You don't need someone who doesn't respect you

The best response to people who don't respect you is: as long as they don't get in your way, don't care about them. They won't encourage your activities or help you become a better person. Get rid of them as soon and quietly as possible. Otherwise, they will pull you dawn and prevent you from moving toward your goals. As long as they don't hurt you, ignore them. People who don't respect you shouldn't even be allowed close to you. They're not your audience, they're not your pack, they're not your clients. You don't need them at all.


February 17, 2023

It’s time to fall in love again or finally break up.

A time to change an old habit into a new habit or to destroy everything and start anew. Spring is the best time for change. You can fall in love in order to undergo a transformation. Or you can do it without any reason. You can choose to embrace your darkness or to nurture your inner light. It's up to you whether you want to cultivate your fears or the opportunities that come your way.


February 17, 2023

Trust takes time and sometimes even effort.

Let's try to figure out what affects our ability and willingness to trust a loved one.⠀ ▫️ Environment. Relatives, friends, the received information, the media space - all that influences our perception in some way. Society composes a perfect relationship model. ▫️ Self-esteem. The lower your self-esteem, the less confident you feel in a relationship. Remember the great advice of Susanna from the well-known movie: "I am the most charming and attractive! All men are delighted with me..." Raise your self-esteem every single minute, because you are so exciting! ▫️ Personal space. Don't try to pry into someone else's affairs, then yours won't be disturbed either. People always can find a way to let you know what they want you to know. ▫️ Past experience. Yes, you can't escape it, it will always be at the back of your mind. But is it actually bad? By dealing with situations you didn't like, you can avoid repeating past mistakes.


February 17, 2023

Some ways to help complete stress response cycle:

Physical activity. Any activity will work, as long as you move and breathe. If you're stressed but can't exercise right now, a breathing practice can help relieve tension. Communication and laughter. By interacting with people, you send a message to your body that the world around you is safe. Just a short conversation, a warm hug or a sincere laugh is enough. By the way, you can complete stress response cycle not only with the help of people, but also spending time with animals. Sometimes petting a cat or going for a walk with a dog is the best remedy. Another cure for stress is tears. Many of us have experienced episodes of sudden uncontrollable and inappropriate crying in response to a situation or someone's words. Creativity. In general, all creative activities modulate and stimulate emotions. Think of it as a space where you can stop hiding your feelings. Both other people's creative work (music, books, theater) and your own creations are helpful.


February 17, 2023

Alzheimer's seems to be no longer a disease of the elderly.

In China, a 19-year-old boy who has been suffering from problems with concentration and memory has been officially diagnosed with the disease. He became the youngest carrier of Alzheimer's on the planet.


February 17, 2023

Spices from all over the world were found on a ship that sank centuries ago.

Maritime archaeologists have stumbled upon a 15th-century ship that belonged to the King of Denmark. There they found a huge collection of spices: dill, ginger, saffron, cloves and about 3,000 more samples. The spices have spent 527 years under water and have retained their full flavor.


February 17, 2023

The penis of men has become longer over the past 30 years - and this has alarmed scientists.

They noticed this strange trend when they compared the results of 75 studies conducted from 1942 to 2021. Sudden growth may be associated with puberty, which occurs earlier in today's adolescents.


February 17, 2023

Elon Musk has named his Shiba Inu dog, Floki, CEO of Twitter.

He noted that the dog is perfect for this position: “He is good at numbers, he has excellent style.”


February 17, 2023

In Hawaii, the Kilauea volcano has woken up again.

Lava floods the roads, the eruption has already triggered an earthquake of 4.8 points and the locals are not in the mood for jokes.


February 17, 2023

Scientists have tested the male contraceptive "on demand" - one hundred percent effective.

They found a compound that blocks sAC activity in sperm. Tests on male laboratory mice showed that after taking the drug with TDI-11861, no more than 6% of spermatozoa remained mobile in one individual. But the effect turned out to be short-lived and completely reversible - the contraceptive effect disappeared in a day. During the second experiment, males who took the drug mated with females. None of the 52 attempts to conceive offspring were unsuccessful. Side effects scientists have not yet found.


February 17, 2023

Leonardo da Vinci calculated the gravitational constant almost exactly long before Newton.

Modern physicists have discovered a series of sketches in da Vinci's diaries with triangles and sand-like particles pouring out of a jar. They translated notes written in the famous left-handed mirror script, which reads from right to left. It turned out that da Vinci described experiments with the fall of various objects. He already then suggested that water or sand would not fall at a constant speed, but would rather accelerate due to gravity - this idea was far ahead of its time.


February 17, 2023

Biologists have proposed kangaroos to "help" cows cope with their contribution to global warming.

They found that the feces of baby kangaroos could be useful in combating global warming: the bacteria contained in them reduced the production of methane in an artificial cow's stomach, which could potentially work on live cows. If successful, farmers will receive an inexpensive feed supplement that will reduce their farms' methane emissions. Sheep, cows and goats release huge amounts of dangerous greenhouse gas during digestion. It is about 30 times better than carbon dioxide at retaining heat in the atmosphere.


February 17, 2023

The meteorite Sar2667 entered the Earth's atmosphere in northern France.

This is the seventh case in history when the fall of a meteorite was predicted, and the calculated consequences were confirmed - Sar2667 did not cause any damage by disappearing into the dense layers of the atmosphere. It's nice that such incidents have learned to predict.


February 17, 2023

In honor of Keanu Reeves, a remedy for the fungus was named.

In Germany, scientists for the first time managed to isolate a natural substance that destroys pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. The group of molecules responsible for killing has been given the name "Kyanumycins". According to one of the authors, Sebastian Goetze, Keanu was chosen because in the movies he destroys his enemies just as quickly.


February 17, 2023

The Spanish police will inform the women about the past of their boyfriends.

The police decided to tell women if their partners were involved in cases of domestic violence in the past five years. Access to information will not be automatic - officers will have to assess the vulnerability of potential victims and the likelihood of being at risk of abuse after a complaint. An exception will be made only for women whose data is in the VioGen database of victims of gender-based violence - they will find out about their boyfriend's past right away.


February 17, 2023

Biologists have disproved the myth about the ability of trees to communicate through a mushroom network.

Canadian biologists conducted a meta-analysis of 26 studies and concluded that trees are not able to transmit signals to each other through an underground mushroom network. So they refuted the popular point of view of their colleagues. Also doubtful was the assumption that mature trees transfer nutrients to seedlings through an underground fungal network. Such streams do exist. But there is no evidence that they are impossible without mycorrhiza. That is, fungi do not affect plant growth. In addition, no work has supported the idea that trees send insect damage signals through the fungal network.


February 17, 2023

Women recognize unmarried men by smell.

Australian scientists conducted an experiment in which they asked 82 heterosexual women aged 18 to 35 to rate male body odors. It turned out that the aroma of unmarried men attracts them more. The researchers found that the body odor of a single man seemed more pleasant to most women. In addition, the more attractive the men's fragrance was, the higher the participants in the experiment rated their appearance. Perhaps the difference in smell is due to the fact that married men have better health and hygiene than single men, as well as testosterone levels and dietary habits.


February 17, 2023

How to work with any boss and get promoted. Boss Taurus.

The main qualities of Taurus are iron calmness and a keen awareness of responsibility for the entrusted. However, it cannot be argued that Taurus is completely subordinate to the mind, they are more guided by feeling. How to get a raise with a Taurus? Firstly, you should not use the seemingly unlimited patience of Taurus - sooner or later, inaccuracies in the performance of work can turn into a scandal. What can a Taurus boss like? They do not like to take risks, so any offer must be thought out to the smallest detail and undoubtedly beneficial. If the Taurus boss likes such an idea, then this will definitely affect the employee's career positively.


February 17, 2023

Rating of zodiac signs from sloppy to clean. 8th place - Capricorn.

Capricorn Likes order, but more in a global sense. Neat, tidy looks, maintains a visual order in things, but does not attach importance to details. Capricorn women are more economic and clean, and men can sometimes completely neglect the cleanliness of the environment. However, Capricorn is able to discipline himself and accustom himself to cleanliness - it is easier for him to do this than for others.


February 17, 2023

4 funniest zodiac signs. Leo.

Lions are made for the stage and the fans. They strive to attract as much attention as possible to themselves. They love an idle lifestyle and a fun pastime. If Leo is in a good mood, he will pour jokes all evening, albeit a little flat, but you are guaranteed high spirits.


February 17, 2023