Natural fat burners

Grapefruit - with regular use (150g per day) can reduce a person's weight by 2kg in 2 weeks on average Green tea - Asian nutritionists advise drinking 4 cups of green tea a day, this will give the greatest effect for burning fat. Spicy food - mainly seasonings: ground black pepper, pepperoni, mustard, horseradish. For example, chili peppers, which contain the substance capsacin, "melt" excess calories within 20 minutes after finishing a meal. Low-fat dairy products - increase the production of the hormone calcitriol, which causes cells to burn more fat. Cinnamon - one teaspoon a day lowers blood sugar levels and prevents the transformation of excess carbohydrates into fats. Water - insufficient use of it negatively affects getting rid of extra pounds. Protein food - more calories are spent for the assimilation of proteins than for the assimilation of fats and carbohydrates.


April 10, 2023

Scientists have found the cause of anger during hunger.

It's all about the bacteria inside the body. A new study says that when nutrients are deficient, a range of bacteria in the body release toxins, causing an angry mood.


April 10, 2023

Scientists have succeeded in making artificial tooth enamel harder than natural.

Tooth enamel is hardened by the mineral hydroxyapatite. Scientists added a cocktail of amino acids to it. The dentist will need to apply the mixture to the affected area of the tooth. The resulting protective layer will help reduce tooth sensitivity if the enamel is damaged due to erosion or an inappropriate diet.


April 10, 2023

Paris is voting to ban electric scooters and bicycles in the city.

The results of a survey of city residents showed that 90% are fed up with scooters - they are unsafe, their drivers do not obey any rules and are the epitome of chaos on the streets.


April 10, 2023

NASA has announced a crew that will return to the moon half a century later.

As part of the Artemis II mission next November, three Americans and one Canadian will go on the Orion ship to our planet's satellite. The journey will last 10 days, but no one will land on the surface - this will happen as part of the next mission, Artemis III.


April 10, 2023

Physicists have passed light waves through "slits in time".

The study was based on a variation of the famous double slit experiment first performed by Thomas Young in 1801. The scientist discovered the dual nature of light as particles and waves. Today, physicists have new instruments and materials to explore how light will behave if it is "subjected to double-slit interference in the time domain." The results of these experiments pave the way for the creation of new technologies based on optical phenomena. Now physicists are looking to replicate the time crystal experiment.


April 10, 2023

Scientists filmed the fish at a record depth of 8336 meters.

The video was recorded by an autonomous module lowered into the Izu-Ogasawara chute in southern Japan. Scientists believe that the snail fish is at the maximum depth at which any fish can survive. Creatures from the genus Pseudoliparis also live in shallow water, but some of them have adapted to life in extreme conditions in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic or in the deepest trenches in the world. They are helped to survive by the body structure and lack of a swim bladder that many other fish have. They eat the smallest crustaceans, which are abundant even at depth.


April 10, 2023

Swedish scientists have created batteries from wood, coconuts and lemons.

To create the device, the wood structure is filled with molecules based on citrus and coconut. They turn into a polymer that allows you to store and release energy. The researchers say the battery can be recharged by sunlight or any other heat source. It allows you to adjust the temperature around the mark of 24 ° C. “The idea is that coconut molecules can go from solid to liquid, which absorbs energy, or from liquid to solid, which releases energy,” the scientists explained.


April 10, 2023

Make yourself happy!

A woman is responsible for her own happiness. A man can only make her happier. Therefore, tirelessly, every day, take care of your happiness, learn to be happy. Look for something good in your life every day, do small and big joys for yourself, invest money and time in yourself! Happiness is work, but it brings great results. It is those women who know how to be happy without anyone's help, who can build happy relationships and families, achieve great heights in any endeavors, and raise healthy children. Please become happy on your own! Let this be your natural state, regardless of the weather, people and conditions in the world. A happy woman is the source of happiness for many people! Remember this!


April 10, 2023

Make yourself happy!

The most important task of a woman is to tirelessly think about her happiness, to make herself happy, filled and joyful. No need to expect this from men, from children, from friends and acquaintances. You need to make yourself happy on your own every day! Every day you need to come up with something new for your happiness, for the feeling of life, this is women's work on themselves! And sometimes it is not very easy. Sometimes we slide into sadness, and we want someone to come and make us happy, save us from longing. But it is precisely this thought that very often becomes a big problem!


April 10, 2023

Innocentness is the main feature of these zodiac signs. Aquarius.

Aquarius - naivety and faith in higher ideals. Aquarius helps because it can't help it. He can enthusiastically take up the solution of someone else's problem, and then shift the responsibility to another, but he will not refuse help. Aquarius does what he thinks is right and decent, so it is important that he has a positive example from childhood and a moral base is formed. Skillful manipulators and deceivers can be hidden behind external simplicity. All these signs of the Zodiac have good intuition, are smart and understand people, so they choose for themselves - to be simpletons or dodgers.


April 10, 2023

Signs that have the highest compatibility with a Scorpio woman. Pisces.

Pisces will be able to please the imperious Scorpio with its compliance. The element of Pisces is also water, and it can be compared with an underground source - it will penetrate everywhere, bypass any obstacles. In addition, Neptune's wards do not like to make decisions and will gladly shift this responsibility to Pluto's pets. If the domineering Scorpio wants to crush the Fish, she will do it gently and carefully. And Pisces will pretend that he agrees to everything - but it’s better not to bring it to this and negotiate. Scorpio and Pisces are interested together, and this is the main thing in any relationship.


April 10, 2023

Daily horoscope 10 April.

Capricorn♑️ Be prepared to do several things at once. The day will be quite busy, and you will have to make an effort to do everything planned. Intuition will help you quickly navigate in an ambiguous situation, avoid mistakes that could have unpleasant consequences. Aquarius♒️ Try to spend more time with those who share your business interests. Communication with such people will open up new professional prospects for you. The day is suitable for solving complex problems. You don’t have to deal with this alone, there will be those around you who you can rely on. Pisces♓️ The day is perfect for taking on a new business or starting to implement a bold idea. The more room for creativity and imagination you have, the better. It will not always be clear to those around you why you act this way and not otherwise, but hardly anyone will interfere with you or dissuade you from what you have planned.


April 10, 2023

Daily horoscope 10 April.

Libra♎️ The day promises success in business. Today, many things will turn out better for you than usual, some difficult issues can be resolved surprisingly quickly. The morning will be favorable for business negotiations, communication with colleagues, discussion of plans related to work and business. Scorpio♏️ The day will be favorable for work. You will be good at both things you already know and things that are completely new. Intuition will help you find the right answers to questions that have baffled others. Communication with colleagues and business partners will please you: you will receive help, support, and good advice from them. Sagittarius♐️ The day will bring great news. It is possible that you will receive exactly those offers that you have secretly dreamed of for a long time. The decisions you make today will play an important role in your life. Significant changes will follow, and you will be very happy about it.


April 10, 2023

Daily horoscope 10 April.

Cancer♋️ Take the initiative in business, share your ideas with those who can help in their implementation. Will find a chance of new allies who will eventually become your true friends. The day is suitable for solving financial issues, cash receipts are possible. Leo♌️ Focusing on business today will be more difficult than usual. Don't try to do everything; your intuition will tell you which issues need to be addressed immediately and which can wait. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. Colleagues and partners with whom it was not possible to agree before will themselves take the initiative and meet you halfway. Virgo♍️ Important meetings and serious conversations should be postponed until the afternoon. Morning is suitable for independent work, creative activity, study. You will quickly understand how you can succeed, do not waste time on nonsense. It is better not to hurry with the solution of financial issues: everything will not be as simple and unambiguous as it seems at first.


April 10, 2023

Daily horoscope 10 April.

Aries♈️ The day will be hectic and busy. Will he turn out well? Here, a lot will depend on whether you manage to prioritize correctly, focus on really important things. Remember: it is better to make the most serious decisions on your own, advice here will hardly be useful. Taurus♉️ A great day for important conversations, especially business ones. You will be able to captivate people with your ideas, on whom a lot depends, you will find helpers. Relationships that were previously tense will change for the better. You will notice that others understand you better and listen to your opinion more carefully. Gemini♊️ The day may surprise you with unexpected events, bring news that will require you to change your plans. You will cope with everything perfectly, do not worry about trifles, keep your composure, which will help you make the right decisions. People around you will like your approach to business. People who previously doubted you will change their minds.


April 10, 2023

Between love and neurosis. Continuation.

Of course, it is very difficult to admit that many of us do not live in love at all. It can be called anything: neurosis, dependent relationships, fear of loneliness, self-doubt, but not love! However, do not be afraid of this word "neurosis". Yes, it is unpleasant! However, the sooner you realize that you are experiencing a neurotic need for love and relationships, i.e. emotional dependence, the more likely you are to rebuild relationships into healthier and more joyful ones.


April 10, 2023

Between love and neurosis. Continuation.

In most relationships there are elements of a neurotic need for love, a matter of quantity. There are doses that you can live with and build relationships with. And there are doses with which it is difficult to build relationships, because mutual destruction of each other occurs. But if a person has been accustomed for many years to consider self-destruction in a relationship as love, then of course it is difficult to give up the idea of great love. Moreover, we often hear that it is wonderful to love, that only for the sake of love is life worth living. But in reality, few people take it upon themselves to give a definition of love. And if it gives a definition, then no one gives a strategy for how to define it and save it. Therefore, codependent or neurotic relationships are usually called love and endure them, because this is supposedly a great feeling. Moreover, the worse a person suffers in a relationship, the more elevated love is considered!


April 10, 2023

Between love and neurosis. Continuation.

Relationships are not always immediately, at the very beginning, neurotic. For many people, they start as quite healthy, and over time they slide into addictions. Rolling into neurosis occurs in those who have a tendency to dependency in nature. This can also happen when a person is not sure that he is worthy of the love of this particular partner. Or, for example, there is a risk of losing a partner, then the addiction “turns on”. In general, there are many scenarios. But the most important thing is that a person in a state of neurosis cannot get enough of the attention, care, respect and love of a partner. It is always not enough for him or for a short period of time is enough, and then again he is in a state of “hunger” for love.


April 10, 2023

Between love and neurosis. Continuation.

To distinguish love from addiction, I always rely on this factor: if you are in an unhealthy relationship, you have the feeling that you are spending a lot, but getting little in return. Such relationships are chronically draining. If we are talking about healthy relationships, then they can have exhausting moments, conflicts, situations. But as a result, partners have the feeling that they receive more than they spend on maintaining and developing relationships. Simply put, if in a relationship you feel exhausted, then you have a neurosis. If filled, then you have love.


April 10, 2023