The most valuable and important thing in your life is energy.

Not time is limited, but energy. What you give time and attention to determines your existence. Make your life a temple where only people who are able to care, listen and communicate are admitted. You don't need to save anyone. It's not your job to give your life to others because you feel sorry for them, someone feels bad because you "should". Your job is to realize that you are the master and lover of your destiny, to decide that you deserve real friendship, true commitment and full love with people who are healthy and prosperous. Then wait in silence for at least a minute... And see how quickly things start to change.


March 21, 2023

Life becomes a Gift.

Life becomes a Gift when you find those few with whom a true friendship, love or relationship is possible. There are billions of people on this planet, and many of them want to meet you on the same level, with a similar vibration, values and vision. The longer you stay with people who use you as a pillow, fallback, or therapist, the further away you are from your people. Perhaps if you stop investing and initiating, the relationship will end, some people will completely forget you. Maybe if you stop texting, your phone will go silent for a few days or weeks. Maybe if you stop investing, love will disappear. It doesn't mean you ruined the relationship. This means that the only thing that kept them going was your energy. Then it is not love, but attachment.


March 21, 2023

Let go of your people.

This position is not pride, but adequacy. Stop having difficult conversations with people who don't want to change. Stop appearing in the company of people who are indifferent to your presence. Stop giving love and energy to people who are not ready to love you. It will steal your time, energy and sanity. When you begin to live your life with joy and interest, not all people will stay with you. It doesn't mean you need to change. If the people you spend a lot of time with are insulting, forgetting, or ignoring you, stop offering them your energy. You are not for everyone, not everyone is for you.


March 21, 2023

Age Crisis

An age crisis is a period peculiar to each stage of life, which is necessary for the transition to a new level of mental functioning. It is a certain upgrade or improvement of the psychic mechanisms. An age crisis, unlike a personal crisis, comes into everyone's life. One can either overcome an age crisis, i.e. become a better person, or end up defeated, and this failure will immediately or afterwards affect the person's behavior. For example, a midlife crisis (35-45 years old) is a reassessment of life: of the rationality of the choices made ("existential crisis"). During this period, a person has to solve the issue of self-expression, to accept him or herself and to realize his professional potential (what have I already achieved, and what's to be done next?). Have you already experienced a midlife crisis?


March 21, 2023

Anxiety and anxiety disorder - what is the difference?

Anxiety is a normal human reaction to unpleasant and potentially dangerous events. Evolutionarily, this response arose so that we could mobilize and act quickly. Anxiety occurs during times of change, before important tests or meetings and helps you focus on something, make more effort, and adapt better. As for chronic anxiety, it can lead to an anxiety disorder. This is a serious disease. It causes sleep and appetite disturbances, tension pains, irritability. While you can no longer control anxiety, it settles into all areas of life and begins to control you. High levels of anxiety make you avoid everything new, prevent you from working efficiently, building relationships and living your life to the fullest.


March 21, 2023

Loneliness together and its causes.

When we create a family, we believe that we will have a close person with whom we can always share joy and grief. But sometimes it turns out that everyone in the family feels lonely. Spouses come home after work trying to retreat to their own room, and the computer becomes the best friend for the child. Why does it happen? ▫️ Busyness. ▫️ Internet and TV. ▫️ No common interests. ▫️ Strict control. Try to follow certain rules and build some healthy habits, and you will soon notice how the climate in the family changes. For example: Make a family tradition. Turn off all gadgets one day a week, cook something together, go for a walk. This is very helpful and gives us a sense of oneness...


March 21, 2023

Guilt Trip - What to Do About It?

Parents reproach their children for not calling them every single evening. Children reproach their parents for not giving them something. Mom through the feeling of guilt manipulates her son and makes him "her own man" to serve her needs. Because she "spent her whole youth to raise him". Wife is constantly manipulating her husband, who once cheated on her but stayed in the family... If you are really guilty to someone, the most HEALTHY attitude is to ask for forgiveness and find out what you can do to make things right. BUT! That doesn't mean you have to pay for one transgression, mistake, or favor for the rest of your life.


March 21, 2023

Manipulative women. 9th place - Aries.

Aries are convinced that manipulating men should be the same as raising children (well, in the sense that Aries raise children): threats and blackmail are our best friends. At the same time, Aries tends to carry out his threats, and in blackmail he cannot easily encroach on the sacred: from “My head hurts today” to “Then the cats will stay with me!” Terrible woman!


March 21, 2023

Which dog breed suits your zodiac sign? Taurus.

Taurus men are calm, and often even secretive and unsociable, women of this sign are often more expressive, but still have a peaceful character. Taurus is so comfortable alone with themselves that it is not necessary to have a pet. However, if he still decides, then the dog should not require much attention and be independent. The ideal option is indoor dogs, for example, a Yorkshire terrier, which does not even need to be walked.


March 21, 2023

Pisces demons: what pisses off these calm dreamers?

Demon of guilt. “It's all because of you!” Say this phrase to Pisces if you want to wake up the main demon. Now remember - Pisces cannot be guilty, because they are always right. Even if they screwed up in something, there is no need to reproach them, because Pisces is not on purpose. And they will not repent, or something else.


March 21, 2023

Daily horoscope March 21st.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be quite restless, but still it cannot be called unsuccessful. You will quickly understand how to act, and cope with all the tests. Be guided by the prompts of your own intuition: they will be much more useful and accurate than the advice of others. Aquarius♒️ The day is good for socializing. It will be easy for new acquaintances to like you: they will immediately pay attention to your best qualities. Very likely the beginning of romantic stories. Someone can completely lose their head, love at first sight is not excluded. Gifts, signs of attention, pleasant surprises are possible. Pisces♓️ The day will be bright and inspiring. He will certainly bring some interesting things and tempting offers. There will be a chance to communicate with people about whom you have heard a lot of good things before. Some Pisces will find new friends, really close people.


March 21, 2023

Daily horoscope March 21st.

Libra♎️ It is possible that you will want to change plans, postpone the implementation of your plans earlier and focus on something completely new. Listen to your intuition: its clues will be correct, and if you follow them, you will not waste time in vain. Good news is likely from afar, some Libras will get answers to questions that have been much thought about lately. Scorpio♏️ Today you will find yourself in the spotlight more than usual, and you will surely understand how to benefit from it. Possible useful acquaintances, meetings with people who will soon become your most reliable allies. Many will be impressed not only by your professional qualities, but also by your personal qualities. Sagittarius♐️ The first half of the day is hardly suitable for complex cases. Focusing on them will not be easy: others will need help and advice, and small, but still demanding tasks will suddenly appear. Sagittarians who work with documents should be more careful: such representatives of the sign run the risk of making annoying mistakes.


March 21, 2023

Daily horoscope March 21st.

Cancer♋️ Your diplomatic talents will be especially useful today. You will reconcile those who were in a quarrel, help very different people find a common language. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. If before you could not get along with colleagues and management, today it will finally work out, work will become much easier and more enjoyable. Leo♌️ The day will bring important news. It is possible that you will receive some valuable information before others. Business negotiations will go well, including those that you did not have high hopes for. People who were previously solely solving their own problems will unexpectedly support your ideas. Virgo♍️ The start of the day will be quite hectic. At this time, you will have to deal with several cases at once, disagreements and disputes may arise, delays in cases that you expected to quickly deal with are not ruled out. Do not give up!


March 21, 2023

Daily horoscope March 21st.

Aries♈️ The day promises pleasant surprises. Especially a lot of them will be in the business sphere. A good combination of circumstances will allow you to quickly cope with a difficult task. You will pay attention to some important details in time, so you yourself will not make mistakes, and you will not allow others to make them. Taurus♉️ Take advantage of the support of the stars to carry out some bold plans. Today, many of your undertakings will be lucky. Even if you have to deal with several things at once, you will not make mistakes and misses, you will quickly achieve the desired result. The day will be successful in terms of finances, cash receipts are likely. Gemini♊️ The day will be quite hectic. It is hardly possible to stick to the plans drawn up before. It is much more likely that you will need to improvise, look for non-standard solutions, come up with something new. You will do well with this, but you will have to make an effort for this.


March 21, 2023

All wild animals on Earth weigh 20 times less than humans.

Israeli scientists have calculated that the total weight of Earth's wild land mammals currently stands at 22 million tons. This is less than 10% of the total mass of people living on the planet, which comes to 390 million tons.


March 21, 2023

In China, AI has become the newscaster.

The state channel People's Daily "hired" virtual presenter Ren Xiaorong. Now the non-existent girl will lead the program 24/7, 365 days a year, and in between news, viewers can ask her questions using a special application. It's funny that most of the development time was spent on censoring - the presenter responds strictly in accordance with the rhetoric of the Chinese Communist Party.


March 21, 2023

Your personal Wall-E - a startup from Germany is developing an unusual evaBot loader robot.

So far, this is a prototype designed to move medium-sized cargo from place to place. A distinctive feature is maneuverability and painfully cute design. In May, they promise to reveal more details and tell when it will be available to buy.


March 21, 2023

Flowers have gotten bigger due to climate change.

As the world warms, there is a shift towards earlier spring flowering plants. But now scientists have found that the flowers have also grown larger to attract endangered insect pollinators. Biologists have found that wild populations of morning glory in the southeastern United States have significantly increased in size in just 10 years - from 4.5 centimeters in diameter in 2003 to 4.8 centimeters in 2012. The changes were stronger at more northerly latitudes, where plants show more marked evolutionary responses to climate change. Scientists also noted the transition of morning glory to earlier flowering.


March 21, 2023

Women are more susceptible to infections than men due to genetic differences.

Women are easier than men to tolerate many infections due to increased activity of the KDM6A gene, copies of which are located on the “female” X chromosomes. The discovery will help develop more effective treatments that will take this feature into account. When female mice were artificially down-regulated with the KDM6A gene, they became just as vulnerable to infections as males. At the same time, the concentration of female or male sex hormones did not affect the activity of UTX in rodent lymphocytes. This means that the nature of the differences is genetic.


March 20, 2023

Paleontologists have found a dinosaur with the longest neck.

The dinosaur lived in East Asia more than 160 million years ago. An analysis of the bones and skull of the beast showed that the dinosaur known as Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum had a neck 15 meters long. This is at least five times larger than that of a giraffe, whose neck is only 2-3 meters. Dinosaurs grew up to 50 meters in length and weighed over 70 tons. Despite the fact that only a few bones remained from the beast, the researchers were able to estimate its size by comparing it with other complete fossils. The long neck allowed sauropods to consume tons of food without spending a lot of energy on movement.


March 20, 2023