A difficult but effective way to annoy a woman:

▪️ With one hand, press it against the wall (but without excessive pressure), with the other, unfasten everything that is unfastened, and move away everything that interferes. ▪️ All this time, silently look the girl in the eyes, caressing her body with your fingers.


March 16, 2023


Surprisingly, even the penetration process can be varied. Wise Taoist practices will help here. In the Tao of love, there are 2 types of penetration: deep, fast, intense and short, slow, teasing. They alternate as follows: 1 long - 8 short, 2 long - 7 short, 3 long - 6 short. Have you already understood the pattern?


March 16, 2023

How to avoid premature ejaculation

Let's look at the stop-start technique 1. Place a relaxed hand on the genitals. The ejaculation reflex can be trained - together or alone. 2. Stimulate the penis until a tipping point occurs. This is the name of the point at which ejaculation is irreversible. At this point, you need to pause and wait until the excitement subsides, which happens after about a minute. 3. Then again stimulation and again pause. Only 5 approaches. The stimulation should last about 5 minutes. Thanks to this technique, a man will be able to train a delay in ejaculation.


March 16, 2023

Never drink yesterday's tea

Tea connoisseurs and manufacturers recommend drinking this drink freshly brewed. And the point here is not only that this way the taste and aroma of tea is better manifested. If the drink is left for several hours in the open air, then under the influence of oxygen, bacteria and harmful compounds begin to form in it. On the surface of tea, they look like a dense dark film, from which a coating remains on the mug. These substances have the most destructive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the liver. Tea that has stood for a day is considered by the Japanese to be “worse than a snake bite,” and the Chinese compare it to poison.


March 16, 2023

Just stay calm!

When in a state of passion, our body aims to relieve built-up tension in any way. It is almost impossible to stop the hysteria with a strong-willed effort. Still, let us try. If you want to, but feel unable to restrain laughter or tears, try the following: Wash your face with cold water. Drink. Swallowing helps calming ourselves. Do several exercises on the shoulder muscles: "windmill" with your hands, head rotation, push-ups. Breathing. Just focus on breathing, choose any rhythm, and make sure to maintain it. It is important that the exhalations are longer than the breaths. I want you to understand that it is important to find the cause of your outbreak and eliminate the source. Do not console yourself with “everyone lives like this." Hysteria means your nervous system just "can't do it" anymore.


March 16, 2023

Stop around the head.

Misalignment of the heel can cause headaches. And this is not a metaphor, it really can be. The foot does not work properly, there is an incorrect load on the knees. The pelvis tries to compensate for the load, from which the lower back suffers. From a sore lower back, the entire body tenses when walking, including the muscles of the neck and face. And a tense neck is a direct path to a headache! A neurologist will tell you about cervical osteochondrosis, and an MRI will show a couple of protrusions, but in fact, the root of the problem is in the foot! In fact, many of us need to learn to walk again. Especially for those who wear uncomfortable, unphysiological shoes. And whenever possible, try to walk barefoot.


March 16, 2023

More bacteria live in reusable bottles than on a toilet seat.

American water purification experts have found 40,000 times more bacteria on refillable bottles than on a toilet seat. Two types of microbes live on dishes: Gram-negative rods and bacilli. The former can cause pneumonia and other serious infections, while the latter can cause gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


March 16, 2023

Playboy is relaunching the iconic magazine that closed in 2020 as a digital service.

It will try to be a "safe" alternative to OnlyFans. Content creators will now be able to host their own adult content pages on the Playboy platform and provide subscribers with exclusive access to them. Playboy's first-ever digital cover features model Amanda Czerny. According to the brand, the big difference between OnlyFans and Playboy is that on OnlyFans anyone can become a contributor, while Playboy creators must apply and be selected by the editorial team.


March 16, 2023

Quentin Tarantino has completed writing the script for his tenth film.

It should be the last in the director's career. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the picture may be called "Film Critic". Its actions will unfold in Los Angeles in the 1970s, and the main character will be the journalist Pauline Cale - Tarantino's childhood idol.


March 16, 2023

Intellectual activity prevents athletes from achieving results.

Mental fatigue impairs physical performance. This must be taken into account when preparing athletes for competitions. For example, you can refuse a smartphone for the duration of performances - its use requires considerable intellectual costs. Scientists will conduct another study involving professional athletes. After that, they plan to create brain endurance training techniques.


March 16, 2023

Fighting masturbation provokes depression, anxiety and suicide.

Scientists decided to test the scientific validity of the NoFap movement, which claims that abstinence can literally reset the mind and body health, as well as get rid of erectile dysfunction, depression and anxiety. The researchers analyzed the behavior of 417 people who had heard about the community, of which 257 participated in it personally. It turned out that forum visitors are regularly confronted with trolling and intimidating statements. A study has proven that anti-masturbation communities increase anxiety rather than help alleviate mental health problems. Moreover, their members are regularly exposed to toxic content that promotes suicidal thoughts.


March 16, 2023

Citizens have a healthier psyche than villagers.

A new study has found that Americans who live in rural areas tend to have lower levels of openness, conscientiousness and psychological well-being. At the same time, they have a high level of neuroticism compared to urban residents. Researchers attribute this to the fact that people in villages have less access to psychological help.


March 16, 2023

The Galapagos Islands will release sterilized mosquitoes to fight dengue fever.

Ecuador will release 100,000 sterile Aedes aegypti mosquitoes into the Galapagos Islands. This will help reduce transmission of diseases such as dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. Researchers have been working on this solution for six years, which involves mass-growing Aedes aegypti in the lab and sterilizing them with radiation. The release of mosquitoes that are not able to fertilize females affects the population of the species, reducing it and therefore reducing the transmission of diseases.


March 16, 2023

Xiaomi has released one of the cheapest washing machines.

Mijia Pulsator 8 holds up to 8 kg of laundry and costs only $100. There are 10 wash modes, including gentle, quick and intensive, spin and temperature adjustment, and even self-cleaning of hoses and heating element.


March 16, 2023

Startup GetSound

Startup GetSound has created an application that generates background music for you based on the weather outside the window. The neural network collects information about temperature, wind speed, time of day and a dozen other parameters, dynamically adjusting to the slightest changes to create a personalized playlist for work or play.


March 16, 2023

Apple headphones will turn into a hearing aid.

In the next year or two, the headset will be improved to meet the requirements of devices for people with hearing loss. However, experts are sure that improved headphones will not replace a full-fledged hearing aid.


March 16, 2023

Especially for those who can't work from home.

Life at Sea Cruises has launched a world cruise ship. During the three years of sailing, digital tourists will visit all 6 continents and visit 135 countries. On board there are all the amenities for remote work and Starlink satellite Internet. The journey starts on November 1 from Istanbul, the ticket price is $90,000


March 16, 2023

In the Netherlands, a man was convicted for secretly removing a condom.

A resident of the Netherlands was convicted because he secretly removed a condom from his partner. However, he was acquitted of the rape charge, as the court ruled that the sex was consensual. The 28-year-old man was sentenced to three months' suspended imprisonment. He will not have to serve his sentence unless he commits another crime. He is also obliged to pay his victim 1,000 euros in damages.


March 16, 2023

Autism in humans could be due to an ancient virus.

Ancient viruses altered the human genome, which could cause some forms of autism in people. These conclusions were reached by Japanese scientists after experiments with mice. The human genome contains fragments of ancient retroviruses - approximately 8% of DNA. In most cases, they do not affect the state of the body, but sometimes they can play a role in some processes. Geneticists need more research to determine exactly how the activation of regions in the genome affects susceptibility to autism. This will help develop new therapies.


March 16, 2023

Gadgets increase the risk of suicide in children.

In children aged 9-11, every extra hour spent on a smartphone or tablet screen increases the risk of suicidal thoughts or even attempts in the next two years by 9%. Correspondence in instant messengers, video chats, watching videos and video games negatively affect the psyche of children. American scientists came to such conclusions during the observation of 11.6 thousand children of the corresponding age.


March 16, 2023