while inside there is room for 22 people and several tons of cargo.


January 29, 2023

How to stick to the phone and not miss life around.

Designer Alex Cornell figured out how to stick to the phone and not miss the life around. The non-existent iPhone gadget is an additional camera that replaces a person's eyes: the device allegedly looks forward while the user looks at the phone.


January 29, 2023

The perfect outfit for the whole family.

The Japanese company came up with the perfect clothes for the whole family - you can literally live in this suit. An enlarged belly can be used as an impromptu table - substitute a laptop or a plate of food.


January 29, 2023

Yellow has become the favorite color of zoomers, designers say.

Popular designers and brands are increasingly choosing it and moving away from the usual red carpets and shades of pink. In 2021, "Illuminating Yellow" was named one of Pantone's Colors of the Year, a vibrant canary hue heralding brighter days after the pandemic. According to the designers, it also symbolizes hope and optimism - "two feelings that young people desperately need in a shaky reality." But although yellow is gaining popularity, it has not yet been able to unite the entire generation. This is probably due to the fact that zoomers greatly value individuality and prefer to choose their own unique style rather than following trends.


January 29, 2023

British startup Flawless AI.

British startup Flawless AI is developing artificial intelligence for "Hollywood 2.0" and this is one of their jobs. Thanks to the neural network, you can easily adjust films for different age ratings, languages, or completely silence the characters - while the movement of the lips is perfectly synchronized with what is happening. By the way, the film is "The Fall" and from there, with the help of AI, over 30 mats were removed for the sake of the family rating.


January 29, 2023

10 Aquarius Celebrities Who Started Their Careers When They Were Young. Harry Styles. The Weeknd.

Aquarius men. Such individuals often neglect their personal lives, primarily taking care of their careers. HARRY STYLES. The singer was born on February 1st. During his school years, he created the White Eskimo musical group with friends, where he was a vocalist. The guys performed in clubs and participated in competitions. In 2010, Harry was cast in the X Factor show, thanks to which he became part of the One Direction team, whose songs almost everyone knows. The Weeknd. The artist celebrates his birthday on February 16th. He dropped out of school for music. The Weeknd worked part-time in a clothing store and wrote tracks at the same time. Web users liked his first compositions and attracted the attention of rapper Drake, who helped the aspiring singer become famous.


January 29, 2023

How different zodiac signs winter. Aries.

Astrologers say that winter is not the most pleasant time for Aries. True, a supply of inner fire and stupid energy helps him cope with the winter spleen. The hardy and punchy Aries heroically overcomes any obstacles, and he certainly will easily “win” the winter, especially if he adds sports and outdoor activities to winter activities - snow will literally melt under Aries.


January 29, 2023