In Japan, they found a flower considered extinct - it looks more like a mushroom.

Not far from the Japanese city of Sanda, a rare species of mushroom-like plants from the thismium family, Thismia kobensis, was found. They have not been seen since 1992 and were thought to be extinct. This rediscovered flower is the world's northernmost thymium species, with about 60 of them.


March 2, 2023

Thedrive found one of Ford's patents that describes the future of auto automation.

The document describes a system according to which, in case of delay in payment, the car will put a spoke in the wheels of the owner - it is possible to turn off systems from the air conditioner to the engine. But the real highlight is that Ford will be able to just drive away from the owner who is in arrears. And even independently choose where exactly - back to the dealer or to the landfill.


March 2, 2023

Addiction - where does it come from and why?

Addiction exists as long as there is a need for it. It, like any other mental process, has a goal - to meet a particular need. The desire to escape from reality into a safe place can be fulfilled by alcohol, drugs or virtual reality. Thus a person can feel secured in his or her addiction. The addicted person finds joy, pleasure, adventure, relaxation or whatever in alcohol and drugs. That's why he or she is always seeking gatherings, feasts, just being in a company. Sometimes an addiction can give a sense of freedom. This occurs when some kind of a protest (against parents, for example) takes place. "I can do whatever I want", "I am not a child and I decide myself" - the typical attitude of a protesting child.


March 2, 2023

Relationship addiction

Emotional addiction can be very difficult to recognize, since its presence is often confused with strong feelings of love. Let's figure out where it's all coming from. Mass culture strenuously imposes on us the illusive image of those who loved each other and died on the same day or suffered in the name of true love, thereby presenting psychological deviation as a standard. To love and to suffer have the similar meaning in the minds of many of us. This kind of setting has been in our heads since early childhood and makes itself felt even at a very conscious age. After all, age sometimes comes without awareness and self-sufficiency.


March 2, 2023

CHARISMA — how to get it?

Do you think charisma goes to those who cry the loudest in the maternity ward? Definitely not, natural skills and external circumstances play into the hands of charisma. But generally, CHARISMA is something that can be nurtured. What way? Here are a few simple tips for you. ▫️ Be more sociable and smile more when leaving the house, psych yourself up for for a nice conversation. Remember your neighbors' and colleagues' names, as well as everyone's you cross paths with. Hearing one's own name is extremely satisfying for everyone. ▫️ Use the mirror technique - treat people the way you would like them to treat you. ▫️ Believe in yourself. Because if you don't believe in your awesomeness. how can those around you believe in it? ▫️ Have a proactive approach to life. Love everything you do!


March 2, 2023

Do you know how to listen?

It would seem, where's the challenge? But in fact most of us not only have no idea how to listen and hear, but we constantly interrupt the other person in order to attract attention to ourselves. Sometimes people just need to be listened to without any interference. The ability to listen carefully shows that you pay attention and respect the other person, and this behavior shows that you are at least well mannered and tactful. It is important to keep in mind that hearing and listening are still different things. HEARING is the passive intake of sound, while LISTENING is the act of intentionally working to comprehend the sounds, to analyze the received information and to give a response to his/her words.


March 2, 2023

I haven’t got the time

Admit it, how often do you say this? The truth is, many important things take very little time. What can you do in five minutes? See for yourself: ▫️Read several pages. ▫Squat 50-100. ▫️Dedicate some attention to your dog. ▫Clean your living space. ▫️Take vitamins. ▫Have a facial massage. ▫️Meditate in silence. ▫️Turn on some music and dance. ▫️Serve a beautiful dinner/breakfast/lunch. ▫️Make a to-do list. ▫Do some exercises/stretching.


March 2, 2023

The secret to successfull freelance

Human resources is key. While we are still in the real world, freelance is included. Thus, success is dependent on employees too. So, how do you become a demanding asset on the market? What’s your criteria? Take lead. Don’t be afraid to show yourself. Look for reasons, instead. The ability to make independent decisions. Employees who always steal the customer are very annoying. The ability to work in a team. This reflects communication skills, willingness to help colleagues, the ability to work for the benefit of a common goal. Greed for new knowledge. Online reality is changing very quickly. You constantly have to work on your professional competence.


March 2, 2023

Personal boundaries.

Everything is very simple: if communication is pleasant, doesn’t cause discomfort, then personal boundaries are very low-key. But when you feel: "STOP. I don't like it." — that's where your personal boundaries begin. Of course, everyone has their own understanding of them. If you draw an analogy with your own household, somebody always has an emotionally «tall bulletproof fence», while others don’t have a fence at all, their door is wide open — everybody is welcome. The absence of personal boundaries comes from childhood, if the parents violated their child all the time, making it clear that it is something normal. When the boundaries are too strict (the adult behaves too aggressively and perceives any behavior as a violation of boundaries - this also intertwines with PTSD, however, protection here worked, unlike the first scenario. In the first scenario, fear prevails over anger. In the second, anger over fear. As you understand, both need to be balanced.


March 2, 2023

10 Pisces Celebrities Who Keep Moving Forward Even After Setbacks Drew Barrymore. Dakota Fanning.

Drew Barrymore. The star was born on February 22. Her parents are famous actors, so from birth it was clear who the girl would become. Drew starred in a dog food commercial at 11 months old, in Love Unexpected at 2 years old, in Gods at 5 years old, and in ET at 7 years old. Her talent was noted not only by the audience, but also by the directors. Dakota Fanning. The celebrity celebrates his birthday on February 23rd. At the age of 4, she began to study in the acting studio. The young actress starred in commercials and played episodic roles in TV shows. At the age of 7, Dakota played in the film "I am Sam" and attracted the attention of critics. She was constantly offered new projects.


March 2, 2023

4 men of the zodiac who can be trusted with repairs. Taurus.

If, after the repair, the apartment has become more like a barn, and not like a palace, it means that you entrusted the repair work to the wrong men. Astrologers tell about the four signs of the zodiac that are best controlled with a hammer or roller. Taurus. Entrusting the work to the Taurus man, leave with peace of mind and do not worry about your cozy house - it will become even better and more beautiful. True, the terms can stretch out - Taurus does everything with a soul and even too diligently.


March 2, 2023

How to compliment a person depending on his zodiac sign. Aquarius.

Aquarians like to hear that they are important to the team. The compliment should emphasize their ability to organize an event or holiday.


March 2, 2023

Daily horoscope March 2.

Capricorn♑️ Getting along with others will be especially easy for you today. You will surprisingly quickly agree on joint actions with those who were reluctant to make contact before, you will find a common language with new acquaintances. Relationships that start as business today may eventually take on a friendly or romantic character. Aquarius♒️ Getting along with others will be especially easy for you today. You will surprisingly quickly agree on joint actions with those who were reluctant to make contact before, you will find a common language with new acquaintances. Relationships that start as business today may eventually take on a friendly or romantic character. Pisces♓️ The start of the day will be quite calm and perfect for completing tasks to which you have already given a lot of time. Take your time and try to pay attention to small details - this will avoid unnecessary worries in the near future. Successful purchases and transactions are likely, as well as cash receipts.


March 2, 2023

Daily horoscope March 2.

Libra♎️ Surprises are very likely, but they will not confuse you, make you confused or quit halfway through. In business, you will show enviable perseverance and achieve even better results than expected. This will not go unnoticed. Those who previously underestimated you and did not notice your talents will understand how much they were mistaken. Scorpio♏️ It is unlikely that today it will be possible to adhere to a pre-planned plan. It is much more likely that you will have to improvise and make decisions on the go. But you will not worry and worry, you will quickly orient yourself in a new situation, and even help others to cope with difficulties that seemed insurmountable. Sagittarius♐️ You will achieve a lot if you act according to your intuition. Others are unlikely to understand the motives of your actions, and it is better not to waste time explaining and arguing. Soon it will become clear to everyone that you have chosen the only right path.


March 2, 2023

Daily horoscope March 2.

Cancer♋️ The events of this day will surely surprise you. Much will not turn out the way you expected, so plans will need to be adjusted. Intuition will tell you how best to act, and it is worth listening to it, and not to unsolicited advice that everyone can give. Leo♌️ Things that need attention may suddenly appear at home, and in order to deal with them, you will have to postpone the solution of work tasks. But do not worry: you will have time for everything you need. For support, you should turn to good friends, proven allies. They will gladly take on some of your worries. Virgo♍️ There will be no time to be bored: the day will please both unexpected events and inspiring news. You can take on new cases: there is no doubt that not only old allies will come to your aid, but also those whom you met recently. Relationships that were previously purely formal will become more relaxed if you take the initiative.


March 2, 2023

Daily horoscope March 2.

Aries♈️ Little things that you would not pay attention to at another time may seem very serious today. Do not let them spoil your mood. The day will hardly do without difficulties, but it will certainly open up interesting opportunities. If you do not get confused, then you will surely have time to do a lot. Taurus♉️ The day will be quite hectic. Unexpected news, suddenly appeared tasks, endless conversations will make it difficult to focus on matters that have long required attention. You will still cope with everything that you have planned, but for this you will have to work hard. Many Taurus will be helped by old acquaintances, proven allies. Gemini♊️ The most important things today are worth doing on your own. Even people who sincerely want to help can do more harm than good. From the advice that others will give especially willingly, there will be little use. But it is worth listening to the prompts of intuition: they will turn out to be true and timely.


March 2, 2023

10 Pisces Celebrities Who Keep Moving Forward Even After Setbacks Rihanna.

Pisces are sociable individuals who feel comfortable at parties among many strangers, but at the same time like to be alone while doing their favorite hobbies. They cannot stand routine work and often prefer creative projects. It is not surprising that representatives of this zodiac sign often become famous actors or musicians. Pisces Women. During a conversation with such persons, it is better to carefully select expressions - they can get upset or angry even because of a trifle. Rihanna. The actress was born on February 20. Rihanna has been drawn to creativity since childhood - in her school years she created a musical group, actively performed at festivals, played in musicals and participated in beauty contests. Her talent could not go unnoticed. Producer Evan Rogers, hearing the voice of the young singer, invited her to record a demo CD, which later attracted the attention of Jay-Z. The star's first song, Pon de Replay, became an instant hit.


March 2, 2023

Neural network InteriorAI

In just a few seconds, the InteriorAI neural network will figure out how to transform your apartment with the upcoming renovation. Or at least refresh the design with small changes. You just need to show a photo of the room (your own or the one you like), choose any of the 30 interior styles and wait for the result. Five renders are given for free, and then you have to buy a subscription or register with another mail.


March 1, 2023

Unusual headset.

An enthusiast has assembled a headset that can be printed by taking a 3D model of a penis into his mouth. A crazy idea came to the creator during a pandemic, and his girlfriend became a tester. If you're in the mood for something new, there's a step-by-step guide and printable drawings on Reddit.


March 1, 2023

There was a brain implant that allows you to type text with the power of thought.

It has already been implanted by 7 people. The implant can help patients with paralysis or degenerative diseases. Its work is simple: the implant is brought to the cerebral cortex through the circulatory system, and the contacts are connected to the “prefix”, which turns thoughts into a digital signal.


March 1, 2023