Scientists have found that purple fruits and vegetables may protect against diabetes.

Finnish researchers have found that red and purple fruits and vegetables contain pigments called anthocyanins that can prevent diabetes. Purple potatoes are especially beneficial for health. Anthocyanins may reduce the risk of diabetes by affecting metabolism, gut microbiota, and inflammation. This substance is found in abundance in purple potatoes, radishes, purple carrots, and red cabbage. Foods such as blueberries and mulberries contain mostly non-acylated anthocyanins. They are less digestible, but they have other important functions. For example, they improve gut health, suppress inflammation, and regulate glucose and lipid metabolism, which reduces the risk of developing diabetes.


February 21, 2023

How to work with any boss and get promoted. Boss Virgo.

Never rest on your laurels - this can be considered a motto for Dev. Continuous improvement often becomes their obsession. Virgos are often considered too down to earth, but only because they are people of action, not words. Abstract ideas do not appeal to them. According to Dev, everything needs to be tested in practice. How to get a promotion from Virgo? To bring any idea to life, you need accuracy and accuracy - this is what Virgo bosses value in employees. In addition, creative activity, creative proposals can lead a subordinate to a promotion and conquer the Virgo boss. Which, of course, it is possible to implement - for Virgo it is important what happens in practice.


February 21, 2023

Rating of zodiac signs from sloppy to clean. 4th place - Taurus.

Likes when everything is in its place. However, this sign tends to accumulate things, and there may be too many of them. It is not easy for Taurus to get rid of the “junk” that is dear to the heart. In a beautiful cozy environment, Taurus will be more willing to maintain order, but in chaos it can become discouraged and lazy.


February 21, 2023

How to compliment a person depending on his zodiac sign. Taurus.

Taurus like it when their sincerity and decency are emphasized, and they are wary of compliments regarding appearance.


February 21, 2023

Daily horoscope February 21st.

Capricorn♑️ The events of this day may be unpleasantly surprising, but in general it will turn out well. Try not to rush into decisions, especially if they relate to work, money, or the development of your business. You need to calmly understand the situation before you do something or bind with serious obligations. Decisions that lie on the surface are unlikely to be correct. Aquarius♒️ Start the day with simple or well-known things, do not rush to take on what seems difficult. It is better not to rush anywhere: this will allow you to avoid tense moments and experiences, maintain a good mood and calmly make some important decisions. Pisces♓️ You will be able to find answers to difficult questions that you have been thinking about a lot lately. Clarity and certainty will appear where they were especially lacking. You will decide on plans, understand what you need to focus on. There will be people around who you can rely on. If you turn to someone for help, you will not be denied.


February 21, 2023

Daily horoscope February 21st.

Libra♎️ It will be difficult to focus on those matters that require attention. You will be distracted much more than usual, and you will be angry with yourself because of it. In addition, others will sometimes unbalance you with unsolicited advice or critical remarks. But you still won’t make serious mistakes, and you will notice small ones in time and try to correct them. Scorpio♏️ Listen to your intuition: its tips will be very useful to you today. It is thanks to them that you will not make mistakes, choose the right allies and will not become a victim of someone else's deceit. Try to verify any information received. Unfortunately, even people who have never let you down before can mislead you. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be busy and very fruitful. There will be more cases than you expected, but you will be able to cope with everything. True, some tasks will require serious efforts. But you can handle everything.


February 21, 2023

Daily horoscope February 21st.

Cancer♋️ The day is hardly complete without worries and worries. You will be especially sensitive and impressionable, you can take to heart what you would take lightly at other times. There will be people nearby who are ready to help you, cheer you up, give good advice. Don't be afraid to talk about what worries you. Leo♌️ Auspicious day for communication. Even the most important issues can be discussed in a relaxed atmosphere: you will be listened to attentively and supported in many ways. Acquaintances with which friendships or romantic relationships will begin are not excluded. It will not be difficult for you to win the sympathy of even those who usually do not like anyone. Virgo♍️ Getting along with others today can be more difficult than usual: even those close to you will not always understand you correctly. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid heated debates, but it is in your power to conduct them constructively, without becoming personal. If you behave correctly, then quickly there will be a solution that everyone will like.


February 21, 2023

Daily horoscope February 21st.

Aries♈️ You have a lot to do, so try not to waste time in vain. In the morning, you will need the ability to make decisions quickly, listen to the prompts of intuition. Your determination will make a strong impression on those around you. It is possible that it is thanks to her that you will find new business partners. Taurus♉️ The day will please both good news and new opportunities. You will not need to act alone: there will be people nearby who you can rely on in everything. Some Taurus will find new allies whose support will be useful to you more than once. Probably a successful solution to financial issues, including those that previously caused a lot of unrest. Gemini♊️ The day is suitable for important and complex matters. You will not be distracted, so you will not lose sight of anything, you will not make even small mistakes. In addition, there will be no temptation to quit what you started halfway, even if some difficulties arise. People from whom you did not expect anything good can help.


February 21, 2023

How to work with any boss and get promoted. Boss Leo.

Leos are born leaders who feel their authority and have a pronounced sense of self-worth. Hence the perseverance, purposefulness of the representatives of this sign. Self-confidence is given to them not only by success, but also by the good attitude of others - Lions are very fond of self-respect. How to get promoted with Leo? By performing high-quality assigned work, you can show the Leo boss that he properly manages the activities of his subordinates. But if you clearly recognize Leo as a leader in the work team, show your admiration, the relationship between the employee and the boss will only improve. In addition, the Lions are very greedy for flattery - sometimes you can use this for the benefit of your career.


February 21, 2023

Rating of zodiac signs from sloppy to clean. 5th place - Libra.

A sign sensitive to the external environment, but does not like routine household chores. Libra willingly takes care of personal hygiene and cleanliness of clothes, but household chores weigh them down. Most likely, Libra will stick to the golden mean in this matter: order - because it is necessary, but without perfectionism.


February 21, 2023

How to compliment a person depending on his zodiac sign. Aries.

Compliments are a powerful endearing weapon, but different zodiac signs have different preferences for what they want to hear. A compliment for one may sound like an insult to another, so astrologers have prepared a small cheat sheet. Aries. Aries strive for leadership, but it’s not enough for them to hear “You are the best!”, It is important to indicate a specific achievement that causes admiration and respect.


February 21, 2023

Daily horoscope February 20th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will turn out well, it will delight you with new opportunities and good news. If you focus on work and other useful things, you will quickly achieve success. A variety of people will be happy to help you. Some of them you will soon become friends with. It is not excluded and the beginning of a romantic story. Aquarius♒️ No matter how the day unfolds, try not to lose confidence and optimism. It is these qualities that today will help you find allies and assistants, enlist the support of influential people and defeat old rivals. Pisces♓️ It won't be easy to keep calm. Today you will take even small incidents especially close to your heart, you can be very upset because of the words and actions of others. But the day still can not be called unsuccessful. It is suitable for dealing with small matters, completing what was started earlier, and solving some issues related to documents.


February 20, 2023

Daily horoscope February 20th.

Libra♎️ Do not demand the impossible from yourself. Today, you are unlikely to be able to move mountains or make a discovery that will turn the world upside down. But the day is well suited to deal with the accumulated cases, to complete what was started earlier. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. People who previously underestimated you will admit that they were wrong. Scorpio♏️ The day promises success in work. It may not be possible to achieve them immediately, but difficulties will not stop you. You will persevere and you will definitely achieve the desired result. Your determination will impress many. It is possible that it is thanks to her that you will soon receive very tempting business offers. Sagittarius♐️ Small problems can hardly be avoided, but they will not prevent you from doing your work tasks perfectly. You will find influential allies, agree on joint actions with people on whom a lot depends. Your charm will play an important role here: if you turn to someone with a request, you most likely will simply not be able to refuse.


February 20, 2023

Daily horoscope February 20th.

Cancer♋️ The stars will be on your side. Take advantage of this and take on an important and serious business - the chance to succeed in it is high. Offers promising a quick increase in income or a real breakthrough in a career are not excluded. Some Cancers will unexpectedly receive money and dispose of it correctly. Probably a good solution to legal issues. Leo♌️ Start the day by solving financial issues. The morning is suitable for shopping and transactions, as well as for discussing the terms of work with new partners, signing cooperation agreements. Later, a favorable period will come for cases that require a creative approach. Your ideas are sure to please everyone. Virgo♍️ It is unlikely that a day will do without disagreements and disputes. Sometimes it will be difficult to get along even with those whom you previously understood perfectly. Before sharing your plans, make sure that others are really interested in them. It is possible that it will be easier to carry out your plans on your own than to find a good assistant.


February 20, 2023

Daily horoscope February 20th.

Aries♈️ You will do a lot of things well. Do not waste time on trifles: start the day with the most important thing and try to do only what really deserves your attention. With the support of the stars, you will be able to achieve what previously seemed almost impossible. Taurus♉️ The day will bring many worries. It is possible that you will have to solve some serious problems that have arisen through no fault of your own, or put aside your own affairs in order to take care of others. You will quickly figure out how to handle the situation and even find a way to benefit from it. Gemini♊️ The day is suitable for business negotiations, meetings with people whose support would not hurt you. Finding allies will not be difficult. Many will like your unusual ideas. Help in their implementation will be offered even by those from whom you did not expect anything like this. And the day will be favorable for solving financial issues.


February 20, 2023

Warm water seeps inside the Doomsday Glacier in Antarctica.

It was not called that by chance, because its melting will raise the level of the World Ocean by 60 centimeters and at the same time destabilize neighboring glaciers, which in turn will raise the level of the World Ocean by another 3 meters. A team of American and British scientists explored the Thwaites Glacier using underwater vehicles, and they showed that warm water has found weaknesses in the thickness of the ice and is filling numerous cracks with might and main. This is fraught with an acceleration of the melting process, splits, breaks and similar unpleasant things.


February 19, 2023

Twitter has officially allowed the advertising of hemp and cannabis in the United States and Canada.

Sellers should only target the promotion to areas where the local government has allowed it to be sold. It is also prohibited to advertise marijuana to users under the age of 21. This is still an experiment, it will last until March - based on the results, they will decide whether to leave it or not.


February 19, 2023

Magic wands for Harry Potter fans.

The peculiarity of these wands is that they really respond to spells - depending on the type of swing and spoken words, the wand produces a different effect. By the way, they can be integrated with the smart home system and turn on the light with the “lumus maxima” spell.


February 19, 2023

Easy ways to look sexy

Beautiful skin. Beautiful skin is the basis of a sexy appearance. Smooth, delicate skin radiates health, so you need to take care of it daily. If you have problem skin, then you should not save on cosmetic services. The cosmetologist will help you choose the necessary care products and procedures.


February 19, 2023

Easy ways to look sexy

Dress or jeans? Of course, the dress! Men always pay attention to girls in dresses or skirts. Why? Because dresses and skirts are worn only by women, they are associated with the female sex. In addition, dresses and skirts expose the legs, which makes the image even more attractive and sexy.


February 19, 2023