Mario Plumber's Boots.

American shoemaker Red Wing Shoes has partnered with Nintendo to release a pair of real Italian plumber Mario's boots. So far, the couple has been made in a single copy as a promo for the upcoming animated film. As the company assures, the shoes were recreated "pixel for pixel".


March 20, 2023

NASA has released a snapshot of a massive star that is "preparing" to go supernova.

Such a space observation is considered extremely rare. The distance to the object is about 15,000 light years. The photo shows the ejection of the outer layers of a dying star, as a result of which gas and dust clouds appear.


March 20, 2023

Don't waste your energy!

Never prove anything to anyone, because the losses of this energy are simply colossal: we extinguish ourselves, extinguish other people, extinguish the resources of the situation and our entire reality. We spend psychic energy on conversations and problems that lie outside the scope of our authority, we spend energy on what we cannot change: we try to educate others, manipulate them, instead of doing our own thing. The best way to prove something is our own life in harmony with the inner and outer world, with a joyful and grateful acceptance of everything. Eastern philosophy calls this process "action in non-action", which in fact means letting everything happen and not proving anything to anyone.


March 20, 2023

Acceptance as the main way of interacting with reality.

When we agree to conditions that are not in line with our beliefs, we experience a certain mental discomfort. But if there is a circumstance, it exists for something, whether we like it or not. To accept means to recognize the right of another person to be as he is. By recognizing the reality as it is, we are able to contact it and influence it. Without accepting, we cannot use what is given to us for something important. By resisting certain people or circumstances, we waste a huge amount of energy that could greatly improve our lives.


March 20, 2023

What is the need to prove something?

Rejection of other people's positions causes negative emotions in us, but if you look from the other side, an attempt to prove something is a mirror of what we do not accept in ourselves: - confidence that we know exactly what is needed; - condemnation of the actions of others as a reflection of rejection of oneself; - beliefs that are already hopelessly outdated; - subconscious unwillingness to change. Every person already from birth has the ability to think and learn, everyone is born in order to get their own life experience: learn to love, think independently, create their own world, do not prove anything to anyone, do not reject anything, but accept the points of view of others as they are people (which does not necessarily mean agreeing with them).


March 20, 2023

Don't prove anything to anyone.

Each person lives in his own psychic reality, which is created from his beliefs. The main reason for disagreement between people is that everyone considers their own view of what is happening to be the only true one. Observation of reality helps to understand that these are just different views on the same thing, and the criterion of reliability is our own life experience. Having learned to analyze from different angles, we will understand that any position will turn out to be unreliable - just a point of view.


March 20, 2023

Manipulative women. 10th place - Pisces.

Don't come near me, I'm offended. Pisces are offended in a way that other signs never dreamed of: they believe that explaining something to a man is beneath their dignity, so asking Pisces what happened is useless. All the same, it will not work to not see that something has happened - even if the eyes of the unfortunate person burst under the offended Fish look. Well, that is, we bent it a little, his eyes, of course, will not burst, but a metaphorical heartbreak can happen: Pisces are born actresses, and for unwashed dishes they can arrange a pantomime “even if you are the last man on earth, and I am the last woman, you can’t beg for forgiveness anyway, so you can right now, having run up, jump from a cliff.


March 20, 2023

Which dog breed suits your zodiac sign? Aries.

Each sign of the zodiac gives a person a set of special character traits. It often happens that it is difficult for us to get along with each other due to zodiac incompatibility, which is why even when choosing a pet, we advise you to take into account the horoscope, on the basis of which recommendations were created, which dog to choose for your zodiac sign. Aries are naturally independent and determined. They say about women of this fire sign that they embody stereotypically masculine qualities: ambition and self-sufficiency, and Aries men often become leaders, achieving success in any business, no matter what they undertake. For such strong-willed people, you need a companion who will not yield in character, and Alabai is just such a dog. A large dog can reach 100 kilograms, he is calm, but at the right time he can always fight back, and he does not hold stubbornness, just like his owner.


March 20, 2023

Pisces demons: what pisses off these calm dreamers?

Ignore Demon. Pisces show off in front of you, showing off their new ornate scales, and you don't look up from your laptop? Well, you don't take care of yourself at all. Get ready for a scandal with breaking dishes and breaking furniture. Are Pisces unable to do this? Who told you such nonsense - Neptune's pets are very capable and will do everything to attract your attention.


March 20, 2023

Daily horoscope March 20th.

Capricorn♑️ The start of the day is good. At this time, successful coincidences, good news, and interesting offers are also likely. It is worth acting quickly: the sooner you take on the solution of some important task, the easier it will be to achieve success. The first half of the day is also suitable for business negotiations. Aquarius♒️ The start of the day is good. At this time, successful coincidences, good news, and interesting offers are also likely. It is worth acting quickly: the sooner you take on the solution of some important task, the easier it will be to achieve success. The first half of the day is also suitable for business negotiations. Thanks to your diplomatic talents, you will find reliable allies. Pisces♓️ This pleasant and easy day will surely delight you with pleasant surprises. Change for the better is possible in all areas of life. However, they are unlikely to happen on their own; it is much more likely that you will need to take the initiative. Intuition will tell you what to do. Listen to her, and you will not miss a favorable moment to start an important business.


March 20, 2023

Daily horoscope March 20th.

Libra♎️ The beginning of the day will bring events that will make even the most calm representatives of the sign worry. Surely something will not go according to plan, you will need to quickly navigate the situation, make a difficult decision. Experience will help you here; Thanks to him, you can't go wrong. Scorpio♏️ It will be easy to find new allies. The people you share your ideas with are likely to support them and want to participate in the implementation of your plans. Useful acquaintances are not excluded. Scorpios who have recently been looking for a new job may receive interesting offers. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be quite hectic. You will pay too much attention to trifles, you may worry about what you would not have noticed at another time. It is possible that some unexpected meeting will change your plans, because thanks to it you will see new opportunities.


March 20, 2023

Daily horoscope March 20th.

Cancer♋️ The day is suitable for business meetings, discussion of work issues and professional plans. It will be easy to find allies, including very influential ones. Many will like your serious approach to business. Business trips will turn out well, your speeches at seminars, conferences and other similar events will be successful. Leo♌️ The day will be very favorable for communication. You will quickly get along with a variety of people, you will be able to negotiate even with those who were previously extremely reluctant to make contact. It is possible that old acquaintances will remind you of themselves, people with whom you were in a quarrel will want to make peace. Virgo♍️ Finding a common language with others will be more difficult than usual. Even the people you used to get along well with may misunderstand you today. Be prepared for long conversations and detailed explanations: you can hardly do without them. And in the most important and urgent matters, try to rely only on your own strength.


March 20, 2023

Daily horoscope March 20th.

Aries♈️ The day is hardly complete without unexpected events or news that will affect your plans. You will not worry that everything is not going as planned, but will quickly orient yourself in a new situation and find a way to benefit from it. Old acquaintances will give excellent advice, friends will help you quickly solve all problems that arise. Taurus♉️ You will do a lot of good not only for yourself, but also for others. It will be possible to solve issues that baffled everyone in the first place, and successfully complete cases that seemed very difficult. Even if someone distracts you, you will not make mistakes, do not lose sight of anything important. Successful transactions and purchases are likely, negotiations regarding a new job will be successful. Gemini♊️ The start of the day will be quite hectic. It will be especially difficult for Gemini, who are surrounded by sensitive and impressionable people: it is the representatives of the sign who will need to reassure and support everyone. But over time, the situation will stabilize, and you will be able to focus on your own affairs.


March 20, 2023

If a person spat in your soul, do not try to find an excuse for him.

Even if he is very dear to you and dearly loved by you. This is a utopia. Of course, you can say that situations are different, that everything happens in life, that pride is your enemy. But then try to project the situation onto yourself: are you able to hurt your loved one? No?! Draw conclusions: you are not so dear to this person, because loved ones are protected, not injured. So, there is a huge probability that he will do this to you more than once if this very “everything” comes up again. And then the choice is yours: endure once and forget or endure over and over again and eventually die!


March 19, 2023

How to overcome passivity?

When you are strong and confident, you behave differently. You are energetic, charming and intelligent. An important idea that will help you become internally active again. Explore your fear. When we avoid activity, fear is most often behind this - the fear of failing, of not living up to our own and others' expectations. When fear develops into anxiety, it becomes difficult for us to work with it. Try to identify specific situations in which your fear manifests itself. Recording your observations in a diary will help you become more aware of your experiences and gain a sense of control over your condition.


March 19, 2023

Hurry up slowly

This phrase is about being present in every moment of life, about living meaningful minutes, about feeling the world. Hurry slowly and you will know the beauty of the moment. While waiting for your bus at the bus stop, close your eyes and expose your face to sunny kisses. Let the warm light redeem you in its radiance, penetrate into every cell of the soul and body. When peeling an orange from a rough red peel, inhale the citrus joy with a full breast, bring orange clothes to your nose and feel the sweetness of the pulp on your tongue. Hastily writing down something, put a crumb of your attention into each letter and number. Imagine that you are holding a pen, and you are a sophisticated calligrapher. Even if the shopping list pleases the eye. In a hurry, stop. Catch the cherished feeling of joy because there is no need to rush anywhere. You can do it all if you slow down.


March 19, 2023

British scientists have figured out the best way to carry babies.

The study involved nine women and six men. They had to walk one kilometer along a forest path under different conditions. The first time without a load, and then - with a baby in a baby sling on the side, front and back. It turned out that it is easier for women to carry and hold children than for men. The most energy efficient way to carry is on your back. So the parents did not lose speed.


March 19, 2023

Engineers use dust and starch to create concrete for building on Mars.

For its production, it will be possible to use materials available on the Red Planet: potato starch, magnesium salt and Martian dust. The new StarCrete concrete is twice as strong as conventional concrete, with a compressive strength of 72 megapascals. On Earth, it is impossible to build from such concrete - it will collapse due to moisture, but it does not rain on Mars.


March 19, 2023

Manipulative women. 11th place - Aquarius.

Aquarius, in case of disobedience, turns on a cruel ignore: he shrugs his shoulders, says through his mouth “I didn’t really want to,” and says with facial expressions, intonation and, most importantly, actions, “I don’t really need you.” As a result, the object of manipulation of Aquarius, as a rule, not only crawls on his knees, dragging what he wants in his teeth, but also asks for forgiveness at the same time. But not everyone understands that this should be done quickly. No, very quickly. Therefore that you can be literally a couple of minutes late and stumble upon the classic “Who are you? Let's goodbye!"


March 19, 2023

Which cat breed suits your zodiac sign? Pisces.

Pisces are always reserved and calm and do not like when they are trying to unbalance. That is why the ragamuffin cat is the ideal breed for them. They love to curl up on their laps while their owner watches TV, listens to music, or reads a book. Ragamuffins also have a calm and patient nature, which allows them to be in the company of a wide variety of people.


March 19, 2023