Scientists have learned to produce electricity from the air using soil bacteria.

This will create a renewable energy source for small devices. However, only small devices, like a smartphone or a watch, can be powered this way, because there is very little hydrogen in the air - only 0.00005%. Larger facilities will need an external source of hydrogen to add more power.


March 9, 2023

Rolls Royce "Beast"

The only existing Rolls Royce "Beast" with a 27-liter Merlin aircraft engine was sold at auction this month. The car was built in 1972 by British engineer John Dodd, and in 1977 it was entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the most powerful car: the output of a 12-cylinder engine is about 750 hp. The exact maximum speed is unknown, but during the tests this monster accelerated to almost 300 km / h without any problems.


March 9, 2023

Bumblebees learn to solve puzzles by watching their peers.

To do this, biologists conducted an experiment in which some insects were trained to open a box with a sugar reward. It turned out that bumblebees passed on knowledge to relatives in their colonies. The other insects 98% of the time used the same box-opening method that the scientists taught the first group, even if they found alternative solutions.


March 9, 2023

Scientists have found that friendship in old age prolongs life.

Chinese researchers have proven that regular meetings with friends at a later age increase life expectancy. For people over 80, daily communication more than halves the risk of death. While one in five of the elderly living alone died during a five-year follow-up, only one in 14 socially active people died during that time. Even those who communicated only occasionally had a lower risk of death.


March 9, 2023

Sales of ear cleaning systems have begun, in the form of regular headphones.

OtoSet are equipped with transparent containers and an upper chamber with a liquid solution that enters the ears. The liquid destroys the earwax, and the pump pulls it along with the solution to the bottom of the containers. The system costs ~$3,000 - an FDA approved medical device. Only medical professionals can carry out the procedure.


March 9, 2023

Мushroom computer.

Scientists from the University of UWE Bristol create a computer from mushrooms - it turned out that mushrooms can communicate with each other by electrical impulses through the mycelium. The researchers claim that "mushroom PCs" can self-repair and consume less energy than conventional ones. Now they are working on an innovative data storage system - "mushroom memory". In addition, one mycelium can transmit a signal over long distances.


March 9, 2023

A Japanese startup will send tourists into the stratosphere.

Iwaya Giken offered tourists to fly in a special capsule to a height of 25 kilometers. It's below the edge of outer space, but enough to see the Earth bend under a black sky. The price for the "space tour" will be about 24 million yen. Iwaya Giken is also willing to sell a flight capsule for 100 million yen.


March 9, 2023

Tesla and the Mexican government have announced the construction of a new Gigafactory Mexico plant.

According to statements, 1,700 hectares of land have been allocated in the industrial area of the municipality of Santa Catarina near Monterrey. For comparison, Giga Texas covers 850 hectares. The scale of investments, estimated at $10 billion and 10,000 employees, is interesting. And the planned production is estimated at 1 million cars a year.


March 9, 2023

Which cat breed suits your zodiac sign? Taurus.

Tactile by nature, Taurus will agree that they like to explore the world through touch. Like people of this zodiac sign, the LaPerm cat constantly touches everything with its paws. They are known for rubbing against everyone and everything in their path. A nice addition for Taurus owners is that the coat of the laperms is curly.


March 9, 2023

Why is it difficult for Water signs to find a soul mate: 4 reasons. Reason 4.

Temperamental. The guys from the water trinity are very secretive - they are in no hurry to show their feelings and are constantly waiting for a catch. And they can pass by the halves a thousand times and not even feel anything - after all, the hearts are protected by armor. And potential halves are simply afraid to take the first step - melancholy Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces seem to be arrogant and unattainable creatures. And even if there really aren’t enough halves for everyone, the water guys have a chance - you just need to turn on your vaunted intuition and believe in love at first sight.


March 9, 2023

Daily horoscope March 9th.

Capricorn♑️ No matter what happens around you, you will remain calm and unshakable self-confidence. This will allow you to succeed, as well as avoid mistakes that people more impressionable and vulnerable would make in your place. It is possible, by the way, that they will need your help. Aquarius♒️ The day will be favorable for business negotiations. Many Aquarians today will meet for the first time with those with whom they will cooperate for more than one year. Try not to mix professional and personal relationships; this will avoid awkward situations and unpleasant moments. Pisces♓️ The day is suitable for dealing with some small things that have accumulated lately. This is unlikely to be done quickly, since you will have to act alone. But if you do not quit what you started, you will soon feel much more confident and free.


March 9, 2023

Daily horoscope March 9th.

Libra♎️ The first half of the day can be quite busy. First, you will need to do several things at once. Secondly, it will not be possible to immediately cope with anxiety, the cause of which will sometimes be incomprehensible to you yourself. Try not to lose hope. Soon the influence of positive trends will increase, and you will understand that there is every reason for it. Scorpio♏️ A great day to work: you can make noticeable progress in an important and difficult matter, cope with problems that previously seemed almost insoluble. You will rely only on yourself, and this approach will be correct. You don't have to waste time explaining and reasoning. You will be able to act as your intuition tells you, and it will not be mistaken. Sagittarius♐️ Success will not be as easy as you might like. But difficulties will not scare you, and obstacles will not force you to retreat. You will persevere where almost everyone would give up, and thanks to it you will succeed.


March 9, 2023

Daily horoscope March 9th.

Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day will hardly be easy and cloudless; it is much more likely that at this time you will have to worry. You will not always be understood correctly by others. Arguments over trifles can drag on. It is possible that it is because of them that you will not be able to complete what you started on time. Leo♌️ Do not rush to trust new acquaintances, even if they are infinitely charming and seem completely harmless. Unfortunately, today you risk becoming a victim of someone's cunning. However, nothing will prevent you from getting support, good advice, and real help from really close people. Virgo♍️ Don't rush anywhere. This is one of those pleasant days when everything miraculously happens on time and works out for the best. Virgos who have faced difficulties lately will understand how to deal with them. And those who are bored will have a chance to have a very interesting time.


March 9, 2023

Daily horoscope March 9th.

Aries♈️ Surely you want to act on your own, without turning to anyone for help. But you have to solve complex problems, and support will definitely not be superfluous. So be patient: it will come in handy when you explain what needs to be done and why. Taurus♉️ You will surely be able to come up with something new and useful. Great ideas about work or business may come up. There will be people nearby who are ready to help you in the implementation of your plan, and you will immediately begin to act. The day is suitable for business trips, they will be even more successful than you expected. Gemini♊️ The day will start with great news and tempting offers. Remember: there is no time to waste. If you want success, act quickly, do not put off things that require attention. It will be easy to agree on cooperation, find a common language with new acquaintances, get along with people whose support will come in handy more than once.


March 9, 2023

Dedicated to coffee lovers...

Caffeine increases the risk of developing drug addiction and different types of dependent behavior. It is known that people who drink coffee, compared with those who abstain from it, have a higher percentage of obesity, as well as smoke and drink alcohol more. This information has also been proven in experiments: experimental rats were kept for a certain time on a diet made up of refined products (approximately the same diet preferred by most American schoolchildren). Then, the animals were offered a choice of 10%-alcohol or water. Many of the rats tested preferred alcohol. When coffee was added to the food, alcohol consumption increased significantly. Coffee lovers also have a craving for other types of drugs. They not only smoke more, but more often use various sedative medications. So, think about this throughly when you once again are helping yourself to your favorite beverage…


March 8, 2023

Responsibility for YOURSELF

Don't transfer the burden of responsibility to your parents, bosses, neighbors. Your life is yours and yours only, which means that the responsibility for it is also yours. Your every action, every decision and every thought is reflected in your life. What you have is the result of your own actions. ▫️State your desires directly. When communicating with people, say right away if you don't like something. There is no need to endure or adjust to their liking in order to be comfortable. ▫️Don't make excuses. Determine for yourself that you are doing what you think is necessary,, what corresponds to your desires and needs. This is called self-respect. ▫️Control your behavior. As internal beliefs affect external manifestations, and vice versa. Make sure that your back is always straight, and when talking, you look into the eyes of the interlocutor, and not somewhere else.


March 8, 2023

The best neural network for marketers.

Albert will help you launch an effective advertising campaign. AI can compose text, select keywords, launch ads on all popular channels, including Google and social networks. If desired, the service will even reach out to potential customers: by e-mail, via sms or in social networks.


March 8, 2023

Elon Musk has not received permission to test Neuralink neurochips on humans.

Neuralink, founded by Elon Musk, is developing neurochips that, in theory, will help connect the human brain with a computer. The company planned to begin human trials in 2022, but its application was rejected by the FDA. The refusal to conduct human trials became known only now, when Reuters journalists got access to Neuralink's internal documents.


March 8, 2023

Already this year, the first data center will appear on the moon.

The TO2-IM mission has just received the green light and funding from NASA. As part of the project, startup Lonestar will send a small 16 terabyte data center to the surface of the satellite. This is only the first of the missions - in the future, it is planned to build an entire data infrastructure on the moon. Initially, Lonestar is offering storage on the Moon to large corporations as a safe haven where information won't disappear due to accidental deletion or natural disasters. In the future, data centers are planned to be part of the infrastructure of lunar missions.


March 8, 2023

Ancient animals got the flu from fish.

Australian scientists have found influenza RNA in corals, sturgeon and other aquatic creatures. Its genome is very similar to a possible ancestor of the modern virus. Most likely, once in antiquity, it was from fish that this disease spread to other animals. If fish were the first hosts of the virus, the prehistory of modern influenza began at least 600 million years ago.


March 8, 2023