Can you hear me?

Listen, it's not about earbuds. Learn to be a good listener, take an interest in your partner, develop empathy. Everybody likes attention. ▫️ Don't try to change someone by imposing your goals, desires, worldview, fears and worries on her or him. ▫️ Try to respect the other person's boundaries - offer your help only when asked. ▫️ Don't obtrude yourself upon others with an "I know better" attitude.


March 25, 2023

In one of the prisons in Washington, prisoners were allowed to take cats for good behavior.

Animals were waiting for euthanasia - they could not find owners. However, the prisoners quickly dismantled all the caudates. The prison also noted that the inmates themselves became calmer and kinder. They also began to work harder in exchange for toys and treats for cats.


March 25, 2023

Abu Dhabi launched a flying motorcycle to save lives.

It is able to rise above the ground to a height of 20 meters and reach speeds of up to 80 km / h. It weighs 300 kg and can fly at a maximum speed of up to 40 minutes before refueling is required. The unusual transport could also be used in the oil and gas industry, to deliver emergency aid to remote areas, and even to support the construction sector.


March 25, 2023

Now Opera has its own AI - AI Prompts.

This is a simplified extension of ChatGPT. By clicking on the appropriate button, you will be offered several options: get a brief extract from the article, explain it like a five-year-old child, joke about the selected text, paraphrase, and much more. By the way, we also added quick access to ChatGPT and ChatSonic.


March 25, 2023

Daily horoscope March 25th.

Capricorn♑️ Today it will be especially useful to take the initiative in some important matters, to try to interest others in those ideas, the implementation of which is especially important for you. You can easily find reliable allies, agree on joint actions even with those with whom you did not get along before. Aquarius♒️ The morning is hardly complete without disagreements and disputes. But you should not worry: firstly, they will be constructive, and secondly, they will help you find a solution that everyone will like. Largely thanks to your diplomatic abilities, it will be possible to avoid becoming personal and mutual insults. Pisces♓️ Any important conversations and meetings should be planned for the first half of the day: it is at this time that it will be much easier for you to understand those around you, to find a common language with them. Inspiring news, offers that you don’t want to refuse are also likely. There will also be an opportunity to correct the mistakes made earlier. You will definitely use it.


March 25, 2023

Daily horoscope March 25th.

Libra♎️ The day will be especially favorable for communication. Even with new acquaintances, you can easily find a common language. A chance meeting can start a long friendship or a romantic story. There will be a chance to find like-minded people who will help you in work, business or creativity. Scorpio♏️ Some difficulties may arise today, but there is not the slightest doubt that you will cope with them. Thanks to a non-standard approach, even in the usual cases, you will quickly achieve the desired results. Unusual ideas may come up. Your friends will surely like them. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be busy. Surely there will be an opportunity to attend some interesting events, meet people about whom you have heard a lot of good things before. In an informal setting, it will be possible to discuss issues related to work and business. These conversations are very helpful. It is possible that it is after them that you will have new plans.


March 25, 2023

Daily horoscope March 25th.

Cancer♋️ You will quickly cope with what used to seem very difficult if you tune in to a serious mood in the morning. There will be answers to questions that baffled everyone. You will not only deal with your own affairs, but also help others if necessary. Leo♌️ It's time to bring to life what you have planned before. The day is suitable for the implementation of bold ideas, and it does not matter if others want to help you with this. Successful purchases are likely, some Lions will be able to purchase exactly what they have long dreamed of. Trips will turn out well: both those planned in advance and those that were decided at the last minute. Virgo♍️ You will do an excellent job with important matters, quickly solve complex problems, if necessary. Surely the experience gained earlier will come in handy; thanks to him, you will not make any serious mistakes or small mistakes. The day is suitable for meeting people who you would like to like. It won't be hard to make a good impression.


March 25, 2023

Daily horoscope March 25th.

Aries♈️ You can focus on the big things. You will cope well with what did not work before, you will achieve even better results than expected. The day is also suitable for making long-term plans or making decisions regarding the distant future. Here you will not build illusions and do not make mistakes. Taurus♉️ It is better not to postpone the discussion of important issues: the beginning of the day is suitable for it. At this time, some important news is not ruled out. They will tell you that it is worth changing plans, postponing some things and focusing on others. You will not worry about this, because you will immediately understand that everything is working out for the best. Gemini♊️ Feel free to say what you think: others will understand you correctly and will certainly support you. Unexpected, but very pleasant meetings with old acquaintances are possible. There will be a chance to restore the relationship you once treasured. People who used to be reluctant to make contact today will be surprisingly friendly.


March 25, 2023

Manipulative women. 6th place - Cancer.

Cancer wants to be a good girl, therefore, in order to achieve his goal, Cancer will in every possible way please, inspire, praise and feed deliciously. Exactly until the man decides once these childish, in essence, manipulations to ignore. Then Cancer will first begin to whine, appeal to a sense of duty and slowly bite the tender cerebellum with the tip of the claw, and then - all of a sudden! - it turns out that she was hurt very much. It hurts so much that Cancer can even die. In the literal sense - with a migraine, and even with an attack of wounded pride, which in the case of Cancer is much, much worse than a migraine. And the one who did not have time to pretend in response that Kondraty also visited him will experience pangs of conscience until the end of his life.


March 25, 2023

Which dog breed suits your zodiac sign? Leo.

Astrologers believe that Leo is one of the underestimated signs of the zodiac, as many people call, for example, male representatives of this sign overly self-centered and conceited, but in fact these fire signs are full of positive traits. Leo men are very purposeful and want the best not only for themselves, but also for loved ones, and Lionesses have an active life position and kindness. Such people need the best dog in everything - a Doberman. Handsome, stately, dangerous, but obedient friend.


March 25, 2023

5 Compatibility Issues Between Water and Fire Signs. Problem 2 - Leisure.

Signs of Fire cannot imagine life without communication, noisy companies, cheerful gatherings. For them, life is a perpetual motion. Signs of Water, contemplative by nature, will prefer to any social event an evening alone with their thoughts - well, or with their favorite series or book.


March 25, 2023

Daily horoscope March 24th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will bring some surprises, events that cannot be immediately assessed correctly. It will not be easy to navigate the situation, you run the risk of succumbing to someone else's influence and making a decision that you will regret later. Disagreements with colleagues and business partners are likely. It will be possible to reach a compromise if you remain calm and do not succumb to provocations. Aquarius♒️ A good day to work: many things will turn out well, you will achieve excellent results with almost no effort. It will be easy to find like-minded people and helpers, useful acquaintances, meetings with people whose support will come in handy more than once are likely. A business relationship that starts today may eventually take on an informal character. Pisces♓️ The beginning of the day will be interesting and memorable. Unusual encounters are likely. Some Pisces will attend events that they have heard a lot about before and make useful contacts. Successfully resolved issues related to money or valuable property, buying or renting real estate.


March 24, 2023

Daily horoscope March 24th.

Libra♎️ It is better not to count on easy successes and quick victories. It will be necessary to work hard to overcome the obstacles that will appear on the way today. Delays in business, problems with paperwork, some work misunderstandings are not ruled out. However, they will not have serious consequences and will soon become a thing of the past. Don't lose hope and keep going and you'll be fine. Scorpio♏️ Try to avoid arguments at the beginning of the day. This time is hardly suitable for discussing important issues, especially work ones. It will not be possible to find a solution that everyone would like, but there can be a lot of mutual claims and grievances. In the afternoon, it will be much easier to agree. Sagittarius♐️ You will achieve success in business thanks to the support of old and new acquaintances. The day is suitable for meeting with potential employers, discussing issues related to long-term cooperation. You will be able to make a good impression, show what you are capable of.


March 24, 2023

Daily horoscope March 24th.

Cancer♋️ The morning will surely bring new ideas and plans. But with the implementation of the plan, it is better not to rush. First collect all the necessary information, otherwise you risk making mistakes that will be difficult to correct. But it’s better not to postpone the discussion of serious issues: it will be easier for you to get along with others in the first half of the day. Leo♌️ The beginning of the day is hardly suitable for cases that require attention to small details. It will be difficult to focus, and you risk losing sight of something important. But for communication this time will be favorable. You will quickly find an approach to very different people. Virgo♍️ The beginning of the day will please you with good news and good coincidences. For many Virgos, the events of this period will come up with interesting ideas. Representatives of the sign will understand how to achieve an important goal, and will find people who will help with this. Cash receipts are not excluded, as well as business proposals promising quick profits.


March 24, 2023

Daily horoscope March 24th.

Aries♈️ Focus on things. Today you will have a chance to make good money, make deals that will bring profit. But for this you need to take the initiative, not get confused in an ambiguous situation, listen to the prompts of intuition in time. Taurus♉️ In the morning, intuition will tell you that it is time to take the initiative in business, and will not be mistaken. If you do not waste time in vain, then you will quickly cope with difficult work, achieve long-term goals. Probable academic success. Everything that may be useful, you remember immediately. Gemini♊️ The start of the day is good. You will understand how to cope with problems that previously seemed insoluble, you will find answers to important questions. To some, you may seem like a dreamer whose ideas are infinitely far from reality. How surprised these people will be when you begin to put your plans into practice and achieve your first successes!


March 24, 2023

Focus exercise

There are situations when you have to concentrate and be involved as much as possible. And as luck would have it, thoughts get confused and tend to ruin the whole thing due to excitement. Let's try to remedy the situation. Sit comfortably to keep your back straight and your legs folded into the lotus pose. ▫️ Close your eyes. ▫️ Start breathing deeply and count. ▫️ Slow inhale counting to 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and make a 3-second exhale. During this practice you focus your thoughts on the breath, calm down your mind, and balance your whole body. The takes from 1 to 5 minutes.


March 23, 2023

How to believe in yourself?

◽️ Develop humility! Try to accept your present situation whatever it may be. You must be completely at peace with what your life looks like at the moment, as well as with the things that have led to this particular situation. You can never, ever achieve anything if you suffer from what you currently have. ◽️ Don't let fear stop you! Fear is what hides behind the false evidence of what seems real to us. And it actually keeps us from believing in ourselves more than anything else. You have to learn to face your fears and by no means let them stop you from achieving your goals. You have to always do what you are very afraid to do. You need to be able to enter your fear, and only then it will begin to recede.


March 23, 2023

Delayed Life Syndrome

How to cope with it? ✔️ Start doing something Although it sounds easy, it won't be easy at first. But try to turn that around. If you usually look for reasons to realize a wish or plan afterwards, from now on find the reasons not to put anything off. It will be easier if you start some plans that are easy to implement. ✔️ Enjoy the process. When running on a treadmill at the gym, try not to think about the fact that you have to make soup in the evening, do homework with your son or laundry. During training, feel your body, pay attention to how your muscles work. You will see that it is more pleasant to run than to think about a soup or anything else.


March 23, 2023

Meditation helps control emotions

Did you know that meditation leads to better results in controlling emotions? In traditional yoga, it refers to a state of deep concentration on an object. In Sanskrit it is called dhyana. Practicing it - is not the easiest way that may take a modern person years and years to become a master. But if a person manages to enter the state of dhyana, she or he shifts to a new level of being. Deep calm and self-control are some of the qualities that can characterize a person who has mastered inner practices on her or his way to enlightenment.


March 23, 2023

Scientists have found a means for almost instantaneous sobering.

An injection of the FGF21 hormone quickly removed alcohol from the body of experimental mice and they continued to drink. The hormone itself regulates glucose metabolism, but it has recently been found that it is also responsible for the process of sobering up. Researchers hope to be able to create a drug based on it to treat alcoholism and protect the liver.


March 23, 2023