The robot sculptor reproduces the greatest creations of Italian creators.

So far, he cannot achieve sufficient accuracy - the sculptures are still sent to people for revision. But in the future, it may well work according to the layout.


February 4, 2023

Blogger Tormari Lul has put together a unique device for doing homework.

The text is generated by ChatGPT, then it is transferred to the 3D printer software, which already rewrites the characters on paper.


February 4, 2023

An ocean may be hiding under the ice of Saturn's moon.

The diameter of Mimas is only 396 kilometers. It is covered with water ice and craters. Computer modeling has shown that the ice shell is too thin for the formation of the Herschel crater in its current form - only 30 kilometers. In addition, it turned out that Mimas can heat up enough to keep the ocean under the ice in a liquid state. Based on this, they suggested that the ocean of Mimas has been warming and expanding since the formation of the crater, and its ice shell has become thinner at that time.


February 4, 2023

Male martens die out en masse due to too active mating.

Male northern martens spend so much time looking for females during the mating season that they hardly rest and eventually die of exhaustion. This conclusion was made by Australian zoologists. Less than ten percent of males manage to survive the breeding season. At the same time, females mostly remain in their territories and due to this they live longer: up to forty percent of them survive the first breeding season. Probably one of the main reasons for the death of animals is that they sacrifice rest and sleep for the sake of their movements.


February 4, 2023

Another extinct animal may soon be resurrected.

Together with the mammoth and the Tasmanian tiger, the Dodo bird may reappear on Earth in the coming years. Colossal Biosciences is actively searching for the bird's closest relatives for genome editing.


February 4, 2023

Greening a third of the urban area will almost halve the death rate from the heat.

Greening 30% of the urban area will reduce the street temperature by 0.4 °C and almost halve the death rate from summer heat waves. These conclusions were reached by Spanish scientists in the course of modeling scenarios based on the indicators of 93 European cities in 2015. The researchers argue that there will be no need to demolish houses for the sake of new parks, there will be enough space for trees anyway. Most of all, landscaping is now needed in the cities of Southern and Eastern Europe.


February 4, 2023

Former Apple design chief Jony Ive showed off his new work.

Foldable clown nose with AirPods style case. The accessory was designed in collaboration with British charity Comic Relief for Red Nose Day. You can buy it for a symbolic £2.5. All money raised will go to charity.


February 4, 2023

Are Aquarius women prone to cheating?

“Despite the fact that Aquarians are freedom-loving natures who like to experiment, women still value stability in relationships. In some cases, the union may even be platonic in nature. Common interests can be much more important than physical passion, astrologers say.


February 4, 2023

What kind of men are suitable for Aquarius Woman.

Aquarius women are compatible with Libra, Gemini and Cancer men. They do not get along well with Taurus, Leo and Virgo. These ladies are looking for a unique man who, like them, defies rules and traditions. They do not like people who are ready to do anything for the approval of others. Aquarius will also not look at appearance - for them, intelligence and inner peace are much more important. Since Aquarius is the most intelligent and unusual sign of the zodiac, they tend to choose an appropriate companion. Aquarius women need a man with a rare profession and skills, he must also be erudite. Something should always surprise and interest such a person in a partner. But along with these women, freedom, their own hobbies and ideas are very important, which will not be suppressed with the second half. Representatives of this sign need support and praise from a man.


February 4, 2023

How different zodiac signs winter. Libra.

According to astrologers, Libra is one of the few representatives of the zodiac who are able to see pluses where everyone sees only minuses. So what if it's cold and slippery, but how beautifully the snow shines in the sun! For Libra, winter is as beautiful as other seasons, because in each of them you can find charm and see the beauty. Winter is a vacation, a series of holidays, meetings with friends, a great occasion to decorate the house with New Year's decorations, joy and fun. Libra aesthetes know how to dress beautifully in any weather, and willingly go for a walk in snow-covered parks.


February 4, 2023

5 most creative zodiac signs Capricorn.

Inside every Capricorn woman lives a small motor: her blood boils, energy splashes over the edge, and she herself cannot sit idle. She constantly needs to do something, because the representatives of this sign cannot imagine their life without drive and adrenaline. If the parents of such girls are able to consider the potential in them and direct it in the right direction, then a successful dancer or circus artist will certainly appear in their family. Capricorn men are by nature more calm and reserved. They are also characterized by creative impulses and a tendency to fanaticism, with all this, they are not at all afraid of criticism. All this can be a great help for an exceptional future.


February 4, 2023

Daily horoscope February 4th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will bring pleasant acquaintances, unusual meetings, which you will be very happy about. It is possible that you will be able to communicate with those about whom you have heard a lot of good things before. It will be possible to make a good impression, some will be completely fascinated. Aquarius♒️ No matter how the day unfolds, try to remain calm. It is hardly possible to avoid unpleasant surprises, unfortunate coincidences, some unfortunate incidents. But there will be no serious problems, and you will cope with all the minor difficulties, so there is nothing to worry about. Pisces♓️ The day will turn out well, well suited for many difficult cases. You will find answers to questions that baffled everyone before, cope with what has not worked for a long time. You will quickly orient yourself in a new situation, understand how to act now. Some Pisces, thanks to the prompts of intuition, will achieve what they have been striving for for a long time.


February 4, 2023

Daily horoscope February 4th.

Libra♎️ A busy day awaits you, which will surely bring a lot of bright events. You can take on something completely new or go back to things you already know. The stars will support you anyway. People around will willingly help, support many of your undertakings. Some Libras will find new friends due to their leadership qualities. Scorpio♏️ Do not demand the impossible from yourself. This day is unlikely to be marked by some important victories, great successes. But you will have the opportunity to have a great time with friends or other close people, as well as get to know those about whom you have heard a lot of good things before. Sagittarius♐️ In the morning it will be difficult to avoid disagreements. You will be persistent in defending your point of view, and will not immediately listen to those who disagree with you. And a little later, new circumstances will open up, and you will change your mind. After that, it will become much easier to communicate with others.


February 4, 2023

Daily horoscope February 4th.

Cancer♋️ A good day to take on the implementation of a long-standing plan. It doesn't matter if the people around you are ready to support you. You can also be successful alone. Just don't give up if there are obstacles along the way, and trust your intuition: it will help you find the right path to success. Leo♌️ Today it will be especially easy for you to get along with others. You can use this to find allies and helpers, enlist the support of those on whom a lot depends. Discussion of business issues in an informal setting will be very fruitful. It is possible that you will receive very specific proposals for cooperation. Virgo♍️ Are you going to do something important? Be prepared to act decisively and take responsibility. You will do an excellent job of solving difficult problems if you do not rely on a favorable set of circumstances or outside help. Useful experience gained a long time ago. Thanks to him, you will not make mistakes.


February 4, 2023

Daily horoscope February 4th.

Aries♈️ A good day to take on something new. You can start studying: you will grasp a lot on the fly, you will understand what others find difficult. Great ideas will come up that will be unexpectedly easy to implement. Rely on your intuition, its tips will be accurate and useful. Taurus♉️ The beginning of the day is suitable for important matters, solving difficult issues. Much will turn out well, you will get the most out of a coincidence, a favorable set of circumstances. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely avoid the fuss and confusion, but they will not prevent you from completing what you started on time. Gemini♊️ Minor incidents today may seem important, and minor disagreements will upset in earnest. The emotional background will be especially tense in the morning: at this time it is better not to plan important matters and serious conversations. Soon you will feel much calmer and more confident, and it will become much easier to communicate with others.


February 4, 2023

Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger are working on a new social network Artifact.

It will work on the principle of TikTok algorithms, but instead of videos - news and articles. The feed will be personalized for users based on their interests using AI. The platform is currently in beta testing.


February 3, 2023

New steps for Twitter.

Twitter's main step towards becoming a "super app" should be a built-in payment system - and it looks like it will appear on the platform soon. At the very least, documents on the launch of an analogue of PayPal (which, I recall, Musk once had a hand in) were submitted to the relevant authorities in the States. Public figures say that this motivates authors to generate more content within the social network, but it is clear that Twitter users at the same time want users not to go to third-party services. To begin with, the system will only accept fiat money, but given Elon’s love for crypto, the addition of BTC and other coins will not be long in coming. But will it be relevant for users?


February 3, 2023

The nature of the Aquarius woman. Negative qualities.

It can be difficult for Aquarius women to find a suitable job, as they do not like to follow the rules and someone else's instructions. These persons prefer to do everything in their own way and do not listen to the advice of others, which does not please the authorities. Representatives of this zodiac sign are extremely unpredictable - it is difficult to understand what they are going to do. These individuals do not share their emotions and thoughts, so it often seems that they are upset or angry for no reason. Such women are not going to explain what pissed them off. Aquarians get furious when something doesn't go according to plan, they take defeat hard - this negatively affects their self-confidence and self-esteem. Do not even try to find a compromise with such personalities. They always consider themselves the smartest, so they will not agree with someone else's point of view. To many, these girls seem cold and impudent. They always rely on reason and do not like to feel sorry for others for no reason. Such persons care more about their careers than about their personal lives. They need freedom, so they will never give up work or hobbies for a partner. It's hard to be number one on their priority list.


February 3, 2023

The nature of the Aquarius woman. Positive traits.

Aquarius women love to communicate with people and learn about them as much as possible. They are comfortable in large and noisy companies, they never mind having fun. These individuals usually have many friends. Such women know how to solve all their problems on their own and never ask for help. Whenever they see that something is wrong, they have a desire to fix it. These persons value their time and do not waste a second in vain. If they do not like a person, they will not continue to communicate with him out of politeness. Aquarians are demanding of their environment, not everyone can become their friend.


February 3, 2023

Aquarius woman.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are real rebels who are not afraid to go against the system. They will not pretend to please someone. However, not everyone encourages this behavior. These women are afraid that someone will hurt their feelings, so they look at their potential partner for a long time before opening up to him. Most romances begin with friendship. Although Aquarians are talkative, they will not share their feelings. These persons always look to the future, they do not dwell on the past and outdated rules. True, such women are too decisive, which scares some.


February 3, 2023