The 95th Academy Awards nominations have been announced.

The film "Everything Everywhere and At Once" became the leader in the number of nominations - as many as 11, Brendan Fraser became a contender for "Best Actor", and a film about Alexei Navalny was nominated in the category "Best Documentary Film". The nominees also included a short film titled "My Year of Members"


January 31, 2023

10 Aquarius Celebrities Who Started Their Careers When They Were Young. Justin Timberlake.

Timberlake was born on January 31st. As a teenager, he starred in the popular show The Mickey Mouse Club, thanks to which he became famous. Later, the artist became part of the musical group 'N Sync - the audience instantly liked the first album. A few years later, Justin decided to start a solo career, his own compositions became hits. Other Aquarius celebrities: Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hiddleston, Ashton Kutcher, Emma Roberts, Taylor Lautner, Elizabeth Banks, Dane DeHaan, Michael Sheen, Jim Jarmusch, Bonnie Wright, Michael B. Jordan.


January 31, 2023

How different zodiac signs winter. Gemini.

They may not notice winter at all. Gemini's activity is not affected by any weather. They survive the winter in short runs: from home to work, from work to friends, from friends - somewhere else. They spend a lot of time in transport, at best they stand in city traffic jams in their warm car, singing along to the radio. A frivolous attitude to the cold can turn out for Gemini that they will catch a cold a couple of times, but this is not for long.


January 31, 2023

Horoscope for February. Capricorn.

Stock up on energy and tune in to business. In February, you will have to switch from one thing to another more often than usual, and it will not be so easy to get rid of the feeling that you have forgotten something mixed up. Self-discipline and a serious attitude to any business will be important. It is better not to put off anything for later, not to give up halfway. Try to finish what you started, even if it's difficult. Solve serious issues as quickly as possible, so you have more time for pleasant things. The financial sector will require special attention. Try to keep track of expenses, otherwise you will spend a lot on trifles without even noticing it. You don't need to drastically change your habits. This may cost more than you think. February promises pleasant acquaintances. Your social circle will expand significantly. You will meet different people more often than usual, many will like you. Perhaps the beginning of both friendly and romantic relationships.


January 31, 2023

Horoscope for February. Sagittarius.

The beginning of the month will be bright and rich. Events at this time will develop rapidly, and you will like it. You will show ingenuity and resourcefulness, make progress in business, cope with what did not work before. There will be a chance to solve problems that previously prevented you from working successfully, getting along with colleagues and management. New professional perspectives will open up. It is important not to get confused, take the initiative in time, show what you are capable of as early as possible. The second half of February will be calmer and will hardly bring such impressive successes. There will be an opportunity to calmly think over plans, to understand what is really important to you. Some Sagittarians will re-prioritise, focus on what they previously considered not too important. These days are well suited for communication with loved ones: you will get along very well, you will understand each other perfectly. In the family, significant changes for the better are possible.


January 31, 2023

Personal development and productivity:

Every morning: ▫️ a glass of cool water; ▫️ a quick workout; ▫️ taking care of your hair; ▫️ facial care; ▫️ body care; ▫️ delicious and healthy breakfast; ▫️ planning; ▫️ meditation; ▫️ 10 new words in other language; ▫️ half-hour hobby. Every day: ▫️ 1 foreign language class; ▫️ reading; ▫️ evening facial and body care; ▫️ go to bed before 11:00 p.m. Every week: ▫️ go to 3 workouts; ▫️ watch 1 movie; ▫️ listen to 1 lecture/podcast; ▫️ visit a new place; ▫️ housecleaning; ▫️ weekly review; ▫️ keeping your eyes on the goal.


January 31, 2023

Learn how to present yourself

Being able to behave in society and attract attention is NOT an innate ability, it must be learned. It's oddly enough, you shall start with improving your posture. Look in the mirror: how do you walk? ▫️ Keep your shoulders back. ▫️The body should be totally relaxed. ▫️Keep your back straight, and eyes on the prize. ▫️Chin slightly up. ▫️Train to walk with confidence.


January 31, 2023

Someone else

While you are sleeping until lunchtime, "someone else" wakes up early and has plenty of time to make her/himself better. While you're eating sugary muffins and junk burgers, "someone else" is eating healthy and will definitely have a perfect body in a year. While you're making excuses, "someone else" makes everything to achieve her/his goal. Do you want your dream to come true?


January 31, 2023

A rare phenomenon

An ocean of glass eggs on one of the beaches of the Gulf of Finland. The phenomenon is rare and occurs when a combination of many weather conditions. As a result, the ice particles are collected together by currents, they are also pressed and turned. And sometimes, it washes up on the coast.


January 31, 2023

A well-known bio-hacker was able to rejuvenate his heart by 5, and his lungs by 27 years.

Brian Johnson, a 45-year-old entrepreneur from the United States, experienced an experimental body rejuvenation program. After completing the Project Blueprint program and spending $2 million, he was able to achieve tangible results: judging by the tests, his heart became 5 years younger, his skin was like that of a 28-year-old, and his lungs were like those of an 18-year-old. The same - as a teenager, according to him, and nocturnal erections. It is not yet clear whether this is an advertisement for the company, however, scientists have been approaching this problem for a long time and the appearance of such rejuvenation has long been suggested.


January 31, 2023

China has created a robot that can change from solid to liquid and vice versa.

The trick is in the material: the robots are made of metallic gallium, which has tiny magnets embedded in it. It's funny that as one of the experiments, the researchers gave the robot the shape of a Lego man, and then allowed him to escape from a makeshift prison.


January 31, 2023

Daily horoscope January 31st.

Capricorn♑️ Today you will have a chance to achieve, if not tremendous success, then significant progress in many matters. Help is hardly needed, and you can do a lot of things yourself. It is important to prioritize correctly, not to waste time and energy on trifles. Aquarius♒️ Be determined in a decisive way. Today you will achieve a lot if you do not want to be content with modest achievements. Many tasks that previously baffled you can be solved surprisingly quickly. People who previously doubted your talents and abilities will change their minds. Pisces♓️ It will not be easy to maintain composure. You can react sharply to small incidents, take events to heart that you would not even think about at other times. It is possible that you will need the support of loved ones.


January 31, 2023

Daily horoscope January 31st.

Libra♎️ You will achieve excellent results if you focus on work and other useful things. You can do them yourself, you can turn to someone for help; in any case, you will be satisfied with the result. Good news regarding work or business is not ruled out. Scorpio♏️ The day will be favorable for communication with people who share your professional goals. You can get useful advice and real help. If you behave correctly, you can enlist the support of influential people. It will become clear how to finish things that started a long time ago. Here the experience gained in recent weeks will play an important role. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be fruitful if you do not waste time on empty talk or arguments with people who never agree with anyone at all. In important matters, it is better to rely on your own strength, knowledge and experience, and not on someone else's help. If you tune in to a serious mood, you will quickly cope with solving complex problems.


January 31, 2023

Daily horoscope January 31st.

Cancer♋️ Whatever happens today, try to remain calm. It will not be so easy, because the emotional background will be unstable. It is better not to say too much, not to share your secrets with others and not to discuss other people's. Please check carefully any information you receive. Unfortunately, there is a danger that someone will try to mislead you. Leo♌️ The day will be favorable for communication. Today you can find an approach to those who are usually very demanding, critical and always notice other people's shortcomings. You will be able to prevail in disputes, and you will prove your case without offending anyone. This will impress others, many will want to get to know you better. Virgo♍️ The start of the day will be busy. Be prepared to deal with several issues at once, deal with hundreds of cases at the same time. It's not easy, but you can do it. Organization and self-discipline will help not to be distracted by trifles. You will not waste time and energy in vain, do not succumb to provocations, do not follow anyone's lead.


January 31, 2023

Daily horoscope January 31st.

Aries♈️ Today you will surely learn something that will later prove useful. The day is suitable for learning new things, collecting information, analyzing data obtained from various sources. You will quickly understand whose experience can be useful to you, listen to good advice. Taurus♉️ A busy and bright day awaits you. In many ways, it will be so thanks to you: you will enthusiastically take on things that you have not dared to approach for a long time, you will not be afraid of difficult tasks, make efforts to achieve success. Much will be given easier than usual. Old acquaintances will appreciate your ideas and help in the implementation of the plan. Gemini♊️ The day may turn out even better than you expected. He will certainly please you with good news and offers that you want to immediately agree to. In business, you should rely on intuition: it will tell you what you need to focus on now and what can wait.


January 31, 2023

How to deal with those who ruin your life.

7. Remember yourself. If you have to live or work side by side with such a person, you must develop the skills of detachment. Be sure to find time to be alone with yourself, your thoughts, plans, feelings. Don't focus on the other person's life. Don't make a commitment to change anyone. A person will not change until he wants it for himself. 8. Think about why toxic people are around you. Perhaps they are a reflection of some of your internal problems. You solve their problems instead of getting on with your life. Whether you do something or not, time goes by anyway. So spend it on building your unique path!


January 30, 2023

How to deal with those who ruin your life.

6. Empathy. You can allow yourself to have empathy for toxic people. It must come from the fact that the circumstances of their lives could make them so. But sympathy does not mean connivance. You are not to blame for the other person's problems. Therefore, do not let him spoil your mood and well-being. You can’t allow someone to do whatever they want just because, for example, he had a difficult childhood. You can try to gently help a person, but only if he asks you about it himself and is sincerely ready to change.


January 30, 2023

How to deal with those who ruin your life.

4. Take responsibility for your integrity. Be brave enough to be able to stand up for yourself. Not always toxic people manipulate and hurt consciously. In any case, your protest will most likely come as a surprise to them. If you notice similar behavior in society, among strangers, do not be silent either. 5. Do not look for the reason in yourself. More often than not, you are not to blame for what the toxic person does. His words and actions are a scenario that is not dedicated to you. You are just a suitable object for its implementation. You don’t have to think that you have some kind of problem, since he wants to scandal and sort things out.


January 30, 2023

How to deal with those who ruin your life.

2. Don't be comfortable. Patiently enduring all the whims of a toxic person is the path to a disordered psyche. Learn to say no, stop violating your boundaries, calmly defend your interests. It’s enough to pretend to be happy when a wave of indignation overwhelms you. If the energy vampire sees that you know how to fight back, he may think about his behavior. It is unlikely that it will change overnight, but the seed of change will be sown. 3. Be direct. Hints will not help here, you will have to say directly about what does not suit you. Be prepared that the person will take your reaction painfully. It is often very difficult for such people to accept any criticism addressed to them.


January 30, 2023

How to deal with those who ruin your life.

To begin with, it is necessary to realize that a particular person prevents you from being in a good mood, rejoicing, setting goals and achieving them. Next, set the blocking of such an attitude towards you. Let's look at a few ways to protect yourself and your life from the destructive influence of toxic people. 1. Silent mode. The simplest and wisest solution is to stop communicating with a toxic person. If this is your close relative, it is impossible to avoid him - then try to keep communication to a minimum. Do not talk about your personal life, do not share secrets, maintain neutrality and detachment. You will notice that your life will gradually change for the better. Less energy will flow away in vain.


January 30, 2023