Daily horoscope February 22.

Capricorn♑️ It is worth focusing on what seemed very difficult before: today you will succeed. The day will be very favorable for study, advanced training, attendance at professional conferences. You will receive information that will soon prove useful. Aquarius♒️ Take your time with decisions, especially if they can seriously change your life or the lives of your loved ones. Today it will not be easy for you to correctly assess the situation, take into account all the factors. If you do something under the influence of fleeting emotions, then later you will probably regret them. Pisces♓️ The day will be favorable for communication. You will be able to agree on joint actions with those with whom you did not get along before. Offers of cooperation are not excluded, to which you want to immediately respond with consent. Some Pisces will find a new source of income.


February 22, 2023

Daily horoscope February 22.

Libra♎️ There will be more worries than usual. It is possible that work plans will need to be changed due to some unforeseen events and unexpected news. But you will not become nervous and will not lose your calmness, you will quickly orient yourself in the situation, understand how best to act. Others will follow your example and will later be grateful that you showed them the right path. Scorpio♏️ It is unlikely that you will be able to focus on one thing, but you will not worry about it. Even doing several things at once, you won’t lose sight of, forget or confuse anything. Willingly help old friends, proven partners will be happy to participate in the implementation of your plans. Sagittarius♐️ The day is suitable for important things: you can handle them well, and it will not require serious efforts. You will find an unexpected, but very effective way to solve everyday problems, which will save a lot of time.


February 22, 2023

Daily horoscope February 22.

Cancer♋️ An auspicious day for business communication, searching for new allies and discussing the terms of joint projects with long-term partners. Not everything will go smoothly, but you will definitely find a common language with everyone, strengthen your authority, and make a good impression. It will also be easy to get along with loved ones, they will support you in everything, they will find a way to please you. Leo♌️ A suitable day for solving many problems, including very complex ones. You will look at many things differently than those around you. This will help you find your own path to the goal, a new method that will allow you to achieve the desired result. You will return to the ideas that appeared today more than once. Virgo♍️ The beginning of the day is hardly suitable for serious business and important conversations. Focusing will be more difficult than usual. For some Virgos, strong emotions will prevent them from making informed decisions. However, over time, the impact of positive trends will increase. After noon, it will become easier to focus on your own affairs and agree with others on joint actions.


February 22, 2023

Daily horoscope February 22.

Aries♈️ The day is hardly complete without worries and worries. You will take a lot to heart, react sharply even to minor events. Getting along with others will sometimes be difficult: they can make critical remarks, condemn your words and actions. The situation will change for the better when you deal with your emotions. Taurus♉️ The day will be favorable for work. It is suitable for taking on complex cases or figuring out what previously seemed difficult. You will be able to find a common language with people who previously did not understand and did not support you. It is possible that you will find allies who are ready to help in the implementation of your most daring ideas. Gemini♊️ It is worth focusing on useful things, for example, work or study. This will help to avoid vain experiences and worries, unpleasant thoughts. The day is more suitable for independent work than for participation in joint projects. It will not always be easy to get along even with longtime allies, and it will hardly be possible to avoid disputes.


February 22, 2023

Helplessness - where does it come from and why?

When a man hits a woman, a lot of people judge the woman. They say things like: why doesn’t she just leave him, this is totally stupid. But the reality is most of the times she CAN NOT, and the cause for her “immaturity” has a scientific explanation called “learned helplessness”. If a children’s parents beat them, morally abused them (humiliated them, raised them like tyrants), they got gradually used to enduring such relationship, because what other choice did they have? As a result, when the child turns into an adult and is placed in a similar environment, they “keep enduring the suffering”.Thank God, not everyone is beaten by their parents or their husbands. However, learned helplessness can manifest in many other forms! Millions of possibilities surround each and every one of us, but we don’t n otice them because we have a stagnant perception of reality. Stepping out of the comfort zone isn’t easy, but it’s very beneficial and even necessary.


February 21, 2023

How to accept the situation?

It's a nightmare when... you've been looking forward to something, and then the dream finally begins to come true, but a variety of FEARS suddenly come with it. Fears that something will go wrong, that nothing will work out. They don't let you sleep or even live... What's to be done? Take a piece of paper and a pen. For example, you're worried that your plans might go awry and you won't be able to go where you planned to go. Ask yourself the question, "What would I do if it happened?" And give a clear answer: "I would stay home." Then ask yourself, "What good changes could occur if it happened?" And answer, for example: "I would visit my sister, I promised her a long time ago." The truth is, when you give your brain alternatives and imagine possible consequences following the particular action, anxiety is reduced and it becomes easier to accept the situation.


February 21, 2023

Build houses in The Sims!

In the US, a woman quit her job as an architect to build houses at The Sims and is now earning over £4,000 a month. It all started with a simple social media video of a girl building Hogwarts Castle, and now big brands are asking her to build something for themselves for money.


February 21, 2023

Meta has developed artificial intelligence for "mind reading".

The company created a "brain decoder". With the help of artificial intelligence, it decodes brain activity and converts it into speech with an accuracy of 73%. Only external sensors are used to record brain activity. The development will help people who are unable to speak or write.


February 21, 2023

Netflix will release a film about Pornhub.

The documentary follows the scandals and successes of a popular pornographic site. About its creators and how it developed the sphere of pornography.


February 21, 2023

Glaxo hid the truth for 40 years.

The British manufacturer hid the risk of developing cancer when taking the popular drug Zantac for 40 years. For the first time, studies confirming that the medicine for stomach ulcers and heartburn "Zantac" can cause the development of cancer appeared in 1978, when its release began. The manufacturer, the British pharmaceutical company Glaxo, withheld this information. The drug was the world's best-selling prescription drug. The company received an award from Queen Elizabeth II for its success. In 2019, it became known that the active substance of the drug, ranitidine, contains a carcinogen. After that, it was banned from sale.


February 21, 2023

Scientists have drunk water that is 2.6 billion years old.

She was tasteless. Scientists have discovered water in a Canadian mine several kilometers below the surface of the Earth, which is preserved in thin cracks in granite. The lead researcher, Professor Barbara Sherwood Lollar, decided to taste the liquid. It was salty, "thick and has the consistency of light maple syrup."


February 21, 2023

Doctors have learned to diagnose covid by analyzing tears.

Brazilian scientists were able to diagnose coronavirus by analyzing tears collected with a cotton swab. The new method was tested on 61 patients. Some had covid, the other did not. In terms of accuracy, the test can replace a swab from the nasopharynx.


February 21, 2023

British archaeologists say they've found the first Roman-era dildo known to science.

Previously, they believed that the object, which is more than 2 thousand years old, was used for sewing, but in the end, scientists admitted the mistake. The length of the ancient dildo, found back in 1992, is about 16 cm. At the same time, experts believe that the sex toy could be part of a statue or even used during torture.


February 21, 2023

Chips with the taste of genitals appeared in Lithuania - both male and female.

Manufacturer CHAZZ believes that such a product will help consumers establish interpersonal relationships - it is understood that the chips can be eaten with a significant other. CHAZZ believes that the product will help to talk openly about sex.


February 21, 2023

Saudi Arabia has a cool new project.

The government plans to build a 400-meter cube in the middle of the city of Murrabah. Inside, there will be a two million square meter shopping center with cultural and tourist attractions and a huge atrium almost the entire height of the building.


February 21, 2023

Unusual photo from Nicole Mann

Nicole Mann, an engineer on the current crew of the ISS, shared an image of her face reflected in a drop of water in zero gravity. To be more precise, in microgravity - now, scientists do not use the word "weightlessness" in relation to Earth orbit. There, gravity is quite there.


February 21, 2023

Philips has released a model of Kokoon headphones that do not put pressure on the ears.

Special sensors track when you fall asleep and stop the music, and a separate setting allows you to replace it with white noise. The earbuds themselves are incredibly small and do not protrude from the ears. The cost is about 250 euros.


February 21, 2023

Amazing 3D projection in a Japanese restaurant.

Decor in the form of artificial clouds with the possibility of simulating snowfall creates a unique atmosphere.


February 21, 2023

Dubai plans to launch flying taxis by 2026.

The authorities plan to equip four "vertiports" for air taxis on the artificial island of Palm Jumeirai and in the Dubai Marina area, which are located near Dubai International Airport in the city center.


February 21, 2023

Afghanistan has banned the sale of contraceptives.

The Taliban ordered pharmacists to withdraw contraceptives from sale. It is also forbidden to store them in pharmacies. At the same time, Afghanistan is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for women in childbirth. Every 14th woman in the country dies of pregnancy-related causes.


February 21, 2023