The Swedish company Mocycle has invented the perfect jeans for motorcyclists.

They inflate when dropped. Airbags provide lower body impact protection with an air cushion and are reusable unless, of course, you wipe them down after the first fall. The price is still unknown, but the company is already collecting pre-orders.


March 1, 2023

SpaceX has unveiled a new generation of Starlink satellites that will launch today.

Each V2 Mini weighs up to 830kg and has 50% more throughput than the previous generation V1.5. Among other improvements, the V2 Minis are equipped with new argon Hall thrusters for orbital maneuvering - this will be the first time such thrusters have been used in space.


March 1, 2023

Scientists have named a dietary supplement that can protect against dementia.

The dietary supplement nicotinamide riboside (NR) may protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. HP stimulates the production of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). It helps repair cells and damaged DNA and regulates redox processes. NAD+ levels decrease with age and, for example, due to obesity or smoking. The lead author of the study believes that the results indicate that HP slows down neurodegenerative processes. Further research is needed to prove this.


March 1, 2023

Logitech has released a chair for fans of racing simulators.

He can adjust the length of the frame, the position of the backrest and the inclination of the pedals and steering wheel. The steering wheel and pedals are the top versions of Logitech Pro Racing. They offer a two-year warranty on every part. The price starts from 600 dollars.


March 1, 2023

Xiaomi introduced their augmented reality glasses.

Wireless AR Glass Discovery Edition can be connected to a smartphone. They have a Micro OLED display and electrochromic lenses for different modes of transparency and immersion. The interface can be fully controlled with gestures. When it will appear on the shelves and how much it will cost - they did not say, but it looks at least curious.


March 1, 2023

Psychologists have found out which women choose risky guys.

Australian psychologists interviewed more than 1.3 thousand women from 47 countries about their sexual preferences, region of residence, income and other life circumstances and found out what kind of men they like. It turned out that risky guys are more attracted to women for short-term novels than for serious relationships. For a life together, they usually choose a reliable partner. At the same time, bisexual women and so-called "adrenaline addicts" prefer risky men for both short-term and long-term relationships.


March 1, 2023

How to cope with stress impressionable Pisces: 5 ways.

Method 5. Hobby. Well, we started with mysticism, ended with platitudes! - Pisces will grumble and begin to prove their uniqueness. And they will forget about stress, because Neptune's pets are born to create and create. And fears, resentments and anxieties will dissolve in the air and inspire Pisces to new achievements.


March 1, 2023

How to compliment a person depending on his zodiac sign. Capricorn.

Capricorn will like it if his decency and integrity are emphasized in a compliment. This sign is very proud of their strong character.


March 1, 2023

Daily horoscope March 1st.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be very fruitful. You will not want to sit idle, and you will enthusiastically take on new tasks. Their complexity is not intimidating at all. On the contrary, it will be interesting for some Capricorns to test their strength, to try to cope with what others did not succeed. Aquarius♒️ Pay attention to the ideas you have at the start of the day. They are sure to be very successful. True, others may have some doubts. But you should especially carefully listen not to other people's words, but to the prompts of your own intuition. Pisces♓️ You won’t be bored: the day will bring new tasks and cases that you will take on with genuine enthusiasm. Not everything will be as simple as it seems at first glance, but you will definitely figure out what is happening, and intuition will tell you how to act.


March 1, 2023

Daily horoscope March 1st.

Libra♎️ Completely unexpected things can happen. But they won't make you lose your balance. The people around you will worry and worry over trifles, and you will remain calm, make informed decisions that will turn out to be correct. The day will be very favorable for business communication, meetings with potential partners and employers. Scorpio♏️ Today you will do a lot of useful things not only for yourself, but also for others. Many Scorpios will put the interests of others first, setting aside their own affairs to help those who are in trouble. There will be an opportunity to correct some mistakes made earlier, to restore justice. All this will require effort, but they will not be in vain, and you will be satisfied with your actions and their results. Sagittarius♐️ Try not to take lightly even those well-known cases that you usually cope with without any difficulty. Today, you will need to make efforts even to solve everyday problems. Not everything will immediately turn out the way we would like. Especially careful should be Sagittarius, who are engaged in some kind of complex calculations: the probability of errors is high.


March 1, 2023

Daily horoscope March 1st.

Cancer♋️ The persistence you show today will surprise those around you. Even if the circumstances are unsuccessful or no one wants to support you, you will not give up on your plans and will definitely achieve your goal. Leo♌️ The day should start with the solution of the most important and difficult tasks. You will cope with them unexpectedly quickly, because you will not follow someone else's example, but will try to find your own way to the goal. Intuition and experience gained earlier will help to avoid mistakes and not waste time in vain. Virgo♍️ Try not to rush into decisions when it comes to finances and property. Here the situation can be more complicated than it seems at first glance. So it’s worthwhile to figure it out without haste, to assess the possible consequences of your actions. Many Virgos will benefit from the advice of old friends.


March 1, 2023

Daily horoscope March 1st.

Aries♈️ The start of the day can seem daunting. It is possible that you will be annoyed by little things that you would not have paid attention to at other times. Important and complex matters that require concentration and accuracy should be postponed. It is also undesirable to work with documents: there is a risk of forgetting or confusing something. Taurus♉️ Persistence and purposefulness will help to cope with what was beyond the power of others. You will be able to succeed both in already familiar cases and in completely new ones. The day is perfect for solving any issues related to finances, property, here you will not make even the smallest mistakes. Gemini♊️ The start of the day is great for meeting up with anyone you'd like to make a good impression on. Showing yourself from the best side will not be difficult, intuition will tell you how to do it. This time will also be favorable in order to share ideas, discuss them with like-minded people. The tips you will receive will help you quickly achieve success.


March 1, 2023

How to rewrite a destructive script

There is no universal answer to the question of how to rewrite the script, since all people are different and the age of each according to the passport can be very different from the psychosexual one. For example, when a man suddenly begins to experience platonic love at the age of 40, this causes discord in the family. This happens because at one time he did not go through this stage for one reason or another, and at the moment he is living the evolution of understanding and feeling love within himself. The solution to any problem begins with its awareness. An analysis of one's own and parental experience helps to discover and formulate it. Only by “unpacking” the traumas that manipulate a person, you can open the source of unconditional love for yourself and your life. And when a person is satisfied with himself, his work and the world around him, he finds people close in spirit and views with whom he can build harmonious and mature relationships.


February 28, 2023

How teenage love scenarios are repeated in personal life.

This period is characterized by gender segregation, when boys begin to communicate more with boys, and girls with girls, and also discuss each other, overcoming childhood shyness and reaching a new level of interaction. Teenage platonic love, as a rule, is incredibly bright and stormy. So much so that disappointment in the object of love and the collapse of fantasies is perceived in the moment as the end of life and is remembered until old age. If a person in adulthood follows this scenario, then problems in their personal lives can cause depression and even cause suicide.


February 28, 2023

How teenage love scenarios are repeated in personal life.

At the age of puberty, from about 11 to 15 years old, we are washed over by a wave of platonic love. A person is aware of his gender and is already striving to build relationships with an object of the opposite sex. The object of love becomes ideal for another person, literally magical, its properties and qualities are hypertrophied for the better. In this case, the object itself may not know anything about it. For example, girls begin to keep diaries, where they write down their thoughts and fantasies about boys, favorite actors, musicians and singers.


February 28, 2023

How children's scenarios of love are repeated in adulthood.

Adults, growing up, often continue to follow the usual scenario of behavior. If the other half does not behave the way a person wants, or unpleasant circumstances arise, he begins to cry, be indignant and offended. At my receptions, I often observe the behavior of 3-5-year-old children from adults. Many people live in this range of feelings and emotions. The love that they experience is usually bright, rich and contains a codependency component, since the presence or absence of an object of love directly affects a person’s sense of self.


February 28, 2023

How children's scenarios of love are repeated in adulthood.

The first manifestations of feelings arise when a child likes a kindergarten or a teacher, he adores his dog, grandmother or toy. Such love is unconditional, all-consuming and has no inter-gender component. When the happy scenario is violated, and the child's favorite thing is taken away or put to bed, and he wants to play more, then there is a reaction of discontent in the form of tears.


February 28, 2023

How parental scenarios are repeated in our lives.

However, the girl takes away from the family a load of unresolved problems and internal conflicts, which she realizes already in her own family. Unconsciously, she creates situations in which her husband begins to suppress and even humiliate her. This is because her psyche is accustomed to such a scenario for building relationships and does not know how to do it differently. It often happens that by the age of 30-35, a girl suddenly realizes that she is behaving like a mother and even repeats her fate. Although more than anything in the world I wanted to be different from her. Patients often come with such a problem and ask for help to build a strategy for a different, happy life. Then we start working with an attitude towards ourselves, so that the girl feels confident, harmonious and self-sufficient. And relying on yourself is already becoming a starting point for changes in your personal life.


February 28, 2023

How parental scenarios are repeated in our lives.

The child only forms self-esteem, therefore, in childhood, he is guided by the opinions of authoritative adults. First of all, parents. And if from an early age a girl is told that she is ugly, ordinary, worse than others, then growing up, she will feel inferior as a woman. The search for approval and recognition may not lead her into the most comfortable relationships. But the grown girl seizes every opportunity to escape from the toxic family environment, so she marries early, perhaps the wrong person. It seems to her that the situation has changed dramatically and her life will now definitely get better, and at the same time self-esteem will increase.


February 28, 2023

How to rewrite a destructive life script.

The solution to problems in personal life lies within ourselves. But it is not so easy to reconcile what we want and are aware of with what we are not aware of and governs us. After all, building relationships with others, we somehow rely on the experience of parents and older generations. And it's not always positive. How to get out of such a scenario? Advice from a psychotherapist.


February 28, 2023