The oceans release hazardous mercury into the atmosphere.

The researchers created a computer model to analyze the amount of mercury in the atmosphere. She showed that every year 40% more mercury enters the atmosphere than previously thought, and most of it is in the oceans. Scientists suggest that higher levels of mercury in the atmosphere almost certainly put people at risk. They believe more work is needed to isolate the high-content foci and then clean it up.


March 26, 2023

Manipulative women. 4th place - Virgo.

"We need to talk about this!" - Virgo declares and, without waiting for consent, begins, in fact, to speak. And since a rare bird will fly to the middle of this monologue (and a man won’t fly at all, we checked), manipulation, as a rule, works without misfires, unless, of course, some mental suicide who comes up with the idea to start to argue and object with Virgo. At this point, excuse me, Virgo will take such a small needle and stick it with sadistic pleasure in the most painful point. And then live with it.


March 26, 2023

Which dog breed suits your zodiac sign? Libra.

Exactly how Libra thinks outside the box, fair and delicate, they are just as snobs. Men of this air sign are often lazy, and women are overly pampered. In addition, Libra is characterized by inconstancy and doubt. The Japanese dog Shiba Inu will not let the owners doubt: she always knows what she wants, and wants, like Libra, the best.


March 26, 2023

5 Compatibility Issues Between Water and Fire Signs. Problem 4 - Romantic.

Signs of Fire act quickly - it is not the process that matters to them, but the result. And now, they are sitting contented and happy, having conquered the representatives of the water element. And Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces are waiting for the continuation. They have been waiting for years, but to no avail. Or they leave to look for someone for whom the word "romance" is not an empty phrase.


March 26, 2023

Daily horoscope March 26th.

Capricorn♑️ Start the day with something useful. Firstly, you will cope with them perfectly, and secondly, it is thanks to them that you keep a good mood, do not succumb to negative emotions. There will be an opportunity to support those who once helped you. Relationships that were previously uneven, tense, will improve and will delight you much more. Aquarius♒️ You want to relax, throw ordinary worries out of your head, do something interesting. You will surely have such an opportunity. However, do not forget about the promises that you made to your loved ones: someone will be very upset if you do not keep your word. Pisces♓️ Try not to take small misunderstandings to heart, do not be offended by the awkward remarks of others. The emotional background today will be quite tense, but if you still tune in a positive way, you will soon feel that the situation is changing for the better. You can turn to your loved ones for support.


March 26, 2023

Daily horoscope March 26th.

Libra♎️ Don't rush anywhere. This day should be spent calmly, if possible avoiding empty fuss. It is suitable for completing things that were started earlier and taking stock. You will understand where you were right and where you made mistakes, but you won’t get carried away with self-criticism, but simply draw conclusions that will help you achieve your goal faster. Scorpio♏️ The day is suitable for outdoor activities, trips and walks, sports. You will be especially energetic, and you will not feel tired, even if the loads are more than usual. The usual things will seem boring, you will probably want to take on something new. There will be such an opportunity. Friends and other close people will gladly join you. Sagittarius♐️ A good day to share ideas and discuss important issues. People who know you well will give you great advice and help you avoid mistakes. Try to keep all your promises, even if it will not be easy, do not let down those who are counting on you. This will help maintain good relations, avoid mutual claims and resentment.


March 26, 2023

Daily horoscope March 26th.

Cancer♋️ If you have something important planned, get down to business in the morning. It is the beginning of the day that will be especially favorable and interesting, opening up opportunities that you do not want to miss. At this time, useful acquaintances are also likely, meetings with people whose experience will come in handy more than once. Leo♌️ The day will be good. Take on important tasks, including those that you have been putting off for a long time, fearing difficulties. The stars will support you and everything will turn out well, you can achieve even better results than expected. Success is likely where creativity and imagination are required. It will be easy to study. Virgo♍️ The first half of the day can turn out rather unsuccessfully, upset those who are used to quickly getting their way. Delays in business are likely, and a violation of agreements reached earlier is not excluded. However, especially serious problems will not arise. However, the emotional background will be quite tense.


March 26, 2023

Daily horoscope March 26th.

Aries♈️ Much will be easier than usual if you do not expect support from anyone, you will make decisions and act independently. There may be more worries than you expected, but there will be no insurmountable obstacles on the way, you will find a way to achieve the desired result. Taurus♉️ This is a very favorable day for new acquaintances, as well as for communicating with people who share your hobbies and interests. There will be an opportunity to visit some unusual places, attend events that you have heard a lot about. You will be the center of attention more often than usual, and you will surely enjoy it. Gemini♊️ Get back to things that you have been putting off for a long time, focus on what seemed very difficult before. This day can be very fruitful, but a lot will depend on how you prioritize, what you focus on. It is better not to waste time on small, insignificant issues.


March 26, 2023

Adrenaline Addiction

People who like a high level of adrenaline in their blood partake in extreme sports, despite injuries and other possible negative consequences. I participated in studies that confirm withdrawal syndrome (like a hangover in alcoholics) in athletes: depression, irritability and sadness. Under stress, we follow the "hit or run" reaction. But what good is it? In moments of stress, adrenaline is not the only hormone released, there is also norepinephrine, which causes a feeling of euphoria and happiness. Thus, an adrenaline junkie might endanger his life to provoke stress.


March 25, 2023

Building Healthy Habits

In order for a habit to be formed, we need to choose the habits we need at the particular moment. Set a comfortable bar for yourself to determine your daily steps. For example, you want to read every day, but now you don't read at all. In that case, start reading at least 10 pages a day. The bar should be a little higher than it is at the moment, but comfortable enough to keep you interested and motivated. You can get inspired by other people's results, but never compare yourself to anyone. Each has her or his own background, character traits, life circumstances, and other circumstances.


March 25, 2023

Closed Door Crisis

No, this is not about a complex inherent in students who have just entered adulthood, being afraid to take their first steps and present themselves to find their own place in the world. It is a crisis of quite mature and self-actualized people, especially females, related to the feeling that life and its best moments have already passed. Generally, the closed door crisis is inherent in women over 42 years old, when you can no longer hide wrinkles, cellulite or overweight. Especially if a woman lacks love and attention from her man.


March 25, 2023

The oldest Hebrew Bible was put up for auction.

A copy will be auctioned off at Sotheby's in New York in May. For it will need to pay from 30 to 50 million dollars. So it could become the most expensive historical document ever sold at auction. Radiocarbon dating showed that the book was created around 900.


March 25, 2023

Scientists have created a drug with which you can eat sweets and not get fat.

It's called CRASS and prevents weight gain on a high-sugar diet. The creators of the drug claim that they managed to reduce the weight of experimental mice and keep it under control, as well as protect the body from problems with the liver and heart.


March 25, 2023

The most inaccessible store in the world.

LEGO has opened the World's Hardest to Find Store as part of a promo for a new LEGO Icons Land Rover Defender set. The Scottish Highlands now have a yellow Defender with a spare constructor. Rahu Moharrak, the first woman from Saudi Arabia to summit Everest, and traveler Aldo Kane were invited to the opening.


March 25, 2023

Wonder Dynamics has released a new video editor called Wonder Studio.

It allows you to replace actors with pre-created characters. At the same time, he retains their original facial expressions and lighting. In theory, you can add any characters to the frame, but so far the set of ready-made models is limited.


March 25, 2023

Huawei has released unusual Freebuds 5 wireless headphones.

They look like a drop flowing down your ear. By pressing the legs, you can adjust the volume, rewind tracks and answer calls. Protection against moisture and dust at the level of the IP54 standard, they promise autonomy of 28 hours with recharging in the case. So far, it can only be bought in China for 899 yuan, but later it will appear all over the world.


March 25, 2023

Manipulative women. 5th place - Leo.

Lionesses do not bother at all: if a slightly annoyed wave of a metaphorical tail does not work, the Lioness instantly turns on and makes an excellent scandal with blackjack and buns flying at the head of the culprit right in the same pan where they were fried. Whoever did not heed - that fool himself is to blame and wasted his only chance in life through the digestive system.


March 25, 2023

Which dog breed suits your zodiac sign? Virgo.

Virgo men, like women of this sign, have a lot of positive qualities: they are conscientious, not conflict, thrifty and take care of loved ones, but at the same time, very often Virgos are boring and cycle on trifles. The dachshund will make the owner distracted, demanding games and taking him for a walk.


March 25, 2023

5 Compatibility Issues Between Water and Fire Signs. Problem 3 - Money.

Fiery guys litter with money in the truest sense of the word - the pets of Mars, the Sun and Jupiter are not able to count pennies from paycheck to paycheck. And they hate saving. The Water Signs aren't particularly discreet when it comes to spending either, but at least they have an internal brake pedal that can stop at the last minute. What kind of compatibility is there?


March 25, 2023

Gullibility - where it comes from and why?

Surely anyone and everyone experienced the feeling of being deceived because of excessive trustfulness. The worst thing is that gullibility affects not only the person's mental state, but also wallops the wallet. Frequently, excessive gullibility is indicative of low self-esteem. In order for an insecure person to develop discernment in people and get rid of gullibility, she or he should communicate with them and get acquainted with new personalities. One should observe a person's behavior. Analyzing people's actions can make a person a little more confident and think critically.


March 25, 2023