Why you shouldn’t use manipulative methods in parenting

Making a child feel guilty, parents get the child to do what they want by making him feel guilt. ▫We gave you life! ▫We have done everything for you! ▫We would have divorced a long time ago, but we keep face for you! ▫️Mommy is working three jobs for you. A child growing up in such a household bocomes accustomed to always feeling guilt for something, making it easy to manipulate them, they become very vulnerable. People play on their emotions, encouraging them to do something for them. Or, in the future, they start manipulating their partners or their own children. Are you sure you want this for your child?


March 17, 2023

Дышите и медитируйте!

Расслабьтесь и представьте себе нежно-розовые лепестки роз, падающие сверху (с потолка или неба). Лепестки нежно ложатся вам на голову, на плечи, на все предметы вокруг вас, в том числе и на людей. Наслаждайтесь тем, как все вокруг наполняется нежностью, спокойствием, любовью и волшебным ароматом этих прекрасных цветов. Если вы ослабите бдительность и доверитесь этой технике, вы сможете заметить приятные изменения в своем внутреннем состоянии.


March 17, 2023

Breathe and meditate!

Relax and picture soft pink rose petals falling from above (the ceiling or the sky). The petals gently fall on your head, on your shoulders, on all the things around you, including people. Enjoy how everything around you becomes filled with tenderness, tranquility, love and the magical aroma of these beautiful flowers. If you lower your guard and trust this technique, you will be able to notice pleasant changes to your inner-state.


March 17, 2023

Razer has released one of the most unusual mouse pads ever.

Atlas is made of tempered glass. In the instructions, the manufacturer urges you to use the rug strictly for its intended purpose: do not try to kindle a fire with it, do not hide behind it from the sun and do not hit people on the head. The price is $99.


March 17, 2023

The most unusual device from Panasonic.

This is an Umoz legged pot made from live moss. The main feature of the device: it automatically moves around the house or yard in search of the most comfortable conditions for growing vegetation within itself.


March 17, 2023

Memento Exclusives has released a racing simulator seat in the form of a real Formula 1 car.

The Oracle Red Bull Racing RB18 was created in collaboration with the guys from a real racing team, so everything is as close as possible to the simulators used by professional pilots. It comes with a top-of-the-line Rexing Mayaris steering wheel, an AOC monitor, and a Logitech Z906 speaker system. The chair weighs 160 kg, is made on a scale of 1: 1, and costs $ 120,000


March 17, 2023

Scientists have learned how cats manipulate people with the help of purrs.

The study showed a noticeable difference in the acoustic properties of the purrs emitted by cats when they are trying to beg food from their owners, compared to when they are relaxed or petted. Cats' demands for food were perceived by humans as more urgent and less pleasant-sounding. It also included high-pitched sounds reminiscent of a baby's cry. At the same time, scientists from New Zealand suggest that purring causes a healing effect in cats. In certain situations, they may make such sounds to calm themselves or reduce physical discomfort.


March 17, 2023

Difficulty: “I want to practice, but I don’t have time”

Solution: There is time! Only at first you need to 1) Select. If you have just started to practice, then you do not yet have a habit of this, yoga is not part of your daily schedule. And it needs to be brought there - literally entered, along with the rest of the cases. 2) Everyone has heard this a hundred times, and yet: do a little, but regularly. A killer workout for two hours once a week will give less benefit than half an hour every day. Firstly, it is clear that in the second option, the number of hours of classes per week will be greater. Secondly, the load will be uniform. And thirdly, the habit of exercising regularly will be formed. And so it turns out that you need much less time than you thought - and you definitely have it.


March 17, 2023

Focus on breathing.

Breathing exercises are very energizing, give strength, improve thought processes. They also have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. For those who are completely unfamiliar with any breathing techniques, you can try simple but effective breathing exercises: Exercise cat. To perform it, squat springily with the body turning either to the right or to the left - in turn. In this case, it is necessary to breathe synchronously with the movements of the body. Do 4 sets of 8 turns each. Exercise "palms": arms bent at the elbows, palms facing forward. We inhale vigorously 4 times, clenching our palms into a fist, lower our hands, rest for 4 seconds. You need 24 approaches, you can perform lying, sitting, standing.


March 17, 2023

American doctors cured infertility by lowering cholesterol levels.

Doctors from the Houston Methodist Hospital cured infertility in sterile mice by lowering their cholesterol levels. The results of the experiment may be useful for women with idiopathic infertility - a problem that arose for no clear reason. The scientists injected mice with a protein called serum opacity factor. It reduced cholesterol levels by 40% in three hours. After that, fertility returned to the mice, though only for a while. Now doctors want to conduct clinical trials to study lipid levels in women who are being treated for idiopathic infertility. In the United States, for example, this is one in five women who seek help because of problems with conception.


March 17, 2023

What is the priority for Pisces Women: family or career?

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is more important for Pisces. They need to be inspired all the time. If Pisces women find its source at work, they will choose a career, and if in a family, then the focus will shift there.


March 17, 2023

Which cat breed suits your zodiac sign? Capricorn.

For Capricorns, nothing is more important than family. They like to spend time with their loved ones as often as possible, which is why they are best suited for a Korat cat. Like Capricorns, these cats form strong bonds with the people in their lives and are always around. They are more than just pets - they are real family members.


March 17, 2023

Do not be afraid of your desires: what the mysterious Pisces man dreams of. Dream 5.

Silence and peace throughout the world. A naive childhood dream, but the Pisces boy does not give up. He wants to live in a society where there are no quarrels, scandals and noisy showdowns. He dreams of peace - a life without wars and conflicts. You can call a man of the water element a dreamer - he will wave his tail and swim away into his cozy and ideal Universe. The Pisces guy, having learned that his dreams are no longer a secret, will immediately begin to beat himself with his fins in the chest and scream that this is not true. But the stars will console the water romance, because all of the above does not apply to weaknesses. On the contrary, it distinguishes Neptune's pet from men of other signs and elevates it above the rest.


March 17, 2023

Daily horoscope March 17th.

Capricorn♑️ It is hardly possible today to focus on one thing. It is much more likely that several issues will need to be addressed at once. In addition, others will distract you much more often than usual with conversations, advice and questions. There is a high probability of small mistakes, annoying miscalculations. Whatever you do, take the time to check everything once again. Aquarius♒️ If you have long wanted to achieve the impossible, try to do it today. There is a chance that everything will work out. Circumstances will be favorable. Useful acquaintances are not excluded, as well as meetings with people whose advice will be very useful. Some Aquarius will be offered exactly the job that they have long dreamed of. Pisces♓️ You will find answers to some important questions before others, get information that will help you make the right decision. It won't take long to correct the mistakes made in the past. Success in studies is likely, as well as in matters requiring creativity and ingenuity.


March 17, 2023

Daily horoscope March 17th.

Libra♎️ Don't worry about trifles. It is unlikely that everything will turn out the way you expected. Most likely, you will need to change plans, do some new business, putting everything else aside. Some Libras will have to correct other people's mistakes. Soon you will understand how to take advantage of the current situation. Scorpio♏️ Today you will take everything especially close to your heart, so the day will hardly do without worries and worries. But there will be no serious difficulties either; if you maintain confidence in yourself, you will surely find a way to overcome all obstacles. Try to ignore criticism and listen carefully to those who support you. Sagittarius♐️ Focus on useful things. There will be a chance to achieve noticeable success in work, to cope with complex tasks, to complete what was started a long time ago. You won’t have to work alone: there will be people nearby who are ready to help at any moment. Longtime allies will give very sensible advice.


March 17, 2023

Daily horoscope March 17th.

Cancer♋️ You can do things that you couldn't before if you get down to business in the morning. Circumstances will turn out very well, you will quickly orient yourself, make the right decisions. It is possible that people from whom you did not expect anything good will come to the rescue. Some Cancers will find new friends. Leo♌️ Try to rely only on your own strength if you have big plans for this day. Even long-standing and trusted allies today can let you down without wanting to. In addition, disagreements and disputes are likely that will interfere with concentration. Any important conversations should be postponed until the evening. Virgo♍️ You will do well with some difficult and important matter, and people on whom much depends will probably know about it. It is possible that new opportunities for career growth will open up. There will be a chance to do what you are really interested in. Potential cash receipts.


March 17, 2023

Daily horoscope March 17th.

Aries♈️ Do what you are really interested in. It is in such cases that today it will be possible to achieve success. Some difficulties may arise. But will they make you quit? Of course not! You will not give up on your plans and will definitely find a way to implement them. Taurus♉️ Think about important things. Today you will not create illusions and wishful thinking, correctly assess both the current situation and your strengths. People around you will be surprised by your foresight. People who previously underestimated you will begin to treat you with respect. Gemini♊️ There will be a chance to make good money, conclude profitable deals or agree on cooperation, thanks to which your income will grow. It is important not to get confused, take the initiative in time. The day will come and in order to take up some new business. You can easily find assistants, and among them there will certainly be people with whom you will soon make friends.


March 17, 2023

We are all beautiful, but each in our own way.

Our self-respect largely depends on the ability to appreciate our own beauty - both external and internal. Don't you dare think badly of yourself! Always think lovingly of your body, features, hair, every inch of your physical self. Every day, repeat to yourself: "My inner light radiates through all the pores, all the cells of my body. Those around me are attracted by my inner and outer beauty." Spend time and money on things that make you feel better and feel better about yourself, whether it's a massage, cosmetics, a manicure, or a new haircut. Do what gives you joy and you will radiate the beauty of a truly happy person. Appreciate and increase your natural attractiveness. Your beauty is most noticeable when you are happy and content with life.


March 16, 2023

You don't need to please everyone.

I'm not looking for new signs, it's getting harder and harder for me to get involved, to explain, to introduce new characters into the plot. I already have the series οgpοmny, I can hardly keep up with the action. I’m doing it, I’m going to know how to get into the NABE-NAMP and they’ve to be won ... Win that they are very beloved, they are easy to do, those who are not traction, CTA will not wait for me and FEEITHING, does not set up too much always understands ... More and more people in οkryg, and less and less of me. When I remember pοtοm from this time, five people, and tο, the closest ones. I'm no longer interested in extensively expand in vain, I want intensively, deep in...


March 16, 2023

It seems to me that all problems in a relationship begin when we stop feeling each other.

Over time, people relax, move away from the general wave, to which both were tuned at the very beginning. You seem to be together, but there is no unity when you finished the phrases for each other. Rude and hurtful words are spoken more often, and apologies are spoken less often. It is already possible to leave the house without kissing goodbye and return later without warning about it. It's all the little things that don't matter anymore. However, it is on such trifles that a happy life together is built. Therefore, when in any quarrel you are faced with a choice - to hurt a loved one or not, choose the second. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a word or some kind of action, bite your tongue and go into silence. Problems should be solved calmly, without negative emotions. After all, it is very easy to break even what has been built for years ..


March 16, 2023