Daily horoscope February 14th.

Cancer♋️ The day is suitable for meeting people who you would like to like. You don't have to try too hard to make the right impression: your best qualities in any case will not go unnoticed. Trips will turn out well, including those that were not planned before. Leo♌️ Any important issues should be discussed at the beginning of the day: it is at this time that it will be easier for you to get along with others, you will be able to avoid misunderstandings and lengthy disputes. It is possible that you will be offered a new job or long-term cooperation on very favorable terms. Think it over carefully before giving a final answer. Virgo♍️ You will quickly cope with even the most difficult cases thanks to your experience and intuition. The advice of others is unlikely to be useful, especially in the morning, but they can be confusing. Disagreements at work, heated arguments with colleagues are not ruled out. However, soon everyone will be convinced of your correctness.


February 14, 2023

Daily horoscope February 14th.

Aries♈️ A good day to deal with small accumulated cases, return to what you have been putting off for a long time. You don’t have to act alone: both old and new acquaintances will be willing to help you. Many Aries will receive useful advice, thanks to which they will quickly achieve their goals. Taurus♉️ You have a lot to do. Most likely, in the first half of the day you will have to act and make responsible decisions on your own. Even people who previously promised support will not be able to come to the rescue. However, you can do just fine on your own. Be persistent, do not give up your plans if there are obstacles along the way. Gemini♊️ The ideas you have today are worth thinking about. You will see opportunities that you did not notice before, you will understand how you need to act in order to achieve long-term goals. And today there will be a chance to strengthen business ties, restore relationships that were once very important to you.


February 14, 2023

Daily horoscope February 13th.

Capricorn♑️ The day is full of temptations and temptations. The good news is that you have enough strength to resist them and continue on your chosen path. The emotional background is unstable, the mood can often change, but you still manage to avoid conflicts and quarrels, maintain good relations with people who are not indifferent to you. Aquarius♒️ Things get out of control and it's not easy to stay calm, but you will succeed. Many Aquarians on this day will settle family conflicts, reconcile those who quarrel, and help reach mutual understanding for those who have not found a common language for a long time. Pisces♓️ Not all plans will succeed, so be prepared to change them and improvise. It is better not to try to fight the circumstances, but to try to adapt to them - so you can at least save energy. Close people will help to keep a good mood: they will not miss the opportunity to cheer and please you.


February 13, 2023

Daily horoscope February 13th.

Libra♎️ It is worth being alone with yourself - this is a great way to restore mental strength, relax and prepare for new challenges. Even communication with people who are very dear to you can be tiring, to say nothing of secular communication with those who do not cause much sympathy. Scorpio♏️ Auspicious day. Take advantage of the right moment to realize old ideas or do something completely new. It is possible to receive important news, information that will help determine plans for the future. Expensive gifts and cash receipts are not excluded. Sagittarius♐️ You try to spend the day as fruitfully as possible, do not waste a minute in vain. Some Sagittarians overestimate their strength, try to do everything themselves. Such representatives of the sign are threatened with overwork. But if you act together with friends and like-minded people, then you will not only not get tired, but you will also have a lot of fun.


February 13, 2023

Daily horoscope February 13th.

Cancer♋️ A great day for any business that is useful not only to you personally, but also to others. Your authority is growing, and hardly anyone will dare to argue with you. You don’t have to make an effort to convey your point of view to others and prove your case. Cash receipts are possible, including unexpected ones. Leo♌️ Keep yourself under control and remember often that the best way to get along with people is to be friendly and patient. You are more easily irritated than usual because of trifles, more often you allow yourself harsh statements, which you later regret very much. You should not make rash acts, it is also better to refrain from spontaneous purchases. Virgo♍️ It is worth focusing on difficult cases: it is in them that you can succeed today. The first half of the day is surprisingly productive, you have much more time than representatives of other signs. Intuition tells you how to act in ambiguous circumstances; follow her tips, and you will not have to regret your actions.


February 13, 2023

Daily horoscope February 13th.

Aries♈️ Auspicious day for solving important issues of both business and personal nature. You are serious and do not lose sight of anything, therefore you do not make mistakes and do not allow yourself to be misled. Creative success is likely, many Aries have great ideas. Taurus♉️ It may seem that this day requires heroic deeds or some outstanding deeds, but if you do not rush, you will understand that this is not necessary at all. You can calmly do what was planned, or relax for your own pleasure, communicate with nice people and enjoy life. Gemini♊️ You are much more likely than usual to interfere in other people's affairs. People around will be grateful for this, because your help, even unsolicited, is always very helpful. You can take initiative in all spheres of life, implement new ideas. The stars promise that you will be lucky.


February 13, 2023

The first lesson of love is that one should not ask for love, but simply give it.

Become a giver. And people do just the opposite. Even when they share love, they always expect no less love in return. It looks like a deal. They don't give love, they don't do it unconditionally. They love on condition. Out of the corner of their eye, they watch to see if the same amount of love is returning to them. Very unhappy people... they don't know the true nature of love. You just have to pour it out and it will come back.


February 12, 2023

A supermarket with free groceries has been opened in Amsterdam.

In one of the districts of Amsterdam, a Fris supermarket has opened with free groceries. The only condition is that in order to get food, you need to undergo a consultation with a life coach. In the supermarket you can get fresh food, hygiene items and household chemicals. For this, you do not need to pre-register or provide evidence of your poverty. The system is based on mutual trust and mutual respect. In addition to shopping, personal development professionals help with everything from finding a job to qualifying for benefits. The organizers already support about 80 families, including those who have suffered from bullying or have problems with addiction.


February 12, 2023

An American publisher will release a recipe book from the game Diablo.

Diablo: The Official Cookbook will feature over 60 unique recipes with step-by-step instructions, illustrations and pairing tips. The compilers promise that the book will allow you to pick up a treat for both the Countess and for a single quest. The book will be 192 pages long and will go on sale October 24, 2023.


February 12, 2023

Doctors have denied the connection between female performance and menstruation.

American researchers have proven that hormonal changes associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle do not affect the physical endurance and performance of women. To do this, scientists analyzed numerous training results. They found no difference in endurance thresholds for women at different stages of the menstrual cycle. The level of estrogen or progesterone did not affect the results of the training.


February 12, 2023

Fossil of largest penguin ever found in New Zealand

The bird weighed approximately 154 kilograms and was about two meters tall. The giant lived on the territory of the modern island 50 million years ago. The new species was named Kumimanu fordycei. He was probably one of the most ancient among penguins - the bones of the flippers of birds are quite primitive and look like wings. The find will help to better understand the evolution of these animals.


February 12, 2023

In Portugal, unborn seagulls will be killed using drones.

In Porto, they decided to fight the breeding seagulls with the help of drones. Drones will fly over bird nests and spray their eggs with a mixture of vegetable oil and paraffin. The dried mixture forms a layer that disrupts gas exchange between the inside and outside of the eggs. Because of this, the embryos will not receive the right amount of oxygen, they will not be able to develop and hatch. This method helped to control the population of gulls in Nice. In Porto, it will only be used during the breeding season of birds - from April to June.


February 12, 2023

A neural network for the narrow-minded is presented.

Eli5 (short name "Explain like I'm five") is a neural network that explains things not in complex terms, but in simple comparisons. Before the request, the service offers to choose one of four levels that describe your idea of \u200b\u200bits intelligence - "dumb", "really dumb", "smart" and "very smart". The user can also turn Eli5's sarcasm on and off. The response of the AI chat will depend on these indicators. Up to 4 requests can be made per day.


February 12, 2023

Racing in augmented reality in your home.

Hot Wheels has unveiled the Rift Rally set, which allows you to turn any room into a race card. The game includes a Chameleon car with a camera and four racks for building tracks. In the game, the car is displayed in the selected design and even supports tuning. You can play the single player campaign, or with friends. The game is free and available for PlayStation 4 and 5, as well as iPhone and iPad, but you won't be able to play without the $130 bundle.


February 12, 2023

A rare blue lobster has been caught in the UK.

The chance of catching him is one in two million. After taking a photo of his unusual catch, the fisherman released the lobster back into the bay. Usually lobsters are brown or brown in color, orange, red or yellow are less common. The rarest are blue. Scientists attribute color patterns to genetic differences that cause some lobsters to produce more of a certain protein than others.


February 12, 2023

SpaceX conducted a fire test of the engines of the Super Heavy Booster 7 prototype.

This was a world record. For the first time in the history of astronautics, 31 engines were simultaneously launched. But this is enough for an orbital flight. We hope that the next launch will be the launch of Starship into orbit, scheduled for March. Why 31 and not 33: the team turned off one engine before the start, and the second turned itself off during the test.


February 12, 2023

The view of the rice fields in Yunnan (China) is mesmerizing.

Rice fields in Yunnan, China. Despite the mountains, the weather in this region is warm. So the locals began to grow rice on terraces, which, for obvious reasons, follow the contours of the slopes. And then, it was filmed from the air and realized how beautiful the spectacle was in the end.


February 12, 2023

LEGO and The Lord of the Rings

LEGO has released a cute promotional video for the release of the biggest Lord of the Rings set featuring Rivendell. The set will include 6,000 parts, including 15 figurines of the entire Fellowship of the Ring and the Ring of Omnipotence itself. The set will go on sale March 8 for $500.


February 12, 2023

Kourtney Kardashian introduced probiotic gummies to flavor the vagina.

In a promo, Lemme Purr marmalade promises to keep the female genitals "fresh and good tasting". Although the probiotics indicated in the composition really improve the intestinal microflora, experts criticized the idea, saying that if you have unpleasant odors, you should still consult a doctor.


February 12, 2023

Prostate cancer gave the American an Irish accent.

In the US, a 50-year-old man suddenly developed an Irish accent after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is the third known case of foreign accent syndrome due to cancer, and the first specifically due to this type of cancer. Usually, the disorder appears after a stroke or traumatic brain injury. In an American, the syndrome manifested itself 20 months after the diagnosis. At the same time, the man had never been to Ireland, like his immediate ancestors.


February 12, 2023