The smell of sweat helps in the treatment of social phobia.

The emotional state of a person affects the chemical compounds released by his body. These compounds have a certain smell that others can smell and react to them in a certain way. Perhaps the success of the treatment is determined by those substances that are contained in human sweat always, and not at certain emotional moments. The authors also suggest that the mere physical presence of another person nearby can have the same effect as the presence of bodily odors.


March 31, 2023

Favorite music enhances the effect of drugs.

The small pilot study included 12 chemotherapy patients who agreed to listen to their favorite music for 30 minutes each time they needed to take nausea medication. It turned out that patients rated the severity of symptoms of nausea and discomfort lower when listening to the compositions. However, more research is needed to confirm the results of this experiment.


March 31, 2023

New Zealand will pay for psychologists to make it easier for teenagers to survive breakups.

The campaign is held under the slogan "own your feelings." It includes a dedicated hotline for young people between the ages of 12 and 24 who are going through a breakup. Aiding organizations will receive $4 million to support and expand existing projects. Officials hope this will have a positive impact on how young people approach future relationships.


March 31, 2023

Katsushika Hokusai's print "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" sold for a record $2.8 million.

Other copies of the print have fled in recent years for amounts ranging from a few hundred thousand to $1.5 million. The work was completed in the early 1830s. It depicts three fishing boats in a stormy sea with Mount Fuji in the background.


March 31, 2023

Scientists have created "nano-ink" that regulates the temperature in the premises.

The innovative ink uses nanotechnology to control temperature. They achieve this by adjusting the amount of radiation that can pass through them depending on external conditions. Passive climate control will provide comfortable living conditions without unnecessary energy consumption. For example, in winter, paints can automatically let in more solar radiation during the day and retain heat better at night, and vice versa in summer. The ink can be sprayed or added to paints and building materials. They can also be added to extreme temperature-regulating clothing or electronic devices.


March 31, 2023

Drugs and alcohol don't make people more creative.

Researchers have found that many drugs, including alcohol, amphetamines, and psilocybin, do not inspire creativity. They studied hundreds of articles to come to these conclusions. It turned out that even if people felt more creative while taking the drug, in fact, their results were worse compared to the sober state.


March 31, 2023

Which dog breed suits your zodiac sign? Aquarius.

Aquarius women are extravagant natures who love unusual activities, vivid images and shocking. Men do not lag behind them either, and it is the representatives of this sign who often become fashion designers and stylists. A pet should catch the eye just like its owner, and a Chinese dog (or Chinese Crested Dog) will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.


March 30, 2023

Horoscope for April. Sagittarius.

Don't rush into important plans. The beginning of April is hardly suitable for this. At this time, the likelihood of misunderstandings and unfortunate matches will be higher than usual. True, in most cases we will talk only about some annoying little things. But they will be enough for you to begin to doubt yourself and the correctness of the decisions made earlier. Don't be in a hurry to give up. The situation will soon change. Mid-April can seem like a time of dizzying possibilities. They will indeed open, but by no means in the amount you might think at first. It is very important at this time to assess the situation as realistically as possible, not to build illusions (even if you really want to) and not to deceive yourself. Choose what you can, look for the most reliable ways to achieve your goal. Better not to risk it if it can be avoided. The last days of April will be especially successful. From thinking and planning, you will move on to decisive action. Intuition will tell you what to do in order to succeed, and you will listen to it, and not to the advice that others will willingly give. This time is also suitable for trips, including family and romantic ones.


March 30, 2023

Horoscope for April. Scorpio.

Try not to demand the impossible from yourself in early April. This period is hardly suitable for some serious matters, especially those that need to be dealt with quickly. You will need more time than usual to figure out how to act, which will help you achieve success. In addition, some Scorpios may change their goals and priorities, and it will take some time to adjust plans, develop new tactics and strategies. It may happen that at this time your rivals will be more active and energetic. Don't worry if they get ahead: soon the situation will change, and you will show what you are capable of. The second half of April will please. The impact of positive trends in the sphere of personal relationships will be especially noticeable. A lot of positive emotions will give communication with loved ones, you will feel their support in any circumstances. Meeting with friends will not disappoint either. You can plan some joint trips, they will be remembered for a long time. The most vivid romantic experiences are likely at the end of April. This is the time to take the initiative in a love relationship.


March 30, 2023

Horoscope for April. Libra.

The beginning of April will be bright and inspiring. Several interesting things will appear, and you will feel that you can do them at the same time, without feeling either tired or irritated by having to think about everything at once. There will be equally energetic people around you, and if you team up with them, you will surely be able to make the world at least a little better. There will be many unusual acquaintances, meetings that will make a strong impression on you. The first half of April is more favorable for starting friendships, while the second half will be the time for romantic stories. It is worth hurrying up with purchases, and in general with solving financial issues - the first half of April is suitable for this. Later on, you can act frivolously, spend money without thinking if you can afford it. The likelihood of wasted spending will be high. The second half of April for many Libras can be difficult from an emotional point of view. There will be many experiences, tense moments. Try to tune in a positive way and not overwork - it will be much easier for you to achieve harmony.


March 30, 2023

Daily horoscope March 30th.

Capricorn♑️ Don't rush into important things. The beginning of the day can be quite stressful, ill-suited for work, unfavorable in terms of personal relationships. Before you do anything important, make sure the moment is right for it. Soon the influence of positive trends will increase, and you will immediately feel that everything is changing for the better. Aquarius♒️ The day is suitable for discussing issues related to work and business. Even the most serious conversations can be conducted in an informal setting. So you will feel much more comfortable and it will be easier to make a favorable impression on the interlocutors. Pisces♓️ The day will surely bring good news, will please you with some lucky coincidences. You will want to take on something new, and intuition will tell you that now is the most suitable moment for this. You can easily find a common language with a variety of people, you can get along even with those who are usually reluctant to make contact.


March 30, 2023

Daily horoscope March 30th.

Libra♎️ Do not hurry. This is one of those days when it is worth acting carefully, considering every step, avoiding unnecessary risks and not saying anything in a hurry. Heed the advice of those whose foresight has surprised you more than once. It is these people who will tell you how to avoid mistakes. Scorpio♏️ Do not hurry. This is one of those days when it is worth acting carefully, considering every step, avoiding unnecessary risks and not saying anything in a hurry. Heed the advice of those whose foresight has surprised you more than once. It is these people who will tell you how to avoid mistakes. Sagittarius♐️ Today, other people's affairs will excite you almost more than your own. You will be happy to help those who turn to you with requests, do not miss the opportunity to restore justice, support people who find themselves in a difficult situation against their will. Your actions will impress many. Surely there will be those who want to get to know you better, make friends.


March 30, 2023

Daily horoscope March 30th.

Cancer♋️ The day is suitable for discussing professional plans, work issues that you did not know how to approach. You will learn a lot of useful things; The advice you receive will help you succeed. You can take on something new. Best of all, you will be given cases that require creativity and imagination. Leo♌️ The day will be busy. It is possible that you will need to return to the cases that you considered successfully completed, or correct the mistakes made earlier. Your help will be required by others more often than usual. You may prefer to delay the implementation of your own plans in order to provide it. Virgo♍️ Today you will be persistent, and this is what will help you succeed where others have failed. Business relationships may not be easy to develop, but disputes with colleagues or partners will not interfere with fruitful work, and you will solve all problems on time. Serious difficulties today are only at risk of Virgo, who will take up something completely new.


March 30, 2023

Daily horoscope March 30th.

Aries♈️ The ability to please people and make a good impression on everyone today will allow you to succeed in business. Do not miss the opportunity to discuss important issues with those who can help in solving them. People you previously hesitated to ask for help today will offer it themselves. Taurus♉️ The day will bring many unexpected events. It will hardly be possible to act according to the plan drawn up earlier: new tasks will appear, the solution of which needs to be done right now. You will not be at a loss, you will quickly understand what needs to be done, and move on to specific actions at the most favorable moment. Gemini♊️ The day is suitable for solving complex work issues. You will immediately understand what is really important and deserves attention, and what you can not waste time on. There will be a lot of energy and vitality, and even with high loads you will not feel tired. Some Gemini will need to solve not only their own, but also other people's problems. This will not spoil the mood of the representatives of the sign.


March 30, 2023

Manipulative women. 1st place - Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are honest young ladies, and therefore they hate manipulations with all the fibers of their souls. So Sagittarius will ask for the beginning directly, however, this directness in itself introduces some especially tender ones into catatonia. But if someone especially thick-skinned has the audacity to ignore the directness of Sagittarius, let him not rely on his armor: Sagittarius will trample self-esteem in three phrases so that you can’t collect bones. And, most importantly, she will have nothing to show, because again she just told the truth, yes, yes.


March 29, 2023

Which dog breed suits your zodiac sign? Capricorn.

Astrologers warn that Capricorn women need to work hard on themselves so that natural hysteria and a tendency to melancholy do not prevail. Men of this sign can even fall into fanaticism and be adept even with a little crazy ideas. Therefore, Capricorns need someone who will bring a little stability, calmness and comfort into his life. Well, who can do it better than a Chow Chow teddy bear?


March 29, 2023

Horoscope for April. Virgo.

The events of April can play an important role in your life. You will clearly see what you could only guess about before, you will understand issues that used to frighten you with their complexity. The month will be very favorable for study. The knowledge gained will surely come in handy soon. You can focus on financial matters. April promises successful acquisitions, profitable deals. There will be a chance to find a new source of income. The most important thing for you is to remember to be careful and to be legible in business dealings. Stay away from people with a dubious reputation, even if it seems that now they can not harm you. April will be very generous for unusual meetings. You will meet people who are completely different from your old friends and will be completely fascinated. The beginning of a romantic relationship is not ruled out. They can develop rapidly and turn the life of the most impressionable Virgos upside down.


March 29, 2023

Horoscope for April. Leo.

In early April, there will be a lot to think about. Difficult tasks will appear, and they will need to be solved quickly. Some Lions, moreover, on the go will have to understand what they previously had only a distant idea of. Be ready to learn from your own and others' experiences, and consult with those who know more, even if such people are not very pleasant to communicate with. To achieve success in business until mid-April will not be easy. Perseverance will help you overcome obstacles, but not everyone will be able to resist the temptation to just quit. Try to think more about your important goals and less about the difficulties that arise along the way and strange people who for some reason do not support you. Gradually, the influence of positive trends will increase. The second half of April will be eventful and inspiring. New allies will appear, unusual acquaintances, meetings that will play an important role in your life are likely. There will be a chance to make good money. True, entrepreneurial abilities can also be discovered by those representatives of the sign who did not even know about them before. You will not take risks in the hope of getting rich instantly, but do not miss the opportunity to invest money successfully.


March 29, 2023

Horoscope for April. Cancer.

The beginning of April will surely be remembered by you. At this time, you will become more active and assertive than usual, more often you will take the initiative. You will want to take on a new business, and its complexity will not scare you at all. If you need to go on a long trip (and this is very likely), you will only be happy. However, such an upliftment can be accompanied by frivolity in everything related to finances. There is a risk of unjustified expenses, unfortunate losses, purchases that you almost immediately regret. It is better not to rush when it comes to money. The second half of April will be different. You have to work hard, deal with complex problems, understand intricate and ambiguous situations. Experience and common sense will help out. Thanks to them, you will not make mistakes, you will understand how to quickly achieve all your goals. This period promises cash receipts, successful transactions; it is possible that you will have a new source of income. There will be especially many meetings and acquaintances related to work. However, the relationship, which will begin at the end of April, may soon take on a friendly or romantic character, if you so desire.


March 29, 2023

Daily horoscope March 29th.

Capricorn♑️ In the first half of the day it will be difficult to avoid heated arguments. They are especially likely at work: colleagues may criticize your ideas, insist on the use of inefficient methods. Try not to lose your temper. The calmer you are, the easier it will be to prove your case. Most likely, some influential people will support you. Aquarius♒️ There will be a chance to agree on joint actions with people with whom you have not found a common language for a long time. Finally, it will become clear what needs to be done so that relations that have developed tensely become more even and relaxed. Intuition tips will help you understand complex or ambiguous situations. Pisces♓️ The day will hardly bring any important victories, but still please. You will deal with the small things that have accumulated lately, and feel that you are ready to take on something more significant and interesting. You can deal with paperwork, drafting official requests, contacting government organizations.


March 29, 2023