The third person in the world has been cured of HIV thanks to a stem cell transplant.

German doctors reported the third case in the history of curing a person from HIV. The woman managed to recover thanks to a cord blood transplant - transplantation of stem cells from an unrelated newborn. The fact that a mixed-race woman was cured of HIV "marks a big step forward in drug development," the scientists said.


February 24, 2023

How to work with any boss and get promoted. Boss Sagittarius.

Optimistic by nature, Sagittarians are used to taking life lightly, with humor. Their independent, wayward nature allows them to turn a blind eye to failure. On the one hand, they are strong personalities - they always express their opinion very straightforwardly. On the other hand, they themselves are very vulnerable and sensitive. How to get promoted with Sagittarius? In order not to receive harsh statements addressed to them and create a favorable impression, subordinates need to work quickly, quickly and efficiently. A good review from the Sagittarius boss can also be obtained thanks to the honesty of the employee, any hypocrisy should be avoided. Thus, slowly but surely they gain confidence in Sagittarius, which may be followed by a promotion.


February 24, 2023

Rating of zodiac signs from sloppy to clean. 1st place - Virgo.

A paradoxical sign in terms of attitudes towards purity. Virgo often has two extremes: either she painfully cleans and organizes the space around her and comes to fanaticism, or she generally scores on cleanliness more than others. At the same time, it feels very bad in chaos. Virgo can give up when the mess has crossed all boundaries, until she finds the strength to fix everything.


February 24, 2023

How to compliment a person depending on his zodiac sign. Leo.

Leos like to feel special and are willing to spend time and money on it. Leos are always well-groomed and look great, so complimenting their appearance looks natural.


February 24, 2023

Daily horoscope February 24th.

Capricorn♑️ Do not rush to conclusions. This day may not start too well, in the morning some difficulties, unfortunate misunderstandings, disagreements with loved ones are not ruled out. But this is not a reason to quit and abandon all plans. The impact of positive trends will increase rapidly, soon the situation will change for the better. Aquarius♒️ The ideas you come up with today may be bewildering to those around you. Don't be upset. It will take quite a bit of time, and everyone will admit: you have conceived something really interesting. If you take on new cases, hardly anyone will immediately come to your aid. Be prepared to take the first steps on your own. Pisces♓️ Do not put off talking about business; The first half of the day is perfect for them. It is possible that old acquaintances will offer something interesting or you will have your own ideas regarding work or business. You can also discuss personal matters. With loved ones you can easily find a common language.


February 24, 2023

Daily horoscope February 24th.

Libra♎️ A change of scenery would be helpful. The day is well suited for a trip or meeting with old friends. You can go to some entertainment event; well, if it is not too crowded. Do not demand the impossible from yourself. Most likely, today it will be difficult for you to deal with several things at the same time. Scorpio♏️ Start your day with things you can do on your own. Arranging cooperation with someone will be more difficult than usual. Some people just don't understand what you want from them. But no one will distract you from really interesting activities. If you focus on them, you will surely succeed. Sagittarius♐️ Perseverance will help you achieve what previously seemed almost impossible. It will not be possible to achieve the goal immediately, but there will be no obstacles that you could not overcome on the way. Try not to get angry at those who are not ready to act with the same decisiveness and energy or simply do not keep up with you. Be indulgent to the weaknesses of others; this will avoid conflicts and tense moments.


February 24, 2023

Daily horoscope February 24th.

Cancer♋️ It will not be easy to avoid arguments at the beginning of the day. It is hardly possible to quickly negotiate even with those who previously understood you perfectly. Discussion of important issues should be postponed until the moment when the influence of positive trends increases. And it will happen pretty soon. Leo♌️ Take on important matters, solve serious issues: the day is perfect for this. Experience and insight will help you avoid mistakes, find the shortest path to your goal. You will not waste time on trifles, and others will surely like it. Interesting offers are not excluded. Virgo♍️ There is nothing to worry about: the influence of positive trends will prevail and the day will turn out well. True, he will not do without surprises, and some Virgos will be a little upset because they will need to do not planned things, but something completely different.


February 24, 2023

Daily horoscope February 24th.

Aries♈️ Relax, take a break from everyday worries, do what you are really interested in. The day will be favorable for study and creativity, as well as for walks and small trips. Meetings with old acquaintances, friends whom you have not seen for a long time are not excluded. There will be many interesting conversations and good news. Taurus♉️ If you have any important plans, it is worth starting to implement them at the beginning of the day. In the morning, many things will turn out well, thanks to the support of the stars, you will perfectly cope with what seemed very difficult before. However, do not rush when it comes to money. Here, any decisions should be thought out, it is better not to be led by emotions. Gemini♊️ Take on important tasks and don't be afraid if they seem difficult. Today you will have a chance to cope with what no one has been able to do for a long time. Take your time, act consistently, seek advice and support from people in whom you have confidence. This will be enough to achieve the desired result.


February 24, 2023

How to work with any boss and get promoted. Boss Scorpio.

Strong-willed, decisive individuals are Scorpios. They are very independent, do not need the assessment and opinion of others, always make decisions on their own, choose their own path. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to defend their position - Scorpios are always ready to fight for their rightness. How to get promoted with Scorpio? Scorpios are strong leaders, so it is worth working under their command only if the employee shares the opinion and position of the boss. Otherwise, contradictions may arise between them, after which you can forget about the increase. For Scorpios, it is important to have a cohesive team that will go towards the same goal - therefore, you need to act solely in the interests of the company in order to move up the career ladder.


February 24, 2023

Rating of zodiac signs from sloppy to clean. 2nd place - Cancer.

This is a sign of home. Cancers love their home and spend a lot of time in it, including putting things in order. Comfort, tranquility, safety and cleanliness are the prerequisites for the existence of this sign. Housework calms Cancer, especially women of this sign. They are not fanatical sissies - rather, sincere hostesses.


February 24, 2023

How to compliment a person depending on his zodiac sign. Cancer.

Cancers hardly accept compliments, and too beautiful and pretentious words seem unnatural and false to them. Therefore, in order to demonstrate your disposition, it is better to thank Cancer for help or praise the result of his labors.


February 24, 2023

Daily horoscope February 23rd.

Capricorn♑️ Don't be afraid to take on tasks that others can't. Today you will have a chance to quickly deal with very complex and important tasks. Useful knowledge acquired a long time ago. People around you will be pleasantly surprised by how much you can do. Aquarius♒️ It will be difficult to remain calm, especially if the day requires communication with emotional and sensitive people. You will try not to succumb to provocations, not get angry over trifles and remain friendly. It will take some effort, but you can do it. Pisces♓️ Whatever you plan to do today, remember: the right decisions will hardly lie on the surface, and it will hardly be possible to find an easy way to the goal. But you will definitely achieve your goals. Others will notice and appreciate your perseverance. Many will understand that you can be relied upon in any circumstances. It is possible that soon you will receive interesting offers.


February 23, 2023

Daily horoscope February 23rd.

Libra♎️ You can focus on solving issues related to money. It is possible that you will find a way to increase your income or enter into transactions that will bring significant profits. Friends and old acquaintances will please you with pleasant surprises and interesting offers. Scorpio♏️ Relax, today it will be especially useful for you. Think about which of the planned tasks are really urgent and require your attention, and which ones can be postponed or entrusted to someone else. People to whom you once rendered important services will not refuse to help you. Sagittarius♐️ Don't be upset if things don't go according to plan. In the morning it will indeed be difficult to avoid misunderstandings, but they will not have unpleasant consequences. You will quickly figure everything out and correct those small mistakes that you have time to make. And later, the influence of positive trends will increase, the mood will improve and everything will go smoothly.


February 23, 2023

Daily horoscope February 23rd.

Cancer♋️ The day will be favorable for study, research activities, and just to think about some difficult questions. You will not build illusions and will not allow anyone to confuse you, so you will draw the right conclusions. Trips will be successful, and it doesn’t matter for what purpose you go on the road. Leo♌️ It will be useful to focus on household chores: today you will be able to figure out what your hands have not reached for a long time. In the morning it will become clear what needs to be done immediately and what can be postponed. You will not waste time on trifles. Virgo♍️ Do not be offended by trifles. Today it is hardly possible to avoid minor misunderstandings. Even loved ones will not always immediately understand you correctly, and someone may make unpleasant remarks. But if you keep calm, everything will quickly be sorted out and communication will once again become pleasing.


February 23, 2023

Daily horoscope February 23rd.

Aries♈️ The day promises pleasant meetings and interesting conversations. And he will also please some Aries with acquaintances that can play an important role in the life of representatives of the sign. Be yourself: it doesn't take much more to make a good impression on everyone. Romantic surprises, signs of attention and gifts are not excluded. Taurus♉️ Be kind to those around you. Today, it will be difficult for many to understand you correctly, to objectively evaluate your ideas. From the outside, it may seem that you fantasize and wishful thinking. It will take some time before everyone realizes that your ideas can be realized. Gemini♊️ The day will bring unexpectedly many small tasks that require immediate solutions. Others in such a situation would certainly be confused, and you will get down to business without unnecessary worries, you will cope with everything perfectly, you will not forget or confuse anything. Old friends and other people who know you well will be happy to help.


February 23, 2023

What not to do for a man.

3. Build a foolish girl out of yourself, so as not to offend a man with your mind. Remember, if you want relationships to develop, can you play this role for the rest of your life? So be yourself. If a man is not interested in your mind, then why do you need such a man?


February 22, 2023

What not to do for a man.

2. Put a man on a pedestal and make him God. Creating a cult of personality does not lead to anything good. First you raise it up, then you will lower it in order to get out of total submission and save not only self-esteem, but also in some cases personality.


February 22, 2023

What not to do for a man.

1. Adopt your man and treat him like a clueless object unable to take care of himself. If you behave with a man like a mother, then you automatically continue to form helplessness in him. Do not be surprised that you "drag" the whole life, the upbringing of children on yourself.


February 22, 2023

True sincere love does not depend on anyone but yourself and your desire to live it.

The one you love will never be perfect, holy and perfect. But it will be YOURS. With scars from the past on the soul. Loaded with mistakes and delusions. With the lessons of the past learned and the challenges of the future ahead. With broken knuckles from despair. With hints of sadness in their eyes. And with sparks of enthusiasm in your eyes from the touch of your fingers on your unshaven cheek. With strong hands and a vulnerable soul. With a whisper of tenderness on lips parched with passion. With a cry of disappointment in moments when you do not hear each other. With a quiet and goosebumps all over my body, “I love” in the silence of the night, when the world belongs only to the two of you and fits in the space between your entwined fingers. When there is such a person next to you - forget about everything!


February 22, 2023

Whole natures.

I really like solid natures, who know exactly what they want from this life, do not scatter into casual connections, earnings, acquaintances. I like people who are true - to their cause, their dream, their word, their person ... I will never understand individuals who are always hesitant, who are always in search, but not even active. When a person does not know what and whom he wants, and tries to sit on two or even three chairs at once, this indicates the weakness of his nature ... I like spiritually strong people who are able to break walls with their foreheads for the sake of their dreams ...


February 22, 2023