How to cope with stress impressionable Pisces: 5 ways.

Method 4. Shopping Yes, yes, yes - strange and mysterious Pisces also have weaknesses. And stress is easily “killed” by new outfits. In addition, many aquatic creatures are still "magpies": Pisces love everything bright and shiny. What kind of stress is there - yes, he will run away from the abundance of rhinestones.


February 28, 2023

How to compliment a person depending on his zodiac sign. Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are pleased when the importance of their actions and advice to others is emphasized. Therefore, it is important not to forget to thank them for what they do.


February 28, 2023

Daily horoscope February 28th.

Capricorn♑️ Take your time. The day itself is not bad, but rash actions and decisions made in a hurry can cause problems. Surely there will be new ideas, the implementation of which will become possible a little later. In the meantime, check with people you trust. There will be a chance to get useful hints. Aquarius♒️ Great ideas will come up. But before you can focus on their implementation, you need to complete the work that started before. This may be more difficult than you thought. It is possible that unexpected difficulties will arise, the people you were counting on may fail. But still, you can’t call the day unsuccessful. You will definitely find a way out even from a difficult situation. Pisces♓️ You don't want to do routine things. Most likely, you will prefer something special and unusual. The day will be favorable for creativity, you will surely have unusual and bold ideas. But if you get too carried away with them, you risk completely forgetting about those simple tasks that should have been solved a long time ago.


February 28, 2023

Daily horoscope February 28th.

Libra♎️ The day promises pleasant acquaintances, meetings that will cheer you up for a long time. There will be an opportunity to communicate with people who share your views and interests. You will receive support that you never expected before. Some Libras will find reliable allies, others will make new friends. Scorpio♏️ The day will go very well. It can bring tough challenges, but you'll quickly figure out how to deal with them. It will be possible to successfully complete the work that began a long time ago and has already taken a lot of strength. You will not follow someone else's example, you will prefer to act in your own way, and this will allow you to quickly get the desired result. Sagittarius♐️ The day may bring difficulties, but you will surely get through them quickly. The ability to get along with people will help, to find a common language even with those who have not been on your side before. Many conflicts will be left in the past thanks to your diplomatic talents.


February 28, 2023

Daily horoscope February 28th.

Cancer♋️ Many things will work out well. Do not waste time on trifles, do what is really important to you, it is in such matters that you can succeed. The ability to approach everything creatively, to see solutions that do not lie on the surface, will come in handy. Business intuition will be especially sharp today. You will make successful deals if you follow her prompts. Leo♌️ A suitable day for solving organizational issues, working with documents, compiling reports. You will be attentive to details, do not lose sight of anything, do not make even small mistakes. Business negotiations will go well. At meetings with potential partners and employers, you will show your best side. Virgo♍️ The day will be hectic and busy. You can hardly focus on one thing. It is much more likely that you will have to deal with several things at once, solve other people's problems, help everyone who is in a difficult situation. Minor misunderstandings at work, disputes with colleagues and even with management are likely.


February 28, 2023

Daily horoscope February 28th.

Aries♈️ The start of the day can be difficult. Most likely, you will not have to do what you would like to do at this time. Some Aries will need to put things aside in order to help those who are in a difficult situation, or to correct other people's mistakes. But new opportunities will also open up. Try not to miss any of them. Taurus♉️ The day will be very favorable for work. If you are facing difficult tasks, you should start solving them in the morning. Thanks to the support of the stars, it will be possible to achieve an excellent result. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources. Some Taurus will return old debts. Gemini♊️ The day will bring many new ideas, will be very favorable for creativity, study, intellectual work. And it will also be easy for you to interest others with your plans, enlist their support. It is possible that you will agree on cooperation with people whom you have long wanted to see as your allies.


February 28, 2023

A descendant of a dinosaur or a fantastic creature?

Kitoglav is a bird with an amazing appearance. These birds from Africa reach 1.2 meters in height, and in the process of hunting, they like to freeze in one place. Why do photographers love whaleheads? And yet, the bird is remarkable in that it hunts snakes and small crocodiles, lives for more than 30 years and is very easily tamed.


February 27, 2023

Enthusiasts assembled a 43-inch laptop weighing 50 kilograms.

The built-in Intel NUC 11 mini-PC is responsible for the functionality of the computer, and instead of the usual laptop keyboard, the Redragon K605 “mechanics” is installed.


February 27, 2023

Vapes damage DNA even more than cigarettes.

This is stated in a new study from Nicotine & Tobacco Research. It turns out that vapers have 2.6 times more DNA damage than non-smokers, while regular smokers have 2.2 times more DNA damage. In addition, the sweeter the taste of the liquid, the more harm it does. Now scientists want to find out what diseases can cause these types of DNA damage.


February 27, 2023

The Japanese have created a useful toy that will help keep your posture while working at the table.

The principle is simple: the arms and legs of the toy are attached to the table, and the built-in core rests against it, preventing you from bending over.


February 27, 2023

In the USA, they decided to fight constipation with the help of vibrating capsules.

They do not contain active drugs. They force the intestines to empty, affecting nerve cells and causing muscle contractions. Capsules should be taken orally every day. They reach the large intestine in about 14 hours. After that, they start working. During the tests, the capsules were programmed for several vibration sessions - three seconds after three. The sessions lasted a couple of hours. The capsules were passed out of the body along with the faeces.


February 27, 2023

Scientists have suggested using a tinder fungus instead of plastic.

The researchers studied the structure of the fungus F. fomentarius and found that its parts were as strong as plywood, pine or leather, but were lighter than these materials. Such characteristics of the tinder fungus are due to the fact that it must withstand the harsh conditions of the change of seasons, as well as tree branches falling from above. This strength allows it to be used to create new synthetic materials.


February 27, 2023

Good sleep prolongs life by several years.

Research has shown that men who sleep well regularly can live up to five years longer than those who don't, and women can live up to two years. They usually also enjoy better health throughout their lives. However, the quality of sleep is key. The scientists identified the following factors: an ideal duration of seven to eight hours a night, difficulty falling asleep and trouble sleeping no more than twice a week, no sleeping pills, and feeling good after waking up at least five days a week. More research is now needed to determine why men doubled their life expectancy compared to women who had the same quality sleep.


February 27, 2023

Палеонтологи выяснили, почему хищные динозавры вырастали такими огромными.

Скорость роста скелета «записывается» на спилах костей так же, как на кольцах деревьев. Широкие полосы формируются в сезоны с большим количеством корма, а узкие в то время, когда животное не доедало. Оказалось, что динозавры становились огромными не из-за быстрого роста, а благодаря долгой продолжительности жизни. Тираннозавры, например, достигали зрелости лишь к 20 годам, а жили около 30–40 лет.


February 27, 2023

Instruments to search for life on Mars have not found it on Earth.

Biologists, using equipment used on Mars, explored the Red Rock Delta in the Chilean Atacama Desert, and in most cases found no signs of life in the area. This experiment showed the limited possibilities of modern technologies.


February 27, 2023

Skipping breakfast undermines the immune system.

Skipping breakfast constantly compromises the immune system and can increase the risk of cancer and heart disease. The researchers observed two groups of mice. The first was fed a hearty breakfast immediately after waking up. The second - gave only water. At the same time, immediately after the rise and after four and eight hours, blood was taken from the rodents for analysis. It turned out that fasting mice had a sharp drop in the levels of monocytes - white blood cells that help fight tumors, pathogens and inflammation. About 90% of these cells disappeared from the bloodstream of rodents as early as four hours after the missed breakfast. Four more years later, they were gone.


February 27, 2023

More than a billion people in the world can get cholera.

More than a billion people could become ill with cholera - last week three countries reported new outbreaks of infection, their total number rose to 22. According to a WHO representative, 50% more countries experienced cholera outbreaks last year than in 2021. This year, the disease threatens residents of 43 states. Cholera is a particularly dangerous infectious disease, its causative agent enters the human body along with contaminated food or water.


February 27, 2023

An American city has banned hot air balloons.

The California city of Laguna Beach has banned the sale and use of hot air balloons to save birds and the ocean. The fine for violating the rules is up to $500. The restrictions will come into effect in 2024. Similar legislative initiatives appear in an increasing number of cities.


February 27, 2023

How to work with any boss and get promoted. Pisces Boss.

Usually Pisces are well versed in people, treat them with understanding, and can be reliable friends. However, Pisces are often closed, it is not easy for them to believe in themselves and become self-confident. Another difference between Pisces is their susceptibility to mood, which changes unpredictably often. How to get a promotion from Pisces? A subordinate in the team of the head-Pisces should not disturb the harmonious, calm, conflict-free environment. It is better for Pisces colleagues to offer the boss to solve emerging problems - they will respond with gratitude to this. In addition, workers can take advantage of Pisces' gentle nature: they do not like to refuse if they are asked for something. But one of the requests may be just a raise.


February 27, 2023

How to cope with stress impressionable Pisces: 5 ways.

Method 3. Help the planet. Pisces often scold their patron for the fact that Neptune made them too dreamy. So this is the point: in any incomprehensible situation, you can climb into the "seventh heaven", as if rising above the turmoil. Dream, dear Fish, because only you can make a fairy tale come true. And stress will not be a punishment, but a kind of wedge that knocks out the blues.


February 27, 2023