The mice are made exclusively for your brush.

Formify ask the buyer to send them a photo of a hand that is analyzed by neural networks, and a 3D printer creates an individual case based on the scan. The cost of one mouse for you is $189.


March 27, 2023

Plasma therapy

For the procedure, blood is taken from the patient, after which it is processed in a centrifuge and platelet-rich plasma is isolated. It is platelets that trigger a chain of physiological processes, resulting in the formation of collagen fibers and intercellular matrix, and activation of local immunity. Procedure results: Slowing down the aging process of the skin; Smoothing wrinkles and skin creases; Restoration of skin tone; Pigment spots, puffiness and bags under the eyes are eliminated; General improvement in skin condition and appearance. The procedure is safe and does not require long-term rehabilitation. It does not cause allergic reactions and other side effects, so this procedure can be performed on any, even the most sensitive skin!


March 27, 2023

Plasma therapy

Plasma therapy is an injection procedure that helps to heal and rejuvenate the skin of the face and body. Unlike injection procedures with fillers and other drugs, plasma therapy helps to achieve the effect at the expense of the body's own reserves. The drug is created on the basis of the patient's own blood plasma, which makes the procedure as safe and effective as possible. Indications for the procedure: Signs of facial skin aging; Unwanted skin pigmentation; Deterioration of turgor and skin elasticity; Acne and post-acne; Flabbiness, blurring of the oval of the face; Scars and stretch marks on the skin. In addition to the effect of rejuvenation and lifting, patients receive a general therapeutic effect, as a result of which the skin acquires a healthy and well-groomed appearance.


March 27, 2023

The mixed type is the most common, so here are some care tips.

Care for this type will also be combined: - cleansing: delicate, with the help of non-comedogenic products - you need to clean the oily areas, do not dry out the dry ones; – deep cleaning: weekly with scrubs and peels; - toning: a tonic or lotion with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects, by the way, products with salicylic acid are also suitable; - masks: non-drying on the skin, containing fruit acids, film can be left on places with oily skin, nourishing - on dry.


March 27, 2023

Facial Skin Types

3. Dry. Thin and delicate, with almost imperceptible pores, dullness and lack of oily sheen, a tendency to peel, from time to time - a feeling of dryness, tightness, in youth it usually looks very good, but with age there is a tendency to wrinkles and early aging. 4. Combined or mixed. It occurs most often: it combines signs of oily and dry, increased sebum secretion and noticeable pores only in the T-zone, comedones, pimples disturb from time to time, problematic in adolescence, but not prone to premature aging.


March 27, 2023

Facial Skin Types

You can't change your skin type! It is determined by genetics, we can only do everything to look our best with the initial data. It is classified into four main types: 1. Normal. Characteristics - dullness, medium density, subtle porosity, very little shine in the forehead-nose-chin area, resistance to external influences and the influence of the menstrual cycle, with proper care, ages gradually. 2. Oily. It looks dense and rough, there is an enlargement of the pores, increased sebum secretion, a tendency to the appearance of black spots, clogging of the pores, this skin is problematic in adolescence, but the least prone to the appearance of mimic wrinkles.


March 27, 2023

Do all oils clog pores and cause acne?

- Of course not! To be comedogenic, an oil must form a thin film on the surface of the skin. It is she who leads to the development of acne in people who have a tendency to this. And only oils based on saturated fatty acids have such a function - they are more dense, refractory and film-forming. A prominent example is coconut oil. But this group also includes cocoa butter, mango butter, cupuaçu, babassu, palm oil and monoi de tahiti.


March 27, 2023

"Acne at 30? Something is wrong here ..." - many people think

In fact. Acne patients aged 30+ are common. And it doesn't depend on gender at all. Both young women and young men come with inflammatory skin disease. The spread of the problem is influenced by both internal and external factors: In women, the appearance of acne is associated with the presence of hormonal problems. Including during pregnancy, lactation, taking hormonal contraceptives. - Girls also have malfunctions in the work of the adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid gland. Sometimes there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to acne. - Men are more likely to come with this problem after taking medications and nutritional supplements (testosterone, anabolic steroids). - Another reason for the development of acne is a genetic predisposition. For example, increased work of the sebaceous glands or hormonal factors. - External factors that can provoke the development of acne include: constant stress and overwork, malnutrition and sleep, bad habits. Also, insufficient walks in the fresh air and even living in areas with polluted air lead to inflammatory skin diseases.


March 27, 2023


Right now, give a clear definition of self-care in all areas of human activity: biological, psychological, social and spiritual. 1. The biological area includes everything that is related to our body: ▪️Sleeping, eating, walking. ▪️Physical activity, relaxation. ▪️Stop consuming surfactants, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. 2. The psychological area concerns our feelings: ▪️Stress management, emotional maturity. ▪️Eliminating toxic people. ▪️Daily introspection. 3. The social area is all about interacting with people and the world: ▪️ Building, respecting, and defending your and other people's boundaries. ▪️ Helping others. 4. The spiritual area is devoted to your inner world: ▪️ Taking time alone with yourself. ▪️ Communicating with nature.


March 27, 2023

Take care of yourself

Only by taking care of ourselves can we give attention and share energy to our loved ones. What you can do for yourself: Write down all the things you don't like as well as that you don't want to do. For example: don't check email late at night, don't go to the events and parties you don't like, don't answer the phone during lunch and dinner. Stick to a healthy and balanced diet. Get enough sleep. An adult needs seven or eight hours of sleep. Do sports or fitness. Many people don't know this fact, but physical activity benefits our mental health, not just the physical one. It increases serotonin levels, which in turn improves mood and boosts energy. Keeping in mind the rules of self-care, choose the type of physical activity you enjoy. Don't put off necessary preventive check-ups or visits to your doctor. Regularly do relaxation exercises and/or meditate.


March 27, 2023

We all make mistakes

Cognitive distortions are when we immediately evaluate some event in a biased, erroneous way. That is, reality does not correspond to our expectations. Let's take a look at some types of cognitive distortions:⠀ ▫️ Catastrophizing Short chest pain. It's definitely a heart attack and I'm going to die.⠀ ▫️ Black and white thinking If I don't pass the interview, then I'm a worthless specialist.⠀ ▫️ Devaluing positive information. Yes, I have done well. But that's not to say that I'm good at it. I just got lucky.⠀ ▫️Labeling. I'm stupid/the boss is a tyrant. Mistakes in thinking are like optical illusions. We know that there're illusions, but don't stop believing in them and using them.


March 27, 2023

I'm a loser!

She's so touchy! You're such a bore! People tend to stick unhealthy labels on themselves or others instead of analyzing mistakes made in a particular situation. When a person thinks in terms of cliches, it leads to negative and unpleasant consequences.⠀ So what to do about it? ▫️ Learn to keep track of such cliches. ▫️ When you catch yourself thinking in this way, focus on the actual meaning of that label. What criteria did you use to realize, for example, that you are a loser? ▫️ Is the label helpful? What way? ▫️ Recall and analyze those certain situations that disprove the negative tag. For example, you had a successful interview and got a job. But what's to be done if you labeled yourself? It's better to stop such attempts right away, just don't let them happen.


March 27, 2023

The Inspiration Secrets

▫️ Praise yourself Praising yourself and bragging, being selfish or narcissistic are not the same thing. But if you have done something important, praise yourself. It will give you strength and improve your mood. ▫️ Calm your anxiety Feeling anxious gets in the way of your work. It prevents us from concentrating on important things and working at the same time. ▫️ Avoid being overwhelmed by the news There is no need to surround yourself with negativity. It doesn't make any sense and just spoils your mood and inspiration.


March 27, 2023

Bulletproof suit.

A team of engineers from Hacksmith Industries has recreated John Wick's bulletproof suit in real life. After a lot of testing with different fabrics for the suit, they settled on a variant of 20 layers of Kevlar, wool and a special kind of thin plastic. A tailored vest and jacket combination can even withstand firing .45 caliber cartridges from an MP5 submachine gun.


March 27, 2023

Heinz collaborated with Absolut vodka to release vodka sauce.

Ingredients: a lot of vodka, tomato paste and spices. Manufacturers claim that the sauce can make you drunk.


March 27, 2023

A new species of loophole spider has been discovered in Australia.

They were called "rare and gigantic". The body length of female arthropods can reach five centimeters - they are larger than males. Loophole spiders live in burrows. Males spend their first 5-7 years there, and then get out to the surface in search of female burrows. Females are larger and darker, as they live underground all their lives. The color of males is honey-red. Europlos dignitas is poisonous, but does not pose a serious threat to humans. After his bites, medical attention is not required.


March 27, 2023

LED strips for drivers.

Melbourne has added LED strips that show the driver how fast to move and enter turns. The less traffic, the faster you can go.


March 27, 2023

Men have a harder time dealing with the death of a loved one than women.

It turned out that men aged 65-69 years have a 70% increased chance of dying within the next year after the loss of a wife compared to their non-widowed peers. For women, this figure is 27%. This may be due to gender roles in the family and the fact that women are more psychologically stable.


March 27, 2023

Manipulative women. 3rd place - Libra.

“Darling, well, what do you want yourself?” Libra asks, looking at the precious cat from Shrek with the eyes. Darling immediately feels that it is better to want the same thing that Libra wants, otherwise you never know. At the moment when the cat's eyes stop working, Libra does not change tactics. They change their intonation: “No, you tell me! Speak, I speak! . At this moment, the unfortunate person realizes that he wants almost nothing - neither from Libra in particular, nor from life in general.


March 27, 2023

Which dog breed suits your zodiac sign? Scorpio.

The abundance of internal contradictions of Scorpios makes their life difficult: men, in an effort to achieve success, are often workaholics who do not have time to devote time to rest, and Scorpios, in an attempt to be both an excellent employee and a good wife and mother, completely forget about themselves. The always smiling Corgi will defuse the tense situation next to the Scorpio and will be ready to run with the owner on business and wallow all day on the couch.


March 27, 2023