5 Compatibility Issues Between Water and Fire Signs. Problem 5 - Jealous.

Othello smokes nervously, watching the jealous people born under the signs of Water and Fire rage. But no one is going to give in. Water fills the fire, the flame dries up the water element - there are no winners. Can't you just talk? It is impossible, because jealousy knows no compromise, and this battle of the elements will be endless. Water and fiery guys will be able to live in love and harmony. But for this they will have to painstakingly work on relationships - when the passion passes, harmony in the union is possible, but difficult to achieve.


March 27, 2023

Daily horoscope March 27th.

Capricorn♑️ The day promises progress in serious matters, the successful implementation of some important projects. It is better not to be distracted by trifles, to focus on the most significant of your goals. Choose your allies carefully. There will be a lot of people who want to support you today, but not all of them will be disinterested. Aquarius♒️ Today you will react especially sharply to any comments addressed to you. It will be difficult not to be upset by criticism, even if you immediately realize that it is completely unfounded. Try to communicate more with those who support you and always find a reason to praise, say something nice. Pisces♓️ An eventful day awaits you. Most likely, you will need to do several things at once, and others will create difficulties for you rather than help you. But you will cope with all the trials and keep a good mood, even if something does not work out right away.


March 27, 2023

Daily horoscope March 27th.

Libra♎️ Be persistent; without it today it is hardly possible to succeed. Even the usual things can seem unexpectedly difficult, and sometimes there will be obstacles along the way. Try to rely on your own strength, so you will achieve your goal faster. Scorpio♏️ Go back to problems you couldn't handle before. Most likely, today you will be able to solve them. Many Scorpios will need the ability to creatively approach everyday tasks. Such representatives of the sign will discover opportunities that no one has noticed before, and will immediately take advantage of them. Sagittarius♐️ Listen to your intuition: it is her tips that will help you succeed today. Progress is likely in a case that had previously been given a lot of effort. You can turn to old allies for advice and support.


March 27, 2023

Daily horoscope March 27th.

Cancer♋️ A restless day awaits you. It will be necessary to solve several work issues at once, in addition, household chores will require attention. Unexpected visits or meetings are not ruled out, because of which you want to change plans. Unplanned expenses are also possible. However, they will not be in vain, you will not regret the money spent. Leo♌️ You will not waste time in vain, you will do a lot of useful things not only for yourself, but also for others. Many of your undertakings will be accompanied by good luck. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will achieve even better results than you expected. Successes will be especially noticeable where not only knowledge and experience are required, but also imagination. Virgo♍️ Focus on work: it is in the business sphere that the influence of positive trends will be especially strong today, you will be able to achieve great success. It will become much easier to get along with colleagues and management. People who previously underestimated you will come to respect you.


March 27, 2023

Daily horoscope March 27th.

Aries♈️ Because of any misunderstandings, you will experience more than usual today. However, special reasons for unrest are unlikely to appear. There may be some minor difficulties, unfortunate coincidences. However, they will not have serious consequences and will soon become a thing of the past. Taurus♉️ No need to rush. The day is suitable for putting things in order, completing what was started earlier, and solving some organizational issues. It is possible that it will be necessary to return to some old problems. You will do well with them. Gemini♊️ Be patient: today it will come in handy when solving any work issues. It will not be easy to agree on joint actions not only with new partners, but also with those with whom you have collaborated before. It will be especially difficult for Gemini, who, even in the business sphere, are used to relying on their likes and dislikes.


March 27, 2023

Clitoral stimulation.

Roller. Use 2 fingers: thumb and index. Place these two fingers on your clitoris and roll them back and forth. Now you can increase the pace and/or pressure depending on how you feel and what suits you. There can be no universal guideline here. Just try...


March 26, 2023

Pose "Classic rider"

How does she look? The woman sits on the man face to face. Also, a woman can squat down. At the same time, she determines the rhythm of movements and decides how deep his penis can penetrate into her vagina. What is the advantage? In this position, the man's penis touches the clitoris. For many women, this is extremely important because the clitoris is very sensitive. In addition, the anterior part of the vagina is more affected in this position, which is nice for women whose G-spot is very excitable.


March 26, 2023

Orgasm prolongs life!

What was long considered a myth turned out to be true. According to various studies, this thesis seems to be true: regular orgasms prolong life. People who constantly experience orgasms are less stressed and suffer less from heart disease, breast and prostate cancer.


March 26, 2023

Sex and pregnancy.

Sexual attraction does not disappear during pregnancy. In almost half of pregnant women, the desire to have sex does not weaken at all - rather the opposite. Everything depends on you. Doctors do not prohibit making love until a long time.


March 26, 2023

About getting out of your comfort zone. Continuation.

And this stilted construction has either a taste of painful shame (“I’m not good enough, I’m not up to the norm, even crack”), or guilt (“I’m not trying hard enough, I’m not good, not good, no one will love me when I’m not well done"). And shame and guilt are things like thistles that will always find something to cling to, no matter how real success you achieve. Even if you finally stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop eating altogether (although this is not a success). But in a ruthless vacuum and at the limit of strength, no normal person will last long. Further, plus or minus three ways: crawl back into the "comfort zone", fall into clinical depression (when not a bad mood, but a diagnosis) or into severe psychosomatics. Which option do you like best? Me first.


March 26, 2023

About "getting out of the comfort zone". Continuation.

People who talk about "getting out of your comfort zone" usually mean no interest. If we translate this construction into simple human language, they mean something like this: I already feel like shit right now, but if I torture myself harder, maybe I will feel better? Hy don't know. If a person with the flu is still flogged in the stable, maybe he will recover later. But it is unlikely that this is from spanking. Often it sounds like self-accusation: "Yes, I'm just too lazy, I just don't want to get out of my comfort zone."


March 26, 2023

About "getting out of the comfort zone". Continuation.

Finding yourself in the comfort zone (I don’t like the word “zone”, it has a camp flavor, but let it be) - you need to stay there a little. Rest your soul. And only then - go out. You can’t confuse this feeling with anything - when you have enough strength for everything, and you are ready, perhaps, to learn something else ... wake up early in the morning and run to yoga ... think about a working project that has been hanging in the plans for half a year ... And this is very important, that the impulse to do something - it comes from within and overtakes thought. First you start doing - then you already think. Not always with a song, sometimes it is a painful joy of overcoming, and why the hell do you think I climbed behind the steering wheel of this vacuum cleaner - but definitely not from the last forces. Useful, because it was interesting.


March 26, 2023

About "getting out of the comfort zone". Continuation.

My eyes begin to twitch anxiously from such words. I'll explain now. To get out of your comfort zone, you must first be in it. What is a “comfort zone”? This is a place where it is warm, cozy, free, tasty, joyful and safe. Where you are loved and respected. Where you are taken care of (and you are also taken care of, not without that, but not unilaterally). Many of us simply do not have such a zone. Well, there is no zone where they take care of us. In the best case, there is a zone to lie down or break through. It's better than nothing, but not really. It's like alcohol from frost - in principle, it helps, but not for long, and worse than a down jacket.


March 26, 2023

About "getting out of the comfort zone"

To get out of the comfort zone, you must first be in it. You know, everyone around me wants to get out of my comfort zone. Not only clients. Relatives, friends, acquaintances. Decent-looking acquaintances! Pale, chronically sleep-deprived people say, "You just have to get out of your comfort zone and hit the gym." People with panic attacks say: “We need to get out of the comfort zone and stop feeling sorry for ourselves.” People living a painful, very unsweetened life say: “I would like to leave the comfort zone and stop eating sweets.” This is not the worst discord yet. Some people just say "stop eating." They see a cardinal solution to the problem.


March 26, 2023

How to quickly help yourself get rid of puffiness in a short time.

5. We do a facial massage with ice cubes in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed along the massage lines, from the center to the periphery, with smooth and light circular movements. 10 minutes is enough, no longer. Even if you have rosacea and in ordinary life face massage with ice cubes is contraindicated for you, then nothing terrible will happen for 2 times, do it calmly. 6. For the area around the eyelids, hydrogel pads (not patches!), which are usually stored in the refrigerator, are great, after massaging with ice cubes, put the hydrogel pads on the eyelids for 25-30 minutes. I draw your attention to the fact that if you are concerned about puffiness only under the eyes, you still need to massage your entire face with ice cubes. Who has home devices with microcurrents and ultrasonic waves, be sure to use them. With not very difficult actions, in two days you will already be without edema.


March 26, 2023

How to quickly help yourself get rid of puffiness in a short time.

1. We remove alcohol, carbonated drinks and even mineral water, tea and coffee from the diet, even without caffeine! 2. We drink only clean water as needed, but stop drinking even water 3-4 hours before bedtime 3. We go on a salt-free diet, that is, we do not use edible salt when cooking, if there is no way at all without salt, then we buy salt with a low sodium content and salt a little the already directly prepared dish 4. Enterosorbents will help the body recover faster. But it is worth noting that they should not be taken for a long time, 2-3 days are enough.


March 26, 2023

Are you afraid of a visit to a krsmetologist? Let's dispel the main fears!

Fear number 1, because of which people do not go to the beautician: "I will stop being myself." Many of us have seen photos of "stars" that have changed a lot after cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery. Some famous people began to look exactly differently - not better, not younger, but just like a different person. It is quite understandable that the townsfolk who have seen such photos and dozens of similar ones think: “To the forest of these cosmetologists! Even though I’m already very much not twenty years old, but I still want to recognize myself in the mirror! In fact, most of these photos are not about cosmetology, but about plastic surgery. Now, throughout the civilized world, the trend for a natural appearance is gaining momentum. Ideally, after a visit to a beautician, it should not be clear at all that a person went through some kind of beauty manipulation!


March 26, 2023

The most unusual game "for adults".

This is a dating sim with the anime girl Tax Heaven 3000. No nudity: during the gatherings, the girl will ask financial questions and help fill out the tax return - at the end the game will even issue a file that you can simply take and send to the tax office. The only negative is that it only works for US residents.


March 26, 2023

Doctors have learned to diagnose Alzheimer's disease in the eyes.

Scientists at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles examined the eyes and brain tissue of 86 deceased people diagnosed with cognitive impairment. During the study, it was possible to find features that allow diagnosing Alzheimer's disease in the early stages - before the appearance of obvious symptoms. The retina was found to have excessive amounts of beta-amyloid 42, a protein that forms "plaques" that accumulate in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. Also in the samples were cells of the nervous system called microglia - they also appear in the development of dementia.


March 26, 2023

The United States launched the first 3D-printed rocket.

California-based Relativity Space has launched a rocket almost entirely 3D printed. Terran-1 took off from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral and stayed in the sky for several minutes. About 85% of the rocket was produced using 3D printing technology. The company said it plans to eventually print more than 95% of the aircraft, excluding electronics, computer chips and rubber seals.


March 26, 2023